"Oh, in fact, you don't have to suffer so much, you just need to kill Xiang Liu who released this supernatural power!"

"Okay, I'm going to kill Xiang Liu now, where is he, where is he!"

Mo Bubu gritted his teeth and roared, Xuanyuanjian vibrated with his emotions, releasing terrifying power.

"Xiang Liu is right there, go and kill him, your headache won't hurt, go now!"

Xiang Liu pointed at the Chu River not far away, and made a trick to point out that a deer was a horse, and his eyes were red, because in his eyes, Chu River really looked like Xiang Liu.

Holding the Xuanyuan sword, he quickly stabbed towards the Chu River.

"No different, no, he is your master, not Xiangliu!"

Ling'er woke up at this time, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw that Mo BuTong was stabbing at Chuhe, and she hurriedly opened her mouth to organize.

However, Mo Bu Bui stabbed at Chu River as if he hadn't heard it.


Xuanyuan sword pierced Chuhe's body, blood spattered, Xiang Liu returned to human form, and walked towards Chuhe.

"Haha, is it a surprise, or is it a surprise, that the apprentice who was brought up by himself ended up killing his master, and he still doesn't know?"

"Chuhe, you are gone, what are you fighting with me for?"

"Ruyi Golden Hoop!"

Chu He suddenly opened his eyes, and shouted at Xiang Liu, Xiang Liu was startled suddenly, not knowing what happened.

At this time, Ruyi's golden cudgel fell from the sky and directly smashed Xiangliu into the ground.

"Yan Ling: Nine Layers of Thunder Sea!"

Chuhe quickly summoned Lei Hai, and the light of the thunder flickered, passing through the huge golden cudgel into the ground, and Xiang Liu, who was pressed underneath, was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

At this time, Mo BuDiong was still mad, and Chuhe used the Shensha Banner to control him.

"Yan Ling: Wake up!"

After Chuhe finished speaking, Mo Butong's eyes gradually became clear, and he finally regained consciousness. When he saw the Xuanyuan sword in his hand and pierced into Chuhe's body, everyone was frightened.

"Master, what's going on? What have I done?"

"It's okay, just a little injury, don't worry."

This kind of thing is not intentional, Chuhe naturally can't blame him, he pulled the Xuanyuan sword from his body and handed it to Mo Bu different.

"Master, I'm sorry, the apprentice made a big mistake, and I ask the master to punish him."

Mo Bui knelt directly on the ground.

"Okay, I've said it's fine, and it's not your fault. If you want to blame it, blame Xiang Liu for having such a wicked spell. It's amazing!"

"But now it's all right, he's dead!"

A huge golden cudgel directly smashed Xiangliu into the ground, and then the sky was filled with thunder. If he didn't die, Chuhe would really be speechless!

But Chuhe still thought too much, Xiang Liu couldn't die before he got the demon pill, let alone he got the demon pill now.

The golden cudgel suddenly began to shake, and then it was pushed out of the ground little by little.

Xiang Liu dragged his broken body and flew out from the ground. His body was left with coke-like lines by the lightning, and his hair was bulging out one by one. It was like this, Xiang Liu was not dead yet.

As soon as he flew out of the ground, he couldn't wait to look at Chuhe and question him.

"Why? Why can you still maintain a clear consciousness after being hit by my innate supernatural power? How is this possible?"

Chuhe sneered.

"Xiangliu, you're not very smart. Why can't you figure it out? I didn't fall for your innate magical powers at all. I've always been sober."

"Impossible! I'm a big Luo Jinxian, you're just a little Jinxian, how could you make my innate magical powers useless?"

"It's simple! Although my strength is not as good as yours, my bloodline level is many times higher than yours!"

"Look at Ling'er if you don't believe me, she is not as strong as you, but your innate supernatural powers have no effect on her at all, don't you understand, you inferior, lowly, and dirty species!"

Chuhe directly hurt Xiang Liu's self-esteem.

If Zulong scolded him like that, he would have nothing to say, but why should Chuhe.

"You are just a lowly human race, you are food in my eyes, and you deserve to call me low!"

"Why, angry? I'm not happy, but the fact is the fact, you are a lowly species, let me tell you, I inherited Nuwa's inheritance, and with her blood, the power of my blood can even determine the highest level. Gifted with supernatural powers and words, do you still think my blood is not as good as yours?"

Xiang Liu was stunned. What Chu He said was true, but he couldn't accept it for a while.

"Then why do you still pretend to be hit? Why don't you dodge when your disciple stabs you?"

Chuhe sneered.

"If you don't act more realistically, will you take the initiative to change back into a human form, and will you relax your vigilance and be hit by my golden cudgel?"

"I did all this to attract you to take the bait, but you are not dead? I'm curious, how did you do it?"

When Chuhe raised his own question, Xiang Liu wanted to laugh.

"Even a lowly mortal like you knows that lightning is my nemesis, don't I know it myself? My uncle has been looking for a way to fight against lightning for so many years. Finally, I found a good treasure among the human race. Insulator!"

Xiang Liu took off a layer of snake skin from his body as he spoke. These snake skins have no scales and are all made of rubber. This kind of thing is a good insulator and can block electric current.

"Unexpectedly, Xiang Liu, who has always looked down on humans, would secretly learn human technology, so what right do you have to say that humans are low, you dirty beast!"

Chapter 729 I Flayed You Alive!

Chuhe sneered at Xiang Liu, but Xiang Liu didn't mean to be angry at all.

"Hehe, I don't mind whatever you say, but boy, don't you see that I have the upper hand?"

"Your prison can't control me, so you have nothing to do with me. I can make a mistake ten thousand times, but if you make a mistake once, you will die!"

Xiang Liu was extremely proud, and he was right.

If you want to deal with this bug, there is only one way to get rid of it, and that is simple and violent lightning killing.

The insulating layer of clothing on this kid is gone, but I don't know if he has a second set, but this kid can hide it quite well, and he didn't use this kind of thing when he chopped off his head alone just now.

Sure enough, people who have lived for endless years have already strengthened their pursuit of survival. I don't know how much Chuhe is.

"Xiangliu, sometimes I feel that you are quite suitable for practicing the Dao of Nirvana, and even, your fate is even stronger than those of the Dao of Resurrection."

"But I just want to ask you, why can't you cause substantial harm to me even though you are a Da Luo Jinxian?"

"Do you think that you can't beat me?"

"You are a humble and dark species by nature, are you worthy of competing with me?"

Chuhe deliberately stimulated Xiang Liu's mind, probably because of his natural inferiority complex, every time Xiang Liu was told something about his low blood, he would start to go crazy.

"Just keep your mouth shut, kid, and see how I deal with you!"

"I am the Golden Immortal of the Great Luo, and everything in the world obeys my orders. When the wind comes, blow this kid away!"

Xiang Liu yelled, and the endless gusts began to gather, rushing towards the direction of the Chu River. These winds were extremely fierce, and soon gathered into a super strong storm, and the air pressure in the center of the storm dropped to an extremely low level.

On the periphery of the storm, the wind speed has exceeded the limit that Chuhe can think of. Anything that is swept by the storm will be cut instantly.

Ling'er couldn't help but tense up.

"Brother Chuhe, you must be careful, Xiang Liu is really too strong now!"

Ling'er reminded him, and the little tiger shook his head.

"You girl, I'll tell you how to awaken your blood, why don't you listen? You said that if you two are obedient, you are already a Da Luo Jinxian now. With your super blood, you can still Wounded like this by a stinky snake?"

Lord Xueshen felt a little bit blamed, he cared more about the future of the Kunlun Great World, and the combination of Chuhe and Ling'er was very important.

They must have children as soon as possible, and more children, in case there is a talent that is outstanding, they only need to be cultivated well, and they can take on the great task of saving the human race.

But Ling'er has a thin skin, even if she knew this kind of thing would happen, she wasn't ready for it to happen now.

And Chuhe, who said he wanted it, but didn't have the guts to force Linger.

So this thing has been dragging on.

"I will work hard, Lord Snow God!"

Seeing Linger's shy look, Lord Snow God frowned.

"It's not hard work. That's your duty. Do you know that the recovery of spiritual energy now is the best salvation for the Kunlun Great World. If you don't hurry up, it will be too late."

After Master Xueshen finished speaking, Ling'er blushed directly and was speechless.

Her physical injuries have almost recovered, and her arms are slowly growing.

At the level of Daluo Jinxian, it is useless to destroy the body only, the soul must be killed together.

The storm was still gathering, and Chuhe's clothes and feet were flying, swinging violently in the air.

It's not like that under such a strong wind, it's a little untenable.

Chuhe motioned him to stand behind him.

"Master, this Da Luo Jinxian is too powerful, he can actually mobilize such a huge storm, if I become a Da Luo Jinxian in the future, can I do the same!"

This kid really has a novel brain circuit. If the opponent makes another ultimate move, he actually has time to think about whether he can be so powerful in the future.

"I don't know if you can become the Great Luo Jinxian, but I can be sure that if we can't survive this battle, then we will all become this guy's food."

Even Ling'er is the same, Chuhe just didn't say it, because the little tiger said that the tiger tooth pendant can only save his life once, and he has already used it now.

Even if the little tiger cherishes Ling'er's blood and will continue to help, but he has appeared more times, Xiang Liu is not a fool, and he will definitely see through the mystery.

When the time comes to let Xiangliu know that the so-called Zulong is just a wisp of remnant soul, maybe not as powerful as him, then it will really suffer.

Not to mention Ling'er, maybe Xiang Liu would dare to go to the extreme north and eat the cubs together.

"Storm, destroy it!"

Xiang Liu urged the storm, like a spirit of speech, the storm began to move rapidly, and the closer it got to the Chu River, the greater the pressure Chu River felt.

The Shensha flag was directly in front of him, and the waving of the big flag absorbed all the wind, and only a few wisps could hurt Chuhe.

The divine soldiers were really powerful, and directly blocked the coming harm for Chuhe.

But Lord Snow God frowned.

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