"Return to Mr. Liu, these hearts were not taken out alive, after all, that would be too cruel, the subordinates gave them a happy first, and then took the hearts!"

After the Golden Armored God General finished speaking, Xiang Liu was furious.

"Bastard, who allowed you to do this? Do you know that removing the heart from a living person will cause them to secrete more dopamine because of fear. This is the key to delicious cooking. How dare you secretly kill people?" Death, everyone is dead, are they still afraid of taking hearts? Without fear, this meat has no taste, it's not as good as shit, do it again for me!"

With a big wave of Xiang Liu's hand, the plate that the Golden Armored God General was carrying flew away, and the dishes made of more than 100 hearts splashed all over the floor.

Many golden-armored generals standing in the hall were hit by the heart, and an unspeakable feeling of vomiting suddenly hit their hearts.

"Master Xiangliu, what you mean by redoing is to kill another hundred girls and take their hearts alive?"

"Isn't what I said obvious enough? You trash, you can't do this well. If you can't do it this time, I'll take your heart and eat it on the spot."

"After all, although the hearts of these girls are delicious, you god generals are also things with extraordinary cultivation, and eating you is a great tonic!"

Xiang Liu's pair of snake eyes emitted a strange light, and a chill came over the hall.

Chapter 712 Heaven invites you to dance

"Uncle Xiangliu, I'm sorry, I've done this kind of thing once, and I can't do it a second time. If you're not satisfied, just kill me!"

The Golden Armored God General has been emotionally broken, and he can't bear to let him kill, let alone those beautiful girls, their lives have just begun, and their parents and those boys who admire them haven't given them anything yet. Adding more joyful colors in the future came to an abrupt end.

It is still made into dishes for people to enjoy. Human beings claim to be the spirit of all things, but they did not expect to become domestic animals in this era.

"Okay, then I'll kill you!"

Xiang Liu suddenly punched out, and punched the golden armored general's chest, the golden armored general's body was pierced instantly, and when Xiang Liu retracted his hand, a beating heart was in his hand.

At this time, the Golden Armored General was not completely dead yet, watching his heart leave his body with a look of horror and despair on his face.

"Right, it's the eyes, the feeling, the most delicious heart!"

Looking at the golden armored general, Xiang Liu swallowed his steaming heart in one gulp, his Adam's apple flipped, and the heart sank into his stomach.

As if it wasn't enough, Xiang Liu licked off all the blood on it, and directly ate people in the hall. Even these golden-armored generals couldn't hold back no matter how good their concentration was.

Many people couldn't hold back the strong physiological reaction and vomited it out suddenly.

It's just that just after they vomited out, their hearts were pierced by a big hand, and then, like a golden armored general, they watched helplessly as their hearts were separated and swallowed by Xiang Liu.

The smell of blood in the arena, mixed with the smell of vomiting, made the smell inside immediately extremely strange.

"If you dare to stain my floor, you will die, but your death is lucky, because you will become a part of me and become one with me. This is your honor, and you can be grateful to me!"

The Golden Armored God made the ninjas want to vomit one by one, and then stood where they were, not daring to speak.

"Go quickly, get me a hundred girls' hearts, and make this dish again, remember, I must take them alive, and when taking hearts, I must let other girls watch them all, I am Let them fear, the more fear the better, the more fear, the more delicious."

Xiang Liu's strange laughter echoed in the hall.

Many people couldn't bear it, but some who were greedy for life and afraid of death still hurried out. In the eyes of those people, as long as they could live, he could do anything.

The girls caught today have been killed, and they need to be caught again.

The golden-armored god will fly towards the next session with ten soldiers.

Human beings who have been ruled these days have already discovered this phenomenon, although Xiangliu no longer wreaks havoc on the ground, making people less of that visual panic.

But their misfortune has not been relieved. Every time the golden armor god will fly out of the heaven, at least hundreds of lives will disappear.

And they only pick out those young and beautiful women. The most abominable thing is that Xiang Liu is greedy. He doesn't just eat once a day, but eats every hour, and every time he eats, he must prepare at least one hundred and eight dishes. , can not repeat the sample.

This is what he called the Man Han Banquet.

For 24 dishes, [-] girls are needed to cook, and Xiang Liu has to eat [-] times a day. He is a big Luo Jinxian and can never sleep.

He eats more than 20 girls a day, and this is the case when he is satisfied with every dish, and if he is not satisfied, he has to redo it.

Moreover, the frequency of his rework is very high, and the number of deaths of girls starts at least 30 per day.

30, and all of them are girls. According to Xiangliu's way of eating, it won't be long before human beings don't have any young females. At that time, human beings will lose their ability to reproduce and will soon become extinct.

Chuhe was rushing towards the heaven at high speed, and Mo Bubu sat on the somersault cloud, only focusing on fiddling with his five Xuanyuan swords.

"Master, why are they unwilling to recognize the Lord even though they have obeyed me?"

Mo Bu different was very aggrieved.

Chuhe didn't know too well, so he said.

"Try using blood as a lure and see if it works!"

"Master, I have tried it a long time ago. Not to mention blood, even if they say they want to recognize me as their master, they will trade my life for it, and I will immediately agree."

Mo Bufei was talking stupid again, Linger patted him on the head angrily, Mo Bufei still respected Linger very much, so he stopped saying those unpleasant things.

"Then I don't know. After all, this is a holy weapon, something more powerful than a divine weapon. If they recognize their master, they need the master to be strong enough. The reason why they don't recognize you now may be that you are not strong enough." .”

Chuhe expressed his opinion.

"Then when will I be able to be strong? Li Qingming, that bastard, will soon be close to the Da Luo Jinxian, and he is still a Dao of Faith. Xuanyuan Sword can't accept him. Does he have to wait until I enter the Da Luo Jinxian before he accepts me?" ?”

Mo Bubu asked eagerly, and Chuhe shook his head.

"I don't know about that either. After all, Xuanyuan Sword is the weapon of Emperor Xuanyuan. It still hopes to find someone like Emperor Xuanyuan."

"Master, quickly tell me what kind of person Xuanyuan the Great is!"

Mo Bubu looked anxious, so Chuhe had no choice but to tell him about the historical achievements of Emperor Xuanyuan.

Mo Bubu's eyes lit up, and Ling'er listened with gusto.

"In other words, Emperor Xuanyuan is an existence dedicated to the human race, slaying demons and demons, and defending the righteous way. If you want to learn from him, you must learn to protect others, subdue demons and demons, understand?"

Mo Bufei clenched the sword in his hand and nodded heavily.


The somersault cloud was still flying, and suddenly there was a cry for help.


"Brother Chuhe, it seems that someone is calling for help!" Linger frowned.

Chuhe nodded.

"It doesn't seem to be, or someone is calling for help. It must be in some danger. Let's go down and have a look!"

As soon as Chuhe said this, Mo Bufei got up directly, jumped deeply, and quickly swept towards the direction of calling for help.

In the small town below, the divine soldier was pulling a young girl.

"Don't be afraid, little girl, Tianting is now forming a dance troupe, and you are outstanding in appearance and beautiful, and you have been selected by Tianting, just come with me!"

The girl looked flustered and kept yelling.

The magic soldiers made up lies to lure the girls. Unfortunately, these days, the human race has been inviting girls to heaven for various reasons, but none of them came back. At that time, everyone suspected.

Chapter 713

It’s just that no one has ever told the truth, that is, three days ago, a golden armored god general’s younger sister was arrested in the world. After being made into a dish, he completely collapsed and directly started the global live broadcast, taking those girls away to slaughter The video was released, and the human world completely collapsed for a while.

The girl knew what they were doing, and she also knew that as long as they went, there would be no way out!

"Mom, mom, save me, I don't want to die, I don't want to be eaten by monsters!"

Everyone was moved by the pear blossoms and rain that the girl cried, and the girl's mother was so distressed that she was about to collapse.

He took the soldier's hand and said.

"Master Shenbing, my daughter is still young and her life has just begun, please give her a way to survive!"

The god soldier snorted coldly.

"Give her a way to live, who will give me a way to live, besides, I told you all, let her go to dance for Uncle Xiangliu, maybe she will be back tomorrow!"

What Shenbing said couldn't comfort the girl and her mother at all.

"Master Shenbing, my daughter can't dance, but I'm a dance major and I can dance very well. Please let my daughter go. I'll go to heaven with you, okay!"

The Heavenly Soldiers were a little embarrassed, and the Golden Armored God General came over at this time.

"What's the matter with you, arrest someone, why haven't you done it yet!"

"Returning to God, they don't want to go!"

Shenbing hurriedly said.

Seeing the coming of God, the girl's mother felt hopeful, so she knelt on the ground hurriedly.

"My lord, my daughter is still young, please let him go, I will go to heaven with you, whether it is cooking or dancing, I am good at it!"

The girl's mother still had hope in her heart, that is to exchange her life for her daughter's life, but the god general didn't give him a chance at all.

The god general pulled out the sword at his waist, and stabbed it at the girl's mother's throat. The shining blade pierced in, but when it came out, it was bright red.

"Whispering, delaying Lord Xiangliu from eating, we will all die, and if there is any resistance, we will kill them all directly, understand!"


The Divine Soldier hastily agreed, and stopped being polite to the girl, and pulled her away. After all, this is a Divine Soldier, how could a mortal girl be an opponent, but she knew that if she went, she would die, so she might as well die now.

She suddenly pulled out the saber from Shenbing's waist, and pulled it hard towards her neck.

The surging blood sprayed the magic soldier, and the magic general had a face.

The god general wiped the blood on his face and cursed fiercely.

"Damn it, it's really bad luck. Take out her heart quickly before she's dead. If it's too late, it won't be able to enter Master Xiangliu's mouth, and it will be turned into trash!"


After saying that, Shenbing snatched back his saber and stabbed it towards the girl's chest. Just when the blade was about to pierce the girl's chest, Shenbing felt a sudden chill on his back, and something came out of his back. It came out, followed by a burst of burning pain.

He looked down and saw a golden divine sword at the position of his heart, and he was pierced through the chest by a sword!

Before the Divine Soldier could say anything, he died suddenly and fell heavily on the ground. When the Divine Soldier fell down, the girl saw different figures in a daze, a child, a sword-wielding man child.

"Help me... Mom.."

The little girl seemed to grasp the last bit of hope, and crawled towards her mother. She wanted to call for help, but she couldn't make a sound because her throat was cut, so she could only murmur.

After a while, the Golden Armored God General turned around and cursed the Divine Soldier,

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