It was rare for the old dragon king to show some concern to Ao Lie, and Ao Lie was so excited that he couldn't speak.

The old Dragon King continued to look at Xiang Liu.

"What about that child?"

"The child's name is Mo Bubuan. He is not Chuhe's son, but he is almost kissed to his son. Chuhe and I fought desperately to save him. That child is a strong golden fairy, and he has proved the most ferocious Dao of Fire! "

When Xiang Liu said this, the old Dragon King frowned, apparently in disbelief.

"This kid looks like he is about ten years old, and he has already attained the Golden Immortal? How terrifying his talent must be! Think about my two sons, it took almost 100 years to become the Golden Immortal, or was it because of me? After getting the inheritance of the real dragon, they also follow the glory, the human race is awesome!"

Speaking of this, the old dragon king sighed, as if he recalled the fear of being beaten by Chuhe to find his teeth all over the floor.

"Um, it's just a golden fairy. To Lord Dragon King, crushing him to death is as easy as crushing an ant. You don't have to worry too much!"

Xiang Liu deliberately played down Mo Bu Bu's threat, fearing that the old Dragon King would be as cowardly as his son, and would not dare to take action against Chu He.

"That's right, in my eyes, the golden immortal of the human race is a joke, but there is still one thing I don't understand, that is why Li Qingming was captured alive by Chuhe when he was already close to proving the Dao Golden Immortal. Could it be that the strength has reached the Da Luo Jinxian?"

What the old Dragon King cared about was whether he could beat him. After he finished speaking, Xiang Liu frowned, thinking that this old man could have given birth to a son who was greedy for life and afraid of death. It turned out that he himself was also greedy for life. Cowardly.

"Lord Dragon King was joking. With Chuhe's strength, how could he beat Li Qingming? Li Qingming fought with me first, then ran away with serious injuries, and was caught by Chuhe. Leak, he didn't get Li Qingming down with his own abilities at all!"

Hearing this, the Dragon King nodded. After all, when he met Chuhe, his strength was still rubbish. He didn't believe that Chuhe could really advance to this level by leaps and bounds in just a few decades.

"Since that kid killed Li Qingming by finding a leak, but since you were able to drive Li Qingming away, it proves that your strength is far stronger than Li Qingming, what kind of strength are you?"

The old Dragon King began to ask about Xiang Liu's strength, Xiang Liu frowned, not knowing how to answer, after thinking for a long time, Xiang Liu said slowly.

Chapter 740

"My strength is naturally much stronger than Li Qingming, so I can defeat him."

When Xiang Liu said this casually, the old Dragon King became interested instead, and he stared at Li Qingming with great interest.

"Okay, Li Qingming's strength is infinitely close to Da Luo Jinxian, and you can still be much stronger than him. Could it be that you are Da Luo Jinxian?"

Xiang Liu thought to himself, could this person be a fool? It's not that ancient myths and legends haven't introduced him, so didn't he know that he was originally the Da Luo Jinxian.

Could it be that this old dragon king is not a native of the Kunlun Great World?It's really interesting, Xiang Liu thought about it and laughed, it turned out that only he and Ling'er were the real aborigines who were born and raised here.

Of course, Chuhe is also one of them.

"The old dragon king is right. I am indeed the Daluo Jinxian, but my demon pill was taken away by Nuwa, and I just snatched it back from Nuwa's descendants recently. My strength has not fully recovered, and I was attacked by Chuhe from behind. It will be an unfortunate defeat, so don't worry, Lord Dragon King, as long as we join forces, Chuhe will definitely not be our opponent."

After Xiang Liu finished speaking, the old Dragon King nodded, and immediately asked again.

"It's really a good idea to help you fix Chuhe, but I want to ask you, what do you want after it's done, aren't you just for revenge?"

Although the old Dragon King didn't understand Xiang Liu, he understood the Yaozu. The Yaozu never did things based on their likes and dislikes. Xiangliu definitely wanted something.

"Old Dragon King, don't worry, after the matter is completed, the descendants of Nuwa will belong to you, and the little Taoist will belong to you, and I will not even interfere with how you want to deal with the whole heaven, but I only have one request, that is, the human race will belong to me in the future." , that's my favorite food!"

When Xiang Liu said this, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva. After all, not long ago, he was still feasting on the hearts of those young girls. Now he is both mentally and physically weak, and urgently needs to nourish himself.

"Okay, the human race is dispensable to our Dragon Clan. It's just our food. If you want to eat it, you can do whatever you want. This king has no objection!"

The old Dragon King was very satisfied. After defeating Chuhe, Xiang Liu didn't want anything and handed over all the spoils to him. Such a good thing, it's not embarrassing to think so in a dream.

"Then what are you waiting for, Lord Dragon King, you set off now with the soldiers of the Dragon Palace to wipe out the big devil Chuhe, and then you will become the only rightful lord of the entire Kunlun Great World, No longer have to worry about someone threatening your status!"

As Xiang Liu continued to instigate, he longed for war, longed for the old dragon king to fight Chuhe to the death, and then he took the opportunity to eat people to replenish his strength in the chaos, and finally fished in troubled waters, and the snipe and clam competed for the fisherman's profit. He knew this truth better than anyone else.

Naturally, Xiang Liu knew the truth, but when he thought about how the prudent old Dragon King couldn't understand, he looked at Xiang Liu with a smile.

"Chuhe must die, but before that, I need to get one thing first, so as to be safe."


Xiang Liu asked with some puzzlement.

"A thing that allows me to break through to the Da Luo Jinxian, a demon pill of the ancient great demon!"

The old Dragon King's words were basically clear, how could Xiang Liu not hear it, he was stunned for a moment, and then said viciously.

"Old Dragon King, do you think that I am weak because I was defeated by your son? Let me tell you, I lost to him on purpose at that time. You'd better not hit my attention, otherwise, I will let you You can't eat and walk around!"

"Really? I'd like to see it. How can you make me go around!"

The old Dragon King smiled presumptuously, and Xiang Liu already felt that something was wrong. The old Dragon King was far less easy to deceive than those humans, and his strength was more powerful.

Xiang Liu's figure began to grow bigger, and his human form was rapidly collapsing. He wanted to transform into a stand for the old Dragon King, but something miraculous happened. At the same time Xiang Liu transformed, he found that his surroundings were still. Even the fish, who were frightened and frightened just now, stopped motionless in the distance.

Every time Xiangliu transforms, his height will become very large, and his eyes can clearly feel the changes in his body, but this time, nothing has changed, as if everything has become a freeze-frame picture, slightly different from the freeze-frame picture. The difference is that here, only the old dragon king can move freely.

He opened his mouth and said to Xiang Liu.

"Innate supernatural powers, time stands still!"

Hearing this, Xiang Liu finally understood why the old Dragon King wasn't afraid of him, it turned out that he was already prepared.

Xiang Liu couldn't move or speak at all, he could only watch helplessly as the old dragon king came to his side, then stretched out his dragon claws, aimed at the position of Xiang Liu's heart, and stabbed hard, followed by a beating heart, The green demon pill was held by the old dragon king.

The black blood dripped into the sea water, but it didn't spread. Now only the old Dragon King was not affected by time. He opened his mouth wide, swallowed Xiang Liu's heart and the demon pill in one gulp, and put them in his mouth Chew carefully a few times.

Soon white smoke started to come out of his mouth, it was the strong corrosive substance in Xiangliu's blood that started to bite back, the old Dragon King directly spit out his heart and swallowed the demon pill.

Then with a wave of his hand, his whole body was filled with lightning, and all the black blood was wiped away.

"I forgot to tell you. Actually, I know everything about you, and I also know that you are most afraid of thunder and lightning. Chuhe didn't kill you, because he has no ability. In my time domain, you can't do anything." , you can only watch me kill you, you can't play any tricks yet!"

The old dragon king was right. The reason why Chuhe couldn’t kill him was not because Chuhe was too weak, but because Chuhe’s attack couldn’t kill him with one blow. Even the lightning would slowly spread throughout his body to kill him slowly. Death, Xiang Liu's experience for so many years has allowed him to figure out countless ways to escape from death.

However, this time he was really desperate. The old Dragon King stabbed at his chest again with his charged hands. The crackling thunder flashed in his body the moment he touched Xiang Liu. The liner was broken, and it was completely reduced to powder by the thunder and lightning.

At this moment, the scourge of Xiangliu finally completely disappeared from the world, but what was frightening was that a more powerful scourge was also born in the world at the same time.

At the moment when the old dragon king swallowed Xiangliu's guts, he finally found the breakthrough bottleneck he had been looking for. His strength was rapidly improving, and he directly broke through Da Luo Jinxian.

The surrounding sea water hangs upside down, starts to boil, and then directly soars high into the sky, not only where the Dragon Palace is located, but all sea areas have become like this.

Chapter 741 The [-]-meter Tsunami

Humans living by the sea were the first to discover the problem of rising sea water. At first, the fishermen who were closest thought they were dazzled. They didn't realize it until the hundreds of meters of waves roared and knocked the fishing boat directly into the sea. All this is true.

Hundreds of meters of waves rushed towards the shore, and the residents on the shore were all frightened.

"What's going on? I've never seen such a high wave. Could it be that the sea god is angry?"

"Not long ago, when Li Qingming died, it didn't mean that there was still an old dragon king living in the sea. This must have been caused by the old dragon king."

"Sea waves of hundreds of meters will directly engulf an entire city. Xiangliu eats a hundred people. This old Dragon King kills people and directly slaughters the city."

"Run, why are you still standing here!"

"What are you running for? You can survive the tsunami, so just sit here obediently and wait to die!"

Many people are already desperate, but there are still some people who want to escape. The sky is full of flying machines for a while. Unfortunately, their flying cars cannot be too high. Within the range of the waves, they float in the air and it is just a change. That's all.

In order to escape, car accidents continued, and the speeding cars that kept falling from the sky caused the first wave of damage to the city before the tsunami arrived.

A strong man driving a large flying car had already knocked over several small flying cars in order to escape, and he kept roaring.

"Get out of the way in front, or you will be killed!"

But the entire flight path is crowded, they can't let it go even if they want to, and everyone wants to survive, who will let him.

The strong man didn't say much, and directly turned on the horsepower, and the large flying car squeezed crazily forward, and some of the small cars were directly crushed, and the people inside died suddenly on the spot.

There was a young couple with a child. The car was hit by a big flying car, and it turned directly and fell to the ground. At the same time as the fall, the child sitting in the baby seat was thrown out of the car. The young couple watched When their children fell, their hearts stopped beating for an instant. They wanted to shout but couldn't make any sound.

Just when the child was about to fall to the ground, a silver figure suddenly appeared and caught the child.

When the silver figure stopped, they realized that it was the silver armored soldier.

At first it was just one, and then came a piece. As soon as they arrived at the scene, they rescued the unlucky guy who had crashed next to him.

At this time, the Golden Armored God will look down on everyone from above.

"Received the order of the empress, the water level in the sea area has skyrocketed, and we are asked to assist the surrounding residents to evacuate. This is a flying carpet. Please ride consciously and evacuate in an orderly manner!"

After the Golden Armored God General finished speaking, each soldier threw a flying carpet downward. Each flying carpet was one kilometer in size, and tens of thousands of people could stand on it. They dropped a flying carpet every one kilometer. When the flood is approaching, all the residents can be rescued.

Seeing that there was a flying carpet for rescue, the strong man driving the big flying car was about to make an emergency landing. He wanted to go to the flying carpet, but there was also a flying car in the channel below him. He landed suddenly and directly crushed the car below. The people inside didn't even scream, they died suddenly!

"You are crazy, you are killing people on purpose, and you still don't stop!"

The crowd around couldn't stand it anymore. At the beginning, the strong man crushed madly. It can be said that in order to escape, he could be desperate, and everyone would die anyway.

But Hongchen came to the rescue now, and they obviously survived. This bastard dared to kill people, and the car owners around couldn't stand it anymore!

"Don't worry, everyone can leave, the magic soldier has arrived, why are you so impulsive!"

"Fuck you, what a lot of nonsense, you are in my way, you don't get out of the way, you deserve to die, why don't you get out of the way quickly, I want to get on the flying carpet first."

The strong man couldn't help but didn't realize his mistake, but continued to lower the car, and the car chain blocked under him was squeezed and deformed by him again, and the people below were about to die.

At this time, the Golden Armored God tapped his index finger, and a golden light shot out. A blood hole appeared between the eyebrows of the big man, and then there was no movement.

The Divine Soldier on the side looked a little worried, and he said in a low voice.

"Captain, the empress has ordered thousands of times, we are not allowed to hurt mortals, what do you do?"

The god general seemed to be aware of his mistake, and just about to say something, Mo Fei didn't know when he came to the scene with the Xuanyuan sword in his hand.

"This golden armor god will do a good job. Sometimes, those who are trying to escape for their lives are worse than animals. He deserves to die!"

"Yes, Lord God General, we will all intercede for you. I believe that the empress is kind-hearted and will not blame you!"

"Master Vulcan is also here, now we are safe."

"The female empress is different from Li Qingming. When encountering danger, Li Qingming wanted to run away, but the female empress sent someone to save us. My lord empress is ten thousand years old!"

"Okay, now is not the time to pray, hurry up and withdraw!"

You don't have to look at the high waves, and you can't help frowning. He is the god of fire, but water can overcome fire. Even if he has the ability to push back such a big wave, he can't push it back.

Mo Fei is still there as one, standing at the front, the waves can't cause substantial damage to him, but the golden armored general behind him is still worried.

"Lord Vulcan, please stand back. If this is the prelude to the dragon's attack, then there will be a big fight! You are a noble person, so don't take risks!"

Mobu snorted coldly.

"Okay, I know you're doing it for my own good, but as the only Golden Immortal present, I'm not standing in front of you, so why don't you go up and die!"

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