The two disciples looked at the master's relaxed appearance without any psychological pressure, and couldn't help but feel a little sad. It seems that in the master's eyes, the weight of the two of them together is not as important as a hair of the master's wife.

"Okay, then I'll deal the cards!"

The little tiger didn't know when he had already collected and shuffled the cards, and then he was about to deal the cards, but Chuhe interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"Wait a minute, Lord Snow God, I can no longer play poker with you. I have already told you how I am going to make a move. Now you just need to beware of my colorful spirit stones, and then I have no chance of winning."

"I can't risk the lives of my two apprentices!"

As soon as Chuhe said this, the little monk Mobutong was moved to tears, and Linger also began to worry about the two children.

"Then how do you want to play?"

What the little tiger wants is to gamble, and he doesn't care what to gamble and what to gamble with.

"You can't play poker anymore, how about playing sieve?"

As soon as Chuhe finished speaking, the original three men hurriedly waved their hands to persuade him.

"Little brother, don't do it, the sieve is Lord Snow God's strong point, you will definitely die if you play with him!"

"That's right, no matter how many sieves there are, Lord Snow God can get the points you want, you can't compare with him at all."

"Let's change it to another way, or it's better than the size of a coin!"

Chuhe didn't expect the little tiger to be proficient in the sieve. He suddenly felt a little regretful. Mo BuFong and the little monk also darkened, thinking that it was over.

Seeing the drastic change in Chuhe's expression, the little tiger worried that Chuhe would take back what he had just said, so he yelled loudly.

"Shut up, you guys!"

These people could no longer speak.

"Boy, how about betting on the sieve today? I have said it, and then take it back, I won't agree."

Although the little tiger's tone was calm, it didn't give Chuhe any possibility to refute.

Chuhe deliberately pretended to be very embarrassed, but he was not really afraid, but deliberately showed weakness so that he could ask Lord Xueshen for the treasure.

He looked up just now, there are many weapons on it, and all of them are good treasures of the innate spirit treasure level.

Think about it too, these are all things left over from the ancient times, and ordinary treasures can't be stored for such a long time.

"Okay, let's play with the sieve, but Mr. Snow God, this is your strong point. If you lose, you will let me choose another treasure. What do you think?"

"Don't say the same thing, if you can win, I will give it to you!"

The little tiger is addicted to gambling, so in order to let Chuhe participate in the gambling, he also worked hard!

Chapter 686

"Okay, that's it!"

Chuhe got the little tiger's consent and thought it was a good deal, so he agreed directly.

It's not that he's bragging, but Chuhe has hundreds of years of gambling experience, and this little tiger has only a few decades at most, and the humans he comes into contact with are not very good gamblers, so it's not necessarily able to win.

"Hey, boy, this is what you promised yourself. If you lose, then don't blame me for being rude. Two golden immortal dao fruits with thin skin and tender flesh will definitely nourish your body!"

Satisfied, the little tiger began to pick up the sieve cup and play with it carefully.

Chuhe didn't quite understand what he said.

"Master Snow God, my disciple, there is obviously only one golden fairy, even if you are dazzled, you can't say such a thing."

Chuhe was just a little suspicious, thinking that the little tiger had made a mistake, but unexpectedly, the little tiger shook his head.

"Boy, I naturally know that the little bald head has not yet reached the Golden Immortal Fruit Status, but he has been wandering in the realm of the Celestial Immortal for a long time, and what he lacks is the ability to comprehend. As for the comprehension of the Dao, I have comprehension for several epochs. Mention him, and this kid will immediately become a Golden Immortal!"

I'm stupid, this is too powerful, Chuhe looked at the little tiger in a daze, and the most excited thing was the little monk.

Originally as a disciple of Chuhe, he had been secretly rivalry with Mo Bubu. Unexpectedly, Mo Bubu had a pair of magic soldier-like eyes in vain, and he also proved the golden immortal. What he envied most was his Dao of Fire. But he is super handsome and super cool. The key is that Willie is still very big.

At the beginning, the little monk had a submissive character and was very greedy for life and fear of death. Chuhe didn't like him very much. Now if he can prove the Taoism of the Golden Immortal, at least he can show his strength in the future battles. Fortunately, in front of the master Show off your presence.

Little monk, this is the only time when others use his life as a bet, and he is still very happy.

Chuhe was also quite shocked. He looked at the little tiger fixedly, and then a bold plan came to his mind. Chuhe planned to play a few more rounds with him, and deceived all the little tiger's skills or treasures. When the time comes to leave the land of the extreme north, it will not be a waste of time.

To be honest, Chuhe got two Shensha flags, ate the Chiyan fruit, and healed Ling'er's injury. This trip to the extreme north has already taken advantage of him.

But this little tiger doesn't know how to stop, and prefers to gamble, so let him experience what it means to lose without even his pants left.

"Master Xueshen, can this be done? I don't want weapons for now. If I can win, you can give my disciple a few words and let him prove the Dao of the Golden Immortal. It is also a matter of great merit. You see how?"

Chuhe suddenly changed his chips, and the little tiger thought for a while, then shook his head.

"Since you stated the conditions for the weapon at the beginning, there is no reason to change it. You want me to teach this little monk. It doesn't matter. You can beat me this time."

"If you don't even have the ability to beat me, and you still talk about saving your disciples, the two of them will become my dinner."

What the little tiger said was also good. After hearing this, Chuhe felt very aggrieved. He was not strong enough, so he had to follow other people's rules.

Seeing Chuhe's frown, the little tiger worried that Chuhe would go back on his word, so he said hastily.

"I have a treasure here, which is especially suitable for Buddhist disciples. This is a Buddhist magic weapon. If you can defeat me, I will give you this thing. How about it?"

How could Chuhe not be tempted by another gift of a magic weapon. You must know that magic weapons are very rare. He has already got two god evil flags here. He really didn't expect to be lucky enough to get another one.

"Okay, let's get started!"

"Okay, okay, this time, let's not compete with anything else, just compare the points that you humans play most often, how about it, let's compare who has the smallest points, okay?"

When the little tiger came up, he didn't compare with anyone's points first, but he was smaller than the points. You must know that having a large number of points is not as difficult as having a small number of points.

Because there are a total of six sieves, if you want to have a small number of points, you can only have one point up at the end, that is, the six sieves must be stacked together.

This is a very difficult skill. The little tiger doesn't seem to be very good at it, and his four tiger claws are far less dexterous than human hands. Can this little tiger really be able to stand up to the sky?

Chuhe couldn't believe it.

"For the sake of the fairness of the game, you can only use the spirit of speech to specify the points above, and you cannot use the spirit of speech to specify the arrangement of the sieves. Will you agree to this request?"

Chuhe has figured out this little tiger a long time ago. It is basically very talkative for gambling, and it is a cheater itself, so naturally it will not be afraid of Chuhe.

Sure enough, the little tiger was just a little surprised, then looked at Chuhe with a smile.

"What a cunning human being, well, I promise you, only specify the number of sieve points, you start quickly!"

After Chuhe got the promise, he didn't smudge anymore. Just as he was about to pick up the sieve cup, he saw the little tiger's fleshy tiger claws directly pick up the sieve cup, and with a beautiful tail flick, he sifted all the sieves cup.

Chuhe just took a look and felt bad. This little tiger's skillful operation doesn't look like a novice. Chuhe felt that his technique was more proficient than his own.

Grandma, the monster is going to become a spirit!

"Humans, are you scared? It's okay. After you lose, I will eat your two apprentices, but if you still want to save your two apprentices, I can continue to bet with you, but the condition of the bet is that I For every game you win, you have to stay here for ten years, how about it?"

ten years?Chuhe has no idea what the world will be like ten years from now. Now Xiangliu is wreaking havoc in the world. Although Chuhe estimates that the Heavenly Court will be able to deal with Xiangliu, things will never go in the direction he expects. occur.

"It won't work for ten years. Now I have to leave here as soon as possible. I still have one important thing to do."

"What's important?"

The sieve cup in the little tiger's hand drew perfect arcs, and the two chatted while shaking the sieve.

"I don't know if Lord Xueshen still remembers Xiangliu, but now that he has returned to the human world, he is massacring creatures wantonly, and his strength is very strong. Even if the Heavenly Court of the Human Race has the strength to contend with him, they don't have the strength to knock him down." Beheaded, I must go back to help as soon as possible, and clean up that scourge!"

The little tiger frowned at Chuhe's righteous words, as if he was really thinking about it.

"Is this Xiangliu you're talking about a monster with the body of a hydra, and he likes to wear black clothes, with snakes all over his hair, and looks mean all day long, making people want to beat him up. "

Seeing that the little tiger had a deep prejudice against Xiang Liu, Chu He continued talking after listening.

Chapter 687 The Same Side

"Xiang Liu is an evil god, and you are a noble ancient sage. Now that an evil god is born to bring disaster to the world, should Lord Snow God kill it and restore peace to the world? What do you think?"

Since Xiangliu was not pleasing to the eye, Chuhe urged them to fight. This little tiger, Linger, was powerless against him. Although Xiangliu was far stronger than Linger, the two of them would be Even if there isn't too much of a power gap, in a real fight, both sides will suffer.

Maybe Chuhe will be able to clean up the two together.

"Human, what are you thinking?"

Chuhe was masturbating, and the little tiger's face suddenly turned ugly. Chuhe hurriedly withdrew his thoughts, thinking that it was over, and if this little tiger knew his thoughts, he would probably die now.

This little tiger is an ancient sage. Although only a remnant soul is alive, it was once a proud existence. How could it allow itself to be cleaned up by a human being.

"Uh, it's nothing, I was thinking that you have been shaking for so long, when did you start?"

Chu He played sloppy eyes, at first he thought that these ancient sages had the ability to spy on human thoughts, but this time Chu He thought too much, because the little tiger did not have this ability, the reason why he looked ugly was because he noticed Seeing that there was a wretched change in Chuhe's eyes, he guessed something bad.

Originally, he wanted to drag the little tiger into the water together, but he didn't expect to be noticed by the little tiger here, so Chuhe could only give up in resentment.

"Start now!"

As soon as Chuhe finished speaking, the little tiger shook the hand of the sieve and put down the sieve directly. Moreover, he never said the points of the sieve with his words from the beginning to the end, which means that this time he has to rely on tricks. It's really arrogant to win against Chuhe!

Chuhe is far less free and easy than the little tiger, but he shoulders the lives of his two disciples. The little tiger has stopped for a long time, and Chuhe is still shaking the sieve desperately. He is actually not sure whether the sieve is according to his requirements. Shake it out.

But he has a trick, that is, he can use the seven-colored god stone to enter the sieve cup to spy on the current points of the sieve, and then report it to Chuhe.

In the end, Chuhe waited until the sound in the sieve cup became clearer and more rhythmic, and dropped the sieve cup heavily.

The little tiger looked at Chuhe, chuckled, and saw him open the sieve cup on his own initiative, and everyone's heart trembled when they saw this number.

"One pillar to support the sky, one point! It's your turn, kid!"

Chu He looked at the little tiger, no wonder these people didn't let him bet with him with the sieve, he was probably working with the sieve all these years, a pair of fleshy tiger claws could be as dexterous as human fingers, It is really the best proof that diligence can make up for one's weakness.

Seeing this point, although Ling'er didn't know the rules of the game, she knew something was wrong just looking at the little tiger's complacent expression.

Sure enough, Mo BuFong is now in mourning, and his face is extremely ugly. Although the two of them are just gambling, he is the one who is most nervous as the bet.

The little monk didn't dare to open his eyes now, he just put his hands together and kept chanting Amitabha silently.

The little monk had already said that he would leave Buddhism, and he would only practice with Chuhe in the future, but when it came to the critical moment, the instinct of survival still drove him to obediently ask the Buddha for help.

These onlookers also had ugly faces.

"I told you a long time ago, don't bet on the sieve with him. Even if you flip a coin, you still have a chance to win. There is no possibility of betting on the sieve."

"It's a pity for these two little dolls. They can reach the realm of golden immortals at a young age. It's a pity that people treat them like food for nothing!"

"Hey, what can I do about this? People are in their hands, so they can only follow their rules!"

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