"Understood the father, since the son is not allowed to go there, the minister can recommend my good partner to the father, Brother Tiger Shark, he will definitely be qualified for this job."

"As long as it's not my son, let him go!"

The old Dragon King didn't care about other people's life or death, he waved his hand: "I'm tired and need to rest, you all go!"

Ao Hong didn't want to leave, but Ao Lie backed out with a smile.

Tiger Shark received the order from the old Dragon King, asking him to go to the Heavenly Court to investigate the Chu River, and he immediately set off towards the nearest east coast, and the moment he left the control area of ​​the Dragon Palace, he saw a familiar figure.

"Second Highness, why did you come here? The Dragon King said that you are not allowed to set foot in the world."

When the tiger shark was talking, Ao Lie had already turned into a human form, set foot on the human land, and said with a smile.

"Now that I have set foot in the world, you can either go back and tell my father that I am disobedient, and then let my father punish me, or let me go to heaven with you to investigate whether Chuhe has such a strong character." With my strength, after I come back, I can also make contributions, don't you often say that you want me to compare with my cheap brother in other aspects!"

When Ao Lie said that, Tiger Shark had no choice but to shake his head, sighed, and chose to acquiesce.

"It's not impossible for Your Highness to follow, but I have to make three agreements with you. First, you must obey my command. Second, you must find a way to escape yourself when you encounter danger. Third..."

Before Tiger Shark finished speaking, Ao Lie had already stepped forward, and his feet were on the beach, giving him a different feeling.

"The human race is really interesting. At least walking is more fun than swimming in water!"

"Your Highness, the third rule is not to talk nonsense. We just triggered a tsunami and almost drowned these people. If you let them know that you are the Second Highness, they will eat you alive!"

Chapter 748 Investigating the Kunlun Mountain

"Cut, just relying on them, how can I say that they are also at the Jinxian level. Although my innate supernatural powers are not as strong as the successor king, I am not weak. These little mortals are definitely not my opponents!"

"Second Highness!"

Ao Lie was still talking proudly, Hu Sha frowned, and reminded him coldly, Ao Lie felt bored, so he waved his hand and said.

"Okay, okay, I get it, let's go, I'll take you around the city of the human race, wow, look at this car that can fly in the sky, is it exactly the same as the waterwheel we swim in the water!"

"Wow, there are so many delicious ones, it tastes good!"

Ao Lie said as he approached, but found that the scent was coming from a seafood stall. The store saw Ao Lie in a luxurious attire, and thought that a big customer had come.

"Hey, this handsome guy, would you like some squid to try? The grilled squid in our store is absolutely authentic!"

"Squid..." Ao Lie's voice trembled when he said these two words. The shopkeeper didn't know that he was angry, but thought he was excited.

"That's right, I don't know if it's squid in our store, but also king crab, big lobster, as long as you can name the marine life, we have it here."

After the shopkeeper finished speaking, Ao Lie's face turned black, and his eyes became colder and colder.

"Our tribesmen in the sea originally lived in the sea and had no contact with the land. They are all you hateful human races. To arrest them and put them on the table as food is unforgivable, unforgivable!"

Ao Lie's face turned cold, and he raised his hand to fight.

The shopkeeper was taken aback.

"Young man, what do you mean by this, what is a hateful human race? Aren't you a human race? And you were born by the sea, what would we eat if we didn't eat seafood, starving to death? It's inexplicable, you still want to do it!"

"I'm not going to do it, I'm going to kill you!"

Ao Lie waved his fist, but fortunately Tiger Shark stopped his atrocities in time.

"Young master, you can't be rough here, you have to pay attention to your identity!"

Tiger Shark's persuasion finally brought Ao Lie back to his senses, he withdrew his hand fiercely, and then said coldly.

"Tiger Shark, let's go!"

Hearing the name of Tiger Shark, the shop owner shouted hastily.

"Hey, we also have tiger sharks. Shark fins are even better. Would you like to try..."

Hearing this, Tiger Shark couldn't bear it any longer, he clenched his fists and was about to make a move, Ao Lie said this time while clenching his fists.

"Hey, brother, calm down, this place is no better than home."

Tiger Shark flicked his sleeve angrily, and then yelled. "ah!"

"Let's not hang around here anymore, let's go to Heaven!"

On the Tianting side, Chuhe and Ling'er had no results in making out, and Ling'er felt guilty, so she said with some regret.

"Brother Chuhe, I really didn't mean it, why don't you tie up my hands and feet, so that I won't attack you!"

Chuhe shook his head hastily: "What are you talking about? I can't be strong in that case. It must be that you haven't really accepted me in your heart. I can wait for nothing!"

After Chuhe finished speaking, he pinched his nose, and the nosebleed was still flowing out, Ling'er felt even more guilty.

"Brother Chuhe, I have accepted you psychologically, and I don't know why..."

The more Linger talked, the more wronged she became. Chuhe felt that it was her fault that he was beaten by her, so he wanted to end this topic.

"Let's not talk about this. The top priority is to improve your strength as soon as possible. You are right. Although the old Dragon King has a brain problem, it doesn't mean that he will always be so stupid, so I want to go to a place now, maybe there can help I increase my strength!"

Ling'er hastily asked.


Chu He blurted out: "Kunlun Mountains!"

"Ling'er, you don't know. In fact, I came back to the Kunlun Great World from another place, just to investigate what happened to the ever-growing Kunlun Mountain. At first, I was restricted by the heavens, so I entered your secret realm, and then I went to the extreme north when you were injured, and now I have finally dealt with Li Qingming and Xiangliu, and no one will make trouble for me anymore."

"So I wanted to go to Kunlun Shenshan to see what is it that makes Kunlun Shenshan keep growing."

"Maybe there will be a good chance that even someone like Li Qingming can get the inheritance of Emperor Xuanyuan, maybe I can get some inheritance, and then my strength will be further improved."

It was the first time that Chuhe felt urgent oppression. Ever since he was forced to escape from the old dragon king's time-still magic power, Chuhe has been very nervous.

Because for the first time, he felt that he really couldn't protect the people around him. He didn't know if Ling'er would be recruited by the old Dragon King's men, but there was no difference, and the little monk would definitely do the same.

As well as other people in the entire heaven, they can't escape the stillness of time of the old dragon king, which is terrible!

He must become stronger and find a solution as soon as possible, and the ever-growing Kunlun Mountain may be an opportunity.

"I will go with you!"

Linger clamored to go with Chuhe. For some reason, Linger, who had been lonely for endless years, also became clingy after meeting Chuhe, and couldn't leave Chuhe everywhere.

"Don't follow along. You are the master of the Heavenly Court now, and you need to deal with all major and minor matters. You should stay here honestly. Kunlun Shenshan, there will be dangers that I don't know about."

Seeing Chuhe rejecting her, Ling'er couldn't help but pouted.

"Heh, you want to throw me away, right? No, I'm going with you, and you don't even think about it. If the old Dragon King reacts and calls us in Heaven to trouble us, then you won't be there anymore. I'm going to be bullied again by myself, you really have the heart..."

Ling'er is getting smarter and smarter. At least in terms of feelings, she has begun to learn how to handle Chuhe's heart like the human girls today.

Chuhe recalled the cruel things Xiangliu did to Ling'er, and he didn't dare to think about it any more, so he nodded and said.

"Okay, then you can follow me, and the matters of the heavens will be handled by the Golden Armored God General."


After all, Ling'er was a child in her mind. When she heard that Chuhe was going to take her there, she waved her hands excitedly, jumping up and down, with an indescribable youthful vitality.

Chuhe's heart warmed when he saw it.

"Let's go!"

Just came to the door, opened the door, and found a child rolled in suddenly. It turned out that Mo Bu Bui had been lying at the door and eavesdropping. When Chuhe opened the door, he accidentally brought him in.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'll stand guard for the master again!"

Mo Bu Bui is also the kind who tells lies without blushing, talking nonsense in a serious manner.

Chuhe saw through his tricks at a glance, and said in a cold voice.

"I don't think you are standing guard at all, you are just eavesdropping!"

Chapter 749

"Well, master, you are going to Kunlun Mountain, take me with you!"

Since Mo Budong was seen through, he stopped turning, and instead took Chuhe's hand, shaking it non-stop, acting coquettishly.

"I planned to take you there, but you dared to eavesdrop. As punishment, you will stay in the Heavenly Court to deal with emergencies!"

Chuhe's tone was severe, and Mo Butong's face wrinkled together after hearing it.

"Ah, no!"

"This is your punishment, not to discuss with you again, do you hear me!"

After Chuhe finished speaking in a cold voice, he dragged Linger out of the dormitory. With his temperament, it was impossible for him to stay behind. In order to let Chuhe take him with him, he began to act like a baby to Linger again.

"Master, I beg you, please persuade Master, you also know that I am just a child, if you let me stay here, not only will you look down on Heaven, but you will also cause trouble."

Ling'er had soft ears, and she was used to having such a handsome and mischievous child by her side.

"Brother Chuhe, just take him with you, and we'll talk about the punishment when you come back, okay?"

Chuhe didn't intend to let Mo Bu Bui stay behind, he just wanted to be angry with Mo Bu Bui on purpose, but at this point, Chu He could only drive the ducks to the shelves, pretending to be difficult and saying.

"Children can't be used to it all the time, they will learn to be bad!"

Linger had a different opinion, she shook her head.

"Mo Bu Bui was just being naughty. He's not bad in nature, and he just saved my life not long ago. Otherwise, I would have been washed away by the flood!"

Ling'er started to play the emotional card again, but Chuhe waved his hand helplessly.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, but you must be obedient when you go to Kunlun Shenshan with me. Kunlun Shenshan used to be the center of the universe, and everything there could be extremely dangerous!"

"Is it more dangerous than Lord Snow God?"

Mo Budong could not quite understand the meaning of Chuhe's words. Chuhe patted him on the forehead and said.

"It's much more dangerous than Lord Snow God. Although Lord Snow God is powerful, we were able to escape because of his kind nature. But in these endless years, there are countless strong men like him, but his temper is as strong as his. Just as good, but not as much."

"At that time, if we encounter some bad-tempered evil god like Xiang Liu, if we provoke him, we will die without a place to die."

What Chuhe said was very serious, and he didn't know if he was afraid of Chuhe, but Ling'er was terrified.

"Why don't we go, I'm working hard, trying to stop doing anything to you, so that you can improve your strength!"

Hearing that there was danger, Ling'er retreated, thinking that it would be best to help Chuhe improve his strength by sleeping.

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