
The little tiger suddenly repented of the original conditions, and Chuhe was so angry that his teeth itch.

"Master Snow God, what do you mean?"

"It doesn't make much sense. At the beginning, I could accept betting with mortals for ten years, but you are different from those mortals. You are a golden fairy with a long lifespan. Ten years is just a snap of your fingers for you. If you want to gamble, you need to add time!"

After the little tiger finished speaking, he all jumped up angrily.

"Little Tiger, aren't you playing a rascal? Don't care how long mortals can live. Ten years is different to us, but time is constant. We can also accompany you for ten years. Everything you want has not changed. !"

Mo Bufei was still arguing, but the little tiger didn't listen at all.

"Okay, okay, don't reason with me, I'm not clear-headed now, I can't tell you, but I understand a truth, your disciple will soon be unable to hold on, if you are wasting time with me , then he is dead."

The little tiger will really take advantage of the fire to rob. At this time, with the threat of the little monk's life, Chuhe has no choice but to obediently agree.

"Okay, I promise you, how long can you say!"

"1 years!"

"What! Why don't you fucking grab it? After 1 years, what will the world of Kunlun be like?"

Mo Bufei roared again, now is the time when the aura is revived and the avenue is perfected, if you play the 1-year sieve with this old thing here, after you get out, all the opportunities will be taken away by others.

Maybe there is no need to wait 1 years, someone will rule the universe in 800 years. At that time, I will definitely not sit back and watch that there is a transcendent existence in the extreme north, and I will definitely get rid of it.

So after 1 years, the only thing waiting for them is death!

"You are still arguing with me now. If you feel that 1 years is too long and this little monk's life is not worth it, you can leave now."

"I bet you!"

Chuhe directly agreed that it was a pity that the little monk could not see or hear his disciples so much.

"That's right. The spiritual energy outside is recovering. Sooner or later, the universe will be ruled by heaven and man. If you are here with me, I can protect your peace for at least 1 years. Thinking about it carefully, this is a good thing."

"You and your Ling'er girl can get married and have children here, and spend a long time happily, isn't it good!"

What the little tiger said made Chuhe's heart a little moved. He glanced at Ling'er, and Ling'er was already flushed with shame, but she was singing the six-character mantra with all her strength and had no time to talk to Chuhe.

"You fucking, act like I don't exist?"

Fudo Mingwang's evil spirit got angry first, these two people fought back and forth, they really don't take themselves seriously, he is Fudo Mingwang's evil thoughts, although not as powerful as Fudo Mingwang, but he is still one of the best in the world With a top existence, how could it be comfortable to be ignored.

"Shut up! Just stay with me and don't move. I'll deal with you when I finish playing with Chuhe!"

The little tiger yelled loudly, just like scolding a child, and Fudo Ming's evil spirit wanted to laugh.

He wanted to reply a few words, but he couldn't utter a single word when he opened his mouth wide. Moreover, his huge head was also frozen, and he couldn't move at all.


He shouted in his heart, now he is extremely regretful, but also extremely fearful, Yan Ling is the supernatural power of the super high-level race, what is the origin of the little tiger.

The most irritating thing is that he shouldn't come out, if he stays in the little monk's sea of ​​consciousness honestly, even if the little tiger has the power of speech, so what, if he wants to kill himself, he has to kill the little monk first.

Now he sticks his head out of the little monk. Although his body is still inside the little monk, the most important part of the soul is the brain, because there is a sea of ​​consciousness in it. Now his brain is controlled by the words, and he can't command his body at all. He was already dying The little monk finally got a chance to breathe.

"Words can also be used on souls?"

Chuhe was also dumbfounded, looking at the little tiger with some puzzlement.

"You are the inheritance of my family, why didn't you know that the words can be used on souls?"

Chapter 692

Chuhe deliberately said that he was the inheritor of the little tiger clan, just to get close to the little tiger. How could he possibly know the mystery of the speech spirit.

As a young tiger of this family, Chuhe naturally wanted to ask.

"During the inheritance, there was a problem, and some memory was very confusing!"

When Chuhe said that, the little tiger really believed it.

"Since the information is not complete, I will tell you everything I know!"

The little tiger shook the sieve while talking, signaling to Chuhe to hurry up, this gambler, even if he just talked, it wouldn't stop him from stopping!

Chuhe was worried that he would offend the little tiger, so he hurriedly followed what he said, picked up the sieve cup and shook it desperately.

"Please speak!"

Seeing that Chuhe was very knowledgeable, the little tiger continued.

"Ling Ling looks mysterious, but in fact it is just a sonic attack. As long as any species that can hear your voice, to be precise, it should be within the range of your voice, and can receive your voice, all species will be killed. Lingering influence!"

Hearing this, Chuhe nodded. If the little tiger hadn't said anything, he wouldn't have realized the problem. Hearing that the master's talent is so powerful, Mo Bubu's eyes would shine.

"Master Snow God, can the so-called speech spirit be acquired successfully, or is there any trick to learn it?"

If Yan Ling could be learned the day after tomorrow, Mo Budong would definitely be happy to death.

"Boy, what are you thinking about? Lingling is innate supernatural powers. Do you know what innate supernatural powers are? This is something unique to each race. If it can be used for learning, then what is the racial innate talent that has existed for countless epochs? "

The little tiger blamed Mo BuTong, but Mo BuTong was not angry, just a little disappointed.

"Then master, why are you gifted with supernatural powers? You are obviously a human race!"

Mo BuTong's little head couldn't figure it out, and Chu He couldn't figure it out at night, could it be that his ancestors might have the blood of a real dragon.

After all, the saying of the descendants of the dragon has been circulated among human beings, and it has been passed down from generation to generation, so it should not be groundless.

Naturally, he couldn't tell Mo Bu Butong what he didn't understand. At this time, the little tiger finally dropped the sieve, and said something proudly.

"Four bodies with one face!"

The little tiger said that to report to Chuhe that he had good skills just now.

And it uses the spirit of speech, Chuhe knows that the sieve that the little tiger shakes this time is exactly the same as the last time without even looking at it, that is to say, even if Chuhe can shake the same sieve as last time, he is still in a draw.

Moreover, this kind of thing is very difficult to operate. Even if Chuhe succeeds by chance, the little tiger can use his words to help him change it back.

This is a very difficult thing to do.

"Master, I feel like you're going to lose this one!"

Looking at the little tiger's complacent look, Mo Fei knew something was wrong.

Chuhe also frowned. He deliberately asked for it very slowly, just to delay the time. Anyway, now that the evil spirit is restrained by the little tiger's speech spirit, it can't do much harm at all. Although his body is still small at this time In the monk's body, but if you want to get such a great opportunity, you have to suffer a little bit.

Otherwise, the little monk would not be able to subdue the evil spirit at all.

Now that he knew that the little monk was fine, Chuhe slowed down his movements.

He brought the sieve cup close to his ear, and listened carefully to the counts in it, pretending to be very good at it, and frightened the little tiger for a while.

It's a pity that Chuhe didn't listen to the points at all, but let the colorful god stone enter the sieve cup to adjust the points of the sieve one by one.

This is also a kind of cheating, but the seven-colored spirit stone has a special nature, even a little tiger can't see through his cheating.

When the colorful spirit stone finally assembled all the sieves into what Chuhe wanted, Chuhe suddenly sneered.

Gently put down the sieve cup.

"It's amazing, but the final result is not the same as mine, what's so great about it!"

As the little tiger spoke, he opened his sieve cup again, and a perfect four-body and one-face Yizhu Qingtian appeared in front of everyone.

These people have their eyes wide open. This kind of thing requires a high level of manipulation, and they can't learn it at all.

Immortal Mingdong and Linger were singing the six-character mantra with all their strength at this time, only Mobuyu, who couldn't help him, cheered him up on the side of the Chu River.

It's just that the little tiger's points have already been revealed, and Mo Bufei just feels a bit frustrated.

"You're cheating, you use your words to compete, and you still have to be shameless?"

"I just said it casually, what evidence do you have to prove that I use the spirit of speech?"

The little tiger spread out his hands with an innocent look on his face.

"Playing a rascal, right? Dare to do it but not admit it. Are you still a monster? Do you still have dignity?"

Mobu was very angry, if he did this every time, he would definitely be imprisoned here for 1 years, he was still young and had a strong fighting spirit, he didn't want to be trapped here forever.

He is the god of fire, and he wants to become famous and his name last forever, just like the ancient sages, the god of fire, Zhu Rong.

"No, no, no, this has nothing to do with dignity. Lingling is my ability. As my own means, I naturally want to use it. You must know that this is a competition. I can use whatever moves I have. There is nothing unreasonable."

"And, as I said, Yanling only responds to things that can hear his voice within the range of sound waves. The sieve is not a living thing, and Yanling is useless!"

When the little tiger said this, Mo Bubuyu was stunned. For a while, he couldn't find a suitable reason to refute.

Chuhe smiled wryly, the little tiger was definitely lying, because Chuhe, who also had the spirit of speech, could change the points of the poker cards, so the spirit of speech was definitely effective for these things. For this time, Mo different mouth was blocked.

Mo Bubu naturally didn't know the joints, so he foolishly thought that the little tiger was really powerful.

"Chuhe, what's your score now? I'm curious, can you really replicate the last miracle without using the language?"

"Master Snow God is so curious, you will know if you just take a look!"

As Chuhe opened the sieve cup, everyone was stunned with just one glance, because the six sides below Chuhe's sieve were completely disordered, and the sieve above was still spinning.

With a point on the lower sieve as the center, start to rotate continuously.

"What kind of trick is this? It's quite fun, but the five sides below your boy are all crooked. Even if the sieve stops a bit in the end, you will lose this game!"

The little tiger was very proud, worried that Chuhe might not be able to accept this situation, so he continued to comfort him.

"Boy, I'm actually pretty good here. With my strength, there may not be someone stronger than me in another thousand years. In my place, you and your sister Ling'er, it's great to stay and fly together. And you have the blood of my race, and the blood of the human race, and you are merging with Nuwa's blood, and the three become one."

"Maybe a super existence can be born!"

Chapter 693 Two Possibilities

"At that time, even if the heavenly beings come, they may have the power to fight."

Seeing the little tiger's swearing, Chuhe was a little at a loss. As a human race, he was actually gifted with supernatural powers, and Ling'er himself was naturally gifted with supernatural powers.

The combination of the two of them, just the fusion of the two talents and supernatural powers, can make their child born with unparalleled terrifying strength.

Moreover, he is still a human race. Although the human race is weak in physique and has no supernatural powers, God is fair and has given human beings the most suitable body for cultivation and the highest IQ.

With these three strong alliances, Empress Nuwa and the so-called heavenly beings that this little tiger has been worried about, it is estimated that there is really hope to fight them.

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