As expected of Zulong, these words are very crazy, obviously just a ray of remnants, obviously he is not necessarily Xiang Liu's opponent, but he still speaks so domineeringly, Xiang Liu did not expect such a big reversal in the doomed situation.

"Master Snow God means what he says. If I kill these two humans, will you let me go?"

"You lowly thing deserves to question me!"

Zulong glared at him, Xiang Liu was so frightened that he trembled all over, he didn't dare to provoke Zulong, he didn't have the guts.

But he still has the courage to provoke Chuhe, and it is very big.

"Since Master Zulong said so, Chuhe, then you just wait to die!"

"You are the one who will die!"

Chuhe picked up the golden cudgel and slammed it down heavily on Xiang Liu's head. In the past, Xiang Liu would dodge such a heavy blow, but this time Xiang Liu didn't dodge at all. Instead, he stretched out his neck to hit it. go up.

"court death!"

Using flesh and blood against Dinghai Needle and Needle Iron, this kind of behavior is tantamount to sending to death, Chuhe will not feel sorry for Xiangliu.

"It's you who are looking for death!"

Xiang Liu's head went up to meet it, rubbing violently against the golden cudgel, producing metallic roaring sounds.

The two collided with great force, the ground under Xiang Liu's body collapsed, and his head was directly smashed flat.

But Chuhe was also having a hard time. The huge reaction force made him unable to even hold the golden cudgel, so he threw it directly.

Chuhe immediately lost his weapon, and Xiang Liu bit his head towards his body.

"Bold snake demon, don't hurt my master!"

On the way of Xiang Liu's attack, violent flames suddenly rose.

Chapter 727 Not Renewable

If it was Xiang Liu in the past, he would definitely avoid it, but now Xiang Liu plunged into the flames without even thinking about it.

"Smelly snake, are you out of fright? What you're doing is sending you to your death!"

"Really, you little human monks, you will never understand how powerful Da Luo Jinxian is."

After Xiang Liu finished speaking, his head had already emerged from the flames. The strange thing was that his head passed through the flames, but there was no sign of burning.

Don't find out until you observe carefully.

There was an invisible barrier around Xiang Liu, and these barriers directly formed a vacuum zone, without oxygen as a medium to burn, and no matter how powerful the flame was, it would have no effect.

Mo different flames did not stop him, and he panicked all of a sudden.

"Master, get out of here!"

Chuhe still didn't move, and when Xiang Liu's head was about to swallow Chuhe, the golden cudgel flew out and fell from top to bottom.

He smashed Xiang Liu's head to the ground.

"Yan Ling: Rapid Thunderstorm!"

Immediately afterwards, the sky quickly darkened, with dark clouds forming a sea of ​​thunder. The sea of ​​thunder kept churning, and finally a bunch of electric arcs were attracted by the golden cudgel.

Immediately afterwards, the sea of ​​thunder all over the sky rushed towards the golden cudgel as if they had found an outlet to release the flood.

The golden cudgel was instantly illuminated by lightning, and a huge electric current passed through his body. A puff of white smoke shot out of Xiang Liu's head, and the white smoke quickly stretched towards Xiang Liu's body.

Fortunately, Xiangliu Guojue hastily chopped off his head to avoid the conduction of lightning.

Looking at the corpse scorched by lightning on the ground, Chuhe sneered.

"It seems that even if you become a Da Luo Jinxian, you still can't escape the fate of being restrained by lightning. Since you still have weaknesses, then I can kill you!"

"Yan Ling: Nine Layers of Thunder Sea!"

Chuhe was only a tentative attack just now, and Xiang Liu still couldn't resist the thunder and lightning, so it would be much easier. In this self-contained small barrier, as long as it is filled with thunderstorms, Xiang Liu will die even if he is a big Luo Jinxian undoubtedly.

Naturally Xiangliu also knew what Chuhe was going to do, but he had no intention of being afraid at all.

"Chuhe, do you think your square cage can trap me? Don't forget, I'm a Da Luo Jinxian now!"

Xiang Liu said that he was not afraid, but his body was very honest. His nine huge heads were condensed into a rope, and he ruthlessly earned his way towards the formation formed by the Shensha flag.

Just a bump, the enchantment is like glass that has been knocked full of cracks, and it can't bear it visible to the naked eye.

Mo Bubu was stunned. One must know that before getting the demon pill, it would take at least half an hour for Xiangliu to destroy the formation.

But now, it only takes two strokes.

The barrier was already full of cracks, Xiang Liu whipped it up again, only to hear a crash, the barrier burst and the Shensha flag flew back to Chuhe's hand.

Xiang Liu easily shattered his biggest barrier like this. To be honest, Chu He was hit hard.

He glanced at Ling'er, and Ling'er's injury was slowly recovering, but Chuhe felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

A Xiangliu, in the eyes of Zu Long, is the most humble and inferior creature, and seems to be an invincible existence to him.

This is really a big blow to Chuhe.

He hated himself for being incompetent, hated himself for not being able to protect Ling'er, if even Xiangliu couldn't handle it, when heaven and man came in the future, they would definitely kill the higher races first, and Ling'er would definitely be the first to suffer.

What should he do then?

Chuhe thought a lot for a moment, his sea of ​​consciousness shook, and the fruit trees on the avenue trembled violently.

Seeing that Chuhe was distracted, Mo Bufei rushed forward.

Since Flame is useless against Xiangliu, he can only place his hope on Xuanyuanjian.

Xuanyuan Sword danced like the wind in his hand, and the five divine weapons swept towards Xiangliu like five life-threatening talismans.

Although Xiang Liu was arrogant, he was not so conceited. Xuanyuan Sword's aggressiveness was much stronger than that of Shensha Banner, and even though he retrieved the Yao Pill, he restored Da Luo Jinxian's strength.

However, his scale's defensive power remained unchanged, and the Xuanyuan Sword could still cause terrifying damage to him.

"Little brat, why are you everywhere, die to me!"

As Xiang Liu spoke, he stretched out his big mouth and spewed out a violent gust of wind, but he was swept by the gust of wind and couldn't move forward.

Then another head joined the battle.

It opened its mouth wide and spewed out endless acid, which was extremely corrosive, and everything it touched would immediately smile.

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Sword is a holy weapon, which can resist the erosion of acid.

But a large amount of black smoke also began to rise above Xuanyuan Sword.

"Endless fire field, quench!"

Mo Bubu was worried that the Holy Weapon would be corroded, so he thought of surrounding the Xuanyuan Sword with flames to resist the sulfuric acid rain, and it seemed to work well.

Just when Mo Bubu was concentrating on fighting, Xiang Liu's other head quietly touched Mo Bubu's back, biting towards Mo Bubu's back.

"Word Ling: Starfall!"

As soon as Chu He finished speaking, a huge meteorite fell directly from the sky, smashing the head of Xiang Liu, who was attacking Mo BuFong, on the ground.

"Yan Ling: The Spiritual Realm of Fire, the White Realm in all directions, and the Red Lotus Blossoming!"

Chuhe used Mo differentiating's killer move again, but the effect was not very great when Mo differentially used it just now, because Xiang Liu had a protective barrier on his body.

The flame can't get in at all.

Xiang Liu's head was suddenly hit by a meteorite, and he was taken aback. Seeing that Chu He wanted to burn him in the same way, he found it ridiculous.

"Boy, don't you know that flames are useless to me?"

"haha, really!"

Chu He sneered, the flames had already surrounded Xiang Liu's head, but an invisible barrier around him protected him from the flames.

Just as Xiang Liu was about to laugh, a seven-colored divine stone suddenly flew up beside Chuhe.

The seven-colored god stone was changing shape during the flight, and instantly turned into a sharp spear. The tip of the spear was shining with cold light, and it shot heavily at the barrier.

Just like the shattering of Chu River's barrier, the spear directly pierced Xiangliu's protective barrier, and the golden cudgel swung down vigorously, causing the barrier to shatter to the ground.

After the flame disappeared, it began to spread rapidly, and the snake's head was instantly engulfed in flames.

"Word Spirit: Can't be regenerated!"

After Chu He finished speaking, Xiang Liu was surprised to find that his head burned by Chu He just now really couldn't survive. Of course, it's not accurate to say that it can't be regenerated.

It's just that the regeneration becomes very slow. At this speed, Chuhe can cut off all the remaining heads before he grows his head.

"Master, it's amazing!"

What Mo Bubu watched was a pleasure, and Zu Long nodded along.

"Chuhe, you have always relied too much on magic weapons, but you don't know that your Xiaoyao Dao and your talent, supernatural powers and words, are your strongest moves. You have to learn to make good use of them, just like Same now."

Chapter 728 Insulators

Chuhe also felt something and nodded subconsciously.

"Thank you Lord Xueshen for your teaching!"

Xiang Liu was very upset by Chuhe's respectful obedience. He came here to teach together with you, and he was still a tool for teaching.

He didn't dare to get angry with Zulong if he wanted to stay, but he couldn't bear Chuhe.

"Boy, your speech ability is really great. When I eat you, this is my talent. And, don't think that you are the only one with supernatural powers. Now that I have recovered the demon core, I can also use my natural supernatural powers. "

"Innate supernatural power: mental chaos!"

When Xiang Liu finished speaking, Chuhe's brain was suddenly drilled by countless black snakes, and his headache was about to explode. Countless black snakes kept gnawing at Chuhe's brain, and the severe pain prevented him from thinking.

Mo Bubei's situation was even more serious, he hugged his head and howled, his seven orifices were bleeding.

Xiang Liu looked at Mo BuFan, who couldn't bear it at first, and walked up to him.

"Little Taoist, do you feel like your brain is about to explode!"

Mo Fei patted his head vigorously, trying to photograph those things that didn't exist at all.

"Yes, my head is about to explode, please help me!"

At this moment, he couldn't tell who made the sound, and he even regarded Xiang Liu as a life-saving straw.

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