"Then what, may I ask, if I join the Heavenly Court, will I be able to meet Lord Demon God?"

What Ao Lie wants to get close to most now is Chuhe, he wants to confirm his strength face to face, because he always feels that when his father used time to stand still, Chuhe was actually tricked, but why he can get rid of it so quickly Ao Lie didn't know the reason.

That's what he's here for!

Chapter 753 Stomach Pain

Captain Jin Jia said hurriedly. "Brother Long, with your strength, there is no problem at all if you want to meet Lord Demon God."

"That's right, Lord Demon God is always approachable, and we can often see him."

Another golden-armored general agreed, and after listening, Ao Lie nodded,

"How can you talk to me about the Lord Demon God?"

When Lord Demon God is mentioned, all the golden armored gods will shine their eyes.

"Speaking of our Lord Demon God, we can't finish talking about his glorious history for three days and three nights. It is said that Lord Demon God used to be an aborigine of our Kunlun Great World, but he left here because he was squeezed out by humans. "

"I just can't figure it out. How could such a kind-hearted big man be looked down upon by the human race at that time? Do you think it's strange?"

"What's strange, Heavenly Court declared him to be a devil at the beginning, we all believed him, and don't we still call him Lord Demon God now!"

When someone interrupted, the person nodded in agreement.

"If you say that, I really don't refute you, but Lord Demon God is different from others, he doesn't seem to care about what he is called."

"Yes, yes, and the title Lord Demon God is majestic!"

"That's right, after all, he still has thousands of monsters in his hands, all of them are big monsters one by one. Now the leader of the monster clan is still a little white dragon!"

Seeing these golden armored generals focus all their attention on Chuhe's past, Ao Lie suddenly lost interest.

At this time, he seemed to recall what his father said, that his brother had been captured by Chuhe.

"Well, I would like to ask, what is the name of the little white dragon you mentioned?"

Ao Lie was inexplicably excited when he heard the news about Long. These people didn't know that he was so excited about a ball of yarn.

"It seems to be called Bobai. It's a huge white dragon with silver light shining. When it transforms into a human form, it's still very handsome. It's fascinating to see."

"That's right, Lord Demon God is so powerful that he can actually take the dragon clan under his command and use it for himself. It's simply too powerful."

"Baibai, my subordinate, how could our Dragon Clan be slaves to humans!"

Hearing this, Ao Lie's expression became a little ugly, he muttered in a low voice, at this time the golden armored general asked him.

"Hey, brother dragon, what do you mean by that? What do you call your dragon clan? Are you not a human being?"

Only then did Ao Lie realize that he seemed to have made a slip of the tongue and said the wrong thing, and was a little embarrassed, but fortunately, Tiger Shark smoothed things over.

"Then what, this good brother of mine is originally surnamed Long, and he was born to worship the dragon clan, and he has always regarded himself as the descendant of the dragon. He is a little lost and crazy. Don't mind it!"

When Tiger Shark said this, the Golden Armored God General laughed.

"I said, Brother Dragon, if you wanted to become a dragon in the ancient times, you would have nothing to say, but in this era, it is obvious that our human race is more suitable for cultivation and can grow faster, so you should not underestimate yourself and be a human being." Bar!"

The Golden Armored God general Mu Yuan patted Ao Lie on the shoulder. Ao Lie was very resistant to being touched by lowly humans, but if he behaved abnormally now, he really couldn't explain it.

So he could only bear with it and let Mu Yuan pat hard a few times, his heart was going crazy.

"The main reason is that I haven't seen the real dragon. I would like to ask, how can I meet that Bo Bai!"

Ao Lie knew that Bo Bai was still alive, so he made a wrong idea. After all, he has always been a prince, so he should take the eldest brother back, and then compete with the second brother for the seat, and reap the benefits for himself.

The Golden Armor God will reply soon.

"Hey, isn't this simple? Aobai is a subordinate of Lord Demon God. When you see Lord Demon God, tell him about your love for the Dragon Clan. That's it."

"Yeah, maybe you can still be good friends!"

"It goes without saying that Brother Long likes the Dragon Clan so much, he will definitely become good friends with Bo Bai."

The Golden Armored General talked a lot, but this time Ao Lie was even more eager to see Chuhe.

"Do you know where Lord Demon God is now?"

"In Kunlun..."

The Golden Armored God General had just spoken halfway before being interrupted roughly by Kihara.

"Shut up, you kid can say everything, and you don't have a clue!"

Hearing Mu Yuan's scolding, the Golden Armored God will immediately react.

"I'm sorry, I was talking too much, I slapped my mouth, I slapped my mouth!"

Jin Jiashen slapped himself, while Ao Lie looked at Mu Yuan with a puzzled expression.

Kihara coughed a few times, then said lightly.

"It's like this. Lord Demon God comes and goes without a trace. We don't know where he is going. If you want to know, you can go to the Heavenly Court later and just ask his incarnation yourself!"

Ao Lie is a very smart person, and he knew two key pieces of information from the communication with the Golden Armored General.

The True God of Chuhe is not in the Heavenly Court, only his incarnation outside the body is in the Heavenly Court, and the Golden Armored God just said that Chuhe is in Kunlun...

It was obvious that he had spoken half of what he said. As for Kunlun, he couldn't figure it out for a while.

But at this time, Bo Bai was extremely eager to leave this team of golden armored generals. After all, he wanted to go to Chuhe now. Chuhe was not in the heavenly court, so why would he go to the heavenly court.

Besides, none of these golden armored generals seemed to be familiar with Chuhe, so it was useless to ask them.

Suddenly, Ao Lie clutched his stomach with an extremely uncomfortable expression.

"Well, I'm sorry, I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, let me go first for convenience!"

"Hey, it's uncomfortable to be alone? Brother, you are at the level of a golden fairy, and you still like to eat food?"

For the human race, they can basically absorb the power of nature to maintain their lives after being promoted to the Golden Immortal realm, and they generally seldom eat.

But other races are different. For them, eating is also a way to improve their strength. Many races can transform the energy of food into their own energy, thereby improving themselves.

So Ao Lie has been eating all the time, but he also realized that what he said was not right, but fortunately the tiger shark came out again to smooth things over.

"My brother, everything else is good, but he is greedy, and he likes to eat weird things. When we came here, we passed a snack street. He ate so much that he didn't know how many things, so many The food, no matter what, is mixed in the stomach, stirred up, enough for him to eat a pot."

"That really sounds a bit uncomfortable, brother, if it's inconvenient for you, you can go and make it convenient for you first, and we can wait for you here."

Mu Yuan looked at Ao Lie with a smile, and Ao Lie hurriedly waved his hands.

Chapter 754 Kunlun Mountain

"The brothers have important things to do, there is no need to waste time with me, and I also know the location of the Heavenly Court, you go first, my stomach hurts and it may take a long time to end."

Hearing this, the Golden Armored Generals covered their noses, as if they had already smelled it, they said with a smile.

"Okay, then let's go back first, brother, you should pay attention to what you eat in the future, don't be so nonsense!"

Ao Lie nodded hastily: "Understood!"

Seeing that the Golden Armored God was about to leave, Tiger Shark's eyes became sharp again.

"Second Young Master, what are you doing? Didn't you agree to go to Heaven, why did you come out like this halfway through?"

"People from Chuhe are not in the Heavenly Court, why should I go to the Heavenly Court?"

After hearing Tiger Shark's question, Ao Lie gave him a white look, shook his sleeves and said.

Tiger Shark was thoughtful, and immediately understood. He frowned, and lost his sense of direction for a while. "It seems to be true, so where should we go!"

Ao Lie sneered, he patted Tiger Shark on the shoulder and said, "Wherever the Chu River goes, we will go there!"

Tiger Shark also wanted to pat Ao Lie on the shoulder, but at this time Ao Lie dodged directly. He threw away his shirt, and then transformed into a new one to put on.

He looked at the clothes that were slowly falling down to prevent falling, and said coldly: "Don't touch my clothes, it's already dirty!"

After finishing speaking, Ao Lie flew away, and he did not forget to continue talking when he left.

"Let's go to Kunlun Mountain, the Chu River must be there!"

Tiger Shark didn't know what the young master's plan was, so he had no choice but to follow.

In the sky above the Kunlun Divine Mountain, Mo Bubu was sitting on the Xuanyuan Sword, resting his chin with one hand, looking at the Divine Mountain below in puzzlement.

What puzzled him was that the Kunlun Mountain was obviously the birthplace of the Protoss, and it should be magnificent, with all kinds of mysterious relics all over it. Unexpectedly, when he stood in the sky and took a closer look, he found that this mountain was so ordinary that it couldn't be more ordinary.

It is a serious mountain, the rocks are the same as those of other houses, the flowers and plants growing on the stones are the same as those of other houses, and even the birds and animals inside are the same as other mountains.

The only difference between Kunlun Sacred Mountain and other mountains is that it is slightly larger than other mountains. If you have to find another difference, it is that Kunlun Sacred Mountain has a god character.

Mo Bubu couldn't see the strangeness of Kunlun Shenshan. At this time, Chuhe and Ling'er rushed to see Mo Bubu sitting in the sky in a daze, so he shouted.

"What's the matter, I asked you to explore the way, you are lazy on it!"

Hearing the master's cry, Mo Bu Buyi was taken aback, and he almost fell off the sword when he was so happy. Fortunately, Xuanyuan Sword can automatically find the master and help him escape.

Mo BuTong stepped on the Xuanyuan Sword and flew over.

"Master, do you think we made a mistake? In fact, there is no sacred mountain, it's just an ordinary mountain range. I can't see anything tricky at all!"

Mo Bubu began to complain to Chuhe. He had observed here for a while, but still found nothing.

Chuhe patted his head, shook his head and said, "Kunlun Shenshan is not what I call him, but since there are historical records of manpower, this is the most mysterious place in the whole Kunlun world. There are gods and gods living on it. It lived in the big monster, lived in the witch clan, and was finally occupied by the god clan, so that after going through the barbaric years, it is still deeply imprinted in the minds of everyone in the Kunlun Great World."

When Chuhe said that, Mo BuDiong couldn't believe it.

"Master, according to what you said, then we must have found the wrong place. The Kunlun Mountain you mentioned may be there, but it should not be here."

"You kid still dare to question me and tell you that I grew up on this land. I have also traveled to Kunlun Mountain several times. How could I admit my mistake!"

Chuhe was a little angry, and Mo Bubu didn't dare to touch him, so he stood aside obediently, putting his little hands in front of him, looking nervous.

Ling'er saw that Mo BuTong was deflated, so she hurriedly said.

"Why are you angry with a child? You can't talk properly. He's not an aborigine here. Isn't it normal if he doesn't know it!"

Sure enough, Mo Bubu grasped Ling'er's kind and protective heart very well. Before Chuhe didn't have Yan Ling, Mo Bubu would talk back to him directly. Now that he has Yan Ling, Mo Bubu began to think of ways to let his wife to protect himself. The kid's scheming is very deep, at least far from being as pure as he appears.

"Master, don't blame the master. This is my problem. I made the master angry with my nonsense, so please punish me!"

Good guy, I almost cried when I saw Mo BuTong, and Linger was even more distressed. Chu He looked at Mo BuTong viciously, but he didn't expect this kid to play bitter scenes with him just like his brother Green Tea Bitch.

Chuhe was worried that Linger would say something wrong about him again, so he hurriedly pretended to be generous.

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