At this time, Chuhe is even more convinced that the little tiger will not eat Linger, because Linger treats him like this, and he doesn't even intend to punish Linger.

Its flesh and blood grew quickly, but the pain did not disappear so easily. When the little tiger spoke, the movement of waving its claws subconsciously stopped.

Afraid of being bitten by Linger.

"Why are you still standing there, search him!"

"excuse me!"

Chapter 684 How did you get cheated

"Wait!" Chuhe didn't dare to let them go away this time, but he still refused to be searched obediently.

"What else are you doing?"

The little tiger was very upset, and looked at Lin Yu with a puzzled expression.

"It's fine to search me, but what if they don't find it?"

"You must have hidden the card, how could you not find it?" The little tiger saw Chu He's firm gaze as he spoke. "Okay, if I can't find any cards on you, I will not only release your sister Ling'er, but also my baby here, you can choose whatever you want, and I will give it to you!"

"That's what you said."

"When my lord speaks, he always promises everything!"

The little tiger was proud, because he didn't think he would lose.

"Your reputation has long been bankrupt for me, come on, search!"

Chuhe opened his arms, and several penguins began to search Chuhe. Although they were just penguins, their body searches were very professional. It seemed that they did such things a lot.

These penguins are also routine, and they should do what the master asked them to do, that's right, they all think that this time they can find extra cards from Chuhe.

But after searching for a while, the movements of these penguins became more and more stiff, because they really didn't seem to touch anything.

"What are you doing, did you find any?"

"Back... back to the master, this kid doesn't have any extra cards."

A little penguin answered tremblingly, and the little tiger asked in a cold voice with his face darkened.

"What did you say?"

"Back to the king, there is really nothing, we have searched everything!"

Although the penguins were not reconciled, they had searched up and down several times, but they still found nothing.

The little tiger was a little puzzled, but soon he was relieved. The reason why these little penguins could not be found was actually very simple. In the past, they searched for ordinary human beings. On the body.

But Chuhe is different, he has a spirit treasure, and he can put Dong XZ into the spirit treasure.

"You all go down, I have a way to make him hand it over."

The little penguin retreated far away one by one, walking briskly as if being pardoned.

"Boy, hand over the cards hidden on your body!"

The little tiger's words were innate, supernatural powers, and Chuhe's strength was inferior to him, so if Chuhe really hid his cards, he would obediently hand them over.

But the little tiger had finished talking for a long time, and there was no movement from Chuhe's side, not even the movement of handing over the cards.

The little tiger frowned. Could it be that his innate supernatural power had failed just now, or did this kid say something contrary to himself, canceling his order!

It doesn't matter, no matter what tricks he plays, just say no again.

"Hand over your hidden cards!"

After saying this, Chuhe still didn't move, and the little tiger fell into deep thought again. He didn't quite understand. What's going on?

"I don't have a hidden card at all, how do you ask me to hand it over?"

Now it was Chuhe's turn to laugh, and Ling'er looked at Chuhe with wide eyes, her face full of disbelief.

"Wow, brother Chuhe, how did you manage to escape the control of this big villain?"

"Ling'er, I'm not as powerful as you think. I'm telling the truth. I really don't have any hidden cards. If you don't believe me, you can count the cards on the field to see if there are 52 cards and you're done." !"

"Yes, count the cards!"

The little tiger seemed to be awakened by someone. Even if he couldn’t get evidence from Chuhe, as long as one card was missing, it would prove that someone had played a thousand cards. At this time, as long as he killed him, he would say that Chuhe stole the card. At that time, Chuhe couldn't argue, let's see how he explained it.

In the best case, even Chuhe can clean up together, even in the worst case, it can be ignored.

"Return to the master, there are a total of 52 cards on the table, one is not too many, and one is not too many!"

Penguin said tremblingly, his heart was really in his throat today, firstly, the search of Chuhe didn't get anything to satisfy the owner, and now there is no shortage of cards in the card inspection.

What was going on, the little tiger couldn't figure it out for a while.

"How about it, Lord Xueshen, don't you understand? If you don't understand, think about it carefully. I won this round. Let Ling'er go now. Also, I have taken a fancy to your baby. The two people above the room You have to give it to me now!"

Chu He didn't find the Shensha Banner at first, but he used it when he was fighting with the polar bear, and when the polar bear told that the Snow God also had this treasure, Chu He started looking for it and swept around the house He didn't notice it afterwards, he didn't expect that the Shensha Banner was at the top, he only saw it when he looked up.

After Chuhe finished speaking, the little tiger's face was very ugly.

"What's the matter, Master Xueshen, you don't want to play tricks again!"

"The Shensha Banner can be given to you. Anyway, I snatched it from that old man Gonggong. It's just my spoils. It's useless for me to keep it, so I'll give it to you!"

Chu He thought that the little tiger would not agree. After all, these are two magic weapons. He didn't expect the little tiger to agree so thoroughly, and even revealed a shocking secret.

He actually snatched this thing from Gonggong. This is Gonggong's personal treasure. Being able to snatch it is enough to show that his strength is superb, and it is very likely that he is at the same level as Gonggong.

However, Gong Gong is a saint-level existence. Could it be said that the little tiger in front of him is a saint?

Chuhe couldn't believe what kind of sensation would be caused if a saint was born these days.

Seeing the two flags of gods and demons fly to Chuhe's side, and the flags fluttered and fluttered, Chuhe couldn't hide his excitement. After playing with this little tiger for so long, it was the first time he kept his promise.

"Thank you, Lord Xueshen!" Chu He frowned as soon as he finished his thanks, because he saw that Ling'er was still restrained, and the little tiger had no intention of letting her go.

"Since Lord Snow God has already lost, why didn't you keep your promise and let Ling'er go?"

Chuhe's tone also became gloomy, but he didn't care about whether Chuhe was angry or not.

"I can let her go, but you have to tell me, how did you make such a move? My speech ability is superior to yours. You can't use words to make a move. Then why did you replace my K?" Well, how on earth did you do it?"

The little tiger has been deeply involved in the gambling game, and now he just wants to know how Chuhe got out of it.

"Want to know? Let Linger go and I'll tell you!"


Chuhe really didn't have much hope, he just said it casually, he didn't expect that the little tiger would really push Ling'er to Chuhe with a wave of his hand, and loosen the shackles on her body.

Chapter 685 Obtained two more Shensha flags

Ling'er didn't even think about it, she was really saved by Chuhe, she thought she was going to die.

For the rest of her life, Ling'er threw herself into Chuhe's arms and hugged her tightly. Chuhe patted her on the back to calm her down.

"Brother Chuhe, I thought I would never see you again, but I didn't expect you to do it."

"Silly girl, I've said it all. I will definitely save you. I can't promise others. All my promises to you will be fulfilled."

Chuhe said vowedly, Linger lay in his arms and asked in a low voice.

"Does it also include the thing that ate me?"

"Cough cough!"

Chu He's old face turned red, and he didn't know how to answer the conversation, and Ling'er cared about his words very much, she had no chance to retaliate just now, and now her jade hand was tightly pinching Chu He's soft flesh, and Chu He was in pain Lips are trembling.

"Stop flirting here and tell me, how did you do it?"

The little tiger looked at Chuhe eagerly, wanting to know the result.

"Master Xueshen, since you keep your promise, then I won't be playing tricks anymore, but I can tell you that you won't play tricks after hearing it!"

"Don't worry, the king said it will be done, and he will never play tricks. Tell me how to do it?"

"Okay, Lord Snow God is watching!"

Chuhe waved his hand, and the one among the three K's suddenly flew up and flew towards the direction of Chuhe's palm. When it got close to Chuhe's palm, it suddenly turned into a colorful spirit stone.

The little tiger still knows things like colorful spirit stones, and he finally understands what's going on.

"Good boy, the colorful spirit stone that Nuwa mended the sky is also in your hands, and this kind of thing, no amount of big monsters could subdue it back then, you can do it, I thought I had enough respect for you, It seems that I still underestimate you!"

"Thank you Lord Snow God for your compliment."

"I'm not praising you, but I want to tell you that the seven-colored spirit stone is the hardest thing in the world, and only it can hurt heaven and man, but your piece is too small, I remember there is a bigger piece! "

Although the little tiger's memory is incomplete, he still vaguely remembers many things. He is right, there is indeed a piece of the spirit stone, and that piece has already been cultivated into the big monster Monkey King!

"Master Snow God is really clever. It is said that that piece of spirit stone turned into a stone monkey, and even made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, turning the Lingxiao Palace upside down!"

"Oh, there is this kind of thing, you must get that monkey, and then use it to fight against the heavenly beings, maybe you still have a little chance!"

It seems that Master Xueshen must have been a good demon in the ancient times, he should be as good as Empress Nuwa, but he didn't favor human beings so much, he favored all demon races.

If the polar bear and the snow sculpture had betrayed him, he would not have punished him.

"Master Snow God, you see that the competition is over, have you released my two disciples? I will know everything about you, and I will say everything."

After chatting with Lord Snow God, Chuhe is no longer afraid of him. Although he speaks fiercely, he is still kind in his bones. The reason why he bullies Chuhe is because Linger ate its spirit-gathering grass, which is why he has been so many years The only thing I've ever cared about.

But even so, he didn't hurt Linger, but was shaken by Linger.

I thought Lord Xueshen would directly agree, but unexpectedly he shook his head.

"Boy, I didn't count your two disciples in the bet just now. I only counted your sister Ling'er. If you want me to let them go, you are betting with me. If you win, I will give you a chance." Let them go, if you lose, sorry, I will eat these two little guys."

"Look at their thin skin and tender meat, they should be delicious!"

The little tiger even made an issue of cannibalism again, and Mo Feiyu wanted to scold his mother, this little tiger said not long ago that he would not kill him, but now he backs off, it's really not a thing.

But Mo Fei was frightened by him and was not allowed to speak the curse, even if he wanted to scold his mother, he couldn't scold at all, he could only stare wide-eyed in protest.

When the little monk heard that someone was going to eat him, he broke out in a cold sweat, and called Amitabha, the Buddha blesses him.

"Okay, I'll bet you!"

When the little tiger invited him to gamble at first, Chuhe refused to agree, but this time, Chuhe agreed happily.

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