"Master Vulcan, or..."

The Golden Armored General still wanted to comfort him.

"Stop talking, I came up with a good idea. We can use air to form a barrier. Let's build a wall to stop the tsunami. Listen to my orders and spread out in a long snake formation!"

"Extend to the farthest distance as far as possible according to your strength. You must know that for every kilometer of apprentices you protect, tens of thousands of people can survive. The Empress will definitely remember your contributions!"


The magic soldiers began to spread out word by word, their whole bodies surged with aura, and then a barrier-like air wall was formed in front of them about 150 meters high.

As soon as the air wall was finished, the waves rushed up, and the huge waves slapped on the air wall, and there was a faint bell ringing.

Those human races who hadn't finished retreating all looked at these magic soldiers in surprise.

It was also the first time they saw the divine soldiers standing on the front line, helping these mortals resist the disaster. For a while, all the people who got on the flying carpet all knelt down towards the human wall.

Chapter 742 The gods listen to my prayer!

The tsunami slammed heavily on the human wall, and the human wall began to shake violently like duckweed in the water. When it seemed that it was about to be unable to withstand it, the five Xuanyuan swords on Mo Bu Fei flew out, spinning and piercing into the sea water. During this time, the sea water was stirred by Xuanyuan Sword and began to recede towards the shore.

At this moment, when everyone thought they were dodged, someone pointed at the sea and shouted. "Oh my god, could it be a tsunami!"

Mo Bufu looked in the direction pointed by the man, and found that there was another huge wave formed about five kilometers away, and this time the wave was more than 200 meters high. The human wall was just 150 meters away, and the 200-meter wave beat on it. There is a lot of seawater pouring in along the wall.Now directly [-] meters, these magic soldiers can't defend at all.

"Don't guard, arrange for people to retreat!"

Mo Feichang changed his strategy in time and began to arrange for people to retreat. The Golden Armored God will lead the humans who have not yet got on the flying carpet to get on the flying carpet as soon as possible.

But there is a big problem, until everyone is safely sent to the flying carpet to leave.

The Golden Armored God General said.

"Master Vulcan, a 200-meter-high tsunami is much more harmful than a 100-meter-high tsunami. It is estimated that nearly a thousand kilometers will be flooded by sea water. Those people we just rescued are only a fraction of the disaster. What should we do now? "

Mo Bufei frowned, he didn't know what to do for a while.

Other places are fine. This place is the closest to the Dragon Palace, and the waves are the most harmful. Seeing that the soldiers couldn't solve the problem of the waves, Ling'er couldn't wait to end it herself.

Seeing Ling'er flying rapidly from the direction of the heaven, everyone was overjoyed.

"Master!" Mo Bubu was extremely pleasantly surprised, but after looking around for a while, he was a little puzzled to find no trace of the master.

"Master, where is the master!"

Ling'er glanced at Mo Bu Bu Bu, her eyes fixed on the monstrous waves.

"Your master has gone to other places to help, and I am here, but what is going on, the sea water next to the coast is only 60 meters deep, how can there be hundreds of meters of waves!"

"Maybe it was really hit by that Li Qingming. The old dragon king is going crazy now, and he might want to start a war with us. It's just that this old thing has nothing else to do, and he will rush to human beings. Let me catch him. I must be careful." teach him a lesson."

Mo BuDiong was a little angry, but Ling'er didn't say much.

"My dear warriors and generals, you are no longer able to intervene here. There is nothing to do without you, so retreat quickly! By the way, search to see if anyone else has escaped. Remember not to leave anyone here!"

"My lord empress, we are willing to accompany you to go through the catastrophe together!"

"Okay, hurry up, stay here, do you want me and my wife to save you later, hurry up!"

Mo Bubu is different from Linger. He always likes to tell the truth and has a vicious mouth. Although he cares about them, his words always make people feel very uncomfortable when they come out of his mouth.

"As ordered!"

The magic soldiers and generals began to retreat, and now it was Mo BuFong's turn to frown.

"Master, do you have any good solutions? With such high waves, my Fire Barrier seems to be a drop in the bucket."

"I have no choice but to block it with my body!"

Ling'er said that she was getting bigger quickly, her real body wanted to appear, when she stood up, Ling'er's body should be higher than the waves, it's not good, Mo Bubu doesn't know that this is the first time she saw the real body of Shi Niang , but every time I see it, I am shocked.

"It's no wonder that in the ancient times, the human race has always been the bottom of the existence. With so many powerful and huge races suppressing it, the human race has no room for development at all."

Ling'er didn't care about Mobutong's muttering, but concentrated on watching the coming tsunami.

"It's not different. I just checked with my eyes. I seem to be able to stop this tsunami. However, after it, a bigger tsunami is forming. I'm afraid I won't be able to stop it!"

Because Linger is very tall now, his field of vision is much farther than that of Mo Bubu. Hearing what his wife said, Mo Bubu hurriedly flew to a higher place. Only then did he realize that it was a tsunami. More waves and tsunamis are being generated, and a huge vortex is being generated in the center of a certain sea surface that is hundreds of kilometers away.

"Master, there are more than two waves. I'm afraid there are countless waves of tsunamis forming. You can't hold it alone. You'd better wait for the master to come!"

Mo Bu Bui has lost his mind. Although he is a golden fairy, he has nothing to do in the face of a falling meteorite falling 200 kilometers away or a tsunami [-] meters high.

They have become golden immortals, but they still can't resist the power of nature. If they want to completely fight against nature, they have to wait until their strength reaches Da Luo Jinxian, and the world is all for their own use. This seemingly grand catastrophe becomes worthless mentioned.

"It's different, it's not safe here, you leave first, and by the way, help the soldiers and generals get more humans, I'll delay here for a little longer."

Ling'er wanted Mo BuTong to go away, but Mo BuTong would not agree.

"Master, the master said that as long as you leave the Heavenly Court, I must follow you all the time to avoid the situation where you are fighting Xiang Liu alone."

"Besides, such a big commotion on the side of Dragon Palace is likely to be a precursor to an attack, and it is even more impossible for me to leave you!"

"Anyway, I won't leave no matter what you say, and I can help you if I stay."

Ling'er also knew about Mo BuFong's temper, and she would not leave even if she chased him away.

"Okay, then don't be brave, if you get hurt, your master won't forgive me."

Hearing what his mistress said, Mo Bubu slandered in his heart.

"Come on, I think it's the other way around. If you get hurt, my master will kill me directly!"

Linger's side soon encountered the first wave of tsunami, and the power of the sea skyrocketed. As a Nuwa clan, Linger also has a certain ability to control water.

I saw her arms folded on her chest. "Listen to the call of the gods, O earth, please give me strength!"

It was the first time Mo Budong saw his mistress displaying supernatural powers, and it was still in such a strange way, and her words were similar to the master's words.

As soon as Shi Niang finished speaking, the ground under her feet began to tremble violently, and then a mound several hundred meters high suddenly rose in front of her, and then the sea water flooded in and hit the mound, and the sea water and the soil mixed together, instantly become filthy.

Mobu was stunned watching from the sidelines.

"Master, have you already been promoted to Daluo Jinxian, or how can you control the natural ability!"

Chapter 743 Dinghai God Needle!

"I haven't reached the stage of Da Luo Jinxian yet, but I feel that I'm about to reach that stage."

"Let Master know about this, he will be very happy."

Mo Bufei said on the side, Ling'er couldn't help but blush a little, if brother Chuhe knew that he could awaken his blood without having to do shameful things with him, he would definitely go crazy!

Before Ling'er could speak, the second wave of tsunami had already roared in, this time even more powerful than the last one.

The mound was slapped heavily, and then began to loosen a little. A lot of sea water had already poured in through the gaps in the mound.

Immediately afterwards, the gap got bigger and bigger, and the mound was about to fail.

"Gods, please listen to my call, and the earth, give me strength!"

A mound rose from the ground, but at this time, Mo Budong clearly felt that the teacher was exhausted. Although the hill looked majestic this time, it was a pity that compared with the first one, both in terms of size and length, it was much smaller. Much worse.

"Master, you don't have to insist too much, the humans here have already evacuated safely!"

"But their home is still here. If I can take their home, they won't have to be displaced, so I will try my best!"

"I finally know why I like you so much, Mrs. Shi, you are so kind, I can't understand how kind you are!"

After Mo Bufei finished speaking, he yelled directly.

"Master, let me help you, Endless Fire Land, City of Burning Fire!"

The flames fell in the sky, and Mobufei flew back and forth around the mound built by Linger, and then the whole mound was covered with white flames, and the earth wall mixed with mud and water was burned at high temperature, and instantly turned into hard bricks The ability to resist tsunamis has also been greatly enhanced.

Seeing this, Ling'er couldn't help giving Mo Bu BuTong a thumbs up.

"As expected of the disciple handed over by brother Chuhe, he is really powerful."

"Master, stop talking like that, you are the one who is more powerful, you are obviously not a Da Luo Jinxian, but you can use the power of nature, and the master is the same, as a Jinxian, you can freely control the environment, you two are too strong !"

The two flattered each other, and while Mo Bu Bu flattered, he didn't forget to flatter Chu He, even if Chu He wasn't here, otherwise he would definitely praise Mo Bu Bu who is so sensible.

"Stop talking, the next tsunami is coming!"

Ling'er was concentrating, but it's a pity that her strength is not Da Luo Jinxian after all. After several mounds erected, her face turned pale, and her huge body became rickety. It was obvious that she was about to be unable to hold on.

The same is true for Mo Bu Bu, the white flame released now is like a single seedling in the wind, and it will be extinguished by flooding with sea water.

Seeing that the next wave of tsunami will be even more turbulent, and the waves will be a thousand meters high.

Ling'er's mounds are only this high when they are piled up, but when two mounds are piled up, they lose their stability, so Linger is very anxious.

"Master, let's evacuate quickly. The most important thing now is not to prevent the tsunami, but to solve the source of the tsunami. Otherwise, the tsunami will only happen endlessly, and we can't stop it at all."

What Mo Bu Bui said was the truth, Linger also frowned, she had exhausted all her strength just to stop the tsunami, how could she have any ability to solve the source of the tsunami.

In fact, she didn't choose to protect human beings at the beginning. If she looked at the depths of the ocean thousands of miles away, she would know what the situation is now, and she might be able to prevent the tsunami.

It's a pity that she can't let go of humans.

Finally, the strongest wave of tsunami hit, thousands of meters of waves surged, directly covering Ling'er's body, Ling'er was already exhausted at this time, if he was hit by such a big wave, he might be injured, and It is very likely that it will be directly drawn into the sea by the sea water, and it will be dangerous at that time.

Linger seemed to be aware of this too, she wanted to run away, but the sea water was faster, the waves in the front had already fallen, and slapped heavily on Linger's body, Linger felt a huge force, and directly slapped her Collapsed on the ground, and immediately after a bigger tsunami hit, Linger was about to be in danger. It was hard not to believe that the next time a tsunami hit, Linger would be directly knocked out by the tsunami!

"Yan Ling: The waves recede!"

At the critical moment, Chu River finally arrived. After he dealt with the tsunami in other places, he used hills to build a large protective earth dam on the coast. It was similar to Linger's, but taller than Linger's.

And the tsunami in other places is not as serious as here, so the earth dam made by Chu River can make other places escape the tsunami safely.

Then they kept rushing towards this side, so as to save Ling'er in time.

With Chuhe's words and spirits shouting, the violent waves just now were really like obedient children, and suddenly returned according to the original route, so that he also stopped the waves coming from behind again, and the two waves collided , a beautiful landscape appeared directly on the surface of the sea, and almost all the fish trapped in the two waves were blown away during the impact, even the huge sperm whale was no exception.

Chuhe's figure appeared in front of Linger, and Linger's frown that had been tightly frowned finally eased, and then she put down all her guard, her body was getting smaller and smaller, and finally passed out in Chuhe's arms.

"You silly girl, won't you call me if you can't bear it? Why are you holding on alone? I'm really convinced!"

As Chuhe said, he picked up Ling'er and handed it to Mo Bu Buan, who didn't dare to hug his wife at all, so he took out a flying carpet, put Ling'er on it, and then raised a flame to dry Ling'er With wet clothes, Mo Bu Bu turned his face away the whole time, staring at Chu River.

"Master, what are you going to do?"

"I want to solve the problem of the tsunami from the source, so you just take care of your mistress here!"

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