What Li Qingming said is right, any spell needs to be activated by handprints, but handprints are not the most important thing, the most important thing is the way the spiritual power works in the body. a spell.

For example, in the spells related to wind, you let your spiritual power turn into a wind signal to trigger a hurricane, and in which direction your spiritual power is driven, the wind will sweep in that direction.

Although Chuhe could imitate Li Qingming's technique, he couldn't imitate Li Qingming's way of operating his spiritual power.

So if you don't know the moves, you can't imitate them.

Chuhe also agrees with this point of view, because after Li Qingming completed the seal, he didn't know what Li Qingming was going to do. It wasn't until this huge meteorite fell that Chuhe didn't know what the spell was for.

But now Chuhe clearly saw the appearance of the streamer after it was released, and also saw its attack method, so it can be imitated directly.

The unique characteristics of Chuhe's Xiaoyao Avenue, coupled with his speech spirit, can directly figure out in his mind that he also wants a huge meteorite, and then use his speech spirit to say it, and this trick is directly accomplished.

There is no need to think about how complicated it is, how spiritual power works, I will directly copy the results.

"Say I can't imitate, okay, then I'll show you what it means to follow what you say."

"Word Spirit: Forbidden Technique: Oversized Meteorite."

After Chuhe said this, Li Qingming held his stomach with a smile and couldn't breathe.

"It's also super big, Liuguang Xingyun, do you think this is a play house, kid? It's like a joke. I know your speech spirit is very powerful, but he only controls the things that actually exist. Even if you use the speech spirit to organize my The meteorite is falling, I am worried that this move will hurt you, but you kid actually gave me a super big one."

"Are you kidding?"

Facing Li Qingming's ridicule, Chuhe was also a little uncertain. After all, he didn't know whether this trick would work. After all, it was the first time he didn't say it, and everything was conjecture and needed to be verified.

Even if he finally finds out that this idea is wrong, it doesn't matter, at worst, he takes out the golden cudgel and beats Li Qingming violently again, and it's over.

It's just that Chuhe looked at the sky and remained silent, making his heart even more uncertain.

He silently put his hand into his ear, wanting to take out the golden cudgel, even if he didn't want to hit anyone, he had to smash the rapidly falling meteorite first.

But just as he was about to take out the golden cudgel, the sky suddenly became dark.

"I'm stupid, it's really okay!"

Chuhe was visibly excited, Li Qingming felt an indescribable pressure, he raised his head suddenly, and was shocked by the scene in the sky.

A huge meteorite with a diameter of fifty kilometers directly smashed through the clouds and fell rapidly towards Li Qingming below.

His size is so huge that he directly blocks the sun. Although the target is aimed at Li Qingming, Chuhe is within his range because he is very close.

I saw two big rocks with fire appearing in the sky at the same time and falling down rapidly. The contrast between the two meteorites is like a glass marble rolling down in front of a basketball. If you change the angle, you can't even see it. To the small meteorite summoned by Li Qingming.

"It's impossible, how did you do it? Is Yan Ling already so powerful?"

Li Qingming looked at the huge meteorite, he was completely dumbfounded, he was beaten up by Chuhe just now, and now he was sore all over, it was impossible to escape before the meteorite fell.

Now his only hope is to entangle Chuhe, hoping to die together like Chuhe, only in this way can he have hope of life.

Chapter 709

It wasn't just Li Qingming who was dumbfounded, Chuhe was also dumbfounded. He just wanted to test whether his Xiaoyao Dao plus Yanling could directly copy the effect of the spell.

Obviously, looking at the huge meteorite above, Chuhe succeeded.

But he couldn't be happy at all, because this thing is too big, even if Chuhe can escape, can Ling'er, who is beside the meteorite, still be able to escape.

Such a huge meteorite will cause an extremely strong shock wave, and those so-called small nuclear bombs will be nothing in front of it.

If it falls, everyone present will die, not only them, but people within a radius of a hundred kilometers will be directly shaken to death on the spot.

There will be earthquakes with a magnitude of more than ten in a radius of [-] kilometers.

So much so that the entire extreme north will be completely submerged.

The impact will kick up a huge amount of dust, and the dust will cover the sky and avoid the sun, and the entire northern hemisphere will be shrouded in darkness.

This move has the power to destroy the world.

Naturally, Chuhe would not let him land.

"Explode yourself!"

There is no other way, Chuhe can only use the word spirit, hoping to make the meteorite he summoned disintegrate by itself, and then melt in the violent atmospheric friction.

It's just a pity that although Yan Ling is very powerful, it is not omnipotent.

Chuhe hoped that the meteorite he summoned would explode, but it was the one summoned by Li Qingming that exploded.

The meteorite disintegrated directly in the air, the sky was full of debris floating in the air, and the stone fragments burned up quickly in the air, and the slightly larger ones still fell to the ground.

It hit Chuhe's face directly, but the original damage was gone.

The huge meteorite seemed to have nothing happened, it just shed a layer of skin, which was to give Chuhe's speech spirit an explanation.

"It's over, it's not good, Ling'er, why don't you take the little monk and run away!"

Chuhe is extremely regretful now, he shouldn't be so cheap, summoning a super large meteorite, it's like lifting a stone to shoot himself in the foot.

If Mo Bufei hadn't heard the sound transmission from his master to his spiritual consciousness, he would have thought it was the end of the world, and it was his master who co-authored such a large meteorite?

"Xuanyuanjian, listen to my orders and chop down that big rock for me."

The delayed effort has already subdued Xuanyuan Sword. Of course, Linger has taken too much credit, because she is the queen of the ancient sages, and she has the same characteristics as Xuanyuan Huangdi and Li Qingming, that is, she can obtain the power of faith , such a familiar feeling made Xuanyuanjian lose a lot of resistance.

There were even two swords that gave up resistance directly. Mobubu just took advantage of it for nothing, but the current state of Xuanyuan Sword is the same as Li Qingming. Mobubu only has the right to use it, and cannot exert its maximum strength.

A fire man with five sharp swords flew towards the huge meteorite. There is no good way to deal with the meteorite. They can only use a rough and simple way, which is to chop!

The five flying swords pointed at the meteorite and desperately lifted it up and cut it down. Countless debris flew, and Mo Bubu was instantly submerged in the flames of debris.

Ling'er was a little worried, but after thinking about it carefully, Mo Bu Bu is the God of Vulcan, and it would be a joke if he was burned to death.

"Master, come and help!"

Mo BuFong wanted to use his sword to chop up the meteorite, and then resolve the crisis, but how did he know that Xuanyuan Sword was created by Emperor Xuanyuan to subdue demons, not to chop stones.

That is to say, it is a magic weapon, and its material is extremely hard, so it can not be broken under such high-frequency and high-intensity slashing.

In fact, Chuhe has a way to disintegrate such a big stone.

That is to let Mobuy use high temperature to bake the stone until it is red, and then pour water on it, so as to prevent the heat from expanding and contracting, the stone will automatically break down into pieces.

But it takes too much time to heat such a huge meteorite, and he can't get cold water that can submerge such a large stone for a while.

It's really over now. He still has a lot of things to do, and he hasn't had a baby with Linger yet. Chuhe can't believe that he just died like this.

"Golden cudgel, grow bigger, support it for me!"

Chuhe shouted loudly, and the golden cudgel began to grow rapidly. Chuhe hurriedly recalled all the Shensha flags. The Shensha flags formed a square formation, and the colorful spirit stones directly transformed into a rapidly rotating blade.

After the falling meteorite touched the formation, it was quickly cut by the seven-colored spirit stone, and the effect was much better than that obtained by Mo Bufei's sword.

The golden cudgel also held against the center of the stone at the critical moment, but the time for the golden cudgel to grow larger was too short, although his front end became extremely huge.

But for meteorites, it is still too small.

As soon as the golden cudgel touched the meteorite, it pierced in directly. The meteorite was pierced through the body and fell rapidly downward.

Although there is Chu River and Mo Bu different's all-out strangulation, the huge meteorite has been reduced by a large circle, and there are about 20 kilometers left, but even if it is more than 20 kilometers, it will cause unimaginable disasters.

You know, 700 million years ago, the diameter of the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs was only about ten kilometers, and it could directly drive out the giants on the earth at that time.

Now this thing is twice the diameter of that asteroid and four times its volume!

It was the first time for Chuhe to feel deep despair. At the last moment when the meteorite was about to fall to the ground, he deeply forgot to take a look at Linger. Linger was also flying towards this direction, even though Chuhe kept waving his hands. Let her come over, but Linger still doesn't care.

All the people around Chuhe, the two disciples, and Linger, including himself, are all people who can risk their lives for certain things.

"I'm sorry, I hurt you!"

Chuhe felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

"Crush it!"

At this critical moment, a familiar roar came to mind, and then a huge meteorite exploded directly, and the debris all over the sky was like raised sand and stones. After falling rapidly, the sky was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, as if the whole The sky is raging, and only when you look closely can you find that those flames are all meteors that disappear in a flash.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, Master Snow God came out to save the scene.

When the dust cleared, Brain Tiger was still in shock.

"Such a large meteorite, could it be said that the heavenly beings have already launched an attack on us?"

After the catastrophe, everyone was panting heavily for the rest of their lives, but they were saved by the little tiger this time, so they stopped speaking rudely to him.

"Master Snow God, this is not an attack from a celestial being, this meteorite was summoned by my master!"

The little tiger glanced at Chuhe coldly. Chuhe froze for a moment. He gave Mo Bubuan a vicious look, shut up if he couldn't speak, no one treats you as dumb!

"Then what, Lord Xueshen, I definitely didn't summon meteorites on purpose to destroy your home or something, I just tested whether my Xiaoyao Dao works well, and it turned out like this unexpectedly, thank you for your life-saving help kindness!"

Chapter 710 Tiger Tooth Pendant

"You, a golden fairy, can summon a meteorite with a diameter of more than 20 kilometers?"

The little tiger couldn't believe it, Chuhe hurriedly apologized, but he still didn't understand what the little tiger meant.

Don't be different, talk about tuberculosis again, and speak directly.

"What is more than 20 kilometers? When my master first summoned it, it was a full [-] kilometers."

"Do you want me to die early, kid?"

Chuhe's anger exploded, but Ling'er was not so thoughtful. Seeing the two of them bickering, she found it funny.

The little tiger was lost in thought.

"What your kid said is true, a meteorite fifty kilometers away?"

Mo Bufei nodded, and the little tiger blamed himself even more when he saw Chuhe's face again.

"Do you know how much harm a meteorite falling within [-] kilometers will cause!"

Chu He took a breath.

"I know it should be a devastating disaster."

"No, what I mean is, the asteroid falling from fifty kilometers away can even directly kill Da Luo Jinxian, how did you do it!"

What Little Tiger cares more about is not how much harm the asteroid can cause to the world, but how Chuhe can use such a powerful move.

"Well, I said I was summoned with the spirit of speech, would you believe me!"

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