"Did you know that the scariest thing in this world is not death, but being forgotten!"

It has to be said that the little tiger's verbal skills are really terrifying, after a few words, Ling'er, who was calmly going to die just now, began to waver.

"Brother Chuhe, will you forget me?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the tears couldn't stop streaming down. This was the second time Ling'er cried in front of Chuhe. The first time was because of her mother, and the second time it was because of herself.

"I won't forget you, no, I won't let you die."

"Tsk tsk tsk, you can't say that!"

The little tiger continued to send Linger to him, and his saliva flowed down. Just when its big mouth was about to bite Linger, Chuhe couldn't stand it anymore.

"I bet you!"

"If you don't say this earlier, it will be over."

Ling'er was pushed back to the back chair again, and Chuhe could see that it was impossible for this little tiger to eat Ling'er, he was deliberately scaring himself, but if he didn't promise him, then he would really eat Linger, this is an unsolvable dead end.

"I promise to bet with you, but you can't threaten me any more. If you win this bet, you must let her go. Don't make excuses with me!"

"Looking at what you said, my lord is not the kind of villain who beats mandarin ducks. I also hope to see lovers get married. Don't worry, I will let this little girl go, but the premise is that you can beat me." !"

"I'm really not sure about winning others, but it's too easy to win against you!"

Chuhe has already understood the tricks of the little tiger, and he doesn't have any advanced gambling methods, he just wins by relying on his words and tricks.

At this time, Chuhe had an idea.

"Master, you can't bet with him anymore. He has figured out what you are doing. Now you can't beat him with 2, 3, 5."

The reason why Mo Budong said this is to remind Chuhe that he must not bet with him the biggest card with the smallest card this time.

After suffering the loss last time, Little Tiger will definitely not play three aces again. This time, he will most likely play other cards, but it will definitely be a big one.

Mo Bufei is completely right to think this way, because the little tiger will not play three Aces this time, and this time, he will play three Ks.

The biggest card other than ace, at this time, some people must think, if Chuhe has three aces at this time, then the little tiger will lose.

Do you think he can't figure out such a small thing? When the cards were dealt, the little tiger deliberately handed out two cards to the three big men, and it was a clear card. This time it was Chuhe's turn to frown. , The obvious means used to check and balance the little tiger, but now it is used by the little tiger instead.

Seeing Chuhe's nervous expression, the little tiger couldn't help laughing.

"I admit that you are very smart, even smarter than me, and I'll tell you straight, my three hole cards are all K, Leopard K, and there are already two Aces in the field, you can't get it no matter what Three Aces, I locked your biggest card now, and I took the second highest card, tell me how you win this time!"

The little tiger is full of ambition, and Ling'er seems to finally understand the rules.

"Master Xueshen, aren't you playing a rogue by doing this? You still let brother Chuhe play with you. If you want to eat it, I will just say it. Why beat around the bush. As a big monster, can't you be more open and aboveboard! "

"Silly girl, don't mock me here. Do you think I will hit your aggressive general without three kings? Think too much. This time I will win him no matter what. As long as you are in my hands, I will win you in the future." He will submit obediently, you don't know how to learn to use the value of your relatives, so your Nuwa clan will decline rapidly."

"We are demons, what are you talking about with me, should that kind of thing appear on me?"

The little tiger is not ashamed of cheating but proud of it.

"I admit that I did disgraceful things, but as long as he can beat me, he can also do disgraceful things, just don't get caught by me."

Sometimes when you face a bad person, you have to question him. Although you can't get what you think, at least it can make him regress in words.

If you can get some benefits, that is some benefits.

The little tiger has clearly stated that his card is three kings, that is to say, the word spirit has taken effect, and now his card is a leopard king, and Chuhe has no possibility of winning.

At this time, if you want to take him down, you have to pay a thousand, but how should Chuhe pay a thousand.

He now has a K and two Qs, and the opponent has three Ks. At this time, Chuhe is doomed. If he wants to win, Chuhe must replace his three Ks.

"Give me another Q!"

Chu He muttered in a low voice, and the little tiger couldn't hear clearly what He was talking about for a while. Seeing his godlike appearance, he thought he was praying to God and worshiping Buddha.

"Boy, what are you mumbling about? You really think you can win, and you don't take me seriously!"

The little tiger was still absent-minded. After Chuhe read a few words silently, he opened his cards again and found that his old K had really turned into a Q.

Chuhe couldn't help being overjoyed, and directly threw his three Qs on the table.

"I want to come, how about my three Qs?"

Seeing Chu He's happy face, Mo Bu Bu's face turned green, "Master, do you have a brain hole? He said it all. He has three "K", so what's the point of using three Q? Don't you?" Still lost."

Chapter 683 Still lost

"That's right, little brother, I admit that you can make three queens, which is already very good, but you still can't beat him."

"You'd better intercede with him and see if he can let your wife go."

"Yeah, what a nice girl, she's about to be eaten. Didn't Lord Snow God never eat people before? What's going on with him!"

The three men were also very sorry. They hadn't seen a woman for many years, and they suddenly saw a beauty like Linger, and they had long been distracted. Seeing that the beauty was going to be eaten, it was somewhat a pity.

It's just that they don't understand why they have such a sense of intimacy with Ling'er, which has nothing to do with sex.

"Chuhe, what else do you have to say this time? If you lose, I shouldn't put this little girl back. It's really troublesome to send her back and forth."

He hooked his hands while talking, and Ling'er flew towards her uncontrollably. At this time, Ling'er wanted to manifest her real body, but there was always an invisible pressure that prevented her from transforming.

Originally, her strength wasn't that great, but now that she couldn't change her real body, and couldn't even display one-tenth of her strength, she was no match for the little tiger.

"Brother Chuhe, you must not forget Linger."

Facing death, what Ling'er thought about was whether Chuhe would remember him. To be honest, she was a bit too stubborn.

"Wait a minute, I'm talking about you old bastard, why are you so anxious? If my woman wants to eat, I will eat it. Do I need you?"

"Hey, what do you mean, you also want to taste the taste of Nuwa's descendants?"

The little tiger looked at Chuhe in surprise.

"Tell me, you have your eye on that piece of meat on her body, I can keep it for you!"

"You stupid tiger, I have taken a fancy to her, and when I said eat, I didn't mean what you thought."

"what does that mean?"

The little tiger and Ling'er asked almost at the same time, but soon the little tiger realized that he had captured thousands of humans and lived with them for hundreds of years. He had learned many things from humans!

Thinking of what Chuhe meant, the little tiger couldn't help but smirk.

"Actually speaking, my bloodline and Nuwa's descendants are the most compatible. After all, we are all monsters, and you are human, but it is useless now. I said that if I eat her, I can't break my promise!"

"What are you looking for, Mr. Xueshen, you haven't played the cards yet, you don't understand the rules of the casino, and we haven't played cards yet, why did you start playing? I'll say it again, my woman, just I can eat it!"

Ling'er realized later, and finally realized what Chuhe meant by eating. She blushed suddenly, and if it wasn't for the critical moment of life and death, she would definitely punch Chuhe a few times.

"Draw the card? Do you think it's still necessary? I said he has three Kings, and I can still lie to you."

"Open it and see if you don't know!"

The little tiger stared at Chuhe's eyes and found that he seemed very confident.

"Boy, I don't know where your confidence comes from, but this time, you really have no chance of making a comeback. Since you don't give up, then I will let you die happily."

The little tiger opened his cards as he spoke.

"See, Leopard K, Leopard Q who happens to be older than you, what else do you have to say now?"

"Of course I have something to say, look again, are you sure your card is a leopard K? How can I see that there are two K and an A?"

Chuhe licked the corner of his mouth, showing a strange smile in front of the little tiger for the first time.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

The little tiger hadn't looked at the cards just now, but this time he lowered his head and looked carefully, and found that what Chuhe said was right, he really only had two K's and an Ace.

The little tiger's face immediately darkened.

"Impossible! You kid is out of a thousand!"

"Hey, Lord Snow God, you are bound to win the game. If I don't spend a thousand dollars, my spirit will be eaten by you, but you find that I am a thousand dollars. You have to catch me. OK."

"You exchanged the cards with the words!"

When the little tiger thought about it, he found it ridiculous that a low-strength Chuhe would not be able to change his cards. Moreover, even if Chuhe really used Yanling to change cards just now, he would not be able to change his cards when all the cards were opened. He said several times that his card is Leopard K, that is to say, even if Chuhe uses Yan Ling to change cards, he will change them back again.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to be the spirit of speech.

If it wasn't Ling Ling, what would it be?

"I see, you didn't use the spirit of speech, but the most common human means. You hid an A, and then replaced it while I wasn't paying attention, right? Since you used A, you replaced my K. , then you must still have my K on you, someone search him for me!"

After hearing what the little tiger said, Chuhe's body trembled suddenly. Could it be that he was discovered?

Sure enough, Chuhe's reaction was too intense, which made the little tiger more sure of his thoughts.

"Dare to play tricks on my game, boy, this time, I will punish you well."

The little tiger said proudly, originally he had won the situation, but suddenly it became like this, Mo BuFong's mood was really like riding a roller coaster, not to mention how exciting it was.

"Master, don't play with him anymore, fight with this old boy!"

Mo Bubu yelled loudly, and the little tiger snorted coldly.

"shut up!"

Then Mo Bubu opened his mouth and couldn't speak anymore. At this time, a group of penguin guards came over, and Chuhe became more nervous.

"Mr. Chuhe, our master suspects that you are playing tricks by hiding cards, please cooperate with us in our search."

"Go away, don't touch me!"

Chuhe yelled, and the group of penguin guards rolled away. Seeing this situation, the little tiger laughed instead of anger, teasing softly.

"Boy, why are you bothering? You are worried that things will be revealed, but as a big man, you have to be brave. The guards will come back to me and search him again. Boy, if you let them go away again, I will But I won't agree!"

He said and pointed at Linger, Linger bit his finger angrily, Linger was already very angry with him, so after biting, he tore hard, the little tiger's painful face was deformed.

"Let me go!"

Linger let go of his mouth under his order, but Linger had bitten off a large part of its little paw, it was a joke to say it, just now it said that it would eat Linger's little tiger, but Linger gave it to him first. have eaten.

"You little girl, are you a dog? You actually bit me!"

"Let you bully brother Chuhe, I will kill you, kill you!"

Ling'er wanted to bite her a few more times to vent her anger, but the little tiger never gave her another chance.

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