"One million direct stud, you are courageous. It seems that your success or failure depends on one action. Well, this time I will convince you to lose."

"My three..."

Before the little tiger could say the word A, Chu He hurriedly interrupted.

"Master Xueshen, there are two aces on the table, you call three aces now, isn't it good!"

Now the little tiger finally understands what Chuhe meant. The kid asked them to show their cards just to let the aces be exposed to the public's view from the very beginning. No matter how shameless he is, he can't do such a thing.

"Even if it's not three aces, I still beat you, because I still have three..."

Master Xueshen smiled and was about to say K when he heard Chu He suddenly interrupt his words.

"Master Snow God, let's draw the cards!"

As soon as Chuhe said this, the little tiger opened up his cards in a strange way. Before he could say the cards he wanted, his own cards appeared on the surface.

After looking at it, his cards are 6, 6, 3.a small pair.

This scene directly stunned the three gamblers. After playing with Master Xueshen for so long, it was the first time they saw that Xueshen played a card other than three aces. They stared at Chuhe in a daze, The face is unbelievable.

Xueshen was also caught off guard, he kept playing tricks with his words, but he didn't expect Chuhe to play tricks with his words too, and it was so unexpected that he showed his face directly.

After seeing Lord Xueshen's cards, Chuhe smiled and opened his own cards, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Xueshen, mine is a straight flush, big and small pair, your 100 million, I accept it! Now you lose !"

Xueshen lost 100 million in an instant, because he didn't know that Chuhe dared to play tricks. This was the first time he lost. The famous man exhaled cold air and shivered.

"Okay, I didn't expect that you kid would dare to play tricks in front of me. You won this time, but our match is not over yet, I still have money!"

With a wave of the little tiger's hand, there was another 200 million on the table, and the chips now became as much as Chuhe.

"You are cheating. Didn't you say that if you lose all the money, you will lose? How can you do this?"

"I mean, if you lose all your money, you lose, but I have a lot of money, and I can't lose all!"

The little tiger pointed to the mountains of gold all around, and said to Chuhe with a smile.

"Okay, play a rascal, then I won't gamble. There is no need to gamble with someone who has no credibility like you."

Chuhe was angry, and as soon as he was about to leave, the little tiger said with a smile, you can leave, but as long as you leave the gambling table for half a step, I will eat your sister Linger.

"You fucking threatened me, believe it or not, I will fight you hard!"

"Boy, when you are stronger, come and talk to me about desperate matters. Now this is my territory, and the rules are naturally up to me. Let me ask you again, do you want to bet or not!"

"I bet! But I have a request. In this game, you can only use the 200 million. If you count all the money in betting with me, it will be meaningless!"

This is the second best thing for Chuhe, trying his best to fight for his own interests, and the little tiger also knows that he is in the wrong, so he pretends not to care and agrees.

"Okay, my lord promises you, this is my last bet, and I promise that there will be no extra gold coins."

"Whether it's gold coins, any treasure that can represent money will not work, that is to say, you can no longer have any bargaining chips!"

Since you have suffered a loss once, you should be more careful. After Chuhe said this, the little tiger was obviously taken aback.

"Boy, you told me that you don't know how to gamble. I don't think you're telling the truth, aren't you? You're not a good boy. You can still say such strict restrictions, which proves that you have played a lot!"

"You don't care if I play or not, just say you agree or not!"

"Agreed, of course I agree, boy, you have no hope of defeating me, I advise you to die as soon as possible."

The little tiger said in a whisper, but Chuhe didn't care, and said in a cold voice.

"Don't ink, let's deal the cards!"

To be honest, Chu He contradicted Lord Snow God over and over again. The polar bears and snow sculptures he saw were frightened. This kid is too crazy, and Lord Snow God can bear it. This is true love in legend !

The little tiger started to deal the cards, but this time he learned to be smart. With the experience of the last time, he knew that the purpose of Chuhe letting these people show their cards was to prevent him from getting an ace, so this time when he dealt the cards, he just Muttering under his breath.

"Don't make an A, don't make an A, don't make an A."

The little tiger said three times to these three people, and then none of the three cards had an ace. At this time, the little tiger looked at Chuhe proudly.

"I'll pay 200 million directly! You lost my three aces, Chuhe!"

In order to prevent Chuhe from asking him to draw the cards before he shouted out, this time the little tiger directly studs, and then directly opened the cards, looking at the three aces, just hanging there, the three men on the table all looked ugly.

They didn't know how Chuhe changed Lord Xueshen's cards into a pair of sixes last time, but this time, his cards had already been revealed. At this time of three aces, how could Chuhe win.

"You old bastard, aren't you playing a rogue? You actually cheated with your words. What's the point of betting with others like this?"

Mo BuDiong had already seen the joints, and he was gnashing his teeth angrily, because if Chuhe lost, his life would be gone.

Chapter 681 Win Again

"Hey, kid, I didn't expect you to be so smart that you can see the joints. But when you say this, you have to show evidence."

"I'll give you proof, I'll give you two big ears, you shameless thing, I will never let you go!"

Mo Bufei was still cursing.

But Lord Snow God smiled.

"Since you are so smart, I will not kill you. Not only will I not kill you, but I will also take good care of you in the future. After all, you are already a golden fairy and can live for a long time. Master, the three of us fight the Landlord, how fun!"

When Mo Bufei heard it, the little tiger actually meant not to kill him, he was a little dazed, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Well, your grandma has a leg, I don't have time to play with you, you should kill me!"

Mo Bu Bu is the Golden Immortal, the existence of the pinnacle of the human race, and he is also a very aggressive Vulcan. He has not yet made a name for himself in this world, and he is going to be kept in captivity by this little tiger. How could he agree.

"It doesn't matter, you can call it, it doesn't matter what you call it, in my territory, I have the final say!"

The little tiger said proudly, although Ling'er didn't know what was going on, she knew that Chuhe seemed to lose, and if she lost, she was going to die. take things too hard.

"Brother Chuhe, it doesn't matter if Ling'er lives or dies. You must live on. The queen mother has given you great expectations. She hopes that you can fight against the future heaven and man!"

Hearing this, the little tiger was obviously taken aback, because the war in the ancient times was caused by the so-called heaven and man. He finally remembered after hearing what Linger said.

"Yes, heavenly beings, that group of heavenly beings, I finally know why I hate heaven so much."

At this time, he glanced at Chuhe and asked in disbelief.

"Nuwa regards you as the hope against heaven and man. It is impossible if our monster race still has a little hope, it is absolutely impossible for the human race."

"Why is it impossible? I have the inheritance of your clan, the inheritance of Nuwa's descendants, and the inheritance of Emperor Fuxi. Do you think it is possible for me now?"

Chuhe didn't expect the little tiger to be so excited about heaven and man. It seems that he has been brooding over the Great War. Chuhe thinks this is an opportunity, maybe he can let the little tiger loose and let them go.

"Fuxi's inheritance was also given to you? It's interesting, it's a bit interesting, but don't overthink it, you kid. The reason why it's impossible is because your human race is a replica of heaven and man, and you are their replicas, and you They're not perfect yet, their bodies are stronger than any race I've ever seen, and their mental strength is even stronger."

"Their innate supernatural powers have never been displayed, but with the strength of only a few people, they wiped out the strongest monster race and witch race in the ancient times. Although they later experienced the age of mythology, the gods at that time have already declined. , when the Kunlun Great World was the strongest, it was the ancient times!"

"At that time, if we had discovered the existence of heaven and man in advance, there might be hope for the Lich to unite together. In the current world, hehe!"

The little tiger who has always been strong has a pessimistic face, and this is pessimism from the depths of his memory. Logically speaking, this powerful existence comparable to the Meiwa clan should not behave like this.

"Believe me, as long as you let me go, I will be able to protect the great world of Kunlun, and I will never let any celestial beings disrupt the rules and order again."

When Chu He spoke bold words, he thought that he would get the sympathy of Lord Snow God, but he didn't expect that Snow God's meaning of ridicule was stronger.

"Rules? Order? You don't want to talk about the way of heaven, do you? These are created by the heavenly people. Use these to deal with them, don't be ridiculous!"

"The reason why I say that it is possible for the demon race to fight against the heavenly beings is because we demon races do not use the rule of law, we use innate supernatural powers, all races have hope, but the human race does not! Because you are the defective products of the heavenly beings, rubbish It's rubbish!"

Chuhe was scolded, not to mention how aggrieved he was, but he couldn't find a reason to refute, but this time, the little tiger didn't even have a chance to refute.

"You can't even win a bet with me, and you still want to fight against heaven and man. It's a dream, it's time for you to draw the cards."

"You lost this one, your Linger is about to die, how do you feel now? With me, you can't even protect the one you love, so what do you expect to protect the Kunlun Great World in front of heaven and man? After all, Wa had a problem with that eye and chose you, but she must have misread it!"

"I don't allow you to talk about my mother like that."

Ling'er was furious, and a terrifying coercion was released from her body. This was the first time she attacked with all her strength. All the monsters present felt the strong blood pressure, and knelt on the ground trembling.

"Use Demention on me, if your mother is still able to succeed, little girl, you are not qualified."

With a big wave of the little tiger's hand, not only was he not affected, but he removed the influence of those affected monsters.

This is simply incredible.

"Your 200 million, I follow!"

"What are you bragging about? I haven't lost yet. Lord Xueshen, take a good look at what card I have! 2.3.5 is the smallest card, but it only eats your biggest Leopard A. What else do you have to say now? "

Xueshen stared blankly at the cards that Chuhe showed, a little unbelievable, he felt that he had been tricked once, and he had always used his words to make a move, and he was sure to win every time.

But after meeting Chuhe, he first saw the fact that he was able to use his words to express himself, which already made the little tiger feel very uneasy, and then let the three men show their cards and tricked him once.

So the little tiger kept thinking that this time he must play Leopard A, but he forgot that Leopard A is not a sure-win card.

Chuhe didn't cheat, but he was fighting a psychological war with him. Moreover, he fell into the trap foolishly, thinking that he would win!

"I'm stupid, I really won again, I can't believe it!"

All the gamblers stared wide-eyed at Chuhe's cards. The man in front of him had defeated Master Xueshen twice in a row, which had never happened in the entire northern land.

The little tiger now has an ugly face, and he stares at Chuhe fiercely.

"Good boy, I thought you were just a mallet, but I didn't expect you to be so good at calculating, so let's do it again, and let's see how you win this time!"

Looking at the furious little tiger, Chuhe knew that this kid must be on top, and a very powerful existence was on top. Chuhe had no choice but to speak out his request first.

"Master Xueshen, I have already won your money, I don't know what else you want to bet with me, you have no chips!"

Chapter 682 A Winning Game

"Fulfill your promise and let Ling'er and my two apprentices go!"

"No, I just lost all my chips. I didn't say that I would let them go. Don't you care about your sister Ling'er? Well, I will gamble with you with her life now. What do you think? "

"You're fucking cheating, aren't you!"

Chuhe was completely furious. It was originally agreed, but this bastard turned his back on him as soon as he said it. How could such a person bet against him.

"If you don't agree, then I have no choice but to eat her. It's just a pity that such a good furnace, you two haven't had a formal intercourse yet, let me tell you, as long as you can be in the same body, you might be able to be promoted to Daluo Jinxian , at that time, you will have the capital to provoke me, but now you have no chance, your sister Linger, I accept it with a smile!"

While the little tiger was talking, Linger's body flew towards him, and no matter what Chuhe said, he couldn't stop it.

"Brother Ling'er, don't worry about me, as long as you can survive, I will be satisfied!"

"It's true that a husband and wife are deeply in love, but little girl, you are still too young, you don't know what death means, that is, there is no more you in this world, and if you are gone, your brother Chuhe will definitely go find someone else woman, he would woo other women, hang out with other women, have children and sleep with them."

"As time goes by, he will completely forget you in the end. At that time, no one in the world will know that you have been here."

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