Chuhe wanted to stop it, but the little tiger had already waved his big hand, and there was no room for turning around. Mo Bubei watched all this nervously. He couldn't intervene in a battle of this level.

In an instant, the big hand hit the little monk's head directly, and the little monk only felt a huge force pouring down from the top of his head.

The evil spirit who was still clamoring just now probably didn't expect this adorable and cute little tiger to be so powerful. This time the little tiger's attack was aimed at the evil spirit. Normally, when facing the weapon spirit, it would directly shoot him out of the body , and then seal the magic weapon, this process is very clear to the little tiger.

It's just that he didn't expect that under such a violent impact, although the evil spirit suffered heavy injuries, it still stayed in the little monk's body.

"Little monk, hold your breath and use your thoughts to drive him out!"

Chuhe can only be anxious at this time, because he really has nothing to do in the face of this situation of evil spirits entering his body.

And the evil spirit is in the little monk's body, he can't even use the Shensha flag to help him, because the Shensha flag suppresses the evil spirit, I don't know if the evil spirit will die, the little monk must not be able to bear it, after all, his strength is only Heavenly Immortal, the four-pole Shensha Banner can already exert the terrifying energy of the Golden Immortal peak.

At this time, the little tiger also spoke.

"Little monk, this is your bad luck, and it is also your good luck. If I read correctly, the eyes on your brother's head are not his. He got other people's things, and he can also become a golden immortal. That is An ordeal is also an incomparable opportunity.”

"Now this opportunity is on your body. In order to seize your body, this evil spirit attaches all his power to you. At this time, you share the same body, and you can also use the power in the body together. If you can Driving it out and gaining the power of the evil spirit is a great fortune for you!"

Hearing this, the little monk's blackened eyes began to gradually become clear. The little monk was stimulated by this sentence, and it was all because of his divine eyes that he proved the Taoism of the Golden Immortal.

If I can carry it down, I might be able to prove the Dao of the Golden Immortal, and I can also get most of the cultivation base of the evil spirit. You must know that this is the weapon spirit of the magic weapon, and its strength is absolutely terrifying.

"Master, don't worry, if the senior brother can do it, I can do it too!"

The little monk is completely fighting, one body and one soul are fighting desperately. Although the evil spirit is powerful, he was slapped by the little tiger just now. Now he is very weak, and this is the body of the little monk. The little monk can still use part of his energy. Although the little monk is at an absolute disadvantage, he still refuses to give up control of his body.

"let me help you!"

A six-petaled lotus flew towards the little monk, and Master Mingdong flew out of the six-petaled lotus, and he kept reciting scriptures to the little monk.

It's just that he didn't dare to regard the little monk as his Buddhist disciple anymore, but he was still saving the little monk in a Buddhist way.

"Little monk, don't worry about distracting thoughts. Remember that this is your body. You will definitely win. Follow the deity and recite the six-character mantra silently. The Buddha will definitely protect you!"

Chapter 690 Not an Artifact Spirit

The little monk could no longer speak at this time, and all his attention was on dealing with the evil spirit. At this time, if he made a mistake, he would definitely die.

He sat cross-legged obediently, clasped his hands together and began to recite the six-character mantra silently. Master Mingdong's voice was high, and the six-character mantra spit out from his mouth, wrapping around the little monk like substance.

The evil spirit already hated Buddhism, but now he was trapped by the six-character mantra, and he became more and more violent!

"Ah... You bastard bald donkeys, you still want to use Buddhist supernatural powers to suppress me, you don't want to succeed!"

The evil spirit couldn't bear the six-character mantra, and the frequency of his actions here became faster and faster. The little monk's expression became paler to the naked eye, and he spit out a mouthful of black blood.

Ling'er was so distressed, but was there any way for her to save her, so she had to learn the six-character mantra silently like Master Mingdong. Chuhe thought it was useless, but she didn't expect Linger's six-character mantra to turn into In essence, it surrounds the little monk.

Moreover, Ling'er's six-character mantra, whether in terms of body size or other aspects, is far superior to the real man Mingdong, and Chu He was shocked when he saw it.

You must know that Ling'er has been staying in the secret realm all the time, and she doesn't know what Buddhism is at all. This is her imitation, and the first imitation has this effect.

Master Myeongdong has practiced for thousands of years and is not as powerful as her.

A thought suddenly came to Chuhe's mind, that is, in the future, no matter what, Ling'er should not be allowed to contact Buddhist people. If she was bewitched by those bald donkeys and escaped into Buddhism, it would be a disaster for herself.

But thinking about it, it's more important for Chuhe to do business now.

"Don't be different, help me to repair the edge!"

Chuhe sat cross-legged while speaking, and silently recited the six-character mantra, although Chuhe didn't believe in any Buddhism, nor was he a believer.

But Chuhe's desire to save the little monk was sincere, so after he finished speaking, he actually formed a six-character mantra and flew around the little monk.

It's just no surprise that his six-character mantra is far behind Ling'er, and even compared with the real Myeongdong, it's several grades behind.

Mo Bubu is even worse, because Buddhism and Taoism have despised each other since ancient times, so that although Mo Bubu sincerely wanted to save the little monk, he didn't come up with a real six-character mantra after muttering for a long time.

This moment made him anxious.

The little tiger looked at them with great interest. Originally, he thought that everything would be fine if the little monk survived. If he couldn't survive and was taken over by the evil spirit, he would slap him to death without hesitation.

It's just that I didn't expect that after the endless years, the human race has now developed such a miraculous sect. Just by speaking, it can greatly weaken the evil spirits, which is a bit similar to my own speech spirit.

"At first, I thought you had no chance of winning, but now it seems that the little monk may really get this great fortune this time, but you, senior brother, are a little jealous of you. Seeing his nervous appearance, in fact, he didn't work hard at all. It's doing superficial work!"

The little tiger was joking aside, and Mo Bubu almost vomited blood at his words.

"I want to fight you!"

Knowing that he couldn't help, Mo Budong simply refused to help, picked up the spirit sword and slashed at the little tiger.

"Little Taoist, you know you are not my opponent, why are you so reckless, if you provoke me, I will eat you!"

"I'll kill you first!"

Mo different temper is too irritable, he explodes at a single point, and does not consider the consequences when doing things, especially after he became a Vulcan, his temper became even more irritable.

This is a kind of influence of Taoism on human nature. Seeing that Mo Bubu was about to start a fight with the little tiger, Chuhe hurriedly stopped him.

"Bring me back!"

Mo Bufei didn't dare to disobey Chuhe's words, so he had to come back obediently, but he was still staring at the little tiger viciously. The gap between the two was obviously like clouds and mud, but Mo Bufei didn't show any fear at all.

It was also the first time for the little tiger to meet such a person, so he couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Boy, if you can recite the six-character mantra, even if it's just one word, this king will give you a treasure that's no worse than his demon pestle, how about it?"

Mo Buyi immediately became excited when he heard that the Subduing Demon Pestle was a magical weapon, a terrifying weapon that could hurt Da Luo Jinxian. Although his eyes were powerful, it was too troublesome to use, and he liked the feeling of fighting with weapons to the fullest.

"Are you serious?"

"My king has always kept his promises and never lied."

Divine Weapon may be a good treasure to others, but to former sages, it is nothing. Moreover, this little tiger is probably a Dragon Clan. It has never been heard that the Dragon Clan has the habit of using weapons.

They are the darlings of the heavens, with strong bodies and invincible supernatural powers, they are almost invincible.

"Just wait for me, I will definitely find out a six-character mantra for you."

Mo Bui's anger disappeared immediately, and he sat on the ground and began to recite desperately. At the beginning, he wanted to save the little monk, but he couldn't recite a six-character mantra to help. Now he has other purposes, so there is no hope. up.

So Mo Bu Bui worked harder than anyone else, but he still couldn't see a word, and he stomped his feet angrily.


Finally unable to bear so many Buddhist mantras, the evil spirit roared loudly, and a huge head appeared behind the little monk.

The little monk with a huge head had already seen it when he first came into contact with weapons, but it appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness at that time, and now it appeared directly behind him, and everyone could see it.

"Do not move Ming Wang!"

Looking at the ferocious demon head of this precious elephant, Chu He felt more and more like Fudo Mingwang. This is an existence far surpassing Daluo Jinxian, and he can fight back and forth with Buddha.

"Grass, how can the magic weapon in this kind of person's hands give birth to evil spirits, how did he do it!"

Mo Bufei also saw that Fudoming King was a super-powerful Buddhist, and it was really incomprehensible to Mo Bufei that the magic weapon in his hand would produce evil spirits.

"This is not a weapon spirit, this is Fudo Myo-o!"

Chuhe finally understood at this time. The evil spirit said just now that he hated those Buddhists who blocked their desires, and the more upright and powerful Buddhist disciples they behaved, the most suppressed their desires would be. The more energy you get up, the greater the energy.

King Fudo Ming is no longer there, his desire is hidden in the subduing magic pestle, waiting for a predestined person to come to die.

As for why he didn't directly devour the little tiger at first, it was probably because he felt that the little tiger was not easy to bully.

"I said, why didn't you come out with a slap, it turns out that you are not a weapon spirit, you are born of evil thoughts, it's interesting, interesting!"

The little tiger pouted and said with a smile.

Chapter 691 I'll Bet You Again

"The ancient sages are actually still alive, but seeing that you are just a ray of divine sense, don't pretend to be an expert in front of this deity. I will deal with you after I take this little monk away."

The huge head spoke, and Chuhe felt the overwhelming evil spirit, and couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Since this kid is not a weapon spirit, it will be more difficult to deal with, but it is also good.

"Xiuyuan, this is the evil incarnation of Fudo Myoko. If you can defeat it, you will not only gain a powerful cultivation base, but also directly inherit his mantle."

"This is bad luck, but also inheritance!"

When Chuhe said this, Mo Budong was obviously a little envious.

He just got a magic weapon, but the little monk was able to get the inheritance or the inheritance of Fudo Myoko. Fudo Myoko is the top existence in the Western Paradise, and his inheritance is a great opportunity.

Mo Fei felt jealous, and his originally ineffective six-character mantra became even more useless.

"Hey, how many years has it been? It's the first time I heard that someone is going to clean me up. It's so interesting, so interesting! Well, I'll wait for you to clean me up!"

The little tiger didn't show any fear at all, instead, he sat on the desk, waiting for the evil spirit of Fudo Mingo to devour the little monk, and he didn't intend to help.

The little tiger was just a wisp of remnants, so his mind was blurred, and he was easily overwhelmed with a few words. Seeing that the little monk was about to be overwhelmed, Chuhe naturally couldn't stand by.

"Master Snow God, please help me and save my disciple's life!"

The first time Chuhe begged him, the little tiger was somewhat surprised. He wanted to agree, but after thinking about it, he said again.

"I just said that the little monk is going to beat him up after he eats it. Now if I don't go back on what I say, will people think that I don't follow the rules? No, I can't promise you!"

The little tiger directly refused, Chuhe was a little speechless, what a fucking child, at this juncture, he still wants to keep his promise and play this game with the enemy, what ah!

Chuhe didn't know that the sages and sages were like this in ancient times, and the monster race at that time was very particular about etiquette.

Just like the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, you will never regret what you have said.

"Well, don't you want to compete with me? You must be very unwilling to lose last time. How about we do it again?"

When Chuhe said this, the little tiger immediately became interested. Now in his life, there seems to be nothing that excites him more than gambling.


Originally, he didn't have any bargaining chips, but now Chuhe asked to continue, how could he be unhappy.

"What I said is true. Didn't you promise to give the little monk a little hint to let him realize the Golden Immortal? How about taking this as a bet this time?"

The little tiger clapped his hands happily, he is very concerned about the bet now.

"Okay, what if you lose!"

"According to your rules, then I will stay with you for ten years!"

Chuhe answered directly.

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