"Then I'll kill her now!"

The Golden Crow became angry, the flames spread again, and the surrounding temperature rose sharply.

"Why did you kill her? What crime did she commit?"

Xuanniao snorted coldly and questioned Jinwu.

"The Emperor..."

Jin Wu opened his mouth, but he couldn't explain the reason after all, Xuanniao came over, touched the three golden feathers on her head, and said softly.

"Speaking of which, Empress Nuwa used to be the master of Kunlun Shenshan, but she preferred to stay with the human race, so she chose to live on the earth, and at that time, your father, the emperor, was just a servant of Lord Nuwa , Speaking of identity, the Golden Crow Emperor is actually the same as me, and you are also the same as me!"

It's over, Xuanniao's words completely hit Jinwu's self-esteem, she hesitated and didn't know what to say to cover up the embarrassment now.

It's just that unconsciously, he no longer calls himself the emperor in front of Xuanniao.


Jinwu wanted to cry a little, but thinking about Chuhe and the others without a Daluo Jinxian, they would definitely lose their lives if they forced their way to the top. She herself was saved by her father at that time, who else could save Chuhe.

"Then I'm going to save him! I still want to eat the food he cooked in the future!"

Jin Wu said that he was about to fly away.

"My silly girl, aren't you too simple-minded, and people will be grateful to you for the rest of their lives when you say that you can send charcoal in a timely manner. Now that Chuhe walks on the [-]th floor, it's still calm. You go to help him now? He Not only will I not appreciate you, but I will definitely blame you for being nosy, and you need to wait."

Xuan Niao quarrels with this younger sister, but he still likes her in his heart, and wants to match her with Chuhe. Of course, he already has a wife, so naturally he needs to use other methods to win his heart.

"I still have to wait, what are you waiting for?"

The proud Jinwu actually didn't have so many bad thoughts, she was also pure in heart, and couldn't understand Xuanniao's words for a while.

"When he walks to a higher ladder, when he can no longer resist the trials imposed on him by the ladder, when he calls every day unresponsive, and the earth is not working, you will appear again, my good sister, to that When you go to help him again, he will agree to whatever request you ask."

"Okay, then I'll let him cook for me for the rest of my life!"

Jinwu suddenly smiled when he heard this, and shouted to ask Chuhe to cook him a cup of rice.

Xuanniao shook his head: "I just know how to eat!"

Linger moved forward all the way, and finally climbed the No.80 first step ladder when she was about to lose her hold, and Chuhe followed closely.

Ling'er let out a long breath, the pressure on her body suddenly eased, the blood began to flow back, her pale face gradually turned rosy, and her whole body was rejuvenated.

On the contrary, Chuhe is not so miserable, he suddenly said something.

"Why do I feel that this gravitational space doesn't seem to be aimed at us humans, it seems to be aimed at you, Linger, what's going on? Do you know how ugly your face was just now?"

Ling'er smiled wryly, thinking that this gravity space was originally aimed at the monster race. After all, when the ladder was built in that era, no one thought that the future human race would be the last laughing master of the world.

So there are a total of 99 steps in the ladder, all of which are used to train other creatures.

This experience so far is more like an experience for Ling'er than for Chuhe.

"Brother Chuhe, I'm fine. I must be too weak to behave so poorly. I'm fine now. Let's go on up!"

Linger did recover his blood color, and Chuhe was relieved. He walked in front and opened the way for Linger. In order to temper himself, Linger deliberately did not take the safe passage left by Chuhe. Xiangliu, who is shy, felt the fear of death for the first time.

And don't look at just getting here, dozens of trials have greatly tempered Ling'er's mind and other aspects.

Even if Xiang Liu reappeared in front of her now, although she may not be able to beat Xiang Liu, Ling'er can guarantee that she will never be as embarrassed as she was then.

Soon, Chuhe and the others came to the [-]th floor. Ling'er looked at the steps of the [-]th floor, and her breathing was a little short. She took a deep breath, worried that Chuhe would notice something unusual, and stepped on it hastily.

Just putting one foot on, Linger's face changed drastically, and the gravity of [-] million times pressed down. The sole of her foot began to bleed out along the sole of her foot as soon as she put it on, and the severe pain began to spread upward along the top of her foot .

Ling'er just put one foot on it, and his whole face turned blue-purple. Chuhe also stepped on it to have a look, feeling the infinite pressure, but his condition is fine.

"Yan Ling: Gravity reduction!"

After Chuhe said this, the pressure instantly eased a lot, and he also sold his other foot.

At this time, the stairs to the next floor had already fallen downwards and soon disappeared.

However, Ling'er's other foot was still on the bottom, and she didn't lift it up. She was a little scared, and Chuhe looked back at her.

"Ling'er, if it doesn't work, let me carry you behind my back, don't be brave anymore, I feel that you have reached your limit!"

Chapter 771 Chu River Was Squashed

What Chuhe said made Linger take the last foot more firmly.

She can't let Chuhe carry her on his back. Chuhe can't carry her at all now.

"It's okay, brother Chuhe, I can do it."

Linger stepped up with the other foot, so far, her body was standing on the steps, a strong pressure swept her body, as if someone put the whole universe on her shoulders and asked her to carry it. generally.

The huge force made Ling'er unable to even breathe, her heart could no longer pump blood upwards, and her face turned into a blank sheet of paper almost instantly.

Let alone the heart pumping blood, even the blood couldn't reach the heart, it was all sucked to the legs by the huge gravity, Ling'er's legs became swollen, she felt that there were countless things pulling her internal organs, pushing them down pull.

She tried her best to straighten her body, but she couldn't do it under the huge pressure.

"Yan Ling: Gravity reduction!"

Chuhe hurriedly used Yan Ling to help Linger reduce the gravity, but it was useless at all. The gravity space is a special trial. You can try your best to reduce gravity for yourself, but you cannot help others reduce gravity.

So even if Chuhe shouted his voice out, Yanling still doesn't work here.

"Gods, please hear my prayer, wind, please make my body soft."

A gust of wind swept over, and Ling'er felt much more comfortable. She took the opportunity to take a breath, smiled at Chuhe, and said with a smile.

"Brother Chuhe, I'm fine, let's go!"

Ling'er stepped forward first, and she had exhausted all her strength when she lifted her leg. When she fell down, her crushed and injured foot hurt like ten thousand needles.

Ling'er couldn't stand the pain, she staggered and fell to the ground.

On the [-]th floor, Mo Feifei fell, and [-] times the gravity directly crushed his kneecap into pieces. Now Linger is bearing [-] million times the gravity. If she falls, she may be squeezed into flesh by gravity cake.

Of course, Chuhe couldn't just watch all this happen. He hurried over to help Ling'er, but his fingers just caught Ling'er's clothes, and her clothes were torn apart instantly like paper. Chuhe hurriedly reached out again Go grab Linger's hand.

The moment the two hands touched, what Chuhe felt was not Linger's hand, but the weight of ten thousand Himalayas, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Ling'er, so you've been lying to me all this time!"

Chuhe stepped forward again to support Linger, but Linger pushed Chuhe away.

"You can't help me, and you can't help me. Brother Chuhe, Ling'er can only accompany you to this place. In the future, please take care of yourself. If you feel lonely, that Ran Ran can't help you." Yes, she deserves you!"

"I like you, I like you so much!"

Tears flowed from the corners of Linger's eyes, and the tears fell to the ground, directly smashing a hole in the steps, and Linger's figure fell rapidly.

Chuhe quickly put down Mobuyi from his back and rushed towards Linger.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing I say will kill you!"

Chuhe gritted his teeth and ran over. Linger had no strength to push him away.

Xuanniao looked a little startled, if Linger's heavy body fell, she would probably be crushed to pieces.

However, Chuhe, a human being, is not that capable at all even if he saves each other.

He couldn't even lift one of Ling'er's hands.

Seeing Chuhe rushing towards him, Ran Ran anxiously scratched her heart and liver.

"Sister, should I help now!"

"Yes, it's time for you to act, but it's too late! The one who cooks for you in the future is going to die soon."

Qingniao pointed down as he spoke, and saw Chuhe suddenly appear at the place where Linger was about to fall. He propped up his body and wanted to be a pad for Linger.

How could Ling'er fail to see what Chuhe wanted to do, she shouted vigorously.

"Brother Chuhe, you are crazy, you will die!"

Chuhe turned his head and looked at Linger with a smile: "If you die, then what's the point of my life? Linger, although my physical inadequacy makes you completely fine, at least you can survive. There is a mysterious bird on it, so you can Beg her to save you, as a descendant of Nuwa, she should not let you die here like this, do you hear me?"

"Don't!" Ling'er yelled, trying to twist her body away, but her body was too heavy to move at all, and directly hit Chuhe's body heavily.

Chu He was sitting on a plank, and at the same time Linger's body was falling, Chu He trembled, his spine broke, and the arm bones that supported his body were directly pierced out of the flesh.

In just a split second, Chuhe spat out a mouthful of blood, and was directly slapped on the ground by Linger.

Ling'er passed out in an instant, a bloodstain quickly left under the two of them, and the bloodstain spread rapidly on the floor. The huge pressure made the blood let alone gather, and was directly crushed into a piece of the baby with the mentality of blood cells.

Gold gathers crimson, gathers colorful liquids, blends together, and dyes the steps with brilliant colors.

"No, no!"

Ran Ran yelled from the side, she had a nervous breakdown, and she began to blame herself.

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault. In fact, I should have shot Linger when she was about to fall. I deliberately didn't make a shot because I wanted to watch her fall to death. I don't want anyone with stronger blood than me. I just wanted her to die. But I didn't expect that a fool like Chuhe would risk his life just to save her!"

"Is this love? Is there really a life willing to die for another life? No, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Xuanniao also had an ugly face, but she could hear clearly what Chuhe said when he was dying. Chuhe wanted Ling'er to live.

Now that Chuhe is dead, at least the descendants of Nuwa must be saved. After all, with the strength to get here without awakening blood, Ling'er's future is absolutely limitless.

The blue bird flew down together with the Golden Crow. Looking from above, they already knew the tragedy below. When they approached, the two of them were still stunned.

Because Chuhe's body was raised by Ling'er, Ling'er was directly embedded in Chuhe's body. There was a big hole in Chuhe's body, and Ling'er lay quietly in it, his mouth and nose were full of colorful blood. Check out Linger's breath.

"There are still some faint breaths, great, she is still alive."

Ran Ran looked at the crushed Chuhe and stamped her feet angrily.

"You madman, fool, don't you know how important your own life is, and why did you give up your life for a woman?"

Jin Wu scolded Chu He, but he didn't dare to look at him anymore, but walked up to Mo BuTong, trying to take Mo BuTong away. After all, this is the only fire god of the human race, at least he is the apprentice of this fool.

Chapter 772 He is still alive

Jin Wu was about to leave with Mo Bu Bu Bu in her arms. She and Chu He met for the first time, and she had no feelings for her. In fact, Chu He's death made her even more sad because she would no longer be able to eat delicious food. That's all. That's all.

Xuanniao sighed and bent down to take Linger away from Chuhe's body.

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