It's a pity that Chuhe also wanted to do this, and tried so many times to no avail.

But Chuhe is very clear that when he takes the initiative, Linger will resist involuntarily, but when Linger takes the initiative, she will not have that instinctive reaction.

But she is a girl after all, so Chuhe told her if she couldn't come up, sit up and move by herself.

Still need to accept, still need time, Chuhe can only wait.

In order to relieve Linger's panic, Chuhe leaned over and said.

"Don't worry, I'm scaring him. There's no danger. It's just a mountain. Don't forget, although I'm not a big Luo Jinxian now, after fighting with Xiangliu and Li Qingming, I have reached the middle-level Jinxian. His strength is only one step away from high level."

"Maybe, we can directly break through Daluo Jinxian in Kunlun Mountain!"

"Master, if he can break through Daluo Jinxian, he will be considered a saint, and he is not your opponent!"

Mo Fei squeezed in from beside the two of them, with a look of envy on his face.

"Why do you guys like eavesdropping so much!"

Chu He held Mo Bu BuTong by his ears and threw him out. When Mo Bu BuTong was about to fall to the ground, the Xuanyuan Sword landed on his falling point. Mo BuTong stepped on the sword, and XuanYuan Sword turned into a chain and moved forward Blast away.

"Master, you talk slowly with your wife, I'll go find the way for you!"

"Be careful!"

Ling'er gave instructions later, but what she shouted couldn't keep up with the speed at which Mo Bufei left, so Chuhe shook his head.

"Ling'er, I have to talk to you about something first. When we have children in the future, you can't dote on them like this. When it's time to take care of it, don't meddle in it!"

Chuhe talked to Linger again, but Linger only heard about the child.

"Brother Chuhe, do you like boys or girls!"

"Me, I really don't know about this, men and women are the same, they are all our children!"

Chuhe's words were like dealing with his girlfriend, Ling'er frowned and expressed her thoughts.

"I think we should give birth to a boy to be my elder brother, and then give her a younger sister, so that my elder brother can protect my younger sister, just like elder brother Chuhe protects me!"

Chuhe thought it was normal when he heard what he said before, but he waved his hands hurriedly when he heard the words behind him.

"No, no, no, don't dare to be the same, my God, they are brothers and sisters!"

Ling'er was a little puzzled, maybe the concept of marriage and love of the monster race is different from that of human beings, so she said entangledly.

"We are brothers and sisters too!"

"How about different brothers and sisters? We are brothers and sisters who are not related by blood. No, we will not be brothers and sisters in the future. You have to call me husband!"

Chuhe was worried that Linger would misunderstand because of the brothers and sisters, so he began to force Linger to change his name.

Ling'er had been with humans for a while, so she naturally knew what her husband meant, so she blushed and ran away shyly.

"not called!"

"Call or not!"

Chuhe also became interested, and directly chased after her. Ling'er was flying in front of the wind, her clothes fluttering, her beautiful figure wandering between the sky and the earth, Chuhe was a little stunned.

When Ling'er flew across the heaven, all the golden armored generals knelt down.

"Empress Ten Thousand Years!"

But Ling'er didn't pay attention to them, Chuhe hurriedly chased after the empress as soon as she flew over.

"Master Demon God, ten thousand years!"

The golden armored generals shouted in unison again, but Chuhe stopped and said solemnly.

"The empress and I will go to Kunlun Mountain to investigate, and we may leave for a while. If there is any problem in the heavenly court, you should deal with it in time. Remember one thing, no matter what kind of thing you encounter, the first consideration is the safety of the people. This is the wish of the empress, do you understand?"

"Follow the oracle of Lord Demon God."

"Congratulations, Lord Demon God!"

Watching Chuhe leave, the Jinjia God will whisper behind his back what is the relationship between Lord Demon God and Empress Zhijian.

"Gossip, I don't know if it's accurate or not, but in fact, the Empress is the wife of the Demon God."

Chapter 750 Giant Octopus

"You still have the nerve to say that this is gossip, this is something that anyone with eyes can see!"

"Let me tell you something more exciting. I heard the female officer serving said that when the Empress and the Demon God were sleeping together, the Demon God kept screaming. It seems that our Empress is not as weak as it seems."

"I'm stupid, what else is there? Tell me in detail!"

"What do you want to hear? The empress is a descendant of Nuwa. It is an incomparably noble and ancient bloodline. Moreover, her blood is all colorful. One drop can bring us back to life. When did she become weak!"

"It's mainly because the Demon God is too strong, which makes people think that the Empress is weak!"

"Yeah, who would dare to believe that two weeks ago, the Heavenly Immortal who was chased by our Heavenly King Li Zhi could defeat Li Qingming in a blink of an eye, and also defeat Xiang Liu, who was at the level of a Da Luo Jinxian, this is already beyond the limit. Human beings are worried, he is the truly terrifying god!"

"Thinking about fighting against him at that time, I am a little scared now, but fortunately, the empress is kind by nature, otherwise, we officials from the previous dynasty would be dragged out and beheaded!"

"If you want to say that, wouldn't I go too far? I have attacked Her Majesty the Empress twice. Twice, I never expected that Her Majesty the Empress would forgive me."

"This heaven doesn't change masters, we don't even know what kind of beast we followed before."

"Although the current work is a bit tiring and I have to think about ordinary people everywhere, I feel that my life has become extremely fulfilling, and I am full of confidence every day!"

"Yeah, when I posted about it not long ago, a mother and child were born, and I received a gift from her today. Now that I think about it, that was something I couldn't believe would happen before."

"It's all the fault of the Emperor of Heaven at that time. In order to ensure the majesty of theocracy, he deliberately distinguished us from ordinary people and regarded human beings as something that could be executed at will. Thinking about my ignorance at that time, I regretted it."

"It's okay, doesn't this have a bright future? I believe that under the leadership of the empress, our human race will be able to live a happy life."

"I would really like to see the Empress and Lord Demon God happily ever after. You said that Lord Demon God is a different kind of human being with powerful strength. In addition, the Empress is one of the most noble bloodlines in ancient times. The children born by them should have How powerful."

"I don't know how powerful it is, I just care when they can give birth to a prince, so we can take the little prince for a ride."

"It's better to be a princess. The princess is cute and sensible. I like princesses!"

"What are you talking about?"

At this time, someone came, also a golden armored general, but this person's strength had reached the level of a fairy, and he also had the strength of the eight king vajras, so he was very authoritative among the generals.

"Well, we were chatting and playing!"

These people, the god generals in golden armor, scratched their heads, and then said with a smile.

"Stop playing. I heard that a water monster appeared in Dongting Lake. It is so powerful that it has already eaten several people. Come with me and catch the water monster!"

"However, I would like to add one more point. The water monster is powerful and has the level of a fairy. It is very likely that some people will die this time."

"Cut, I'm afraid of a ball. I can use what I have learned to protect this land and the one I love. Even if I die, it doesn't matter. The Empress will already be sad for me, and maybe she will cry for me!"

"Don't be too stinky, the empress wants to shed tears because of me, what are you! Add me, and I'll go too. I haven't had a chance to show it for a long time!"

Several Golden Armored Gods began to fight for each other, and the leading Golden Armored God named Mu Yuan waved his hand.

"Damn it, I've never seen someone rushing to die. Since you're getting impatient, let you guys take the lead and dive into the lake for me to search for monsters first!"

After a while, the Golden Armored God will come to Dongting Lake, the lake is calm, there is no wind at this time, and the water surface is clean, like a huge mirror.

The only evidence that can prove that there is a water monster inside is that there are still some undissipated bloodstains in the center of the lake. Under the transpiration of the bloodstains, a large area of ​​the lake is smudged red.

All the boats had already left Dongting Lake, and the pedestrians and tourists on the shore were all evacuated in an orderly manner by the magic soldiers who rushed from nearby. The entire lakeside was cordoned off to warn that there was danger here, so don't approach.

Tiger Shark stood outside the warning line, staring blankly at Ao Lie.

"Second young master, can you do this move?"

Ao Lie snorted coldly.

"The two of us are strangers. It's not that easy to sneak into the Heavenly Court. The only way is to get acquainted with these golden armored generals, and then you can be lucky enough to be brought into the Heavenly Court by them. By the way, the water monster you just put in What kind of strength is it? If it’s too weak, it won’t work. Before we make a move, they will solve it first, and then we will have no way to show it!”

"Don't worry, Second Young Master, what I put in is a violent giant octopus, whose strength is infinitely close to that of a golden immortal, but I gave him some medicine, which can catalyze his ability in a short time and burn life essence. He will have the strength of Jinxian, who was originally on the execution list of the Dragon Clan, releasing him can be regarded as making a contribution to us before he dies."

Tiger Shark patted his chest to reassure, and Ao Lie nodded.

"Hey, the Golden Armored God is coming, damn it, what's going on, their level is too low, right? The highest one is just a fairy!"

Ao Lie glanced at them, a little incredulous.

"It should be a sentinel spying on the intelligence. Someone will come later. Facing such a strong water monster, no matter what, a heavenly king will come."

Ao Lie didn't know that all the heavenly kings on the side of the heavenly court had died, and there was still one who was regarded as a heavenly king, so it was no different.

In fact, the Heavenly Court has no soldiers to send.

The god will be suspended in the sky, gazing coldly at the surface of the water.

"I can feel a strong wave of energy. I'm afraid this monster is not as simple as a celestial being. It should be at least a high-ranking celestial being. Be careful, brothers! I'll go down and lure him out. Form an formation, and wait for him to come out with the light cannon. When the time comes, give him a reward!"

As Kihara said, he was about to go down, but the golden armored god at the side would stop him.

"Brother Mu, there is no reason to let the team leader charge first. Leave the matter of attracting the water monster to me!"

"No, monsters have the strength of heavenly immortals, and it will be dangerous for you to sneak in rashly!"

"What danger is it? I'll die at worst. Besides, what can a water monster do to me? Everyone, I'll get this first!"

The Golden Armored God General rushed in straight towards the lake, and Ao Lie and Tiger Shark were dumbfounded standing aside.

Chapter 751

"Second Young Master, I'm not mistaken, a real fairy jumped in just now, is that feeding a giant octopus!"

"What did they do? Could it be that these golden-armored gods are going to deal with giant octopuses at the level of golden immortals."

"Is there still a chance to get the giant octopus back?"

Ao Lie was a little stunned, he came this time to make friends with Tianting, not to kill the generals of Tianting.

Ao Lie yelled in time, trying to stop the Golden Armored General of the True Immortal level from jumping, but it was too late when he yelled.

"Slow down, the things below are very dangerous, you are not opponents!"

As soon as Ao Lie finished speaking, Mu Yuan looked in Ao Lie's direction, seeing two people there, his eyes turned cold.

"Who is responsible for evacuating the crowd, stand up for me!"

A golden armored god general tremblingly walked over behind him.

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