Chuhe said with some anxiety.

"I can't even conjure such a big meteorite with only my words, so don't brag about me here!"

"What if I add my Xiaoyao Dao?"

When Chuhe said this, the little tiger fell into deep thought.

"What the hell is your Xiaoyao Dao? I've never heard of it!"

"If you haven't heard of it, it's a creation. I created an avenue myself, and my avenue has a characteristic, that is, it can make my dreams come true!"

Chuhe said proudly, and the little tiger was even more shocked. Chuhe showed off on purpose. Since the little tiger cared about who was stronger, Chuhe deliberately revealed his potential.

An avenue that can make one's wishes come true, coupled with the spirit of words that can make reality come true.

This is the dream of all cultivators.

"Follow the law!"

In the true sense, what you say will appear!

Sure enough, the little tiger soon realized this, and his gaze towards Chuhe became hot.

"Okay, okay, different avenues, different characteristics, you may really be able to find a way, a way that can be arbitrarily determined for eternity, and make heaven and man bow their heads and bow their heads."

The little tiger became obviously excited, but Chuhe still didn't have much feeling, he just wanted a guarantee.

"Then what, since Lord Xueshen values ​​my talent so much, I'm going to fight Xiangliu in a while. Can you save face and help me?"

If Chuhe does things, if he can be foolproof, then he will be foolproof.

The little tiger didn't know that Chuhe was waiting for him here. He didn't agree immediately, but said with a smile.

"I won't go to help you, but I can give you something that can save your life in the most critical time!"

As the little tiger said, he handed a small tiger tooth pendant on his chest to Chuhe. It was a life-saving thing, and Chuhe hurriedly caught it.

"Thank you Lord Xueshen, you have placed high hopes on me, and I will definitely not let you down."

Xueshen is moody, but his heart is kind. Chuhe naturally wants to form friendship with such a big Luo Jinxian, not enmity with him.

"Okay, I look forward to your future shining brightly, and I look forward to it even more. Your future road cannot be too smooth. If you want to go further, you must fight in more dangerous situations to stimulate the greatest potential of your body ,do you understand!"

The little tiger's words made Chuhe speechless, no one cursed himself to be in danger all the time.

"I understand, Lord Snow God! If there is nothing wrong, let's go first!"

As Chuhe said that he was about to leave, Snow God snorted coldly.

"Wait a minute, who killed my love general Snow Sculpture!"

Although the snow sculpture's body was blasted to pieces by lightning, the snow sculpture's wings and claws were all scattered on the ground.

Seeing his most beloved general die in such a tragic way, and hundreds of messy corpses around him, even if the little tiger's heart is hardened, seeing these things in person, he is still very angry.

"It's him, Li Qingming, the emperor of the human race!"

Chuhe didn't speak, and Mo Budong rushed to answer. This time, Chuhe didn't blame him.

Chuhe originally wanted to take Li Qingming away, and after defeating Xiangliu, execute him in front of all the people to return justice to the world.

In this way, Li Qingming's selfishness and shamelessness are in stark contrast to Ling'er, so that Ling'er can enjoy the faith of ordinary people, and she can also absorb the power of faith.

The Power of Faith is a mysterious and mysterious thing. To be honest, it is also very scary. When I first met Li Qingming, he was just a waste with no talent.

However, because he obtained the Dao of Faith, in just a hundred years, he has reached the peak of human beings that Chuhe can see, and he is infinitely close to Daluo Jinxian.

If he really takes that step, with the spells he learned and the unique wisdom of human beings, Chuhe is really not his opponent.

Therefore, the power of faith is so important, so it is natural to give it to Linger.

"Heavenly Emperor of the human race, if you don't fight against Xiang Liu, you come to my extreme north to kill people, what should you do!"

The little tiger was not angry and pretentious, its words seemed to have infinite magic power, Li Qingming was so irresistibly pressured by his words that he couldn't bear it directly, and knelt down.

"Master Snow God, please forgive me. I was confused for a while, and then I realized that I made a mistake and killed your subordinates. Please also consider that I am the emperor of the human race, and please give me a way out."

For the big monsters in ancient times, the most important thing is integrity and blood. If Li Qingming can get tough and say some cruel words.

I almost said some broken words.

such as.

"If you want to kill, you have to do whatever you want. After 18 years, I will still be a good man."

"Kill me if you have the ability, or I will not let any one go when I enter Daluo Jinxian in the future!"

Unfortunately, he didn't say anything. The supreme ruler of the clan knelt at the little tiger's feet and kowtowed non-stop.

The little tiger originally wanted to plead for him and save his life, but now it seems unnecessary.

"Since you made a mistake, you have to bear the consequences. I won't kill you, and I believe Chuhe will not let you go. It's just a pity that such a good seedling inherits the Dao of faith but doesn't take the right path. It's a pity. , Giving a pig is better than giving it to you!"

The little tiger walked away after scolding Li Qingming.

"Li Qingming!"

Chu He suddenly yelled, and Li Qingming, who hadn't recovered from his senses, subconsciously agreed, and then saw an extra Taiyi Immortal Gourd in Chu He's hand, and a surge of suction directly sucked him in.

Chapter 711 One Hundred Hearts

"Master, are you being too kind to him by doing this? If you want me to say, you should directly execute him Ling Chi with the Xuanyuan Sword!"

Although Mo Bufei has never had any issues with Li Qingming, his prejudice is deeper than that of Chuhe.

Ling'er frowned when she heard that she was going to kill someone, and even killed him in such a cruel way.

Chuhe said quickly.

"This thing does a lot of evil. It will definitely not let him have a good life. The reason why he is not killed now is because he is still useful. You will understand when the time comes!"

Chuhe made it clear that he didn't want to talk about his intentions, and there was nothing he could do about it.

On the contrary, Chu He looked at Mo Bu Bu Bu with great interest. At ten years old, he was not as tall as the Xuan Yuan Sword, but there were five Xuan Yuan Swords floating in a fan shape behind him.

"You kid can do it, you have subdued Xuanyuanjian so quickly, are you injured?"

Chuhe's sudden praise made Mo Budong very proud. With one finger, the five Xuanyuan swords spun directly above his head, which looked very cool.

"Hey, I didn't expect to be able to conquer them so soon. I'm sure I'll be injured. Fortunately, my wife has already healed my injury."

Chuhe nodded, looked at Linger, and said apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I almost caused a catastrophe just now and caused you misfortune. It's all my fault. I will pay attention to it in the future."

Admit when you make a mistake, never run away, Chuhe is such a person, Linger actually doesn't care about her life that much, she is more worried about Chuhe.

"Brother Chuhe, you don't have to blame yourself for everything. What you should care about most is yourself. You said that your free way can make your wishes come true. This is a powerful way that I have never heard of."

When Ling'er said this, her eyes lit up, and Chuhe looked very proud.

It's just that Ling'er frowned suddenly and changed the topic.

"But there is a problem, that is, you can't predict the consequences of your avenue, so when you use it in the future, you must consider whether you can bear it, okay?"

The appearance of Ling'er's persuasion cannot but be said to be the appearance of a good wife and mother.

"I see!"

Chuhe leaned over to grab her hand and held it tightly. Linger was a little shy by his sudden move.

Mo Bu Bui turned his face away, whistled, and put the five Xuanyuan Swords back behind him.

After being tender like this for a while, Ling'er was still worried about the safety of human beings.

"Brother Chuhe, we can't wait any longer. As long as Xiangliu exists, the human race will be in greater danger. We should rush to subdue him."

Chuhe nodded, summoned colorful spirit stones, turned into somersault clouds, and flew towards the heaven.

At this time, the Heavenly Court is still the same, but with a different master.

Originally, Li Zhi took the generals to strangle Xiangliu, but he didn't know Xiangliu's characteristics, he had to be beheaded with nine heads to die.

The lack of such important information caused heavy losses to the Shenbing Corps. After a large number of casualties, Li Zhi was also beaten and disappeared, and his life and death were uncertain.

The coalition lost its commander, and the battle turned into a collapse and escape.

Xiang Liu originally wanted to eat them all, but these magical soldiers are powerful, and as long as they add up, their aura cannons can exert great power.

So he used his innate magical powers to control these magical soldiers, swaggered to the heaven, and sat on the throne that Li Qingming had held for 100 years.

Although Xiang Liu was a famous monster in the ancient times, his strength was not the strongest at all, and any of those ancient sages could easily kill him.

So Xiang Liu has never enjoyed this feeling of being superior and dominating.

Due to the reason of the palace, Xiang Liu could only return to human form. He was dressed in black and sat on the throne, his scarlet eyes scanning the general below.

No one in the audience dared to look at him.

"Are you ready for today's ingredients?"

Now that Xiang Liu has obtained the supreme power, he must indulge in the supreme treatment. When he was doing it alone, he had to go all out to catch cannibals.

But now it's different, he controls the Heavenly Court, and he only needs one word to make these heavenly soldiers and generals do things for him honestly.

And since he learned that human beings don't like to eat raw food, they like to cook the meat before eating it, which will be more delicious.

So he enjoys it even more, cooking the way humans eat.

"Hui Tiandi..."

"Don't fucking call me Emperor of Heaven, that's something for your human race, call me Uncle Xiangliu!"

Before the Golden Armored General could speak, Xiang Liu scolded him. He was so wronged that he didn't dare to say anything more.

"Uncle Xiangliu, your meal has been prepared for you today. According to your request, we specially selected a hundred young girls who have just grown up, took out their hearts, and made this dish for you, dear heart! "

Xiang Liu looked at the huge tray in the hands of the Golden Armored General. Inside a hundred trays were a hundred cut and cooked hearts. These were a hundred human lives, and they were young girls who had just grown up. Their lives were the most splendid and glorious. age.

Seeing the food, Xiang Liu finally showed a satisfied smile, his hair began to grow sideways, a small snake quickly stretched to the front of the dinner plate, bit a piece of meat, and then went back to feed it into Xiang Liu's mouth.

The humanoid Xiangliu imitated the appearance of a human, first took a sip of red wine, then took a few bites, and suddenly frowned!

"Why does the taste feel wrong? Were the hearts of these girls taken out while they were alive?"

The Golden Armored God General is not a cook, so how does he know if the taste is right or not, but he is very clear about whether these hearts were taken out alive.

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