"Fight him in an upright duel, don't use the help of the magic weapon, you rely too much on the magic weapon, it will become an obsession in your heart, when the time comes, you don't have the magic weapon, or the magic weapon doesn't work, don't you dare Did you fight the enemy?"

After Xueshen finished speaking, Chuhe waved his hand directly and took back the Shensha flag.

"Yan Ling: Wind Wall!"

As soon as Chuhe said this, the ground in front of him rose rapidly, and he saw a huge earthen wall lying between Chuhe and Xiangliu, blocking the hurricane outside.

"Excellent, master, although you are not a great Luo Jinxian, you can still use the power of nature. You can not only use it, but also transform it. That rascal snake must not have imagined that you can do this!"

Mo Bubu looked at the huge wall with a height of [-] meters from the back. The thickness of the wall was one or two kilometers. The hurricane wanted to come over, but it was a pity that it hit the wind wall and could not cause any substantial damage to the wind wall.

"It's interesting, Yan Ling is so terrifying, no wonder it is one of the most advanced innate magical powers."

"I am really looking forward to what I will become when I eat you and absorb everything about you, including your innate supernatural powers."

At this point in the matter, Xiang Liu has gradually stabilized his mind, and he seems to have seen that Zu Long's side is a bit strong.

It also became more presumptuous.

"Eat me, I'm afraid you won't be able to do it today, but I promise you, I will skin you alive!"

Chapter 730

"Come if you have the ability!" Xiang Liu also stopped writing, and strangled his eight heads towards the Chu River.

The earth wall that Chu River had just built was good enough to stop the hurricane, but it was not enough to stop Xiang Liu.

When Xiang Liu's snake head came out of the earth wall, Chu He really wanted to beat him up with a stick, but unfortunately, he couldn't use magic weapons now.

"Word Ling: Starfall!"

The head of the snake that rushed out first was hit by a meteorite on the spot, and was deeply embedded in the wall.

However, the mud head on the wall was not hard. Although it caused great damage to Xiang Liu's snake head, it was not enough to be fatal.

"Master, look at me!"

Mo Bufei didn't want to be a spectator all the time, and the fact that he was bewitched by Xiang Liu to assassinate his master just now made him brood.

Seeing that his tongue was fixed, he rushed straight up.

The Xuanyuan Sword in his hand fell towards his huge neck.

No matter what kind of defense Xiang Liu used, it was useless. Xuanyuan Sword could still easily cut through his scales and injure his body.

There is only one thing that Xiang Liu can accept, that is, the Xuanyuan Sword is too small, although it can hurt him, but when Mo Bubu went around and cut off his head, the injured part had already been glued.

But this time Xiang Liu was a little surprised.

Because Mo Bu Bui was cutting his head rapidly, but after Mo Bu Bui cut his head did not recover, the wound was still there, and it couldn't be fused at all. What's going on?

"Smelly snake, you don't want to reconnect your head, don't you think too much, the injury caused by my Xuanyuan sword cannot be repaired, you can either re-grow a snake head, or you Give up this snake head."

When fighting with Xiang Liu in the past, Xiang Liu was seriously injured, and every time he had to be resurrected directly to escape his life, so much so that he didn't realize that Xuanyuan Sword had this powerful characteristic.

"Don't be different, don't cut it clean, leave him a little skin so that his head can hang on it!"

When Mo Bubu went around and was about to cut off his tongue, Chuhe spoke hastily.

"What does it mean?"

Mo Bubu didn't understand, but he still obeyed obediently. With his huge tongue, Mo Bubu left him with two pieces of scales and left and right skin. These skins were connected to the snake's head, just to prevent Xiang Liu's head from falling off.

At this time, Xiang Liu had to face a choice, because the injury caused by Xuanyuan Sword could not be repaired, and he could not grow back the snake head at all.

And his original snake head is still there, even if he wants to replace it with a new one, he can't do it now.

The only thing he could do was tear off the entire neck of the leader and grow a new one.

After so many battles with Xiangliu, Chuhe knew in his heart that although Xiangliu has super regeneration ability, these regenerative abilities are not free. Every time he loses a head, he will lose a lot of strength .

Even if it is being created, it is not as strong as before.

This truth is not difficult to find.

Because at the beginning Chuhe fought with Xiang Liu who did not get the demon pill, Xiang Liu was almost killed many times and became extremely weak afterwards, so he chose to run away in the end.

It's the same this time, Xiangliu's ninth head can't be born yet, and the eighth head has been completely abolished. If it's only connected by a layer of skin, he can't play any role at all. At this time, his eighth head As long as the head is shaken slightly, the dirt will fall off immediately.

"Xiangliu, how do you feel now, you have to lose your eighth head, but when you lose your eighth head, my speech spirit will take effect, making you unable to regenerate, so you only have seven heads works."

"As long as I slowly cut off all your heads, you will die as well, isn't that the truth!"

What Chu He said was right, Xiang Liu finally panicked, he really didn't understand, he had clearly become a Da Luo Jinxian, how could he be threatened by a little Chu He, what was going on?

"Stop talking crazy, kid, don't say seven, even if I only have one head left, crushing you to death is like crushing a bedbug!"

"haha, really!"

Chu He's disdain angered Xiang Liu again, and he fell into madness.

"You kid dies with me, as long as I eat you, all my losses can be made up, and I am invincible!"

Xiangliu's seven heads flew around, but with the lesson learned this time, he stopped attacking rashly, but urged the remaining seven heads to attack with magic.

"It's ridiculous to think that a small earthen wall can control me. The force of nature obeys my orders, and the flood is overwhelming!"

After Xiang Liu finished speaking, the surrounding water vapor was gathering towards him, but instead of forming clouds, billowing waves formed directly behind him.

The first wash of the water flow took away most of the wall, and the second time after that, the wall was already crumbling and began to leak everywhere.

When the third wave hit, the earthen wall could no longer bear it and collapsed directly, and the flood rushed towards the Chu River with overwhelming power.

In front of nature, Chuhe looks a little small.

The water couldn't do much harm to him originally, but it was soaked with Xiangliu's highly corrosive blood, so he could have just avoided it.

But if this is the case, Mo Bu Bu and Ling'er in the rear will all suffer.

Moreover, if Master Xueshen didn't act, he might be seen by this wave attack. Xiang Liu should ponder what is going on with all this, and whether Zulong is really still alive.

Even if all these worries didn't happen, Chuhe couldn't let Xiangliu's corrosive blood flow to the mortal world, which would be a greater catastrophe for the mortal world.

This kind of thing is much more serious than nuclear pollution.

Since he inherited the power of Nuwa, he also began to think about human beings more or less, and began to work for their well-being, especially since Ling'er has been influencing him by his side, Chuhe has lost his resentment towards human beings.

It is true that human beings are very sinister and cunning, but if there is a good leader who can slowly lead them to be kind, this atmosphere will change.

But how can we deal with these waters?Chuhe was a little confused.

Seeing that the flood was coming, Chuhe had no time to think about it. He recalled an anime he had watched when he was a child, imitating a Uchiha who could set fire.

"Yan Ling: Fire escape, the mighty fire is extinguished!"

The sky around the Chu River quickly turned crimson, and countless flames joined together, and the people below looked like a beautiful sunset glow.

"Is your brain not working well, kid? I've only heard that water can defeat fire, but you still want to use fire to defeat water?"

"Xiang Liu, just look at it and you'll know it!"

Chapter 731

Chuhe didn't tell Xiang Liu in detail, and Xiang Liu didn't believe that fire could put out water, so he was naturally fearless.

"Okay, you kid insists on violating the laws of nature, then I will see whether your fire is stronger or my flood is stronger."

"You must stop it well, otherwise the gods below will suffer! Hehe!"

"Bah, is he really shameless, you are single-handedly fighting with my master, but you are threatening humans, you are still not human!"

Everyone scolded his mother angrily, but Xiang Liu didn't care about cursing at all.

"Haha, brat, I'm not a human being from the beginning to the end. How many times have I told you that human beings are my food, and they're just food."

"Although there are a few who have increased their skills and dared to fight against me, the end result is the same. Food is food, and no one can change them!"

The waves were turbulent, and the huge tsunami was hundreds of meters high, seemingly endless. Knowing that the huge waves would not cause fatal injuries to him, he still subconsciously took a few steps back.

It is a human instinct to avoid danger, but it is a pity that Chuhe cannot retreat.

As a wave rushes towards the Chu River, a burning flame bursts out directly from the back of the Chu River.

The flames were as real as they smashed into the waves, splashing countless water splashes.

"Haha, have you seen something that is beyond your control, your fire will go out immediately when it touches my water, what do you do to stop it? What a joke, if you want to protect human beings, it's up to you!"

How could Xiang Liu not seize any opportunity to ridicule.

Chuhe didn't care, but said lightly.

"What's the hurry, let them wait for a while."

"What are you waiting for? Waiting to die? You really laughed me to death, Chuhe, really!"

Xiang Liu was just covering his stomach and laughing wildly. It's a pity that he didn't transform into a human form now. After all, if he transforms into a human form to fight, he can't display his full strength, and Chuhe, a Taiyin thief, is easy to get tricked.

When the first wave was less than one meter away from the Chu River, it suddenly became transparent, and the monstrous power also stopped. Although the water still flows forward, it is not straight forward, but There is also an upward movement.

The flame just now exploded directly in the waves, and the violent high temperature directly vaporized the water flow, and it began to fly into the sky.

As the first splash exploded, all the splashes exploded, and half of the originally raging flood dried up in an instant.

"Master, what is your trick called, can you teach me?"

Mo Bubu was shocked to see that these flames were all red, and the temperature was only over 1000 degrees, which was quite different from his white flames. How could Mo Bubu not be excited that they could exert such a great effect.

"Okay, follow me and make gestures!"

Chuhe imitated Uchiha Madara's seal in the anime, and then handed it over to Mo different, but the seal technique was taught, but there is another problem, that is, the aura inside, Chuhe can't teach him at all , because the seal of Chuhe is just for show, the real fire is caused by the use of his Dao characteristics and Yanling together.

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

Unexpectedly, what Chuhe thought Mo differenti would not succeed, he would do it all at once, and Mo differenti even changed the name of this trick directly.

Huo Huo Miu turned into Huo Huo Miu.

Originally, there was a continuous patch of flames behind the Chu River, but now there is a small patch of white flames around it.

Although it doesn't look spectacular enough, Mo BuFong's powerful move is no less powerful than Chu He's.

The terrifying white flame turned into cannonballs one by one, and directly smashed towards the water droplets in front of it. The high temperature of [-] degrees vaporized the spray before it touched the water surface.

Blossoms of white air quickly rise into the sky, just like dandelions sowing seeds.

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