"You bastard, almost killed me!"

"Brother Diao, your kindness will never be forgotten by my brother, let's go quickly!"

The snow sculpture flapped its wings and fled quickly.

Chuhe finally understands why the snow sculpture can fly, because he is a natural bird, and he doesn't need to use his spiritual power to help him fly.

He just does it with talent.

And Chuhe can help him.

"Go faster!"

Chuhe shouted, Xuediao said aggrievedly.

"I've tried my best. At the moment of escaping, do you think I don't want to hurry up?"

But when he finished speaking, the speed of the snow sculpture suddenly increased, and he was stunned for a moment, recalling that when Chuhe drove off the penguin guards and opened the gate just now, he did it directly with words.

"How do you know the master's talent?"

"What the hell?" Chu He was only concerned about running for his life, he didn't pay attention to Xue Diao's words, at this time, the snow mountain was getting farther and farther away, Chu He heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that this time it was really safe and escaped!

"You little thief who steals, how dare you run away!"

At this moment, a loud voice sounded, and Chuhe yelled that something is wrong!

"Hurry up!"

As long as he can escape the no-fly zone, Chuhe can use somersault cloud, which is faster. He doesn't believe that the so-called snow god can catch up with them.

The speed of the snow sculpture accelerated again, because his speed was too fast, when the wings cut through the air, sparks started to ignite, and his wings were about to catch fire.

"It's okay, brother, just bear with it, I will have a way to protect you when you leave the no-fly zone!"

Chuhe was telling the truth, but Xuediao smiled wryly.

"We can hear the voice of the master, and we can't escape!"

"What do you mean by that?"

Chuhe didn't understand, but he soon understood.

"Stop!" A loud shout came from behind.

The snow sculpture that was advancing rapidly stopped in mid-air. Note that it was stationary. According to common sense, when the snow sculpture stops flying, it will fall downward due to gravity. However, the snow sculpture did not fall at all.

Chuhe couldn't believe it, and Ling'er was the first to react.

"Brother Chuhe, the other party is just like you, the gifted supernatural power is the spirit of speech!"

Chuhe finally understood what Xuediao said just now. As long as they could hear the master's voice, they couldn't escape.

A powerful existence who can also use words, this is over.

Chu He didn't think much about it, but fortunately, the Snow God just told him to stop, and the Snow Sculpture stopped, but they were out of control. Chu He hurriedly took out the Spirit Gathering Grass from his arms.

"Ling'er, open your mouth!"

Ling'er opened her mouth subconsciously, and Chu He rudely stuffed the Juling Grass into her mouth without saying a word.


Chuhe hurriedly urged, and the voice from behind was furious.

"you dare!"

As soon as he said this, Ling'er actually stopped moving, with a long mouth, unable to complete swallowing.

With just this sentence, Chuhe knew that the opponent's strength was stronger than Ling'er.


Things have come to this point, if it fails like this, Chuhe will not be reconciled, he roared loudly, Linger regained the control of his body for a short time, swallowed the fairy grass suddenly.

"Ah, courting death!"

The snow god behind was furious, and his manic shouts shook people's eardrums.

Soon he approached Chuhe, and when Chuhe turned his head, he thought that there was something huge behind him, but unexpectedly, it was a very cute creature in the shape of a little tiger, and it was so cute!

If he hadn't spoken again, Chuhe wouldn't have known that the so-called student was a cute little tiger!

"Master, leave it to me!"

During the time when the snow sculpture stopped, Mo Bubu was not idle, he just waited for the Snow God to approach, and then launched a thunder strike.

"The field of fire, the four directions of the white field, and the red lotus blooming!"

Chapter 674 Can't Remember Name

It was the cruelest killing move that Mo Buyi shot. The white flame instantly enveloped the snow god Pikachu, and he also used the red lotus fire to kill him with one blow.

The flames burned fiercely, and the high temperature swept in, abruptly pushing the snow sculpture standing still in the air several hundred meters away.

"Did you get it done?"

The little monk had lingering fears and felt that the matter was over.

The damage of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire is very strong, and even Linger's level cannot avoid it, so the little monk thought that the little snow god tiger surrounded by flames must have been wiped out.

However, Chuhe is not so optimistic. Such a powerful existence is unwilling to die so easily, and the snow sculpture is still still, which proves that Pikachu is not dead!

"Extinguish it!"

Sure enough, there was a cute sound from the flame, and the flame began to fade visible to the naked eye until it disappeared completely.

"Impossible! How did you do it?"

Unexpectedly, the Snow God Little Tiger snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

"It's ridiculous to play with fire in front of my lord!"

Mo Bubu's eyes widened in disbelief, he was stunned for a while, and then continued to shout.

"Okay, I don't believe it anymore, let's see if you can extinguish my flame this time. Endless Fire Field!"

With a whoosh, endless flames spread around. The range of the flames was so large that it was twenty or thirty kilometers long, and even the Chu River was engulfed in it.

He knew that Mo Bu Bui was angry. When he first met Jin Xian, his fire was still majestic, but this time he might suffer a big blow.

It's impossible for Chuhe to block the flame, and the little white tiger over there snorted coldly.

"Freeze it!"

As soon as his words fell, the rising flames were suddenly covered with a thick layer of ice, and the flames inside stopped beating instantly.

This scene directly made Mo Bubei look stupid, he would never have imagined that such a thing would happen anyway.

Chuhe was also dumbfounded. He had seen ice, but he had never seen ice that could freeze flames. In the ice layer that stretched for more than 30 miles, the flames were all kept still, like beautiful ice lanterns.

"Impossible, it's impossible!"

Mo Bufei was hit a bit hard, he is a golden fairy, and with his best attack, the opponent was unscathed.

"Boy, you played well with Huo, but it's a pity that the gap in strength is too big. If you only have this ability, then you should come back with me obediently!"

The little tiger's voice was still cute, not at all like the scary look when he called them just now.

It may be that Mo different used Sifang Baijie to burn his disguised voice just now, that is to say, this so-called Lord Snow God did not suffer any loss at all.

"Stop looking down on people, and me!"

Chuhe snorted coldly, and two large black flags flew up directly, circling above the little tiger's head, and the terrifying coercion came down from above the little white tiger.

"Stop him for me!"

As soon as Chu He's words fell, the Ruyi golden cudgel in his hand quickly grew bigger and slammed down towards the little tiger.

"In ancient times, Wu Song fought a tiger. I want to try it today!"

"If you want to defeat this king with the kung fu of this three-legged cat, you are still far away!"

The little tiger's paw stomped on the void, and the surrounding space seemed to be crushed by him directly. The Shensha Banner, which was still stable, flew up and down and lost control.

With just one move, Chuhe's strongest attack was resolved. Since he failed to control the little tiger, his golden cudgel would naturally not hit the little tiger.

Chuhe's move was in vain.

"How about it, human beings, my lord said that your strength is too far behind mine. If the little girl behind you makes a move, you probably still have a slight chance of winning."

Ling'er was not happy when she heard that.

"Little tiger, don't you come here and sell me the old, do you know how old my sister is? How dare you call me a little girl!"

"Not only do I know how old you are, I also know that you are a descendant of Nuwa. Thousands of years ago, when your mother was celebrating her birthday, I went there!"

Sure enough, he was a great monster, and he was also a great monster in the prehistoric period, and he, like Ling'er, survived from which era.

"You nonsense, I have never seen a little tiger like you, and in our era, tigers were a very weak race. If you were a tiger, it was impossible not to be affected by my innate supernatural powers."

"The little baby is really smart. I am indeed not a tiger. In the Lich War at that time, I was killed, and then a strand of it was transferred to the little tiger, so I escaped the catastrophe!"

What is it that just a wisp of remnant soul is so strong, what kind of existence is he, Chuhe's scalp tingles just thinking about it.

"If you're not a tiger, what are you? Please tell me your real name!"

While talking, Chuhe took out the Taiyi Immortal Gourd,

"My real name is..."

Chuhe listened anxiously, waiting for the little tiger to say his name, but Chuhe was disappointed because the little tiger shook his head.

"I can't remember my real name anymore. I only know that I am a great power of the demon clan. I silently guard this spirit-gathering grass just to eat it after it blooms. I think I can restore my soul. After waiting for so long, the fruit was actually stolen by you kid, you really deserve to be hacked into pieces!"

The little tiger became more and more angry, and looked at Chuhe angrily. Chuhe knew that he was in the wrong, but he had done all these things, so what else could he do.

It's just a pity that the little tiger didn't reveal his real name, otherwise he could have used the Taiyi Immortal Gourd to pretend for him.

"You can't kill my brother Chuhe. I eat the Juling grass. If you are unhappy, you can punish me!"

Ling'er stood up resolutely, and Chuhe watched excitedly that she could finally walk, and the spirit-gathering grass was indeed useful.

"Little girl, don't worry, I will definitely punish you, not only will I punish you, but I will also eat you! In this way, I can absorb the medicinal effect of the spirit-gathering grass."

"you dare!"

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