So that's the case, Chuhe nodded, and understood the effect of the words, but he couldn't be happy at all. Since he couldn't order the polar bear, wouldn't it mean that he was much stronger than himself.

Chuhe didn't have time to wrestle with him. He was worried that the big bear would break the whole mountain with a few palms.

"Brother Xiong, don't be so angry, just talk about it if you have something to say!"

Chuhe wants to please, but Big Bear doesn't give Chuhe any face.

"I have nothing to say to you. If you trespass on the master's forbidden area, you will all be punished. You are too weak. If you don't want to be shot to death by me, just obediently grab your hands!"

"Oh, really, Big Pyrenees, look at my eyes, tell me again that I'm too weak!"

Ling'er was a little angry. At first she just lay in Chuhe's arms. Now she turned her head away and stared at the big white bear coldly. At first, the big white bear didn't care about Ling'er who turned into a human, but when When the eyes and Ling'er looked at each other, a kind of horror that directly hit the soul arose spontaneously.

"Soul capture!"

Ling'er spit out two words softly, the polar bear who was just arrogant and domineering suddenly froze, and a blood memory from a long time ago quickly awakened, he shouted tremblingly!

"You are a big monster from the ancient times, it is impossible, the master said that all the big monsters of that era have fallen, how did you survive!"

What Gou Xiong said is worth recalling. Since his master Xueshen knew about the events of that era, he was probably a survivor of that era, or a witness. Thinking of this, Chuhe's scalp felt numb for a while, and he thought that Xueshen was afraid. It is unimaginably powerful.

"You don't care how I survived. Hurry up and bring me the little monk. Brother Chuhe dare not stop talking. Be careful that I eat you!"

"Don't dare, I'll go and bring him to you!"

The polar bear turned around and ran to the back of the mountain. Chuhe was worried that he would strike back again, so he kept on guard. Unexpectedly, this time the bear really obediently brought the little monk back.

The little monk's clothes were torn a big hole, and there was also a deep gash on his body, but his injuries have slowly healed.As soon as he saw the Chu River, the little monk couldn't bear it anymore and started crying!


The big bear released the little monk, and then lay obediently on the ground. Perhaps in order not to anger Linger, he deliberately shrunk his size to one-third of a normal polar bear.

It probably reached the position of Chuhe's thigh. The ferocious beast that used to bark its teeth and claws turned out to be a little cute now.

Ling'er also seems to like this chubby little bear very much.

"come here!"

The polar bear trembled when he heard her voice, but he didn't dare to disobey the order, so he walked over obediently.

"Mr. Goddess, I admit that my voice was a little louder just now. I apologize to you. It's just that you look at me like this. I don't have a lot of meat. You have a lot of meat. Don't eat me!"

The polar bear clasped its hands together and kept begging for mercy. Linger thought it was funny, and reached out to pat his little head.

"I didn't expect such a big guy to be so cute when he became smaller. Brother Chuhe, why don't we raise a pet!"

Chapter 671

Chuhe was noncommittal, he was most concerned about Julingcao, and Chuhe snorted coldly.

"Where is the Juling Grass? Take us there!"

Hearing the spirit-gathering grass, the bear panicked, and he faltered.

"Shangxian, it turns out that you are here to find the spirit-gathering grass. To tell you the truth, my master has been here for hundreds of years, and he has not left to protect this spirit-gathering grass. He will not give you this thing." of!"

"I didn't intend to ask him to give it to us, but I heard that he fell asleep? I plan to take this time to take the spirit-gathering grass away, what do you think?"

When Chuhe said this, the polar bear would disagree a hundred times.

"Shangxian, are you kidding? Spirit Gathering Grass is guarded all year round. Even if you want to steal it, there is nothing you can do. Besides, you are not one of us. You can't even enter the palace!"

"In the beginning, I really couldn't help it. Didn't I meet you? I heard that you are Lord Snow God's right-hand man, so you should be very important!"

Chu He chuckled, and the polar bear almost cried.

"Master Shangxian, don't you want me to steal the fairy grass, don't you be joking, if you let the master know, I will definitely be skinned and cramp!"

The polar bear shook his head hastily, looking terrified.

Chuhe sneered.

"Ling'er, do you think such a cute little bear will be delicious when made into a barbecue?"

As soon as he heard the barbecue, Ling'er's saliva flowed down involuntarily. The polar bear was itching with hatred, but he didn't dare to resist.

"Shangxian, please forgive me, I will do it, can't I do it!"

"Lead the way ahead, by the way, return to your original state!"

The polar bear had no choice but to return to the original state. Chuhe carried Ling'er to his back, and the little monk climbed up.

"Shangxian, I'll tell you the truth, although I am Lord Snow God's right-hand man, I can't enter the palace without Lord Snow God summoning me. Even if you want me to steal it, I don't have the ability!"

"You just open the way obediently, I have a way!"

This stupid bear, apart from its strength, is really incomparable to the wolf king.

The polar bear ran up the mountain nervously. His fur was white and comfortable, and people would sink deeply into it, just like a blanket.

Mo Fei had fun on it, tossing and turning on Big Bear's body.

After walking all the way, Chuhe was finally able to lie down and rest for a while.

Ling'er, on the other hand, became a little nervous. After all, the Snow God might also be a great power in the ancient times. This trip might be very dangerous, and she could feel the presence of the other party. The powerful force made her feel a little flustered, and the closer she got, the feeling more intense.

"Brother Chuhe, can your method work?"

"You have to try it if you can do it, or you will have to let me carry it on your back in the future, and you won't even have a little freedom!"

In fact, Ling'er wanted to say that it's good to be carried by you. Just when she was upset, the polar bear had already reached the top of the mountain, and there was a huge snow sculpture palace on the top of the mountain.

Since the height here has long exceeded the clouds, the light here is very good, shining on the palace made of ice sculptures, exuding colorful and dazzling light.

I don’t know if it’s because the big monsters in ancient times liked such flashy things, at least the aesthetics of this snow god is very suitable for Ling’er’s appetite. She looked at the extremely exquisitely carved ice and snow palace, and she was full of admiration.

"Wow, it looks so good!"

Chuhe hurriedly covered her mouth and made a silent gesture.

The guard at the door heard someone talking and yelled.


I saw that the polar bear could only bite the bullet and walked over.

"it's me!"

Seeing the polar bear, the two guards also became respectful, but there was still some suspicion in their eyes.

"No, Uncle Xiong, what I heard just now was obviously a woman's voice."

"You fart, you're still a woman. It's your Grandpa Xiong. I have a bad throat and speak softly. How can there be any woman!"

The polar bear squeezed his throat and spoke to the two guards, trying to pretend to be a woman's voice, but his voice was too rough, and it was impossible to imitate Ling'er's melodious and lively voice.

But he was so bluffed.The two guards were somewhat skeptical, but they didn't dare to say anything more.

Seeing that the two guards stopped talking, the polar bear patted its buttocks and swaggered into the palace.

"Hey, Uncle Xiong, what are you doing?"

Two guards hurriedly stopped him.

"You two bastards, you are blind, sir, I want to enter the palace and meet the master!"

Gou Xiong said this very loudly. He just wanted to scare the two guards, but the guards still refused to budge and stood in front.

"Master Xiong, it's okay to see the master, do you have an edict?"

Hearing what the two guards said, Chuhe wanted to laugh, and ordered, what is this Lord Snow God doing, imitating the human emperor?Yaozu still play this trick?

After hearing the order, the polar bear couldn't be more arrogant. Judging by his expression, the two guards naturally couldn't let him in.

"Master Xiong, without an edict, we can't let you in. You know, the master is resting, so don't disturb him!"

"If you are Uncle Xiong, I will go in!"

"Uncle Xiong, what happened to you today? You were not like this before, are you going to rebel? Don't think that the two of us can't beat you, so you can do whatever you want and trespass into the palace, but it is a capital offense! Be careful of the master's punishment !"

"Who said I'm going to trespass, I'm here to announce the good news to the master!"

The bear spread out his big hands as he spoke, and the poor little monk was lying in the hands of the polar bear in a tattered cassock, trembling with fright!

"Humans!" Seeing humans, the two guards immediately became excited.

"It turns out that Uncle Xiong has captured humans!"

"Nonsense, the master said that as long as humans are caught, they will be sent to him at any time. Do you still want to stop me now!"

"Don't dare!"

The two guards hurriedly moved out of the way, and the polar bear was about to go in, but heard another, the guard shouted.

"Uncle Xiong, where did you catch this human being?"

"On the snow mountain!"

"He is a child, with the strength of a fairy, can he run up to the snow mountain? Uncle Xiong, are you kidding!"

When the guard said this, Chuhe also became nervous. He always thought of monsters as things with low IQ, but the wolf king and these two penguin guards made him more knowledgeable again, so he must not underestimate the monster race.

Chuhe frowned. He knew that he should change himself or be different. After all, both of them have the strength of Jinxian, and they should be able to reach the snow mountain.

"That's right, how could a fairy come to the foot of the mountain through the territory of the wolf king? This is too exaggerated!"

Seeing that the two guards were not willing to let go, they all had a cold face.

"Master, why don't you do it!"

Chuhe held him down and motioned to wait.

"Who the hell knows what's going on?"

Chapter 672 Snow Sculpture

"Everyone is in my hands, can I still lie to you, and you two bastards, why are you talking so much nonsense, delaying Uncle Xiong from announcing the good news to the master, believe it or not, Uncle Xiong ate you!"

Penguins are on the polar bear's diet, and the two penguins are instinctively afraid of polar bears.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Xiong, but our two brothers are talking too much, please!"

Because the polar bear has long and thick fur, the three of Chuhe couldn't see it hidden in his mane.

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