"I understand!"

The little tiger heaved a sigh of relief and waved them back.

"Xue Diao, those who want to go home, send them home, and those who still want their family members to take them over, let's take them too. I understand now that I have to learn to respect other people's choices."

"Yes, Lord Snow God!"

The snow sculpture bowed and saluted, and then slowly backed away. When he walked out of the hall, he first went to the place where the humans were imprisoned, and delivered the will of Lord Snow God.

Less than a tenth of the hundreds of human beings were willing to go back after hearing that Xiang Liu was raging in the world, and none of them were willing to stay on the mainland and never return to the extreme north.

Snow Sculpture asked these people to climb onto their backs, spread their huge wings, and began to fly.

Chapter 699 Li Qingming

Chuhe is now on the way down the mountain. The original snow wolf is now his mount, with a tall body running down the snow mountain. The snow sculpture passing over his head sees Chuhe, but doesn't say hello to him.

Chuhe raised his hand, wanting Xue Diao to give him a ride, but Xue Diao chose to ignore it.

"Chuhe, take care all the way!"

Xue Diao didn't want Chuhe to fall into danger, because powerful and kind-hearted people were rare, and he deliberately delayed the time just to allow the little monks in Chuhe's team to wake up a little longer.

He is the hope of defeating Xiangliu in Chuhe's team now.

The snow sculpture flew forward, and soon left Chuhe behind.

"Fuck me, Brother Diao, what do you mean, can't you take us all the way along the way, this damn no-fly zone, do you want us to walk back?"

Chuhe cursed in the air dissatisfied.

"Master, last time someone carried you, you almost killed him. Now all the snow mountain creatures with a little brain are staying away from you, didn't you notice?"

Mo BuTong's mouth was still so speechless, Chu He grinned, and punched Mo BuTong directly in the head.

Mo Bufei fell directly to the ground, but Xueyuan Wolf didn't realize that the person on him was gone, and continued to run ahead. Mo Bufei hurriedly shouted from behind, while Chuhe snickered in front.

Ling'er, on the other hand, looked very dissatisfied when she saw Chuhe bullying Mo Bu different, pouted her mouth.

Chuhe had no choice but to release the snow wolf again, and then went back to pick up Mo Bu Buan.

"If I had known earlier, I would have made another bet with Snow God. If I win, I would have him cancel this damn no-fly zone."

"It's better not to cancel it. After all, he wants to protect this place. If everyone can come and go freely, then this place will lose its mystery. If everyone dares to come and find out, it will be a trouble."

Ling'er's words seemed to be much more profound, Chuhe was a little puzzled, why did it suddenly become so profound before the sacred coming-of-age ceremony with her?

"Brother Chuhe, Master Xueshen is powerful, why don't we let all the people take refuge here? After we defeat Xiangliu, we will let them come back!"

Chuhe looked at Linger's excited look, and didn't know how she came up with this idea, not to mention whether the extreme north can hold the people of this entire continent, even if it can, the place is a vast expanse of whiteness , I can't even find anything to eat, let all those people come over and starve together?

"Ling'er, I know you want to protect human beings. After I inherit the blood of Nuwa's family, I also want to protect human beings. Don't worry, we can also build our own organization and protect human beings!"

After Chuhe said so, Linger nodded.

"But, according to Lord Snow God, the entire continent is now under Xiangliu's control, can we really defeat it?"

Linger was a little worried, after all, she had no actual combat experience at all.

"Well, it's actually very simple. As long as your bloodline is awakened, you can defeat the current Xiangliu. Otherwise, let's find a place..."

Chuhe laughed as he spoke, and Linger shyly slapped Chuhe off the wolf's back with a slap.


"What is hooliganism, what is called saving the common people, this is what Lord Snow God said."

Chu He got up from the ground, Xueyuan Wolf hurriedly turned around and took Chu He back on his back.

"I don't believe that little tiger. Although I'm still young, our people don't awaken their bloodlines until they get married. Many people have awakened their bloodlines before they got married, so he is a liar."

Chuhe was speechless.

You said he was a liar, and when he said that, you blushed so hard, why didn't you refute that little tiger?

Of course, Chuhe dare not say this.

"Don't worry, it's just a skinny snake. I've already killed him once, so I can kill him again, right?"

Mo Budong just caught up with him, and with the lesson just now, he no longer dares to disobey Chuhe. Although he didn't know what Chuhe said, he nodded hastily.

"The master is right."

Ling'er rolled her eyes at the two of them, but her heart was full of hope.

"Mother, don't worry, Linger will definitely not let Xiangliu cause harm to the world, we will definitely wipe him out."

Seeing Linger's eagerness, Chuhe patted the wolf's back and said viciously.

"Hurry up, Snowfield Wolf, haven't you eaten yet!"

Snowfield Wolf was so speechless, thinking that this was already my fastest speed, how else do you want me to run?

"If you're lazy, roast him and give it to Mistress!"

Mo Budong dared not speak ill of Chuhe, but dared to bully Xueyuan wolf.

And after hearing his words, Ling'er's eyes lit up obviously, and she was very interested in eating.

The snowfield wolf had seen the power of flames before. He was so frightened that he was quick-witted. Although he was already at the fastest pace, he could still continue to accelerate, transforming from a snowfield wolf into a lightning wolf.

At this time, the snow sculpture who had just flown out of the no-fly zone really wanted to send these people back one by one according to where they lived, but felt a murderous intent attacking him.

He is the top rank of Jinxian, the most powerful general under Lord Xueshen, and there are not many people in the human race who are his opponents. The reason why he is subdued by Chuhe is not because Chuhe is powerful, but because It is Ling'er's bloodline suppression from ancient times.

But this time, he once again felt a terrifying soul suppression. He met an invincible opponent, and he couldn't even see where the opponent was.

"Master Xue Ying, why did you stop, what happened?"

The human on his back was a little puzzled, because the snow sculpture was still in the air and trembling all over.


Snow Eagle subconsciously turned around and turned back towards the no-fly zone, but his intuition was very keen, but his speed was not so keen. As soon as he turned around, he saw five golden ancient swords appearing in front of him.

These five ancient swords all exude a sacred light, which makes people kneel and worship.

No one could recognize the five swords, but the words on them could still be read clearly. The two big characters Xuanyuan were engraved on the blade.

"It's Xuanyuan Sword."

"My God, it turned out to be Xuanyuanjian!"

"It's the Emperor of Heaven, the Lord of Heaven is here to take care of us!"

The five Xuanyuan swords are the weapons of the Emperor of Heaven. This is something that everyone in the Kunlun Great World knows. Li Qingming regards these five swords as a symbol of power and makes them into huge statues for human worship.

Hearing the name of the Emperor of Heaven, Xue Diao immediately relaxed his vigilance.

He speaks to the void.

"My lord, these are your people, please don't get angry!"

Chapter 700 Sneak Attack

Snow Eagle said tremblingly, five Xuanyuan swords are five magical weapons, the suppression power of this kind of weapon is really too strong.

Snow Sculpture couldn't think of any resistance at all.

Seeing that no one replied, the snow sculpture was also anxious. Just now the Snow God said that Xiang Liu had already occupied the Heavenly Court, but why is the Lord of the Heavenly Court still alive, and why is he here again?

Could it be that Master Xueshen is lying because he doesn't want Chuhe and the others to go back on purpose?

I obviously didn't do anything wrong, but why did the Heavenly Emperor make trouble for me?

Thinking of this, Snow Sculpture slapped his head and immediately came to his senses.

People, these people on his back are all the people of the Emperor of Heaven. Tens of thousands of people have disappeared here in the extreme north for a hundred years. As the Emperor of Heaven, he naturally has to protect his people.

"My lord, these people were not captured by us, but they broke in by themselves. I know that you love your people, and I sent them out today. If you don't believe me, I will release them now." Come down and go back right away, what do you think?"

While Xue Ying was talking, the Heavenly Emperor still didn't answer.

He was a little afraid to speak, but he still bent down as he said just now.

"Go down quickly, your Heavenly Emperor is here, and you will be safe, go down quickly! If you want to come back, come back later, Lord Snow God can guarantee your safety!"

Xue Diao uttered words, and these people jumped down one after another. After all, they didn't know about Li Qingming's scandalous things, and Li Qingming had always shown himself in the crowd with a positive image, so they all thought that their savior had come.

Just when the snow sculpture put down all guards, the Xuanyuan sword trembled suddenly, and the five swords divided into five directions, stabbing towards the snow sculpture frantically.

Before the snow sculpture could react, its wings and feet had already been chopped off.

Its huge body lost its support, and it fell directly to the ground, and all the people on it were turned upside down by him.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, what do you mean by this!"

Snow Eagle was a little confused, he didn't understand why he had to do something when he came up, and it directly made him lose the ability to fight and escape.

He wanted to report to Lord Snow God, but unfortunately he didn't have the communication system of the human race, and the current Snow Sculpture fell into despair.

"who are you?"

He hadn't seen anyone, and Xue Diao was so angry that he really couldn't understand how he could be easily killed by someone with his strength as a high-ranking Jinxian. Could it be that this Heavenly Emperor has reached the level of Da Luo Jinxian?

The other party still didn't reply, instead, the last sharp sword fell from the sky, and transformed into a huge figure, cutting off the snow sculpture's head directly!

Blood splattered and rained all over the sky, and the human race was drenched by the hot blood. The temperature here is very low, and the blood solidified on the body almost instantly, turning into a thick layer of ice shell.

These people twitched from the cold, but they didn't dare to say no, they all hurriedly knelt down.

"My lord is mighty, my lord is mighty!"

They all thought that the Emperor of Heaven just killed the snow eagle to vent his anger. After all, so many people have been lost in the Northern Territory over the years, it is understandable that the Emperor of Heaven had bad luck looking for them.

But after the five Xuanyuan swords slaughtered the snow sculptures, they didn't intend to stop. Instead, they continued to fly quickly, heading towards the crowd below.

Every time the Xuanyuan Sword was drawn across, a large number of humans died directly.


There were screams one after another, and in just a moment, all these people were decapitated.

Li Qingming came out from the shadow of the bushes after everyone was dead. He looked at the crowd and cursed.

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