Chuhe snorted coldly, and protected Ling'er behind him again. The little tiger looked at Chuhe in disbelief.

"No, what's the relationship between you two? Why do I feel like you are husband and wife?"

"Don't talk nonsense, we are not!" Ling'er is still concerned about this at this time, Chuhe is really speechless, he said in a cold voice.

"Yes, you are right, Linger is my wife, and I will never let you hurt my wife."

"Haha, I really laughed to death. You are a little golden fairy. If I trample you to death, it is like trampling an ant to death. How dare you protect Nuwa's descendants."

"Besides, I don't know what your plan is. The Nuwa clan is a natural furnace, and making peace with them can greatly increase your strength. Boy, you don't like her at all, you just want her body."

Chapter 675 Heaven and Man!

To be honest, Chuhe really didn't know about this kind of thing, but when he thought about it, it was true that he just kissed Linger and allowed himself to prove the Taoism of the Golden Immortal, although there was a lot of Yang Yan in it. The role of grass, but Ling'er can really help him improve his strength.

"Brother Chuhe, do you really think so?"

At this time, even Ling'er was not so confident. After all, she still had a little understanding of her own bloodline, so she couldn't be blamed for being suspicious.

"Little girl, do you need to think about it? He was with you to improve his strength, and after he sleeps with you, he will also eat you when you have no use value. You, you are so young. It's too simple!"

The little tiger sighed while talking, and Ling'er looked at Chuhe with some anxiety.

"Ling'er, don't listen to him. How could I do something to hurt you? Think about it carefully. In order to heal your foot injury, I am willing to come to this kind of place and risk myself. If I really The only thing I care about is your body, so why should I take such a risk."

"Besides, I inherited your mother's blood, and now I regard you as my relatives, how could I hurt you!"

At any other time, Ling'er would not have doubted it, and stood firmly on Chuhe's side, but this time, the other party's talent was Yan Ling.

What he said was more or less affecting the minds of others, Ling'er was bewitched.

"What, you inherited Nuwa's inheritance?"

The little tiger couldn't help being startled, he really didn't expect that Nuwa would inherit a human being, but after thinking about it carefully, he seemed to understand that Nuwa wanted to favor human beings, she was the only favor among all the monster races, and she would give herself It is understandable for human beings to hand over the inheritance!

"Why, what else do you have to say now, I won't hurt Ling'er!"

"Hehe, I finally understand. Even if the two of you really like each other, so what, anyway, you two are going to die soon, stealing my Spirit Gathering Grass, and delaying my plan to reshape the soul, neither of you will survive!"

The little tiger's voice became deeper and deeper, but it was too young, like a kitten, even though it looked fierce, it still gave people a cute feeling.

If it wasn't for the opponent's strength, Ling'er would definitely want to say that she would take this little tiger away and keep it as a pet.

"Master Snow God, we are wrong to steal things, but I can tell you that the Spirit Gathering Grass is useless to you at all. I know you are just a remnant soul who wants to reshape the soul of the ancient times, but the Spirit Gathering Grass is Grass jelly does not have such miraculous effects as you think."

"Your soul has been dissipated for tens of thousands of years. It is impossible to realize your dream with a single Spirit Gathering Grass. Please think again, Lord Snow God!"

Since he couldn't beat him, Chuhe wanted to negotiate with Lord Xueshen. After all, in Chuhe's eyes, he was not a vicious monster.

First of all, he had met Empress Nuwa in his previous life and had a good relationship with Empress Nuwa, which is enough to prove that he is not some evil monster!

Secondly, Snow Rabbit once mentioned that since Lord Snow God came into the world, the first thing he did was to give the decoction of Yangyancao to all the creatures in the north.

That is to say, he doesn't like to kill, and he doesn't even want to hurt small animals. How can such a person kill at will.

It's just that the things they stole are really important, and Chuhe is not sure that he can convince the little tiger for a while.

"Maybe you're right, but you have to try to understand this kind of thing. Your little girlfriend ate my jelly, and I'm eating her. It's reasonable!"

"No, she is a descendant of Nuwa, and you are a friend of Empress Nuwa, how can you eat your friend's child? Don't you fear the wrath of heaven and others when you do this?"

As soon as Chuhe said this, the little tiger suddenly ran away.


"Where is the sky in this world? If there is a sky, why should we destroy the demon clan? Compared with the witch clan, we are kind and just, but why did they secretly help when they fought against the witch clan?" The Wu Clan, and at the end, clean up the Wu Clan together, they are also worthy of being called heaven!"

Seeing the little tiger run wild, Chuhe was the most surprised in his heart, not for anything else, Nuwa Empress mentioned that they are coming, this is probably what the little tiger said now.

"What else do you know? What kind of race is Tian, ​​do you remember what they look like?"

Chuhe dared to ask the little tiger, and the little tiger was very obsessed. He tried hard to recall what happened at that time, but he couldn't remember it anyway, and his brain hurt more and more.

"My remnant soul only carries part of the memory. The reason why I want to collect my soul is to know what happened back then. You know, facing the witch clan, our monster clan has the strength to crush , but after the battle, we did lose a lot.”

"The big demon Nuwa we are proud of was also plotted against by those bad guys, and unfortunately died!"

"What bad guys, who are they?"

When she heard that her mother was murdered, Ling'er was very excited and asked hurriedly.

"Ah!" The little tiger roared in pain, and said viciously. "I've said it all, I can't remember it, it's all your fault, it's all your fault for stealing my fairy grass, so I have to eat you!"

The little tiger opened his mouth wide and said viciously, the aura around the Chu River is changing.

"Go away!"

Seeing that Ling'er was about to suffer, Chuhe almost yelled with all his strength. He thought it would be useless, but pushed the little tiger a hundred feet away.

Although this distance is nothing to an existence of this level, the little tiger was shocked.

"You, you actually know my family's innate supernatural powers, Yan Ling!"

"Who the hell are you? Aren't you a human race? How can you do something like this?"

The little tiger looked at Chuhe in disbelief, his mind was confused, and what happened today made his mind a little weak.

First, the descendants of Nuwa were discovered, the only complete great monster left in the ancient times, and a human race in Chuhe actually got the inheritance of Nuwa.

What made him even more incomprehensible was that Chuhe would use their clan's innate supernatural powers, which is simply unbelievable!

Chuhe didn't expect that Yanling was the racial talent of this old thing. Ling'er said that this kind of talent is a high-level talent, which is more powerful than the talent of their Nuwa clan. So what kind of race is he?

"Ling'er, can you remember what kind of race Yan Ling is with the innate supernatural power?"

Chuhe used the spiritual sense to transmit sound. Since he knew that he and this little tiger used the same talent, he felt that there might be hope this time.

Chapter 676 Threat Me?

"I'm sorry, brother Chuhe, I really can't remember what race it is. I was too young to remember at all."

Ling'er looked at Chuhe apologetically, Chuhe frowned, but he was relieved, since this little tiger himself has forgotten what race he is, then he can be fooled!

"The reason why I know the innate supernatural powers of your race is not because I have the blood inheritance of your race. Otherwise, how could I, a human being, have the innate supernatural powers of your monster race? What do you think, Lord Snow God!"

When Linger heard Chuhe's words, she couldn't help opening her mouth. She could feel that Chuhe was lying, but why did Chuhe lie.

Seeing that Linger was about to ask, Chuhe hurriedly waved to interrupt.

He was waiting for the other party's reaction. Sure enough, after hearing Chuhe's words, the little tiger fell into deep thought. His brain was running fast again, but it was a pity that it crashed again due to incomplete memory.

He didn't believe Chuhe's words a little bit, but Chuhe's talent of supernatural powers made him unable to refute Chuhe's words. This kind of thing was too bizarre, even if he lived endless years, he couldn't explain it clearly.

"You kid, tell me, whose inheritance did you get to have this kind of innate supernatural power!"

Xueshen was a little excited. After all, the reason why he wanted Julingcao was to get back his complete memory. Now Chuhe could give him some useful information, at least let him know what race he was, or maybe he could get back his memory because of Chuhe. River's clues reminded him of his real name.

You must know that these powerful monsters all want to know their real names, so it is somewhat unreasonable to parasitize on a little tiger in a daze.

"Whose inheritance do I get, of course I can't tell you, unless you promise to let us go!"

"You think I'm stupid, don't you? My king just has a bad memory, not a brain problem. If I let you go, will you tell me obediently!"

Looking at the little tiger, Chuhe knew that he was not easy to deceive, so he could only settle for the next best thing.

"If this is not the case, it is my inheritance, so you just keep me and let Ling'er and my two apprentices go? Anyway, you just want to restore your memory, and Julingcao can't help you at all. How about I tell you, what do you think? Lord Snow God!"

This proposal was good, but the polar bear and the snow sculpture refused. The snow sculpture was still still, and the polar bear hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Shangxian, and the two of us, we are the masters who betrayed for the sake of the queen Nuwa, you can't just leave us like this."

When Chuhe heard this, he said with some embarrassment.

"Then what, I'm sorry, I really didn't poach your corner, or you can put these two together, how about it?"

Before the little tiger could answer, Ling'er quit!

"No! I can't leave brother Chuhe here alone. If you want to stay, you can leave me. Anyway, I eat the food. If I do something wrong, I will bear it myself."

"Shut up, what time is this, you are still talking nonsense here, believe it or not, I will beat you!"

Chuhe raised his hand high, as if he was really going to hit Linger, and Linger started to get scared after being yelled at by him like this.

In fact, Chuhe's strategy is to delay the attack. After Ling'er escapes, he will find a way to stabilize Mr. Xueshen, and then find a chance to escape again.

Anyway, as long as Chuhe kills himself, he is the little tiger's clansman, and if he doesn't tell the little tiger the truth, then he has nothing to do with himself.

"Master, let's not leave, at worst, we will fight this old monster!"

Mo Budong was hit a bit hard just now, he was no longer talking, unexpectedly, the little monk suddenly became brave at this moment, and confronted Lord Xueshen.

"Huh? Dare to call me old blame me, kneel down!"

As soon as the little tiger finished speaking, the still-speaking little monk felt that he was being pressed down by a huge force. His knees bent involuntarily. He wanted to support him with all his strength, but he couldn't breathe, so he knelt down heavily.

"Don't hurt them, I said, let them go, I will tell you the truth, and I know a lot of things from Nuwa's inheritance, I can tell you everything!"

Chuhe continued to raise his bargaining chip too much in order to trick Mr. Xueshen into letting him go.

"Okay, don't act with me. You really treat me like a three-year-old child. When our monster race ruled the world, your human race was not born yet. You are worthy of playing tricks in front of me!"

"Now you can either obediently tell me everything you know, or I'll kill you all. Of course, start with your favorite Linger!"

"How dare you, if you kill her, I'll blow myself up immediately, don't you want to get anything, you bastard?"

Chuhe was not joking, his Xiaoming was pinched in his hands, if he was persuaded at this time, he would really lose everyone's life here.

"Are you threatening me?"

The little tiger frowned, looking very unhappy.

"It's you who are threatening me! I've told you that Juling Grass is useless to you. If you insist on pestering us, let us go. I'll tell you everything. This kind of thing has the best of both worlds. What's wrong with it! "

The little tiger didn't speak. After a long time, he sighed, turned around and flew back towards the ice and snow palace.

"Come back with me!"

After he finished speaking, all the people present obediently followed behind him, and followed him back to the palace.

"Master, they are the ones who broke into the palace and stole the spirit grass, you must not let them go."

"Shut up, my lord uses you to teach?"

As soon as Lord Xueshen finished speaking, the little penguins were speechless, and retreated aside tactfully.

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