Everyone was in despair, but the polar bear on the side patted the snow sculpture with some doubts, and asked a little puzzled.

"Brother Diao, why don't you look nervous at all? If Chuhe wins, maybe we'll still be alive. If Master Xusheng keeps winning, we're really doomed!"

The polar bear looked at the snow sculpture, but the snow sculpture's eagle eyes were fixed on Chuhe's eyes.

Diao, born with sharp eyesight, can see details that ordinary people can't see. Although everyone's heart is full of despair, there is a firm flame in Chuhe's eyes.

"Let me tell you, this time, Chuhe won!"

"How is this possible? Lord Snow God has already shaken a little bit, no matter how powerful Chu He is, the two of them are at most a draw, and Lord Snow God is a master of the middle. If we restart the round, Lord Snow God will definitely win Undoubtedly, as long as this kid makes one mistake, those two children will be finished!"

Polar Bear couldn't understand Snow Eagle's confidence, so he just expressed his opinion, but Snow Eagle snorted coldly.

"You can see for yourself!"

While Xuediao raised her neck and spoke, Chuhe suddenly opened the sieve cup.

"One pillar supports the sky, one point!"

Seeing the points inside, Mo Bufei breathed a sigh of relief quietly. If the points were the same, it was a tie, and he would survive in a tie.

"Master, you are amazing!"

Mo BuFei yelled, and Ling'er was also sweating nervously.

"The points are the same, we didn't lose!"

Ling'er looked very excited, and the little tiger looked at Chuhe teasingly.

"I really underestimated you, kid. I didn't expect to have two brushes. This time it's a draw. Next, I hope you can continue to maintain your good luck!"

The little tiger is very proud, because with his skills, he can shake out a little every time, and if Chuhe makes a mistake, his disciple's life will be lost.

"Wait a minute, it's not a tie, Lord Snow God, you lost!"

Just when the little tiger was about to take back the sieve, Chuhe hurriedly interrupted his movement. The little tiger stopped and looked at Chuhe angrily.

"Boy, you are willing to bet and admit defeat, and you must keep your promise. You won me, and I let you go. Now it's just a draw, and you didn't lose. Why are you so excited? It doesn't matter, let's play the next game!"

"There's no need to make another sentence. Give me the chips for this game first! Let go of my two disciples, and the magic weapon you mentioned that is useful to Buddhist disciples, and leave it to me!"

Chuhe stretched out his hand to beg for it, and the little tiger became even more angry.

"Boy, can't you see the points on it clearly, they are all one point, we are the same!"

"The points are the same, but, Lord Snow God, have you seen that under my one point are displayed side by side the time points, two, three, four, five points, and two, three, four, five points and four sides are all on the same line from top to bottom. Above a vertical line, Lord Snow God, and yours appear to be disorganized."

Chapter 688

As soon as Chuhe reminded him, the little tiger observed it carefully, and it was true. He was looking at his own. The top point was what he cared about the most, while the bottom points were scattered and inconsistent. The little tiger gritted his teeth angrily.

"Aren't you cheating? I said the one with the fewest points wins, but our points are the same."

"Master Snow God, don't you know that if the points are the same, it is better to compare skills, and judging from my sieve, my skills are far superior to yours, you have to admit that?"

Chu He said calmly, the little tiger was aggrieved, although his face was covered with tiger hair, but Cang He could still feel that his face was turning red with anger.

"Yeah, little tiger, you can't afford to lose, right? My master has already won, but you still say it's a draw, aren't you playing a rogue?"

Mo Bu Bui's mouth was also damaged, and he began to taunt him, and the little tiger gave him an angry look.

"You know what a fart, we are comparing sieve points, I have never heard of those things!"

What gamblers care most about is winning or losing, and the little tiger only sees winning. As for the rules...

"Hey, little tiger, you are proficient in sieve by bite, but you even have the same points. You don't know anything about competition skills. You really don't know, do you?"

Mo Bui used the aggressive method very well, but the little tiger claims to be a sieve master and is invincible all over the world. If it is spread that he doesn't even know the rules of the sieve competition, it would be a shame.

"Who, who said that I don't know, this kind of rule is clear to everyone, so I naturally know it!"

The little tiger started to speak incoherently, Mo Bu Bu sneered.

"Hey, then you still say that this is a draw, obviously you don't know the rules, do you think so?"

As soon as Mo Bufei finished speaking, many people nodded subconsciously, especially Linger, who kept nodding. As long as it was beneficial to Chuhe, she would support it a hundred times.

On the contrary, the few gamblers who were watching from the side all looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding that there was such a rule on the sieve.

In fact, Chuhe doesn't know if there is such a rule in the sieve, even if he doesn't have it, he has to make up one, the purpose is to win, anyway, the little tiger is too conceited, and Chuhe has the upper hand in this kind of thing, he Not much to say at all.

"Fart, the reason why my king said this is to test Chuhe to see if he is very proficient in the rules of this sieve. I didn't expect him to be a person who is proficient in the rules, so I can rest assured!"

For the sake of his own face, the little tiger took the initiative to retreat, but his retreat was tantamount to admitting that Chuhe had won.

The following gamblers were all dumbfounded, because since they came here, no one has ever beaten Lord Xueshen on the sieve.

Chuhe's victory gave them hope.

"Since I won, should Lord Snow God fulfill his promise? Let my disciple go, and give me the Buddhist weapon you mentioned!"

Chuhe began to ask for the spoils, Xueshen's face suddenly turned ugly, because Chuhe's two disciples were his last bargaining chips, if he lost all, then he would have nothing to threaten Chuhe, that is to say, Chuhe is now If he wanted to leave, he had absolutely no choice.

Thinking of this, the little tiger felt very helpless. The interest of a gambler made him cheat, but the arrogance of blood from the depths of his soul made him unable to do such a thing.

"Master Snow God, what are you still doing in a daze, don't you want to go back on your word?"

Chuhe pressed her with words again and again, and the little tiger felt dizzy for a while.

"Okay, okay, I admit that I lost, and your two disciples will return you, as well as this magical weapon, the Subduing Demon Pestle!"

The little tiger is also considered a decent person, and if he really did what he said, he really let him go.

Moreover, a subduing magic pestle flew out from the treasure house, but this subduing magic pestle has been stored here for an unknown number of years, and it has long been covered with dust, which looks like a rusty hammer.

Chuhe didn't notice, only because he was covered with mud.

"Master Xueshen, why does your magic subduing pestle look like a piece of junk? Could it be that you are unwilling to lose and then just find something to deal with us. I can't see that this thing looks like a magic weapon at all. look!"

"Ignorant things, my own eyesight is not good, and I can blame it on my head. Let your cheap disciple use some force to push you and you will know!"

The little tiger gave Chuhe a blank look. It was hard to imagine that a tiger could show a human-like demeanor, which made people feel novel.

"Little monk!"

"Senior brother!"

Mo Bubu and Chuhe went to call the little monk at the same time. The little monk was holding the subduing magic pestle in his hand, and he was a little dazed. The powerful presence snapped his eyes away.

This feeling made him stunned, thinking it was an illusion. Hearing the shouts of Chuhe and his senior brother, the little monk hurriedly poured mana into the subduing magic pestle.

The moment the magic power just came into contact with the subduing magic pestle, a miraculous thing happened. The subduing magic pestle, which was originally bleak like mud, suddenly began to glow golden.

The original dirt on it also began to fall off, and in a split second, the true appearance of the entire Subduing Demon Pestle appeared in front of everyone.

A piece of golden light is shining, and the whole body is made of gold, and there are six-character mantras of Buddhism printed on the Zen staff. The six-character mantras are beating non-stop, as if they are alive.

The entire hall was lit with a golden light behind it, and for a moment the dazzling light made everyone unable to open their eyes.

"I'm stupid, it's amazing!"

Mo Bubu looked at the subduing magic pestle in the little monk's hand. Against the background of the subduing magic pestle, the young monk looked like a real golden arhat. He looked extremely solemn and had a feeling of admiration.

Especially those mortal gamblers who knelt on the ground without knowing it, and kept chanting Buddha's blessings in their mouths.

"It's a good baby!" Chuhe nodded in satisfaction, but as soon as he finished speaking, a black air suddenly shot out from the subduing magic pestle, and the black air rushed towards the little monk's face. The monk didn't have time to react, the black air was directly swallowed by him.

For a moment, the young monk, who was still solemn and solemn just now, began to look hideous and terrifying, his eyes had turned into black mist, and his whole body was like an evil god, exuding a terrifying evil spirit.

"Master Snow God, is this the case?"

Chuhe stared blankly at Snow God, this is the legendary Buddhist magic weapon, how could it be like this.

The little tiger obviously didn't expect it either, so he could only keep talking.

"A weapon possessed by a spirit is still a fucking evil spirit!"

Chapter 689 Great Fortune

"Master, I feel so bad!"

The little monk struggled in pain, his face became more and more ferocious, and the expression of the whole person became darker and darker, and he seemed to be unable to resist the evil spirit.

If his apprentice was replaced by the evil spirit, then Chuhe would have nothing to say.

"Master Snow God, hurry up and save him!"

In fact, there is no need for Chuhe to say that the little tiger has already made a move. Although he pretends to be fierce on the surface, he bites one child at a time, but he has never eaten anyone, nor killed any monsters. Those who were punished by him Human beings were sent to other places by him, and they lived well.

The little tiger snorted coldly, and a powerful majesty directly covered the entire treasure house. This kind of majesty made people have an urge to kneel and submit. Chuhe resisted with difficulty and almost knelt down. Mo BuFei didn't want to kneel him.

But the strong coercion made him unable to stand at all, his legs began to bend continuously, and he was about to kneel on the ground.

Mo BuTong was also a ruthless person, so he drew out his spirit sword and cut off his legs. Anyway, as a golden fairy, he could grow back his legs after cutting them off, so he did it without thinking.

"I want to kneel only to my master!"

Chuhe looked a little moved, and more of a wry smile, because it was really inappropriate for Mo Bufei to show his loyalty at this time, and the little tiger's release of coercion was not aimed at them, but at the evil weapon spirit.

"Don't be different, come to me!"

As soon as Chu He's words came out, Mo Bubu was pushed to Chu He's side with invisible force. Chu He hurriedly snatched his spirit sword away. In the direction of the Chu River, he can be regarded as kneeling down to his master.

Chuhe didn't care so much, and hurriedly took out the Shensha flag and the Four Elephant Pagoda to cover their position. The moment the Shensha flag was opened, the pressure on Chuhe's side was much less, it's no different He stood up directly, and when the Four Elephant Pagoda was fully in place, those mortals who were kneeling on the ground and were almost killed by coercion could also climb up with difficulty.

They looked at Chuhe gratefully and said flattering words.

Chuhe didn't have time to talk to them. He kept staring at the little monk. The little monk's body began to turn black from the eyes. This situation was spreading rapidly, and his whole face was turning black.

"Bold evil spirit, dare to seize the human body, seek death!"

The little tiger yelled, his tone was not baby-like, but extremely majestic, the evil spirit was at a critical point at this time, how could he look at a little tiger.

"Let go of my disciple, you are the weapon spirit of the Buddhist gods, you should listen to the teachings of the Buddha all day long, if you don't do good deeds, how can you do such a thing!"

Chuhe reprimanded sharply, the little tiger's words did not make the evil spirit react, but Chuhe's words angered him unexpectedly.

"Hehe, Buddhism? Those sanctimonious things have been restraining their desires all their lives. They are like ascetic monks. They have no fun at all, but desires are in their hearts. The more they suppress them, the stronger their desires are. And so it was born!"

"This king will let you die now!"

The little tiger said that the small tiger paws were slapped down, and it seemed that there was no threat at all, but suddenly a big hand appeared in the void, covered with white fluff, and the claws looked like dragons. When Chuhe saw the claws, he was already a little suspicious Is this little tiger really a dragon?

"Master Xueshen, with your palm, my little apprentice will be gone!"

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