It came out from the top palace, but at the end it fell towards the direction of Chu River.

This silver sky seems to be falling very slowly, as if falling gently, but only Chuhe knows how fast it actually is.

The speed of lightning is the speed of light, even Xiang Liu cannot escape, let alone him.

Chuhe was submerged by the sea of ​​thunder almost before he had time to escape, and what made Linger feel even more panicked was that Chuhe's magic soldiers left the battlefield on their own initiative and flew towards Mobutong with five Xuanyuan swords in their arms.

Xuanyuanjian seemed to feel that their side had the upper hand in the battle, and it also began to resist violently. Without the impetus of Chuhe's mana, the Shensha Banner would not be able to hold on.

At this time, a divine thought came to Mo Budong's mind.

"Xuanyuan Sword has not recognized its owner, don't you like it, conquer it, it is yours!"

It was Chuhe who spoke, and Mo Budong thought that the master had just been killed by a thunderstorm. After hearing the master's voice, Mo Bubu hurriedly wiped away his tears.

He fixed his eyes on the five Xuanyuan swords, and Mo Budong's eyes became hot. The junior monk got a great opportunity. Maybe after waking up, he will be stronger than the master. It's fine if he gets such a strong inheritance. Obtained a Buddhist magic pestle, which is a weapon that surpasses the magic weapon and reaches the category of holy soldiers.

The same is true for Xuanyuan Sword, it is a holy weapon of the human race, Mo Bu Bui has been coveting for a long time.

Ling'er also heard Chuhe's spiritual consciousness. She looked at Mo Bu Buan who was eager to try, and pulled him back.

"You are crazy, this weapon is so violent, it will hurt you if you are not careful, and the wound it causes cannot heal, if you accidentally receive a fatal wound, I don't even have time to save you, you still Don't be impulsive, wait for your master to defeat Li Qingming, I will help you find a way!"

"Master, you don't need to persuade me. Even if the master is present, there is nothing he can do to help me. The divine weapon has no owner. In addition, it has been fighting with the Shensha Banner for so long, and the Shensha The flag is far away from the control of the master, so the Xuanyuan Sword is also far away from the control of Li Qingming."

"This is my best chance! If I can win the Xuanyuan Sword, I can go back to help Master, Master, I have made up my mind, don't stop me!"

It's not the same as the little monk, who refused Ling'er's persuasion and just moved his mouth.

In order to prevent Ling'er from stopping him, this guy set fire directly.

Fortunately, Ling'er is kind-hearted and doesn't care about it like Mo Bubu. If Chuhe knows about this, this kid dares to use fire to force Ling'er to retreat for the sake of the magic soldier, he will inevitably have a fat beating.

Seeing that Mo Bufei couldn't be stopped, she had no choice but to help out and use her magic power to urge the Shensha Banner to continue suppressing the Xuanyuan Sword. Mo Bubuyu jumped directly into the sword array as if he was not afraid of death.

It's just that he was injured by Jianfeng just now, Mo Bubu's right hand was already dripping with blood, Ling'er looked a little worried, these two children don't cherish life too much, and we must persuade them well in the future.

Chuhe sent the divine soldier away directly, but Li Qingming refused. He felt that Chuhe couldn't bear the nine-fold thunder sea, and wanted to hand over the divine soldier to Linger before he died, so that Linger could deal with him.

Xuanyuanjian is a thing without an owner, and Ling'er is a descendant of an ancient sage, so if Xuanyuanjian meets her, he will probably recognize his owner.

Ling'er's strength was about the same as Li Qingming's. If Ling'er got the magic weapons from both sides, then Li Qingming would have to be slaughtered.

He didn't want the easy-to-reach results to be ruined by Chuhe's last little trick.

"Beauty, if you want Xuanyuan Sword, just tell me and I will give it to you personally!"

Li Qingming shouted presumptuously, thinking that Ling'er was in his pocket after killing Chuhe.

Chapter 707 Fair?

Chuhe really didn't expect that if Xuanyuan sword was handed over to Ling'er, Mo Bu Bui might not suffer so much.

However, once Xuanyuanjian recognizes the master, it cannot be changed. As a descendant of Nuwa, Ling'er basically does not use weapons. To be honest, it is a bit wasteful to give her such a good weapon.

There was nothing wrong with Chuhe's choice. Li Qingming didn't know that Chuhe was thinking of his disciples.

But just as he was about to catch up, he saw a familiar iron rod smashed down on his head.

Originally thought that Chuhe's side had been blasted into scum by the thunderstorm, Li Qingming had already let down his vigilance, but at this time Chuhe suddenly jumped out to attack, and he was unprepared for a while.

He didn't think of blocking it with his hands until the golden cudgel hit his head, but his physical body couldn't resist the golden cudgel. The moment his hands touched the golden cudgel, his bones were broken, and the momentum of the golden cudgel had no momentum at all. Not being blocked, it hit him hard on the head.

Hearing a clear bone crack, Li Qingming didn't even have time to shout, and fell heavily to the ground again.

Unlike the last time, this time Li Qingming injured his head, and his sea of ​​consciousness was greatly impacted. If he hadn't been so strong, this blow would have sent him directly to the west to meet the Tathagata Buddha.

After a long time, Li Qingming stood up again from the big pit below.

"How is it possible, such a strong thunderstorm, how did you survive?"

You must know that it was just the first time that the thunder and lightning sparks that fell from the palace directly blasted the corpse of the golden fairy's upper-ranked snow sculpture to slag. Such a powerful thunderstorm, walking around the edge, even if the big Luo Jinxian came, he might not dare to say that he could do it. Get out of the way.

Chuhe is just a first-level golden immortal, Li Qingming really couldn't believe how he managed to survive without a hair.

"Looking at your confused face, do you wonder why I survived the thunderstorm?"

When Chuhe asked, Li Qingming subconsciously nodded.

"Well, I'll give you another lesson today for free. Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry, and you won't be afraid to travel all over the world! You alien species, if you don't know Journey to the West, forget it, but you don't know about the lightning rods that are widely used today. Are you kidding me?"

When Chuhe talked about lightning rods, Heavenly Emperor Li Qingming had heard about them. As a Heavenly Emperor, he had been living in the Heavenly Court Palace suspended in mid-air, so he was often struck by lightning, so every building in Heavenly Court had lightning rods on it.

Thinking of this, Li Qingming took a vicious look at the golden cudgel in Chuhe's hand.

"Did you use him to avoid lightning?"

"Hey, this brain is still somewhat useful. You are very smart. I just use it to protect against lightning. It is a natural iron rod and has strong conductivity. Just plug it into the ground and zoom in infinitely. The people around me Lightning and lightning will be sucked away by it, and then lead to the bottom."

When Chuhe said this, he stopped immediately, and Li Qingming asked a little puzzled.

"and then?"

"What? Then, it's all over! However, this move of yours is really powerful. If you use it to deal with Xiang Liu, although it may not be able to kill him, it will definitely scare that kid out of his wits." How about we discuss it, how about you teach me this trick?"

Li Qingming really didn't know what to say. He had met many opponents, strong or weak, but he had lived for so long, and he had never seen Chuhe so shameless.

The two were fighting to the death, but he was lucky, he wanted to learn the enemy's ultimate ultimate move, which is kind of a weird thing.

Li Qingming was really speechless by Chuhe.

Chuhe continued to induce.

"Brother, isn't it just a unique trick? Your life is not as important. If you tell me the truth, I can let you die!"

In the middle of speaking, Chu He's tone suddenly became severe, and Li Qingming laughed angrily at him.

"Aren't you sick in the brain, kid, and let me die? Do you really take yourself seriously? Do you really think that you are my opponent? It's just that Jiuzhong Leihai was resolved by you, I There are still many tricks that are useless."

"Let me tell you, I didn't learn what physicalization you are talking about, but I have learned all the spells in your Kunlun Great World. Thunder and lightning can't handle you. I still have water, wind, fire, and earth , any move can kill you, just because you dare to say it makes me happy, you deserve... ah!"

Before Li Qingming could finish his words, Chuhe's golden cudgel had already been thrown towards him. Li Qingming, who was a little confused just now, was much slower to react now, and Chuhe knocked him into the ground again. , Before he stood up, Chuhe's sticks came one after another.

The uninterrupted attacks poured unscrupulously towards his body, Li Qingming was immediately taken aback.

"Dog, there are other tricks, don't you have a chance to use it? Let me tell you, my golden cudgel has no magic power at all. I just use it as an iron rod to beat you. You can hardly take it anymore."

"If I say that after I infuse the golden cudgel with mana, it can cause indelible damage to your soul, what do you think?"

Chu He's words had become a naked threat, and Li Qingming was startled when he heard it.

Chuhe should not be lying, because Chuhe is injecting spiritual power at this time, and the originally dark golden cudgel began to shine with golden light. The golden cudgel directly reflected by this light is sacred and inviolable.

If he was beaten violently by the golden cudgel infused with divine power, Li Qingming knew without thinking that he would not be able to stand it at all.

"I don't even have a weapon, but you have magic weapons. It's not fair for you to fight me!"

"Fair? Did I hear you right? You kid actually told me that it's fair. Isn't it the virtue of a person like you to bully the weak with the big?"

"You sat high in the palace and raised all mortals as animals. Was it fair for you at that time?"

"When you killed the snow sculptures and slaughtered these mortals, did they think it was fair?"

"You have the combat power closest to the peak of the human race, and then you have enjoyed the beliefs of 70 billion people for several generations. In the end, you actually abandoned them like shoes. Is it fair for you to do this?"

"You inherited the inheritance of Emperor Xuanyuan of the human race, took away his magic weapon, but didn't do a single thing, and even slaughtered unarmed mortals with his weapon. You are so shameless, is it fair to Senior Xuanyuan?"

The more Chu He asked, the more severe his voice became, to the point where Li Qingming himself felt embarrassed.

Chuhe suddenly put away the golden cudgel, put it into his sea of ​​consciousness, and said.

"Since you want fairness, then I will give you fairness. We don't use weapons, we only use spells to fight for life and death, and I will convince you to death."

Chapter 708 Oversized Meteorite

Li Qingming didn't know what was going on in Chuhe's mind. He originally thought that Chuhe would beat him to death directly.

Unexpectedly, Chuhe scolded him for a long time, and finally took away the golden cudgel.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, doesn't this kid know?

Li Qingming didn't turn his head around for a while, and looked at Chuhe in disbelief.

"Are you sure you want to fight me with magic?"

"That's right!"

Chu He answered directly, Li Qingming was a little confused.

"Haha, Chuhe, don't look at me as your opponent for the first time, but I still can't understand you. What kind of person are you? Looking for death!"

"Who knows!"

Chuhe was still laughing arrogantly. Li Qingming didn't know what he was laughing at, but this kid's brain is out of order. It's a good opportunity for him. He just needs to make a move at this time and blast him into scum as soon as possible, lest this kid I will regret it later.

Li Qingming's hands began to quickly form seals. What he didn't quite understand was that Chu He followed him to quickly form seals, and what was even more amazing was that Chu He's seals were exactly the same as his.

"What are you doing, kid? Imitating me? You don't even know what moves I'm going to use, so you just want to imitate? Are you too self-righteous?"

Li Qingming's observation skills were still there, and he realized almost instantly that Chuhe was imitating.

That's right, Chuhe is indeed imitating, because he was just thinking about something under the sea of ​​nine layers of thunder.

His free way is to turn what he thinks in his heart into reality, and his speech spirit can turn what he said into reality.

If the two are combined, can he directly change the spells used by others into his own?

As soon as this bold idea appeared, Chuhe put down the golden cudgel and wanted to try it on Li Qingming, so he imitated Li Qingming's moves, hoping to use his moves like Li Qingming.

If this trick is feasible, then he can imitate all the tricks he saw, wouldn't this be invincible!

"Forbidden Technique: Meteor Fall!"

Li Qingming didn't ink any more, and directly yelled out the name of his spell.

From the name alone, Chuhe couldn't tell what was unique about this trick, so he didn't rush to say the name of his spell.

Instead, look around carefully.

I saw that the cloud layer above was suddenly smashed by a huge thing. Looking carefully, it turned out to be a huge meteorite. Due to the rapid landing speed and the violent friction with the atmosphere, the meteorite was surrounded by flames. The place where the meteorite fell was Chuhe's head.

That's what Liuguang Xingyun meant.

"Haha, boy, I know you want to imitate, but different supernatural powers require different patterns of spiritual power to activate. You can imitate my spell-casting handprints, but you can't imitate the movement and changes of spiritual power in my body at all. I don’t know its meaning, you don’t even think about using my spells, unless you know how to do it!”

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