In this way, the polar bear mixed in.

Chu He thought that after entering the palace, there would be no guards. He didn't expect that there was a group of penguin guards in the palace. They were all wearing human armor, holding human spears, and patrolling the palace in human formation.

Seeing the polar bear come in, the penguin guards are ready.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the polar bear said hastily.

"I'm here to announce the good news to the king. I captured a human being."

Captain Penguin let go of his guard, waved at the outstretched guards, and continued on patrol.

"Where is the gathering spirit grass?"

"Inside the treasury of the side hall!"

Chuhe and the polar bear communicated with their spiritual sense, so naturally no one could hear them.

"Then go quickly!"

"No, we have to wait for these penguins to go away. The side hall is not in the same place as the main hall where the master sleeps!"

Chuhe stopped talking. He was not familiar with the terrain here, and he didn't dare to command randomly, so he could only threaten in a low voice.

"Big Bear, if you dare to play tricks with us, no matter what the final result is, you must be the first to die, do you understand!"

"Shangxian, do you see if I have the guts!"

The polar bears were about to cry, and when the penguin guards left on patrol, the polar bears approached the door of the side hall sneakily.

There is no door at all in the side hall. From the outside, Chuhe can clearly see a fairy grass in the middle of the inside. The fairy grass is crystal clear and has a crystal color. Getting close to it can make your soul have an inexplicable feeling. Tremor.

Intuition told Chuhe that this must be Juling Grass.

"Why are you still standing there, go in!"

Chuhe's spiritual sense transmitted sound and scolded loudly, but the bear didn't move, just stared at the top of the side hall.

Chu He followed his gaze, and saw the snow-white big eagle standing above the side hall, with a pair of eagle eyes staring at the bear below!

And relying on Chuhe's intuition, this big eagle is super powerful, not inferior to the polar bear at all, and even superior to the polar bear.

At first Chuhe didn't pay attention, thinking it was just a crystal statue, but now seeing it turning its head, he knew something was wrong.

"Brother Xiong, what are you doing here?"

Big Bear was very nervous, and was sneaky from the beginning, Snow Eagle looked at him suspiciously.

"Brother Diao is here. I haven't seen you for a long time. I was just looking for you to have a drink!"

No matter what he said, Chuhe wanted to slap the big stupid bear, but the snow sculpture's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Brother Xiong, are you kidding me? Drinking and running to the master's palace to find me, are you impatient?"

Snow Eagle's voice was piercing, and Big Kuma was already guilty and frightened.

"Brother Diao, don't get me wrong, I was indeed joking with you just now, why did you say you were so careless!"

While talking, the polar bear spread out his palms, and the little monk showed it to the snow sculpture.

"See, I caught a human being and specially came here to give it to the master. The master will definitely reward me, so I just want to have a drink or two together later."

Hearing the polar bear's answer, Chuhe relaxed a little. He didn't expect this big stupid bear to be quite adaptable.

It's just that his trick is really easy to use against the penguin guards, but the snow sculpture is not so easy to deceive, although he can't hear the flaws in the polar bear's words.

But he has a pair of things that no other animal has, that is his sharp eyes, just staring at the polar bear, you can feel that something is wrong with him.

"Brother Xiong, why did you come to my side hall to announce the good news to the master, and the master is not here, go away!"

Snow Eagle saw that the polar bear was lying, but he didn't guess the purpose of the polar bear's lying, and the relationship between the two was not bad, so he planned to drive the polar bear away so as not to cause trouble.

But after the snow sculpture finished speaking, the polar bear still stayed where it was and refused to leave. The snow sculpture frowned, and its voice became more and more cold.

"Brother Xiong, what do you mean? Why don't you leave!"

Daxiong panicked now, he didn't know how to answer, Chuhe hurriedly transmitted sound with his spiritual sense.

"Hand us over!"

"What? Shangxian, you are simply not giving us a way out."

The bear is about to cry, Chuhe is the kind who wants to kill himself and wants to take him with him.

"Pig head, I want you to hand us over, it's best to let this snow sculpture see Ling'er's eyes, do you understand!"

The bear slapped his head and immediately understood.

The two were transmitting sound with their spiritual consciousness, and Xue Ying naturally didn't know what happened. He was even more shocked when he saw Da Xiong slapped his head and looked suddenly enlightened.

"What on earth do you want to do! If you don't leave, I will call the police. At that time, the master will definitely not let you go!"

Hearing this, the polar bear hurriedly waved his hands.

"Don't, don't, brother Xuediao, brother, I'm just a big stupid bear. I can have any bad thoughts. The main reason is that when I caught this little monk today, I caught his whole family by the way. You don't know, this little boy The child has a good-looking mother, do you want to see it!"

Snow Eagle was stunned for a moment. He still didn't understand what polar bear meant. As a monster race, the aesthetics is different from that of a human race. Moreover, for a powerhouse of their level, the human race is a member of the recipe.

Have you ever met someone who thinks food looks good?

"Brother Xiong, have you lost your mind? What nonsense are you talking about!"

"You'll know just by looking at it!"

Gou Xiong stopped talking nonsense and directly grabbed Ling'er from behind and sent it to Xue Ying.

Ling'er and the snow sculpture looked at each other, and the snow sculpture was instantly controlled.

"Am I beautiful?" Ling'er looked at the snow sculpture with a smile.

"Beauty, the goddess is the most beautiful existence I have ever seen!"

The snow sculpture was trembling all over, now he finally understood why the obedient and honest bear dared to come here, and his thief eyes would sneak peek at the treasure in the side hall from time to time!

"Hmph, even if you can talk, I won't punish you!"

Xue Diao thought to himself, what did I do wrong, you want to punish me, I am fucking innocent.

"Goddess, what are you doing?"

"My foot is injured and I need the spirit-gathering grass. I'm here to get the spirit-gathering grass, but you can't tell your master, or I'll eat you, do you understand?"

The snow sculpture doesn't understand, but its mission is to guard the spirit-gathering grass. If the spirit-gathering grass is lost, Lord Snow God will not let him go.

"Well, my lord goddess, can I change something. There are quite a few magic weapons inside, you can take whatever you want, can you not take the spirit-gathering grass."

Chapter 673 Lord Snow God

"Do you think I'll discuss it with you again?"

Linger's tone suddenly turned cold, and a chill came out of his body directly. Chuhe was also stunned by this chill. He had never seen Linger go crazy!

The snow sculpture didn't dare to speak at once, Chuhe hurriedly urged.

"Ling'er, don't talk so much, hurry up, go in and get the things and we'll run!"

This is the only chance, and it is likely to succeed.

Ling'er stopped talking nonsense and ordered the polar bear to enter the side hall.

It is said to be a side hall, but it is surprisingly large, and a room has a range of tens of kilometers.

Chuhe didn't think much, just ran towards the spirit-gathering grass in the middle. His speed was extremely fast, and he came to the spirit-gathering grass almost instantly.

Without thinking about it, Chuhe pulled out the Juling grass from the ice.

It's just that he didn't expect that the stone platform under the Juling Grass was a mechanism, and he directly triggered the mechanism with a sudden force.

The alarm sounded instantly.

"No, run away!"

Chuhe couldn't control that much anymore, kicked the spirit-gathering grass into his arms, pulled up Ling'er, and ran out of the hall.

When the penguin guards heard the sound, they hurriedly surrounded them.

"what happened?"

Before they could react, Chuhe shouted directly.

"Get out of here!"

A huge force pushed directly towards the penguin guards. Before the penguins understood what it meant, they all flew out backwards.

He slammed heavily into the ice wall of the main hall before stopping.

"Open it for me!"

When he came to the gate of the main hall, Chu He shouted loudly, the gate opened with a creak, and a gust of cold wind howled.

Chuhe's figure rushed out very quickly, and what made him even more excited was that the snow sculpture also escaped with him. Because of the missing things, he was already doomed.

Now he has also become Chuhe's accomplice, but what surprised Chuhe is that this snow sculpture can fly!

And it is much faster than the Chu River, and it is several kilometers away from the Chu River in the blink of an eye.

"Grandma, there is such a good thing, Ling'er, let him come back and take us with us!"

With a thought of Linger, a powerful coercion spread over. The snow sculpture was flying vigorously. After receiving Linger's order, it had to turn its body and fly back again.

"Quick, come up!"

The snow sculpture yelled in a hurry, Chuhe hugged Ling'er and jumped onto the snow sculpture's back, and Mo Bubu and the little monk also panicked in a hurry.

The snow sculpture was about to fly away, and the polar bear shouted from behind!

"And me, Brother Diao!"

The snow sculpture glanced at the tens of feet tall polar bear, and shook his head directly.

"Brother Xiong, you are too heavy, you should ask for more blessings!"

As he said that, the snow sculpture flapped its wings and rose into the air. The polar bear would not let go of this only chance, and jumped straight to grab the snow sculpture's paws.

The huge body dragged the snow sculpture directly out of the air.

Just as the snow sculpture wanted to curse, it felt that the polar bear was rapidly shrinking in size and weight, until it turned into a miniature bear.

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