Chuhe said that he was about to leave, and Mo Budong looked at Chuhe with some puzzlement.

"Master, this tsunami was formed by a huge vortex in front of us, but there is one problem. Such a large vortex must not have been formed naturally. It must be caused by the old Dragon King. Are you going to fight him now?"

"Of course I'm not going to fight, I'm just helping with the tsunami problem."

Chuhe still doesn't know the strength of the old dragon king, and looking at this posture, he can move the whole sea area, which means that the strength of this old dragon king is absolutely extraordinary, and he may even be Da Luo Jinxian.

Chuhe will not provoke powerful enemies for no reason, and he is still a dragon.

"What about you?"

Mo Bufei couldn't understand even more. Since he didn't want to fight with the Dragon King, there was nothing he could do!

Chuhe smiled and took out the golden cudgel and told Mo Bu Bunny.

"Did you know that this Ruyi Golden Cudgel still had a famous name before Brother Hou got it?"

"That is Dinghaishenzhen!"

Chapter 744 You are also a Daluo Jinxian

Chuhe flew over the ocean, his figure swiftly skimming over the waves.

"Yan Ling: Calm down, ocean waves!"

With the shout of Chu River, the turbulent tsunami began to gradually become quiet, and finally all the places affected by Chu River's words became quiet, and the sea surface was obediently like a still mirror.

It's just that after the next tsunami came, they became ferocious again.

Just at this time, Chu River has come to the center of the vortex, Chu River looked down from above, the center of the huge vortex is a vacuum, and you can see the shining white palace.

"Dragon Palace, I didn't expect it to exist. It's just that the Monkey King made troubles in the East China Sea back then and turned the East China Sea upside down. I'm different. I want to save the East China Sea and bring it back to peace."

After finishing speaking, Chuhe calmed down, thinking about what was going on in the Dragon Palace, but it was not convenient for him to go down and check at the moment.

"I'm sorry, old Dragon King, if I offend you, I will come to the door to apologize in person, but this tsunami should stop!"

After Chuhe finished speaking, the golden cudgel flew out towards the sky, and then emitted a brilliant light. Its figure rapidly became huge, and when its lower end was as big as the opening of the sea vortex, the golden cudgel began to slowly whereabouts.

The golden hoop seems to have infinite magic power. When its bottom just touches the sea surface, you can feel that the sea water around it becomes quieter. As the golden hoop goes deeper and deeper.

The huge vortex also began to regain its calm, until the golden cudgel was completely submerged inside, and the vortex on the bottom of the sea completely disappeared.

Then the golden cudgel was made with golden light. Under the golden light, the sea water seemed to be casted into a spell, and it became extremely quiet.

"Wow, master, this is too powerful!"

Mo Fei opened his mouth wide while watching, not knowing how to praise her.

Chuhe frowned, because although the golden cudgel fixed the sea area and was no longer irritable, he could feel that the Dragon Palace on the bottom of the sea was not calm.

The old Dragon King was proving the truth quickly, and his Daluo Jinxian was still slowly completing it. At this moment, a huge iron rod fell from the sky, stirring up the entire sea area like stagnant water.

Ao Lie and Ao Hong had never seen this thing before, and their faces turned pale with fright, while the old Dragon King got many secrets from the inheritance of the previous generation that they did not know before.

Just like Monkey King, like this Ruyi Golden Cudgel that only appeared in legends.

"Ding Haishen Needle Iron!"

The old dragon king snorted coldly, and when the golden cudgel was about to crush the entire Dragon Palace, the old dragon king raised his dragon claw and swung it upwards vigorously, an invisible force forced the golden cudgel to stop.

Chuhe hasn't felt that the golden cudgel has been controlled yet. He is still thinking about whether it's time to go to the end. If he accidentally loses the old dragon king's house, it will be difficult.

But at this moment, the golden cudgel began to fall violently. No, it should not be said to be falling, but was lifted inward by someone. The sections of the golden cudgel like water were not parallel.

"Fuck me, this old Dragon King is not trying to snatch my baby!"

Chuhe was taken aback for a moment, then reacted suddenly.

"Golden cudgel, give it to me!"

Following Chuhe's order, the golden cudgel became smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the old dragon king's huge claws directly lost the existence of the golden cudgel.

He grabbed a hole with both hands, and then watched helplessly as the golden cudgel was quickly withdrawn from the water.

"Okay, I still recognize the master, who is on top!"

The old dragon king snorted coldly, and flew up directly following the golden cudgel.

Chuhe took back the golden cudgel, and the sea became restless again, but the old dragon king no longer acted as a demon, and the sea did not stir up hundreds of feet of waves.

This change in sea level does not require Ling'er to take action, even magic soldiers and generals can easily solve it.

The golden cudgel became as thick as an arm and flew out of the sea. Chu He held the golden cudgel tightly and was about to turn around and go back.

A huge claw with scales slammed in his direction!

Chuhe was shocked, and his figure quickly retreated!

When he stabilized his figure, he found three giant dragons hovering above the sea, the one in the middle was especially huge, staring at the Chu River with a pair of copper bell-like eyes.

This appearance made Chuhe feel that the old dragon in the head was somewhat familiar.

"You can't be Aosi!"

As soon as Chuhe said this, the old dragon king almost fell into the water from the sky.

Ao Hong spoke hastily.

"Bold human race, dare to call my father's life directly, court death!"

Chuhe smiled wryly.

"It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia. I didn't expect to meet old acquaintances like you all the time in my own hometown in Kunlun Great World!"

Chuhe ignored Ao Hong's clamor, because in his eyes, the only one who could pose a threat to him was the old dragon king who was being promoted.

The old Dragon King's body was dotted with golden light, and countless Dao rules were gathered towards him. Don't think about it, the movement just now was caused by this old guy proving the Dao.

The old Dragon King knew about Chuhe, but Chuhe didn't expect that Li Qingming's so-called Lord of the Dragon Palace was actually a lazy dragon that he caught and beat a hundred years ago.

"Chuhe, why did you take the treasure of our dragon clan, Dinghaishenzhen, and return it to this king!"

As the old dragon king said, he stretched out his hand to grab Chuhe again. Chuhe reacted quickly and dodged again.

"Slippery boy, you have become a golden fairy. I didn't expect it. I haven't seen you in just a hundred years. The world has changed. I was bullied by you in the past, but now I am unstoppable."

When the old dragon king spoke, his voice became irritable, and the sea surface also boiled, and a huge tsunami was about to be generated. This time the tsunami was intentional by the old dragon king, so the momentum was much bigger than before.

Chuhe roughly estimates that if this tsunami occurs, its height will be five kilometers. At that time, not to mention the coastal cities, even the entire continent will be submerged by sea water. At that time, it can still be seen in the world There is only one place in Kunlun Shrine.

Chuhe didn't have time to argue with the old dragon king, so he snorted coldly when faced with the old dragon king's actions.

"Yan Ling: Be silent, Ocean!"

Chuhe shouted loudly, and with his words and the blessing of Xiaoyao Dao, the sea that was close to boiling began to calm down again.

The old dragon king wanted to show off his strength just now, but he was directly fooled by Chuhe's coquettish operation, and he looked at Chuhe in a daze.

"You can change nature. Could it be that you are also a Da Luo Jinxian!"

The old dragon king reunited with the fear of being dominated by Chuhe. The effect of Chuhe's words and Xiaoyao Dao was exactly the same as that of Daluo Jinxian, so it was normal for the old dragon king to misunderstand.

Chapter 745 Sifang Baijie, the fire is extinguished

At this time, Chuhe naturally wouldn't say that he was wrong. In order to avoid fighting, and the old dragon king misunderstood his words, it could make the two sides stabilize.

Chu He sneered: "I didn't expect that my defeated general in the past suddenly became more capable, and he was able to prove the Dao Luo Jinxian, but it was a bit of fun, otherwise I'm worried that you won't be able to resist the beating!"

After Chuhe said this, Ao Lie was so angry that he wanted to die.

"You are a race, dare to insult my father, I will fight you!"

Ao Lie swung his silver spear and stabbed straight at Chuhe.

"Word Spirit: Reversal!"

Chu He just said a word, the silver spear that had been shot away suddenly turned around and stabbed directly at Ao Lie's heart. But the Dragon Clan has only one life, if pierced by such a big spear, Ao Lie will definitely die.

But the silver spear moved too fast, it was about to pierce Ao Lie's body.

"Innate supernatural powers, time stands still!"

How could the old dragon king just watch his son die in front of him like this, he still used his innate supernatural power in a hurry, the Chu River was suspended in the sky, and saw the surrounding world suddenly turned into a beautiful scenery Painting, the time here seems to be frozen.

The sea water no longer fluctuates, the air no longer flows, and even the sound disappears because of the stillness. If there is not a sun hanging above his head, Chuhe really thinks that he has fallen into the boundless darkness.

The feeling of being unable to control one's body is already terrifying, and the feeling of being unable to control one's body in front of the enemy is even more terrifying. Looking at the only moving old dragon king in this space, Chuhe was so nervous that he didn't know how to express it.

What kind of innate supernatural power is this? It can control time. I’m not mistaken. Such a strong innate supernatural power requires a very strong bloodline. This old dragon king is just a miscellaneous dragon. blood.

Chuhe's thoughts were flowing. At this time, the old dragon king walked up to his son Ao Lie first, reached out and took out the silver spear that was about to pierce his heart, and then sneered at Chuhe.

"You kid must be wondering why I have such powerful innate supernatural powers. I won't pretend to be with you anymore. I found a real dragon's lair on the bottom of the sea. I obtained the inheritance there, which made my bloodline soar to the highest level. The realm that you cannot comprehend, the time domain, exists beyond the reach of other lowly beings."

"In my time domain, I am the real god and the real master. Anyone who tries to provoke me will be sentenced to death by me. Blessed are you, I will take care of you slowly, but before that , I still want to avenge my child first, he was almost killed by you, then you often suffer from the pain of silver guns piercing through your body!"

As the old dragon king said, he threw out the silver gun in his hand. The silver gun was like a shell accelerated from the barrel. Just after being thrown from the hand of the old dragon king, the silver gun appeared in front of Chuhe in the next second.

Just when the silver spear was about to pierce Chuhe's heart, Chuhe finally felt his body loosen. Although he couldn't feel the passage of time around him, he could already move.

This is the strength of the blood of the Nuwa clan. In less than a minute, Chuhe came out of the innate supernatural powers of a Da Luo Jinxian, and Xiang Liu, who was also a Da Luo Jinxian, was completely defeated by the old dragon king. The field is firmly suppressed.

At this moment, the silver spear had come to Chuhe's heart, and the old dragon king laughed out loud as he watched Chuhe's figure being pierced by the silver spear.

"I didn't expect that Chuhe, who used to be so powerful and made me despair, has become so vulnerable now that I killed him with one move."

"You died so fast that I haven't even felt the joy of revenge, boy, you have to be strong!"

The old dragon king shook his head while talking, and then he withdrew his innate supernatural power, and everything around him resumed operation at the moment when time stopped and disappeared.

The sea water is still boiling, the wind on the sea surface is very strong, the clothes of the Chu River are blowing, and the sea wind is whistling and blowing back and forth, bringing with it huge waves.

At this time, Ao Hong, who had always been the slowest, looked at the old Dragon King in confusion.

"Father, what's the matter with this kid, he died without bleeding!"

Hearing what his son said, the old dragon king realized that something was wrong. Because of the stillness of time, many things he did were abnormal, such as blood would not spurt out, lightning could stop, for example...

But that was when time was still, but now he has obviously taken away all the magical powers of time stillness, Chuhe should spurt out blood wildly.

Knowing that he was pierced through the heart, he should be bleeding like crazy.

"What's the matter with this kid? Could it be that there is no blood at all!"

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