"Chuhe is not in there, damn it!"

Chuhe didn't know that such a big thing happened before, and the snowfield wolf ran like this for an unknown how long. Just when he had already left the no-fly zone, before Chuhe had time to say a word, he saw the ground full of people. Scarlet corpse.

And the cut corpse of a snow sculpture.

Ling'er looked at this tragic situation, and burst into tears of distress. She hastily sprinkled her blood on the human body with her arms and wrists, but these people have been dead for too long, their bodies have become rigid, and their souls have also escaped. Ling'er couldn't resurrect them at all.

"Brother Chuhe, what's going on?"

Naturally, Chuhe didn't know the situation, he was a little surprised, since he entered the extreme north, it only took about a week. Could it be that Xiangliu has stretched his claws here so quickly? up.

"Master, did Xiang Liu do it! This bastard is really worse than a pig or a dog!"

Mo Bubu looked at the tragically dead body and was very angry.

Chuhe shook his head.

"Although Xiangliu is cruel, he prefers to eat people. Human beings have always been regarded as the best delicacy by him. It is impossible for him to throw so many people here, and you can see that without these people, the wounds are all smooth and smooth. It looks like a wound from a monster, it's a sword wound!"

"Only humans can use spirit swords. Could it be that humans did it? Damn, what kind of beast would do such a thing. These are just ordinary mortals. Is he worthy of killing them all?"

Mo Bu Bui really became more and more angry, the corpse below had already merged with the environment, as long as there was a snowfall, all these crimes could be buried.

He frowned, and his eyes became cold.

Suddenly, a burst of wind came from behind him, and a Xuanyuan sword, shining with divine brilliance, slashed towards Chuhe's neck.

"Master be careful!"

Chuhe is naturally careful. When seeing these people being killed innocently, Chuhe has been paying attention to the surroundings, and he is worried that there will be a sneak attack.

So he had already prepared in advance, but he didn't expect that the opponent used a divine weapon at the beginning, or a Xuanyuan sword, a human holy weapon.

Chu He hastily sacrificed the Four Elephant Pagoda to barely protect his body, but the Xuanyuan Sword is so powerful that the Four Elephant Pagoda could not completely guard against his sword energy. After the sword energy passed through, Chu He's neck was separated by a gap. A hole about one centimeter deep.

For Chuhe, who was at the Jinxian level, this kind of wound could not pose a fatal threat to him, but it was a little embarrassing that the wound injured by the sword qi could not heal, and the blood kept flowing out.

Ling'er hurriedly applied her own blood on it, and Chuhe's wound began to stop bleeding.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to dodge such a silent attack, Chuhe, do you have eyes behind you?"

Li Qingming walked out from the shadow of the bushes again, he applauded while talking, but his face was indeed full of hatred.

As soon as Chuhe looked up, he saw this familiar face.

"Li Qingming, are you still alive?"

Chu He asked subconsciously, because according to Snow God, since Xiang Liu had already occupied the Heavenly Court, with his character, he would naturally not let Li Qingming live.

Chapter 701

"Is it surprising? Why didn't the deity die?"

Li Qingming had just searched Xue Diao's consciousness. These days, he knew exactly what happened to Chuhe in the extreme north.

"Yeah, why did Xiang Liu let you go, he doesn't have such a good temper, does he?"

Chu He frowned.

"That's right, Xiang Liu should not have such a good temper. The reason why I'm still alive is because I didn't fight Xiang Liu at all. I have been waiting for you here since you entered the Far North!"

After Li Qingming finished speaking, Linger asked angrily.

"So, you killed all these people?"

Li Qingming nodded. This was the first time he saw the real Ling'er. Even a cultivator like him, who had put aside his emotions and desires long ago, was still deeply attracted by Ling'er's beauty.

"That's right!"

"Aren't you the Emperor of Heaven? These are your people, why do you want to kill them?"

Ling'er scolded sharply, and Li Qingming smiled more presumptuously, but his face became more and more ferocious, and he pointed at Chuhe angrily.

"It's not because of him!"

Chuhe looked confused.

"What do I care? You kid kills, and you can still blame me. Is he really new? It's the first time I've heard of such a nonsense reason."

Unexpectedly, Li Qingming explained to Chuhe seriously.

"Why don't you blame you, whether it's these people, or the tens of millions of humans who were devoured by Xiang Liu, their deaths are all your responsibility!"

Chuhe was a little puzzled by the righteous words said by the emperor of heaven, Li Qingming. Could this old thing be serious?

"If you hadn't suddenly appeared in the Kunlun Great World, this place would still be my world, and I would still enjoy the sacrifices of the human race. The world would be peaceful, and Haiyan and Heqing would be here."

"But it's just you, the devil, who caused trouble everywhere as soon as you appeared, killed the law enforcement officers of the heavenly court, and then released three thousand demons to show off your might, and dare to despise the heavenly court and fight with the four heavenly kings!"

"You disobeyed discipline, took the initiative to enter the secret realm, and released the ancient and evil Prime Minister Liu, causing the lives to be destroyed and thousands of miles away. Do you think these are your responsibilities?"

After hearing this, Chuhe pointed to himself, so surprised that he didn't know what to say, he waited for a while before he refuted.

"You bastard, can you really blame me? Well, since you blamed me, I will have a good fight with you today. Who is responsible for all this!"

"You said that I kill the law enforcement officers of the Heavenly Court? Why don't you say that your so-called Heavenly Court is not a world of peace at all, Haiyan Heqing, a mortal will be killed directly just by calling your name! You are so indifferent to human life, how can you be so innocent?" Are you ashamed to say that you are the Emperor of Heaven? You don’t even piss to take care of yourself, do you deserve it?”

"You are just my defeated general. When you were defeated by me, you fled to the Kunlun Great World. By chance, you were allowed to prove the Dao of Faith, but you are lucky. Faith is a thief, but you don't let those who believe in you Treat a human being as a human being, but you are a fucking beast!"

"And you said that I disobeyed discipline and released three thousand demons?"

"What a wicked person to file a complaint first. I just let three thousand demons go to explore the way when I discovered a secret realm. But you, who directly publicized the dangers of three thousand demons, aroused the panic of the people. I just want to ask, my three thousand demons They didn't harm a life at all, but they were killed countless by your Eight Great King Kongs, I just want to ask, should they be killed because they are monsters?"

"Aren't these harmless monsters more kind than you, a beast who regards human life as nothing? If they are monsters, what are you?"

Chu He scolded so much that Li Qingming's face turned green. He just wanted to refute, but was mercilessly interrupted by Chu He.

"You bastard, I replied that the Kunlun Great World had no intention of enmity with you. It was you who opposed me everywhere. When I entered the secret realm, I was about to kill Xiangliu. You are good, people from your heaven A sneak attack from behind, to deal with a woman who can't fight back against humans?"

"Those self-confessed things in your heavenly court, what should I use to describe them? Thanks to my extensive reading and 24 histories, I can't find a word to describe the innocence of the heavenly court!"

"You have the nerve to represent justice!"

"You released Xiang Liu, and Xiang Liu harmed the world. As the supreme ruler of the heaven, you hide here and don't dare to come forward. It's fine if you don't dare to come forward. You came to intercept me halfway. What do you mean? If you really If you have the slightest bit of compassion for your people, you should know that at this time you should join hands with me and kill that bastard Xiangliu, so that you can give an explanation to those dead gods!"

Chu He scolded happily in one breath, and swept away his depression these days. Seeing Li Qingming's green face, he felt extremely comfortable for a while.

Li Qingming laughed back in anger.

"Whatever you say, I don't care anymore. I just wanted to kill you to vent my anger. I didn't expect to learn a shocking secret by accident. It turns out that Nuwa's descendants are the best furnaces and can help you cultivate."

"Now this deity is just in the bottleneck period of Jinxian, and I will break through Da Luo Jinxian soon. After I kill you, I will put your Linger to sleep. At that time, let alone Xiangliu, even that Lord Snow God, this deity Also tidy up together, there can only be one master of this heavenly emperor, and that is the deity!"

The more Li Qingming spoke, the more arrogant he became, and his eyes were unscrupulously looking at Ling'er, Ling'er felt a chill.

Chuhe frowned, but before he could speak, Mo Budong was the first to be overwhelmed.

"Beast, die! Sifang White Realm!"

Mo Bubu has not been idle while talking, he has been quietly setting up the enchantment, and Li Qingming doesn't seem to notice it.

When he finally arranged the enchantment, the strongest ultimate move, Sifang Baijie, came up.

A white flower suddenly bloomed in this extreme north. The white flower instantly released terrifying high temperature. Soon, the surrounding area was ignited, and the white flame spread instantly, completely enveloping Li Qingming.

Being outside the barrier, the wolf king was subconsciously holding back, not to mention what kind of roast Li Qingming was suffering inside the barrier.

"With this little ability, I still have the nerve to say that I am the Emperor of Heaven. I think he is a big stinky fart!"

Mo Bubu is annoying Li Qingming to death, at least he still has justice in his heart, and with Chuhe as a role model, and his kind wife who is so kind as to foul, Mo Bubu even had hostility in his heart, but it was slowly worn away.

Now it is especially difficult for him to accept bullying and ignoring life.

Chuhe didn't care about what Mo Bubei said, but stared at the flames. He didn't quite believe it. It was somewhat too simple for the Heavenly Emperor Li Qingming to be killed by Mo Bubei!

Chapter 702 I Come Alone

Sure enough, the flames in the four directions of the white world suddenly trembled violently, and a figure gradually became clear.

Although he was in the flames, the five Xuanyuan swords rotated around him at high speed from top to bottom, and the airflow generated by the rotation formed a vacuum area.

No matter how powerful the white flame was, it couldn't burn Li Qingming's body at all.

"Vulcan is not different. The white flame is indeed terrifying. At a young age, you are even more talented than my nephew. Your future achievements are limitless! It is a pity that you have no future when you meet me!"

Seeing that Li Qingming was unharmed in the flames, Mo Bubu was hit again. The last time it was the Snow God Little Tiger, this time it was the Heavenly Emperor Li Qingming.

Fortunately, the little tiger said that he has the power of speech, but Li Qingming is also at the Golden Immortal level like him, why can he easily resolve his ultimate move? Is there such a big gap between the first level of the Golden Immortal and the peak of the Golden Immortal?

"I'm not afraid of flashing my tongue if I'm bragging, isn't it just that I can avoid my flames? Well, I'll let you taste my red lotus karma!"

"Endless fire field, red lotus blooms!"

Mo Bubu pinched his fingers and let out a loud shout. The center of his brows split open suddenly, and a red eye shone open.

Heavenly Emperor Li Qingming was shocked the first time he saw the eyes, and then furious.

"These are the eyes of my nephew, you bastards, return them to me!"

Facing the scorching fire of the red lotus karma, Li Qingming not only did not escape, but flew towards Mo Bubuan at a high speed, the Xuanyuan sword around him spinning even faster.

The strong wind directly blows the flame so that it cannot be approached.

Mo Bufei was a little skeptical, whether the wind could restrain the fire, but this Li Qingming was not the god of wind, he practiced the Dao of Faith.

The most important reason why he can not be disturbed by the flames is the five Xuanyuan swords on his body.

If other spiritual treasures were continuously burned by the white flames, they would have been melted by him long ago. I didn't expect Xuanyuan Sword to not only block them, but also do nothing.

Thinking of this, Mo BuFan is envious. He likes to play with swords the most. Xuanyuan Sword is a holy soldier of the human race. He really wants it too much.

"Get out of the way!"

Mo Budong was still thinking about snatching other people's weapons at this time, Li Qingming came to his side almost instantly, reaching out his hand to pick Mo Budong's third eye.

Naturally, Chuhe couldn't sit idly by. He released his avatar directly, and then took Mo Butong away.

Li Qingming looked at Chuhe viciously when he saw the eyes of his hand running away.

"It's you again, it's you again, why do you always spoil the good deeds of this deity, do you know that if you don't show up, it will take another hundred years at most, no, maybe it won't take a hundred years, it only takes ten years for this deity You can be promoted to Da Luo Jinxian by faith, but you just appeared at this time, you have broken the cultivation of this deity, and you are obstructing this deity everywhere, you deserve to die!"

"Don't take one deity from me, you're the only one who deserves it!"

Chuhe mocked, but Li Qingming didn't care at all, and continued.

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