After Chuhe agreed, the remaining three big men were just playing with him, and it didn't matter whether they agreed or not.

The little tiger began to shuffle the cards. Chuhe lied just now. It's not that he doesn't understand gambling, and he's even proficient in it.

When he was in the Taoist temple before, he would spend all day free and play cards with the nearby villagers. Chuhe couldn't help playing cards, and he was even a master at all kinds of tricks.

The reason why he didn't dare to gamble when he came up was because he hadn't figured out the tricks of the little tiger yet.

"There are 100 million chips here. Whoever loses first will lose. Are the rules clear?"

"Of course, if the money is won by you, it will be yours!"

As soon as the little tiger finished speaking, there were one hundred golden chips beside Chuhe. They said they were chips, but they were made of gold. The value of the chips might be higher than the amount of money he represented.

This is a lot of money, and if you win, you can keep it for yourself, which is a good thing.

"let's start!"

The little tiger smiled and began to shuffle the cards, and then began to deal cards to everyone.

Chuhe was very lucky, the first card came with a king of spades, which is a big card in Zhajinhua, Chuhe regretted it a bit, so he shouldn't talk about trial play, he should start playing with this hand.

Just when Chuhe was upset, the second card also came down, it was a K of spades. When Chuhe saw this card, he regretted it even more. This is very likely to form a straight flush, which is already a big card Yes, unless there are three cards with the same number as leopards, otherwise it will almost take all the players.

Immediately after the third card appeared, Chuhe didn't have the good luck just now, it was a ten of hearts, the original wish of a straight flush came to nothing, but this card was still very big, if it was in normal times, Chuhe would definitely give it a try, but now it's just During the trial play, Chuhe naturally didn't care about winning or losing, so he grabbed two gold coins and threw them directly on the stage.

"I am [-], such a good hand, it is a pity not to play!"

When Chuhe said this, he originally wanted to bluff the little tiger, but he didn't expect the little tiger to laugh and ignore Chuhe's bluffing at all, but the other three people didn't pay any attention to Chuhe at all.




Three people folded their cards at the same time, and one family's card turned out to be three jacks. To be honest, this kind of card is already guaranteed to win, but they folded. What does it mean?

When Chuhe was in a daze, the little tiger said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hey, what's the point of you folding your cards when you come up, because I can't play such a good card because of me."

While talking, the little tiger threw his cards on the table. Chuhe took a closer look and found that it was three aces. No wonder these people folded their cards when they got three jacks. so good.

Chapter 679

As an old gambler, Chuhe never believed in such things as luck. He had already begun to suspect that the little tiger was cheating.

But with his eyesight, he couldn't see how the little tiger got out of the way.

Chuhe took back his two gold coins. It was just for trial anyway, so he couldn't give them away for nothing.

The little tiger didn't say anything, and continued to look at everyone with a smile, and continued to shuffle the cards.

The next round started again, this time Chuhe was lucky and got a straight flush, 8, 9, 10.

If he had been betting with the villagers, he would have studd already!

But what happened next was that none of the players followed and simply folded their cards.

"No, do you play cards like this? You don't want any of the three Kings. What do you want to do?"

The man surnamed Gao gave Chuhe a look, as if looking at a fool, he shook his head and said.

"Because Lord Snow God has three A's."

"What, how could it be three A's, how can there be such good luck."

If the last hand had three aces, and this one is still three aces, there will be problems holding the cards, and Chuhe is not stupid.

Unexpectedly, after hearing what Lao Gao said, Xueshen laughed.

"Congratulations, you got the answer right, I have three A's!"

While talking, the little tiger showed his cards. It was really three aces. Chuhe's eyes became colder and colder. He could conclude that this Lord Xueshen was cheating.

But he had been staring at the little tiger with both hands just now, and his way of shuffling the cards was very clumsy, like a complete novice, so it was impossible for him to adjust these cards when he shuffled them.

That is, he was changing cards in the middle, but Chuhe kept staring at his hand, and did not see any inappropriate movements on his part. Changing cards also needs to be manipulated.

What the hell is going on? If the little tiger gets three aces every time, then Chuhe will never even try to beat him in this life.

"The third round begins."

Chuhe received the deal, it was pair of aces, plus a 2, this time Chuhe sneered, I see how you can form three aces.

Unexpectedly, when the cards were finally dealt, Chuhe saw the three aces in the little tiger's hand again, and his lungs exploded.

"Master Snow God, you are cheating!"

When hearing the term cheating, Ling'er also had a question mark on her face, she didn't understand what was going on, even Mo Bubu and the little monk didn't understand what was going on.

However, the three big men on the field suddenly burst out. They looked at Chuhe in fear, as if this kid had committed some serious crime.

Chuhe didn't understand why they looked at him like this. He was helping them again. You must know that if you catch the person who is out of the thousand, the game will be directly judged as a loss, and he will win, and they will also win.

"Master Xueshen, I don't know if you cheat here, will you lose if you catch it?"

Lord Snow God nodded, and looked at Chu He with great interest, but the meaning in his eyes seemed to be mocking, but there was no panic at all.

"Do you have any proof that I cheated?"

"Of course I have evidence. There were two Aces in my card just now. Why do you have three Aces here? Could it be that there are five Aces in this deck?"

Chuhe asked with a sneer, he didn't expect to catch the evidence of Xue Shen's escape so easily, and he could save Ling'er and the others with this easy one. Can he not be excited?

"Of course, how can there be five aces in a deck of cards? Even a fool knows that there are only four aces. What do you want to say?"

Xueshen didn't take it seriously, Chuhe felt that the old man had done something wrong and wanted to play tricks, but this time, he would never give him a chance.

"Master Xueshen, it's really too unfortunate. I just had two Aces and a 2 in my card. Now you still have three Aces in your hand. How do you explain it?"

Chu He spread the clap in his hand as he spoke, and stared at the little tiger coldly. Unexpectedly, the little tiger was exposed on the spot, and instead of being angry, he laughed.

"Chuhe, do you have a problem with your eyes, kid? Take a closer look, what is your card?"

Chuhe looked down subconsciously, he didn't know when there was only one of his two aces left, and his cards were originally two aces and one 2, but now they turned into A, 10,2, [-].

Even a fool knows what's going on, Chuhe stares at Xueshen in a daze?

"You change my card?"

Hearing these words, Lord Snow God suddenly became furious.

"Boy, you'd better pay attention to what you say, don't slander me, you say a thousand, change your cards, do you have any evidence? You said you have two aces. Do you have two aces? Who can give you testify!"

As an old gambler, Chuhe certainly knows that the most important thing to catch a thousand is to catch the moment when he makes a thousand. This time his cards were exchanged, but Chuhe didn't even see it. What's going on?

When Chuhe was at a loss, he suddenly understood that Yanling is Yanling.

Whenever Mr. Xueshen said that he had three aces when he started shooting, then his shooting must be three aces. No matter how many aces the opponent has in his hand, he will definitely get three aces in the end.

And the most exasperating thing is that he doesn't need any action at all for this kind of card exchange, he just needs to say it.

And it's not a thousand tricks, these ordinary people naturally don't understand what's going on, but Chuhe is not a fool, he has already understood, then it is impossible for Xueshen to make a thousand tricks again.

"It's true that I have no one to testify, but is it really interesting for you to play like this, to make yourself invincible, is this still called gambling? It's not interesting at all, dare you play with me for real."

"Why am I afraid that you will fail?"

"Brothers, this time, in order to win, how about showing the cards when you open the cards?"

When Chuhe said this, some people were not happy.

"Then how do we play? Show the cards directly?"

"Do you think you can still win? Bet him that you don't want to win. Be obedient and I can help you, how about it!"

The three big men pondered for a while, and Lao Gao spoke first.

"Brother, I'll trust you this time. Anyway, I can't get out anymore. I just die of old age in vain here. Why don't you just give me a hand?"

"I followed!"

"I followed too!"

"I followed too!"

All three agreed, and Chuhe was full of confidence.

"Okay, then it's settled."

But Lord Snow God still said with a smile.

"No matter how you collude, in the face of absolute strength, you will undoubtedly lose."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's get started!"

Snow God began to deal cards, and when the three strong men were dealt, their cards were directly revealed, 3, 8, 9.

Next is the second round of licensing.Among them A,9,7.

Chuhe laughed when he saw A.

Chapter 680

Lord Xueshen didn't know what Chuhe was laughing at, but he was still confident.

Continuing to the third round of dealing, Chuhe's cards were 8, 9, 10 spade straight flush, and an A appeared on the table again.

Chuhe sneered.

"Master Xueshen, I just tried it for three rounds. This time, I decided to officially start betting. I will pay 100 million!"

Chuhe directly pushed out all the chips in front of him. You must know that this is all his wealth. If he loses, he will lose completely. Linger and his two apprentices will not be spared either.

Ling'er didn't understand what was going on, the two apprentices had already seen what was going on.

"Master, don't play like this, you can't play with this old Yinbi!"

Although Mo Bufei has never played Golden Flower, the monks who can reach this level are extremely smart, and they can understand what is going on with just a few glances.

This dog has a voice, so you can just say what kind of card you want, and you can play it anyway.

Xueshen didn't care what Mo Bufei said, and continued to speak with a smile.

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