"What do you mean? Bring us back, are you planning to let us go? Let me tell you, don't play any tricks. If you dare to hurt any of us, I will die for you!"

Chuhe was also helpless. It was also the first time he threatened his opponent with death. This sense of powerlessness and frustration stimulated his nerves all the time.

If you want to get rid of this status quo, you can only become stronger, stronger, stronger again, and when you are strong enough to look down on everyone, that is true freedom.

For Ling'er and for the people around him, he must also be the most powerful existence.

"Chuhe, right? I advise you to talk less. The more you shout, it means telling me that they are very important to you. Then they are my most important chips, and I will not let them go." gone."

"And don't threaten me with self-destruction, your power is too far behind, do you think you can self-destruction in front of me? What a joke!"

The little tiger didn't say this for fun, let alone to scare Chuhe. Self-explosion requires energy accumulation, and only one word from the little tiger can interrupt his self-explosion.

Chapter 677

It can even be said that as long as the little tiger gives Chuhe an order not to blow himself up, Chuhe will never be able to blow himself up.

Of course, unless his strength can crush the little tiger in the later stage, he can also lift this restriction by himself.

Thinking of this, Chuhe couldn't help but feel a little downcast. His only bargaining chip to blackmail the little tiger was gone, so what should he do?

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Simple, I ask questions and you answer them. If you can't answer them, I'll let them die. How about it!"

How could Chuhe agree to such a thing.


"Do you think you have a choice in front of me?"

The little tiger said in a cold voice, the surrounding air became extremely cold because of his breathing ears, Chuhe had eaten yangyan grass, which could not resist the severe cold brought by the little tiger.

At this time, Chuhe suddenly had a thought, how could this little tiger bear such a cold weather? Could it be that its body is not an ordinary beast, but also a powerful monster.

Could it be that the white tiger is one of the legendary four divine beasts, the White Tiger, the God of Killing in the West?

"What I want is fairness. If you threaten me with them, I won't say it. Don't take me for a fool, old man. You must have wanted to know everything about yourself after waiting for so many years. I won't Tell you."

In fact, Chuhe didn't know anything, which was considered a strong support. If the little tiger really asked, if he couldn't answer, he probably would have his relatives suffer, so naturally he couldn't tell.

"You want to be fair, I really like fairness! Come on, follow me to the side hall."

After the little tiger finished speaking, Chu He was stunned, what does this old thing mean? Do you want to take me back to the place where I stole things, so that I can feel guilty and tell the truth obediently.

Then you old bastard will be disappointed, for Linger, I can do anything.

Although the little tiger just said it casually, his words were beyond doubt, and everyone followed obediently.

After coming to the side hall, Chuhe carefully looked at the things inside. At the beginning, for the Juling grass, his eyes had been fixed on the Juling grass, and he didn't care what was inside.

After entering this time, he discovered that this side hall hides inexhaustible treasures, all kinds of rare treasures, spirit stones and fairy grasses are countless, the most is gold, of course there are also things like brass.

And most of these treasures have one thing in common, that is, sparkle, that is, shiny things.

Collecting treasures is the nature of some big monsters.

In the Impression City of Chu River, there seems to be only one race that likes to collect shiny things, and that is the dragon race.

Is this dog a dragon?

"Ling'er, do you know what the innate supernatural power of the Dragon Clan is?"

Chuhe asked secretly, Linger shook her head, and she looked at Chuhe again apologetically.

"Sorry, I can't help you with anything."

"You don't need to apologize, and you don't need to be afraid. Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you."

Chuhe comforted Ling'er. At some point, there was an extra table in front of him. This table was made of crystal and looked very gorgeous.

And there was an extra deck of poker in the middle of the table, yes, you heard it right, it was a deck of poker, the little tiger had already sat in the first place at some point, and began to play with the deck of poker in his hand.

"what do you mean?"

"Don't you want to be fair? I'll give you fairness. Now let's make a bet. If you lose, you will obediently tell me what you know."

"What if I win?"

When Chuhe asked this question, the little tiger suddenly laughed.

"Win me? Over the years, there have been more than 1000 people here, if not [-]. None of them can beat me. Why do you think you can beat me?"

The little tiger was very shy, and Chuhe never dreamed that this existence that seemed to have lived for countless years would be so playful in his heart.

"Where are the more than 1000 people you mentioned? Where are they?"

"If you lose, you will die!"

The little tiger said lightly, his tone was very calm, as if he was eating and drinking, without any psychological burden.

"What did you say? Are you asking me to gamble my life?"

Chuhe turned pale with shock.

Unexpectedly, the little tiger kept shaking his head.

"No, no, you misunderstood, you are my clansman, and you have things I don't know about, so of course I won't kill you, but the people around you are not so lucky!"

The little tiger said and waved his hand, a huge force grabbed Mo BuFan, the little monk and Ling'er, and suddenly several large restraint formations appeared on the seat beside him, trapping them all inside.

Chuhe's expression tightened, and he wanted to save someone, when he heard the little tiger say.

"Don't move, it's better for you to be obedient and obedient. If you can beat me, I can let them go, and I can let you go too. What do you think?"

There was a sly look in the little tiger's eyes, and Chuhe could tell that this bastard must be trying to play some tricks again.

"No, I don't believe your words, unless you swear to God, what you just said is not half a lie."

As soon as he heard the sky, the little tiger's temper became irritable again. Chuhe realized that he had said something wrong, but he couldn't help it. This kind of thing needed his restraint, which was impossible.

"If you dare to mention the so-called sky again, I'll kill them right now. Besides, I have a noble status and will never lie to anyone. If I say it, I will definitely take it seriously!"

Chuhe stared at the little tiger's eyes. He wanted to see if the little tiger was lying, but he didn't have that ability at all.

His words are completely based on self-consciousness, but he has a noble status, so he should not contradict what he says.

"What do you want to bet? How do you bet?"

"It's very simple, this is your human thing. As a monster race, I never knew there were such interesting things in this world. No wonder Nuwa fell in love with you human beings so much. I have to say that you human beings are indeed a very interesting race. .”

"Why are you comparing the size today? How is it?"

Chu He stared blankly at the little tiger. He was right. The little tiger was indeed very interested in human gambling, and he was very playful. He couldn't help himself when he encountered such things.

"Just the two of us? It's so boring, why don't you ask your subordinates to come up together, it's more fun if there are more people."

This kind of card betting is also called fried golden flower. Each person has three cards, and whoever has the highest hand will win.

"My subordinates are all idiots. They can't play such advanced things. If you really want to find someone to accompany you, I still have a few humans in my hand!"

Chapter 678

The little tiger said and snapped his fingers. "Come out!" The three big men just appeared in front of the gambling table. Chu He glanced at them, all of them were unshaven and their eyes wandered, as if they had lost hope in life.

As soon as the three of them saw the gambling table, their pupils shrank violently, and they seemed frightened.

"Master Xueshen, we don't want to gamble, please let us go back, I have a wife and children at home, I don't want to stay here anymore!"

The speaker was a man in his 30s, with a crying voice, and the sadness in his heart could only be understood by himself.

Chuhe couldn't understand why the man cried so much.

"Old Gao, it's not that I don't let you go, it's that you lost 100 years here, and I can't help it! Since it's gambling, you must abide by the rules of gambling. You can beat me, win I can go now, my king always keeps his word and never breaks his word."

"However, your gamble is too clever, we are not your opponents at all, please spare us! I heard that there are no less than 1000 people on the gambling table, but no one has ever beaten you, and you are still out of control. ..."

Before the man finished speaking, a man in his 40s suddenly covered Lao Gao's mouth.

"Old Gao, you are crazy, you dare to say anything!"

Lao Gao seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing, and he was so frightened that he shut his mouth hastily.

Just now the little tiger was about to be beaten violently, Chuhe was really curious about what was going on, so he stopped talking suddenly.

Na Chuhe asked curiously.

"Your name is Lao Gao, right? What's going on? Why are you here? Are you kidnapped?"

Seeing that Chuhe was a new face, Lao Gao smiled wryly and said helplessly.

"I was originally a hunter here. I accidentally strayed into this place in order to chase a snow rabbit. I was taken to this palace unexpectedly. At first they gave me a lot of money and said I could take it home. You don't know I was so excited at the time. But Lord Snow God made a condition, that is, you must gamble with him, and you can only go back if you win!"

"Isn't this a good thing? Giving you money, letting you gamble, and letting you go back if you win, is better than hunting."

"The key is that I have never won, and I have been losing all the time. Not only have I lost all my money, but I have also lost my life here. For 100 years, I am already in my 30s, and I still have to stay here Last 100 years!"

A strong man in his 30s started to cry. Chu He frowned and looked at this old Gao with some distress. In terms of human life span, he would not live to this age at all. To die here.

Although there is no need to worry about food and clothing here, for a man, the most important thing is his wife and children.

He hasn't been home for ten years, and he doesn't know what his wife and children are like. Although he guards the countless gold and silver jewels in the side hall every day, what's the use of it.

It's not like changing your left hand for your right hand every day, feeling lonely, empty and cold.

"Then why can't you beat him? Isn't gambling all about luck? Could it be that you never get lucky?"

"I've been lucky a lot, and I've caught three aces, the biggest Leopard. Unfortunately, he actually played a 2.3.5. I only eat the smallest card of my Leopard! He, he just deliberately played... "

Due to the reminder from the people around him just now, this time Lao Gao did not dare to speak too much.

Chuhe finally understood that the reason why the little tiger hadn't lost once in a hundred years was that he must have cheated, but he just said that it was a fair game, cheating was nothing.

Chuhe was a little angry, but he had to bow his head under the eaves.

"Are you ready? I'm going to deal the cards!"

"Wait a minute, it's not fair, I've never played any poker, I don't know how, can you make me want to try a few, I'm familiar with the rules?"

"Okay! Anyway, I have plenty of time!"

The little tiger agreed directly, and Chuhe couldn't even believe it.

"You said it yourself, so let's get started!"

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