"Brother Mu, I have already checked the surroundings, why are there still people!"

The Golden Armored General who was in charge of the evacuation was a little panicked, and Kihara slapped him hard with a cold face.

"If you don't do things seriously and neglect your duties, this slap is a lesson. Do you know that your carelessness will kill both of them. After the matter is over, I will definitely report the truth to the empress, and you will be punished!"

"I know I was wrong, Captain Mu, please give me a chance to redeem myself!"

The Golden Armored God General knelt on the ground, his face full of remorse.

Mu Yuan ignored him, but waved to Ao Lie.

"There is danger here, you guys leave quickly."

Ao Lie is bitter, can I not know that there is danger here, the danger is caused by us.

"That Lord General, below is a giant octopus, very powerful, you should not be reckless, let someone more powerful come, isn't there a Vulcan, let Vulcan come!"

Ao Lie kept shouting from the side, and the Golden Armored God General was a little bored.

"It's fine if you're not afraid of death, you're still a mortal with a broken mouth, go over alone, take them both away!"


A divine soldier took the lead and flew towards the two of them.

"You two, it's dangerous here, please leave with me!"

As soon as Shenbing finished speaking, he saw waves suddenly appear on the surface of the lake, and a huge tentacle suddenly stretched out of the lake, followed by a huge head breaking out of the water.

Its eight huge tentacles kept beating on the water surface, and the entire lake was beaten violently by him. At this time, Kihara realized that the Golden Armored God who had just jumped off one of the tentacles was being killed by him. Dead catch.

"Captain Mu, the information is wrong. This octopus is not with the strength of a fairy, but with the strength of a golden fairy. Everyone, run away!"

After the Golden Armored God General finished speaking, the giant octopus' tentacles slammed hard, and the Golden Armored God General in his hand was directly crushed by it in the middle, and the blood rain that exploded directly enveloped the entire lake.

Kihara who was in the nearest place was drenched all over, he wiped off the blood on his face.

"Brothers, you withdraw first, I will hold him back, and quickly go back to the Heavenly Court to rescue the soldiers!"

If it was a celestial being, Kihara could still handle it, but the golden celestials had already surpassed what they could solve. Under the golden celestials, everyone was an ant.

They are not Chuhe, and there is no way to defeat Jinxian with the strength of heavenly immortals, so at the first moment, he chooses to sacrifice himself to help his companions escape, and then let more people come.

"Just run away, just go back and report to one person, why go back, we all stay, no matter what we say, we can't let this giant octopus harm the world."

"Damn it, I'm just wondering, how the big guy in the sea can appear in the freshwater lake, it's really weird!"

Some people raised questions, but at this time the octopus didn't give them a chance to think. It was a lunatic, and it was caught by the tiger shark because it was crazy and slaughtered in the sea, and then it was going to be executed. So now it can only destroy , destroying everything in sight.

The Golden Armored General who had just been crushed was thrown into the mouth by the octopus at this time, and the sound of bones being chewed could still be heard.

The Golden Armored General, who was familiar with him, couldn't bear it anymore.

"Damn it, you bastard, you dare to eat my brother, I will fight you!"

He was about to rush out, but Mu Yuan hurriedly stopped him.

"Calm down, if we attack in an orderly manner together, we may still have a chance to delay the arrival of rescue. If you are blindly impulsive and break the formation, it doesn't matter if we die, all the lives around here will be slaughtered by it!"

"I understand!"

The god general also calmed down.

"Okay, let this lost sea monster know that we humans are not his food, and let him have a taste of our Heavenly Light Cannon!"

With the Golden Armored God General waving his hand, dozens of aura shells shot at the octopus monster. The octopus monster was delirious and didn't know whether the aura cannon was hiding or not.

The Spirit Cannon bombarded its huge tentacles heavily, and the tentacles snapped off and landed on the ground, beating non-stop.

Blue blood sprayed out, and after the octopus was injured, it was completely enraged and turned on the runaway mode.

The remaining seven tentacles kept flying, squeezing the space of the Golden Armored General above, and soon, more than a dozen Golden Armored Generals were surrounded by the tentacles of the octopus.

When it seemed that it was about to fall into a desperate situation, a huge skeleton-like object suddenly approached here in the direction of Tianting.

It is true that Chuhe went to the Kunlun Shrine, but he would not let the sky ignore him, so he left his incarnation outside his body to temporarily take charge of the heaven.

Before the water octopus came out, the avatar outside his body was already rushing towards this side at high speed.

It's a pity that it was still a step too late, and a golden armored general died.

The incarnation outside the body transmits sound in the distance.

"Hold him, don't entangle him head-on, I'll be right there!"

Ao Lie could also hear this divine sense sound transmission clearly. Although he didn't know who would be there soon, he would definitely be able to deal with the water monster. It would be meaningless to attack after he came.

So Ao Lie flew into the air directly, a silver spear flew out of his hand, and quickly pierced into the tentacles of the octopus monster. The tentacles just touched the silver gun, and it broke directly, blue blood splashed out, and the momentum of the spear Unabated, pierced the brain of the octopus and directly nailed the octopus to the ground

"Could it be that the incarnation of Lord Demon God has already arrived!"

With one move, the arrogant octopus monster was beaten so helplessly that these generals thought that Chuhe was coming, but Mu Yuan looked in the direction where the silver gun was shot, and saw that the one who made the attack was the one who stayed here just now One of two humans.

"No, it's them!"

At this time, all the gods in golden armor turned their eyes on Ao Lie.

"Brother, just now you beat the octopus monster to the ground with one move. That is a strong man at the level of a golden fairy. I don't know how strong you are!"

Chapter 752 Chuhe is a Saint!

Ao Lie really wanted to talk and pretend, but he didn't expect that the octopus monster was not dead. Suddenly, the remaining six tentacles swept towards Ao Lie, and Ao Lie had no time to react.

"Master, be careful!"

Fortunately, the tiger shark suddenly appeared at this time, and smashed down heavily with a weapon made of teeth, cutting off all the tentacles of the giant octopus, and then knocked its brain out completely.

Blue blood splashed like a fountain.

At this time, the golden armored generals were even more surprised. A human who almost killed a giant octopus just came, and here came a human who killed a giant octopus three times, five times and two times. This is simply incredible. up!

"Dare to ask the two names!"

"Oh, my name is Long Lie, this is my good brother Husha!"

Long Lie introduced himself as soon as he came up, so he should introduce Tiger Shark by the way!

At this moment, the danger was lifted, and the external avatar that was flying towards this side also stopped moving.

He stopped and looked at Ao Lie and Tiger Shark on the transparent screen in front of him.

"Two brothers, thank you for helping the Heavenly Court solve the troubles. The two of you have advanced cultivation bases. If you are interested, how about joining the Heavenly Court and protecting the prosperity of the human race?"

If the Golden Armored God General invites, Ao Lie may still consider it, but the identity of the person who listened to the speech is different, he must be a big shot, so Ao Lie agreed almost at the same time.

"The two of us have this intention. We have long admired the Heavenly Court. We want to uphold justice and protect the way of heaven. Please take us in!"

"That's easy to say, you can come back with the generals, I'll be waiting for you in Heaven!"

The avatar outside the body said and turned back.

Ao Lie and Tiger Shark were surrounded by the Golden Armored Generals.

"Brother Long Lie, and Brother Hu Sha, both of them should be at the level of golden immortals. I really didn't expect that there are two golden immortals in the human race. It is our heavenly court's dereliction of duty that we failed to find the two!"

"Where is there, brother Hu Sha and I have been living on a small island in the sea, and almost never set foot in the human world. We practice like a hermit. It is normal for you not to notice us."

"If the two of you want to stay in the Heavenly Court, with your strength, you can at least become a heavenly king. That's a position below the three and above ten thousand!"

"Under the three?"

Tiger Shark was a little puzzled, he had never heard this saying before.

"Hey, listen to me. I can explain. On the surface, the Empress is the one with the highest authority in our Heavenly Court. In fact, the Empress always listens to the arrangements of the Demon God in secret. Then there is the Vulcan Lord who has a super offensive ability. With your strength, It should be ranked fourth, and your bloody brother can be ranked fifth."

Someone began to introduce Ao Lie to his treatment in the heavenly court. Ao Lie didn't catch a cold, but he could get a higher official position and get closer to Chuhe.

"I didn't expect that with the skill of me and Hu killing us two three-legged cats, I can also become a king of heaven. That's really great! It's really beyond my expectation to be ranked fourth!"

"No, no, if it is really based on strength, the first is undoubtedly Lord Demon God, the second is Lord Empress, and the third is not Lord Vulcan, but Lord Chu Xiuyuan who has been sleeping. I heard that he Inheriting Fudo Mingwang's inheritance and repairing the Nirvana Avenue, it is estimated that Lord Vulcan can't do anything with him."

"You say that, it seems to be right!"

"But if you want to line up like this, the incarnation of Lord Demon God has something to say. As the corpse of the ancient great witch, even Da Luo Jinxian can't easily destroy it, and the fighting power is even more terrifying. I I haven’t seen the incarnation outside the body lose any battle at the Golden Immortal level! So the incarnation outside the body should be shot in the third place!”

"If you want to say that, I will accept it. Then the problem comes. The two treasures in the hands of the Lord Demon God, the six-petal lotus and the Taiyi fairy gourd, both have a strong person at the golden fairy level. Their strengths are matched. The strength of Lingbao is stronger than that of ordinary golden immortals!"

Although these secrets are known to everyone in Tianting, after all, before the battle with Chuhe, Tianting kept fighting against him, and they knew all these things.

But these golden-armored generals are clear, Ao Lie is not clear, he listened with gusto.

Not only did he know that Chuhe was the strongest, but he also knew that Chuhe had an incarnation outside his body, and even more that he had a more powerful disciple, Xiuyuan.

These are extremely important information.

"Then I would like to ask everyone, our Lord Demon God is so powerful, is he a Daluo Jinxian!"

Ao Lie asked the answer he wanted to know the most, and soon the Golden Armored General said it.

"That must be true. Don't even think about it. Lord Demon God can change nature at will. Besides Da Luo Jinxian, who else has this ability!"

"No, no, I don't agree!"

Someone objected, Ao Lie looked at him excitedly.

"Why, you also think that Chuhe is not Da Luo Jinxian?"

Hearing Ao Lie call Lord Demon God's name directly, the Golden Armored God General frowned a little uncomfortable. In the previous Heavenly Court, the names of superiors were taboo, that is, Lord Demon God doesn't believe this now. Otherwise, Ao Lie might be killed on the spot. Captured and turned to heaven.

"Brother Long Lie, Lord Demon God's name is not something that can be called casually, and he is not Da Luo Jinxian!"

"Then he is just a golden fairy?"

Ao Lie continued to question.

"Hehe, Jinxian, Lord Demon God, is clearly an existence that surpasses Daluo Jinxian, a saint who stands at the pinnacle of martial power!"

"What? Saint!"

People in Ao Lie are stupid. He knows better than anyone else what a saint is. He is an existence at the same level as Nuwa, Pangu, and Gonggong, and truly stands proudly on the top of the universe.

Saints do not come out, troubled times are endless, all the gods are eager to meet a saint, but now that the environment has just recovered, many people have not had enough time to practice, how could a saint-level existence pop up so early, this Are you kidding me!

"That's right, if you're not a saint, how could you just defeat the original owner of the Heavenly Court and kill Xiangliu, the prehistoric villain? The most powerful thing is that you can make the descendants of Nuwa, who are of ancient and top-quality blood, willingly marry him , so Lord Demon God must be a saint!"

This person's analysis is clear and logical, but nothing is right. Ao Lie doesn't believe a word at all.

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