When Ao Lie approached, the giant squid opened its huge eyes and stared at the visitor, its tentacles fluctuated non-stop, its eyes full of doubts.

"The Second Highness is patrolling the sea area, and you are back so soon?"

Ao Lie didn't dare to disrespect the giant squid, after all, he was a general under his father's command, and he was very good at fighting.

"Back to Uncle Squid, when I was patrolling, I met a lazy snake who called himself Xiangliu, so I took him down and handed him over to my father."

At this time, the giant squid turned its attention to Xiang Liu. Xiang Liu was not afraid of him at all. As long as the blood of the race did not have his own powerful species, Xiang Liu would not bother to talk to him. To him, it was just food!

Sure enough, Xiang Liu's bloodline really stimulated the giant squid, he looked at Xiang Liu's snake eyes, and said with some trepidation.

"This guy looks very dangerous, you must pay attention, don't be fooled by him!"

"Cheated? Just rely on him? Uncle Squid, don't worry, this kid is no match for me!"

Ao Lie spoke recklessly, but the giant squid didn't say much.

"You can do whatever you want, pay attention to safety, but I want to remind you that this kid is definitely not as simple as you think."

"Let's go in, Uncle Squid!"

Ao Lie still ignored the squid's advice, but went back in a hurry. Seeing that his persuasion was useless, the squid moved his tentacles away. Ao Lie flicked his tail, threw out a gorgeous spray, and then walked straight towards the Dragon Palace. past.

Xiang Liu walked at the back, and when he walked into the gate of the Dragon Palace, he suddenly turned around, staring closely at the giant squid with a pair of vertical eyes that were shining red.

Xiang Liu didn't speak, but the movement of his mouth made it possible for people to see what he was trying to express.

"You stinky squid, my uncle will eat you sooner or later!"

The giant squid was trembling with anger, but before he got angry, Xiang Liu had already caught up with Ao Lie and was walking up the steps in front of the Dragon Palace, and he didn't dare to chase after him.

When Xiang Liu came to the old Dragon King, the old Dragon King was sleeping, but the breath around him was circulating, and almost the entire water area of ​​the Dragon Palace was heaving with his breathing.

If he hadn't seen the Dragon King himself, Xiang Liu would not have believed that the dragon is the real overlord of the water.

Tiger Shark is not qualified to enter this kind of place. He guarded the door, and Ao Lie stepped forward to wake up his father. At this time, Prince Ao Hong suddenly flew out from the side and stopped his younger brother.

"Ao Lie, didn't you see that Dad is resting? Are you courting death if you disturb him at this time!"

When Ao Lie saw his elder brother Ao Hong, who is now the prince, he didn't look good. Obviously, this elder brother was not as handsome as him, and his strength was not as good as him, but he happened to have a good fate, he was born in front of him. He will flatter his father all his life, so he is firmly seated as the prince, which makes Ao Lie very unhappy.

"My good brother, I know that Dad is sleeping, but I have something important to report. If you stop me, I won't be afraid that Dad will settle accounts with you afterwards!"

"What is it, can it be more important than father's rest?"

Ao Hong doesn't care so much, she just wants to protect her father and not be disturbed.

Chapter 738

"Of course it's more important than father's sleeping. See if you see it? This is Xiang Liu. He ruled the Heavenly Court some time ago, but now he suddenly came to our side for some reason. As the master of the Heavenly Court, he wants to pay his respects. Father, should we let them meet?"

Ao Lie spoke in a somewhat aggressive tone, and looked down on his brother at all.

On the contrary, Ao Hong felt that it made sense when she heard what Ao Lie said, so she nodded and said.

"It's really important, but Dad hasn't had a good rest these days, and finally got a good night's sleep. You should wait for Dad to wake up and report to him! Xiang Liu stays, you can go back!"

Ao Hong still persisted, and Ao Lie was trembling with anger.

"His Royal Highness, don't think that I don't know what you're paying attention to. When I leave, you will tell your father that Xiangliu was caught by you, and then take all the credit for it, right? You can do this kind of thing." Do you think I will still trust you?"

Ao Lie spoke loudly, Ao Hong hadn't opened his mouth to refute, and the old Dragon King woke up faintly at some point.

"You two bastards, what are you arguing about? Let no one sleep!"

Seeing the old Dragon King wake up, Ao Lie and Ao Hong all knelt down.

"Father, I said I wouldn't let my brother wake you up, but if he insists on doing this, I can't persuade him at all!"

Ao Hong hastily filed a complaint, but the old dragon king was partial to Ao Hong. Hearing what he said, his eyes immediately turned cold.

"Ao Lie, brother, how many times have you said it? You must remember the superiority and inferiority of the elders. Ao Hong is your elder brother, the crown prince of the Dragon Palace, and the second only to me. Why don't you listen to his words?"

At this time, Ao Lie knew that if he didn't speak again, he would be in trouble soon.

"Father, don't listen to brother's nonsense, I woke you up to report something important!"

"Nothing is as important as seniority or inferiority. You unfilial son, if you dare to disobey your elder brother again, see if I don't peel you off and throw you into the endless abyss!"

The old dragon king Aosi suddenly went into a rage, Ao Lie trembled with fright, knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing, Xiang Liu couldn't help feeling surprised when he saw this scene.

"Old Dragon King, it's wrong for you to favor the prince so much. They are both sons. Why do you favor a man who is inferior in all aspects? Is it because he was born a while earlier?"

Xiang Liu's words directly spoke Ao Lie's heart, and Ao Lie gave Xiang Liu a grateful look, but the old Dragon King was angry.

"Who are you? What are you, to meddle in this king's family affairs?"

The old Dragon King became furious, and the surrounding sea water began to hang upside down, and the speed of the sea water accelerated, Xiang Liu's body was washed by the water, and he was a little swaying.

However, he still managed to stabilize his figure and said with a smile.

"Your Highness the Dragon King, why are you making such a big fuss? I just shared my opinion. We are not human races, and we worship strength first. You are here to learn the eldest son succession system of human beings. Do you belittle your own identity? !"

Xiang Liu talked eloquently, the old Dragon King's breath rose and fell, he was about to kill someone.

"Grandma's sloppy snake dares to teach me how to do things. It seems that you are really impatient to live. Someone, pull it down and chop it up for me!"

The Dragon King snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, two shrimp soldiers and crab generals walked in. Just as he was about to take Xiang Liu down, Ao Lie said hastily.

"Father, he is not a shameless snake, but the great demon Xiangliu in the ancient times. I don't know why his strength has become so weak. I caught him on the coast of the East China Sea. Now I will dedicate him to you. Don't you want to know what is happening now?" Xiang Liu must know what the land world has become like!"

There was no news from Dragon Palace, and they didn't know that Xiang Liu had actually become a Daluo Jinxian, a lazy snake who had never had a demon core, and he didn't have much respect for him.

The Dragon King really wanted to hear what had happened outside recently, so he was not in a hurry to execute Xiang Liu. Instead, the old god sat on the dragon chair and looked at it carefully.

"You are Xiangliu?"

"That's right, it's down!"

Xiang Liu bowed to the ground, pretending to be respectful.

The old Dragon King snorted coldly.

"I heard that you were imprisoned in a secret realm by Empress Nuwa, and you were finally released by that devil Chuhe?"

Chu River?Devil?Hearing what the old Dragon King said, Xiang Liu's eyes lit up.

"Master Dragon King is right. I was released by Chuhe, but I was also defeated by him. I am a little curious why the Dragon King calls Chuhe the devil. Could it be that this kid has a problem with you?"

The old dragon king Aosi naturally wouldn't admit that he was defeated by Chuhe, so he just dealt with it casually.

"It's not a holiday. That kid provoked me at that time. After being beaten up by me, he ran away. I didn't expect him to dare to come back. He really wanted to die!"

As soon as the old dragon king touched his mouth, he directly said that he was violently beaten by Chuhe, which was really shameless.

"So that's how it is!" Xiang Liu couldn't see through the thoughts in the old Dragon King's mind, but the corners of his mouth twitched a little when he spoke, which seemed to be untrue, but the specific situation was not important to Xiang Liu, what was important It was the old dragon king who had a grudge against Chuhe.

"That kid really didn't know what to do, and dared to offend Lord Dragon King. You don't know, after that kid drove me away, he occupied the heaven, threatened to rule the world, and the four seas, so that the Dragon Palace should obey his orders, otherwise you will Rip off the skin and cramps of the Dragon Clan, crush their bones and throw them into ashes!"

When Xiang Liu said this, Ao Lie couldn't take it anymore.

"Bold, a monk of the human race dares to speak disrespectfully to our dragon clan. Our Dragon Palace has lived peacefully with the human race for so many years. Those lowly human races know that dragons are the only rulers in this world!"

After Ao Lie said this, it was rare for Ao Hong to stand on the same side with him, but he was not as vicious as his younger brother.

"Father, that Chuhe is too hateful. If we don't listen to him, we will be skinned and cramped. It must be very painful! And don't do this, and ask the old man to take action and arrest the devil, trying to pick him up His skin is cramped!"

When Xiang Liu heard what Ao Hong said, he couldn't help frowning, how could such a cowardly and fearful thing lead the future of the Dragon Clan, but that's okay, if the time comes to kill the old Dragon King, let this trash help him manage the Dragon Clan, Fear of death is also easy to control.

The old Dragon King was not a fool either, he believed what Xiang Liu said, and what he cared more about now was not Chu He, but Li Qingming.

"I heard that you have occupied the Heavenly Court. Where did the original owner of the Heavenly Court, Li Qingming go?"

739 - What strength are you

Li Qingming mastered the Dao of Faith, inherited the inheritance of Emperor Xuanyuan, the great emperor of the human race, and also owned five Xuanyuan swords, which was the only existence that made the old Dragon King afraid.

If he was still alive, the old dragon king would not dare to launch a large-scale war against the human race. Even if he could win in the end, he would definitely lose his troops, and maybe his own children would die too.

He kept waiting until he reached the Daluo Jinxian first, but Li Qingming, who still mastered the Dao of Faith, was faster. After all, such things as faith are obtained for free.

Unlike him, after discovering a mysterious dragon relic on the bottom of the sea, he improved his strength by absorbing the dragon heritage inside. This speed is not slow, but it may be a little slower than Li Qingming.

So he has never interfered with the human race. He just didn't want to fight Li Qingming early, but he was also worried that the battle between humans and dragons would make the human race trust Li Qingming more and accelerate his strength.

Now the Heavenly Court is occupied, so he is very curious what happened to Li Qingming?

"Oh, it's like this. When I appeared in the world, that cowardly thing ran away in fright. I heard from Chuhe that he went to the extreme north to sneak attack on him, and then he was captured alive by Chuhe. Not long ago, Chuhe beheaded Li Qingming in a live broadcast in front of all the people!"

After Xiang Liu finished speaking, the old Dragon King stood up directly from his chair. With his movement, the sea water in the entire Dragon Palace surged upwards, creating countless bubbles.

"What did you say? Li Qingming is dead?"

The news of the Dragon Clan is occluded, and they are all aquatic creatures, and they don't like to go to dry land, so they have not been able to effectively monitor the affairs of the world.

The reason why he heard that Xiang Liu's birth was a disaster for the world was because those humans who wanted to escape into the sea accidentally fell into the sea and were caught by the guards of the Dragon Palace.

"It's absolutely true, I still have a video of Li Qingming being beheaded here, let me show you!"

Ever since Xiang Liu occupied the Heavenly Court, he has been curious about the new things in the world, especially the mobile phone, which has been completely waterproof in this age. When Xiang Liu took it out of his arms, it was still shining brightly. He was also very pleasantly surprised to see a mobile phone that would emit light. He had always wanted one, but unfortunately his Dragon Palace could not conduct electricity, and there was no place to charge it, so the mobile phone became disposable, so he gave up.

The old Dragon King took the phone and carefully watched the video of Li Qingming's beheading. Only when he saw the Xuanyuan Sword slipping from his neck, he was sure that Li Qingming was really dead.

For more than 100 years, although they rarely had conflicts with Li Qingming, both of them knew that the other party was their biggest enemy, but they didn't expect that Li Qingming would die like this.

The old Dragon King didn't know whether he was happy or sad for a while.

"It's really Chuhe. Who is that little girl next to him? And that little Taoist priest, is he his child?"

The old Dragon King looked at the three people in the picture, his eyes flickered, and he had mixed emotions.

"Master Dragon King, that is not a little girl, but a descendant of Nuwa. You may not know that the Nuwa clan is a natural cauldron. As long as you get her, whether it is sleeping her to help you give birth to a stronger Bloodline, or eating her directly, can make your strength improve rapidly, that is the woman everyone wants, I have always wanted to snatch her over and give her to you, but it is a pity, that Chuhe wants to occupy her As a descendant of Nuwa, I have no chance at all!"

After Xiang Liu mentioned the identity of Nuwa's descendant, the old Dragon King was a little moved, Ao Lie observed his words and said loudly.

"If the father likes this descendant of Nuwa, the child will go and catch you immediately!"

After Ao Lie finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. The old dragon king hurriedly called out to his son. The reason why he chose Ao Hong, who was not up to date, to be the crown prince was not because he didn't know that Ao Hong was a waste, but because he was worried that he would really want to marry him. After Ao Lie becomes the crown prince, Ao Lie will definitely not let Ao Hong go.

He intentionally made Ao Lie feel inferior, just because he didn't want brothers to kill each other.

So Ao Lie really wants to go to Heaven, he is really reluctant.

"Stop for me, you brat, when will you calm down your fiery temper? I haven't asked the matter clearly yet, so don't worry."

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