The sound of prostration below was deafening, but Chu He waved his hands.

"No, no, you are not worshiping me, but her. From now on, Ling'er will be the new master of the heavenly court, and she will be the new emperor of heaven."

As soon as Chuhe said this, the golden armored generals below didn't know why, but at this time their lives were in Chuhe's hands, even if Chuhe pointed at a pig and asked them to kneel down, they would not say no.

"I will wait to see the Lord Heavenly Emperor, the Lord Heavenly Emperor is blessed with great fortune and good luck for thousands of years!"

Standing beside Chuhe, Ling'er was at a loss for being worshiped by so many people.

Chuhe grabs her hand and comforts him.

"Don't be nervous, think about the way those humans bowed to you when you were a child, just like that time."

Ling'er was still a little nervous, and hurriedly shied away.

"Brother Chuhe, you should do this kind of thing, I really don't understand!"

Chuhe chuckled.

"If you are not the God of Heaven, then my dream will not come true!"

Mo Bubu and Ling'er asked at the same time.

"What is your aspiration."

"My dream is to be the man of the Emperor of Heaven!"

Chuhe said it very solemnly, Ling'er was a little confused.

"You think that the man of the Heavenly Emperor, why don't you be yourself, but what does it mean to let me sit?"

After all, Ling'er doesn't understand the stalks of human beings nowadays, but Mo Bufei can understand a little bit, I saw him talking with a smirk on his face.

"Master, what Master means is that if you are the Emperor of Heaven, if he becomes your man, then he will be the Emperor of Heaven's man!"

Ling'er reacted, and immediately blushed. She wanted to punch Chuhe, but Chuhe hurriedly stopped her and said in a low voice.

"Ling'er, now your identity is the Emperor of Heaven, you must always pay attention to your demeanor, understand?"

Chuhe was having fun with Ling'er, but he heard a familiar harsh voice from afar.

"You guys had a great time, are you playing house?"

Chuhe immediately realized that it was Xiangliu's voice, and Mo Budong also realized it. The two looked at each other, not quite understanding what was going on. Chuhe looked at the corpse on the throne.

Xiang Liu's body is no longer there!

When his body reappeared, he was already standing outside the gate of Yunxiao Great Hall, his neck was still smooth, and foul-smelling and corrosive blood slowly flowed from between his necks.

"Impossible, your head is gone, how can you still be alive?"

Mo BuFong exclaimed, as if he had seen a ghost, Xiang Liu laughed out loud, he could make a sound even though he had no head, it was really intrusive.

At this time, Chuhe’s mind was spinning. In ancient times, there were many creatures that could live without a head. The most famous one was the god of war Xingtian. His head was cut off by the emperor of heaven. He used his belly button as his mouth and his chest as his eyes, and he still survived. .

Could it be that Xiangliu also has this ability, if his head is chopped off, he can turn into a head with the help of his body and continue to live. If this is the case, it will be very difficult to do, isn't it basically equal to being unable to kill?

"Chuhe, are you curious why my uncle is not dead?"

Chu He stared at Xiang Liu coldly, without saying a word.

"Because I have nine heads. You don't have so many heads. You must not understand. After my nine heads became human, why did they disappear? In fact, they didn't disappear. They are all in my stomach. If you don't believe me, see !"

As Xiang Liu spoke, he shook his neck vigorously, and a new head came out directly from his neck, and it grew completely after a while, perfectly connecting with his body.

The familiar and frightening Xiang Liu reappeared in front of everyone like a normal person.

"Master Xiangliu!"

Seeing Xiang Liu resurrected from the dead, many of those generals who still loved to bow down to Ling'er and the golden armor stood up again and began to bow down to Xiang Liu.

However, there are still many who have been kneeling and worshiping Ling'er from beginning to end.

These gods will either be kind-hearted and don't want to be with monsters, or they have been saved by Ling'er, or they were moved by Ling'er's self-sacrificing behavior, and they are willing to respect Ling'er as the master.

Even now that Xiang Liu was standing behind them, they were not afraid at all.

"Nuwa's descendants, I didn't expect that you have only been out for a few days, and you have a large number of human believers. You are worthy of the Nuwa clan, and you are very good at deceiving people."

Ling'er looked at Xiang Liu coldly, and scolded.

"I'm not deceiving people. Their eyes are sharp. If they lose their kindness to them, they will believe in someone, but you, the devil, will never understand."

When Linger was arguing with Liu, Chuhe winked, and all of them backed away quietly, and then disappeared in the hall!

Chapter 716 I want to eat you

"Okay, descendants of Nuwa, don't pretend to be a good person here. I admit that your Nuwa clan created human beings, but this does not mean that you give in to human beings in everything."

"Everything of human beings was won by their ancestors with their lives. It has nothing to do with you?"

Now that Xiang Liu has escaped from the palace, he is not so nervous. After all, the world is so big that he can hide everywhere.

Even if Chuhe had a way to kill him, he would not give him a chance.

"The human race is great. I am very pleased that they have done so many things, but they are suffering now, and you brought all of this. What else can you say?"

Linger's quarrel skills are not good at all. If it were Chuhe, Chuhe would be able to spray Xiangliu's scolding blood on his head.

It's just that he was looking at Xiang Liu with all his attention now, and Mo Bu Bui had already quietly touched behind him, and Chu He suddenly yelled.

"Dog, look at me!"

Chu He's loud cry attracted Xiang Liu's attention. Xiang Liu turned his head to look at Chu He. When he was distracted, he appeared silently from behind him.

Xuanyuanjian cut Xiangliu's neck, and there was a burst of lightning and flint. Xiangliu's skin was hard, but Xuanyuanjian was a holy soldier, and it was more than enough to deal with his skin.

After blocking it for a moment, Xiang Liu's head flew up again.

Xuanyuanjian drank Xiangliu's blood wildly. It was originally made to subdue demons and eliminate demons. When killing people, it had no interest at all, but when encountering monsters, Xuanyuanjian woke up by itself, and the whole body of the sword trembled and vibrated.

When Xiang Liu's head flew up, Chu He hurriedly shouted.

"Don't be different, cut his body to shreds!"

Mo Butong didn't sit still at all, and swung his sword directly over Xiang Liu's body, the sword's edge rained down, and Xiang Liu's body was instantly cut into even squares.

Before its head landed, Chuhe directly stepped forward and grabbed his head like his hands.

"This time, are you dead!"

Chu He looked at Xiang Liu coldly, but Xiang Liu laughed.

"Who knows?"

His head was beheaded and his body was cut into pieces by Mo BuTong. At this moment, Xiang Liu could still laugh out loud. Chu He didn't think that this thing was about to die, and he was still joking with him, which meant that he shouldn't have died.

But this is not dead, how did he survive.

Just when Mo Bu Butong cut Xiang Liu's body, a black head flew away from Xiang Liu's body. The head was small and had complete limbs. Chu He finally understood that his head was not necessarily very The big ones can become very small if they are hidden in the body, and those are not just heads at all, but another Xiangliu with a body.

When Mo Bu Butong chopped up his body just now, Xiang Liu's head had already escaped, Mo Bu Bu Bu seemed to have noticed this too, and hurriedly chased after him.

"Snake demon, I will smash your corpse into thousands of pieces today!"

Mo BuTong turned into a flame and slashed towards Xiang Liu who was flying out. Logically speaking, Xiang Liu should dodge when encountering danger.

But that head only flew for a while and then stopped, hanging in the air, as if it was waiting for Mo Feitong to arrive.

Mo Bufei didn't notice any abnormality, so he swung his sword and slashed up. At this time, Chuhe found that Xiangliu's body was growing rapidly, and the speed was too fast for people to react, and his humanoid head was also slowly growing. Turning into a snake head, it opened its mouth in different directions.

Chuhe gave a loud shout.

"Come back soon!"

Xiang Liu was very insidious, and this move was based on retreat, which was to force Mo BuTong to come to him, and when he was defenseless, he would swallow him in one gulp.

Mo Bufei also saw that something was wrong, so he hurriedly stopped and retreated towards the rear, but Xiang Liu's transformation took only an instant, and his body stretched for dozens of miles, so there was no way for Mo Bufei to escape.

Xiang Liu's huge head stretched out towards Mo Bubu. The speed of the snake was so fast that it overtook Mo Bubu in a blink of an eye, and then opened its mouth wide, ready to eat Mo Bubu.

"Yan Ling: Shut up!"

Chu He yelled, and Xiang Liu's big mouth could not be closed. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation. When he was in a daze, Mo Bubu hurriedly retreated to avoid a safe distance. .

Ling'er hurried forward to examine his body carefully.

"Master, uh, no, Heavenly Emperor, I'm fine."

It seems that Mo Bufei has lost his mother's love for a long time, and he is not used to it.

Linger patted his head.

"It's good that you're fine, you really scared me to death just now!"

Ling'er was really worried, but she was scared to death because Mo Butong was almost eaten, Xiang Liu also said at this time.

"Scared me!"

What he was afraid of was that he couldn't control his body just now, thinking that there was some more domineering existence.

But only Chuhe was present, and he really couldn't eat Mo Bu different just now.

Almost at the same time, Xiang Liu burst out laughing.

"Yanling, it's Yanling. I really can't believe it. You can also possess the talent of the ancient true dragon clan. Could it be that you are the blood of the dragon clan? If I eat you, then I won't be able to get yours." Are you talented?"

"Yan Ling, but one of the top talents in the world! It's great, it's great, Chuhe, you can always surprise me! I love you so much, how about this, you enter my body, we cooperate Two into one, okay!"

Xiang Liu was already close to madness. In ancient times, Xiang Liu was super powerful, but he was always suppressed and beaten by many saints.

And there are many more powerful races that can also beat him violently.

For example, Bai Ze, Qilin, Phoenix, and the real dragon is the most powerful existence among all these beasts.

"I'm sorry, I've already chosen to be with Ling'er. For the matter of combining the two into one, you should find someone else!"

Chuhe still had time to drive at this time, Mo Budong really didn't know what to say to him, Ling'er hadn't reacted yet, she went straight to fight Xiang Liu.

"Xiang Liu, letting you out is the thing I regret the most. I will make up for this regret no matter what I say today. I will seal you up completely, and you will never stand up again!"

Ling'er was furious. He had never hated anyone so much in his life, not even those generals who almost beat her to death.

Xiang Liu is really too much, too much!

Linger just wanted to make a move, but Chuhe stopped her.

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