"Damn it, what are the ink blots? I've said it all. If you die, your heart won't work...Who are you!"

The Golden Armored God General turned his head and found Mo Bubuan with red eyes, and the soldier who had just been executed by him. Such a young child was holding a very familiar sword. The Golden Armored God General immediately thought of who Mo Bubuan was. .

But Mo Bu different has not given him a chance.

In his eyes, it is a waste of natural resources for this kind of beast to take an extra breath of air.

"I am the one who takes your life!"

Mo Bu Bui suddenly stood up, flipping the divine sword in his hand, and the Golden Armored God General felt an inexplicable coercion. Fear made him have no intention of fighting at all, only one thought was to run away.

"Which little Taoist priest are you? You are a disciple of the great devil Chuhe, there is no difference!"

The Golden Armored God turned his head and ran away, but just as he took a step, he felt a sudden chill on his neck, and he felt a sudden spin, his body stood on the ground, and then fell down heavily.

It fell in front of his eyes, the blood sprayed from his bare neck wet his face, and his vision was scarlet.

The other magic soldiers saw that their own magic general was killed with one move, and they hurried to run away.

How could Mo Budong let them go and hurriedly chased after them.

"Don't be different, leave one alive, I still have something to ask him!"

Chuhe looked at the mother and daughter who died tragically, and his face became extremely ugly. Even Ling'er, who had always spoken for the human race, saw that Mo Butong beheaded the magic soldier, and rarely stopped him. Even she couldn't bear this kind of animal behavior.

"Aren't you going to stop it?"

It was rare for Chuhe to open his mouth. Ling'er didn't look at him, but hurriedly bit his finger and dripped blood into the mouth of the girl's mother who was already dying.

"Brother Chuhe, during the time I was with you, I have also grown a lot. Not all human races are good people. Those who slaughtered their own race for no reason are no longer human beings, but beasts. When the beasts are dead, I I won't be sad!"

It's right to have this idea, Chuhe nodded secretly.

It's just that the girl who couldn't breathe looked at this scene in surprise, her eyes widened.

Ling'er walked over, helped her up from the ground distressedly, and then hugged her into her arms. She stroked the girl's neck lightly with her bleeding fingers, and the wound on the neck healed quickly.

The girl was finally able to speak, and she looked at Linger excitedly.

"I've seen you! You are a descendant of Nuwa, you are the founder of our human race, you are finally back, are you here for us?"

Ling'er didn't speak, but nodded heavily. She was already crying with distress, and hugged the girl tightly in her arms.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault for not being optimistic about Xiang Liu, letting him escape and causing so many murders, don't worry, I will definitely bring the devil to justice!"

Ling'er spoke loudly, as if to listen to the girl again, and also as if to listen to herself again.

The sudden appearance of Ling'er and the video of her saving the mother and daughter with blood were captured by someone with a heart and posted on the Internet.

In just 5 minutes, the number of views exceeded one billion. Everyone looked at Linger, seeing tears in her eyes, holding the girl tightly. At that moment, she was the god in everyone's mind!

Chapter 714 Is it delicious?

"It's a descendant of Nuwa, she came back to save us!"

"The sky has eyes, the sky has eyes, finally let us humans see hope!"

"My lord goddess, please help us get rid of the snake monster Xiangliu and avenge my daughter!"

"Please also ask the goddess to get rid of the demon Xiangliu and avenge the human race!"

There was a lot of shouts in front of the screen, Linger didn't know how to deal with this situation, Chuhe came out at this time, and said to the camera.

"Don't worry everyone, we came back to get rid of Xiang Liu, but we didn't expect the matter to be so serious. Tianting clearly has the strength to fight against Xiang Liu, but they didn't do anything. They watched the situation worsen, watched Xiang Liu Slaughter the world."

"If the Heavenly Court doesn't do anything, then there is no need for the Heavenly Court. From now on, Ling'er will protect the safety of all of you. Please entrust your faith to her!"

As soon as Chuhe's words fell, the endless power of faith gathered towards Ling'er, and the power of faith grew more and more, and finally became like substance, reflecting Linger's incomparable holiness.

"We are willing to be devout and to serve Goddess for life."

"Although Heaven is gone, Nuwa's descendants are still there, and she is our new Empress!"

"My lord empress, ten thousand years!"

Ling'er somehow became the empress, the new master of the human race. She was a little at a loss. Chuhe didn't teach her what to do. At this time, Mo Budong came to the front with the last unlucky person.

The only remaining divine soldier trembled all over.

"Don't kill me, I am also following orders, and I have no other choice. Please forgive me and give me a chance."

Shenbing kept begging for mercy, but Chuhe didn't mention it at all, but asked coldly.

"Why did you arrest these girls?"

"To cook for Uncle Xiangliu, he has to eat one hundred and eight dishes for each meal, and each dish requires a hundred maidens."

Shenbing began to accuse Xiangliu of his crimes. When Chuhe heard this, he was too surprised to speak, and Mo Bufei was so angry that his eyes were burning with hatred. Fortunately, Linger was supported, otherwise, after hearing this, he would not even be able to stand. Can't do it.

"Go on."

"That snake demon cannibalism is not counted. It must be required that the dishes are taken from living people. He said that the dishes made will be more delicious if the girls feel the pain."

"Just now, the previous Golden Armored God General killed the girl to get the heart and was eaten by him. Then the God General was killed and asked us to cook again. We are arresting them to go back to cook!"

Although these girls probably knew that going to Heavenly Court would lead to death, but she was quite frightened when she heard the confirmation from Heavenly Court for the first time.

Killing people is fine, but people still treat them as food, and the most terrifying thing is to take them alive.

"Master, this kind of beast, I will kill him!"

Mobu was so angry that Ling'er couldn't stop crying when he heard it, and Chuhe also blamed himself a little. He had expected that things would be bad, but he didn't expect things to be so bad.

"The news of our appearance, everyone, please don't say anything, I need you to keep it secret, I will execute that snake demon! Now let's take this greedy life and fear of death, and make a sacrifice to your own people with a knife!"

Chuhe snorted coldly, Mo Fei raised his knife and dropped it, and the last magic soldier also fell down, and the crowd burst into cheers instantly.

After comforting the mother and daughter, Chuhe went back on the road. This time, Linger's eyes were firm, and she kept looking at the heaven looming in the clouds ahead.

The heavenly court is suspended in the air, hidden among the auspicious clouds, and blooms a golden halo under the sunlight, which looks beautiful.

This is also the first time for Chuhe to ascend to heaven.

Xiang Liu was still sitting in the hall, eating other dishes. This girl's fragrant tongue tasted great, but there was a shortcoming, that is, one of the hundred tongues tasted without fear. It was removed after death.

This made him a little upset. Just as he was thinking about whether to have someone redo it, a golden-armored god general walked in, followed by a few magic soldiers, holding a large tray with a hundred girls' hearts on it. Made dishes.

The dishes are steaming and look delicious.

"It's so fragrant, what's added?"

Xiang Liu just sniffed it, and was very satisfied, so he hurriedly asked.

The golden-armored general standing in the temple now is Chuhe's change, and the two magic soldiers behind him are Mo Bu Bu Bu and Ling'er.

For his Xiaoyao Dao, a simple disguise technique is nothing to him.

"Add some men's heart and blood, after all, eating only women is not enough taste, let those men who watched their beloved women die tragically, and then desperately, take their hearts out alive, use their heart and blood to add to this dish The flavor is the recipe of this dish now!"

"Okay! Wonderful, you still have a way. I really underestimated you. It seems that you have the talent to make good food. How about this? I accept that you are the king of food. From today on, you can enjoy everything except All the treatment except for my uncle, and you just need to study more delicious dishes with me, understand?"

Xiang Liu's laughter was gloomy and piercing, extremely unpleasant.

Ling'er and Mo Bubu couldn't help but want to kill him after hearing what he said. Chuhe hurriedly turned his hands away to let the two of them calm down. His plan is about to start, and the rhythm cannot be disrupted because of such a trivial matter. .

"My subordinates would like to thank Mr. Xiangliu, thank you Mr. Xiangliu for your appreciation, for giving me such a good position, I will do my best to develop better dishes for you."

"However, this dish won't taste good when it's cold. Please, Master Xiangliu, taste it as soon as possible."

Naturally, Xiang Liu didn't want to miss such a beautiful and delicious thing.

"Bring it up!"

Chu He followed and walked forward. Xiang Liu looked at the delicacies in front of him, stretched out his long tongue, and sucked all the dishes on a plate into his mouth.

Then he pretended to take another sip of red wine.

It's just that when he was chewing, he found that something was wrong. This dish was obviously made of a girl's heart. Why did it taste like eating another stone? The key is that it still can't be bitten.

What puzzled Xiang Liu even more was that this very obedient general in golden armor seemed to be smiling, and his smile was inexplicably familiar.

"Uncle Xiangliu, is it delicious? Is it delicious? This is your last meal, enjoy it!"

"Who are you? What do you mean by that?"

Xiang Liu was very smart, and immediately realized that something was wrong, he hurriedly wanted to kill Chuhe.

It's a pity that when he spoke, it was already too late, the flesh in his mouth suddenly changed shape, a colorful glowing spirit stone appeared in Xiang Liu's mouth, the colorful spirit stone slid in his mouth, and the corners of his mouth were instantly separated.

Xiang Liu immediately reacted to the familiar feeling and pain.

"You are Chuhe!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, the seven-colored spirit stone transformed into a sharp blade, pierced into his throat, and then spun around in a circle, Xiang Liu's big head rolled directly off his body.

Chapter 715 I want to be the man of the Emperor of Heaven

Chu He took Xiang Liu's head and threw it directly to Mo Bu Buan behind him.

Mo Fei understood, and sacrificed five Xuanyuan swords, and slashed at Xiang Liu's head. When Xiang Liu's head was chopped into a meat paste, Mo Fei directly set fire to burn the meat paste.

This is the best and most labor-saving method that Chuhe thought of.

Xiang Liu has nine heads, without the constraints of a large formation, it is wishful thinking to want to cut off all his heads, but fortunately, Xiang Liu insists on imitating the human race, sitting on the throne, drinking foreign wine, eating With delicious food, this gave Chuhe a great opportunity.

As long as his human-shaped head is cut off, and then smashed and burned with red lotus karmic fire, Xiang Liu will be completely gone!

Seeing that Xiangliu's head didn't even have a scum left, Chuhe finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, all the golden-armored generals in the hall were stunned. They didn't expect Chuhe to appear here, and he beheaded Xiangliu as soon as he came up. This scene was so shocking that they didn't react for a while. .

Chu He snorted coldly, and shouted at the golden armored soldiers in the main hall.

"Xiang Liu has already been put to death. As a human race, you help the emperor to do evil and do many evils. You deserve death!" After Chu He said this, all the golden-armored gods below knelt down in fright and kowtowed non-stop.

"Shangxian spared his life, we have no other choice, we really have no choice but to subdue the snake demon in vain, we also want to find a chance to get rid of the snake demon, we don't really want to belong to him!"

Chuhe sneered, this is human nature, if Xiangliu is not dead, they will change their words, if Xiangliu is dead, they will immediately show their loyalty to Chuhe, the attitude changes faster than anyone else imagine.

"Hehe, don't be nervous. I don't mean to punish you. As long as you bow your head and swear allegiance from now on, I will forgive you!"

They were still alive. These golden armored generals were not Chuhe's opponents, so they naturally bowed down.

"Thank you Heavenly Emperor for not killing, I will be grateful to you, and I will definitely repay you with death!"

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