Just when Linger's body left Chuhe's body, Xuanniao felt that Linger's body was being held by something. He looked down and saw that Chuhe's hand was holding Linger's wrist tightly.

Xuanniao pulled Ling'er hard, but Chu He's hand was too tight to be separated. She had no choice but to put Ling'er down first, and broke Chu He's tightly held hand with all her strength.

"You are a good man. Nuwa's descendants are lucky to meet someone like you. But you are dead, so don't drag her. I can still let her live."

As Xuanniao said, she went to tear off Chuhe's fingers, but Chuhe pinched her so tightly that she couldn't separate them. She had no choice but to put her hand on Chuhe's wrist and pull out a feather from her body. , and then wanted to cut off Chuhe's hand.

It's just that when she was about to strike, the hand holding Chuhe's wrist clearly felt a heartbeat, a weak heartbeat!

Xuanniao was shocked and yelled at Ran Ran.

"He...he's still alive!"

After hearing this, Ran Ran turned around, looked at Chuhe, and shook her head.

"Is my sister making fun of me? He has already been crushed, how can he still be alive? I admit that I may be a little bit reluctant to let him die, but he is already dead. Please don't take him anymore just kidding."

"I'm not lying to you, he's really alive!"

"Sisters should know how big the Nuwa clan is. Their weight is terribly high. If such a large weight is magnified to [-] million times and hit a human race, not to mention the body, the soul will be smashed by him. Chu He's dead, I'll take this kid up first, write it quickly."

At this time, Chu He stretched out his other hand to grab Ran Ran's toes. His tone was weak, as if he would die if he couldn't breathe.

"Don't go, let go of my apprentice!"

Ran Ran looked at Chuhe in surprise, and then looked at Xuanniao in surprise, Xuanniao pouted, as if I told you that he was still alive, but you didn't believe it.

Chuhe almost died, but fortunately, he was just half a head taller than Linger, and this half head was Chuhe's sea of ​​consciousness.

Although his body was damaged by his eyes, Chuhe's sea of ​​consciousness is still there, and he is still conscious.

"Yan Ling: The injury is reversed!"

Chuhe yelled this sentence with his last breath. It was visible to the naked eye that Chuhe's body was recovering rapidly, and it was always difficult to recover from the flood, but the blood from Chuhe flowed back into his body crazily.

"How is this possible? He is just a human race. Why is his body stronger than ours? He can survive this kind of injury and even recover his body. What kind of existence is he?"

Ran Ran, who had always valued blood the most, was shocked.

Xuanniao was also stunned. She looked at Ran Ran and said involuntarily.

"Sister Ran Ran, didn't I tell you that your bloodline can determine your starting point, but your bloodline cannot determine your focus. Obviously, if this man can go all the way, his future will be limitless. At that time, he will become the new A sage, become the same existence as Emperor Xuanyuan, no, he may go further than Emperor Xuanyuan."

Chuhe was waking up faintly at this time, and Jinwu was worried that Chuhe would find him at this time, so he put Mo Butong on the ground again, and then disappeared from the spot in a flash.

Qingniao didn't know why the girl ran away suddenly, and stood there alone, looking at Chuhe who was waking up.

Chuhe opened his eyes and saw the blue bird, and said in a daze.

"Excuse me?"

"I am the Nine Heavens Profound Bird. I used to be the messenger of the Queen Mother of the West. Now my job is to run the ladder. Humans, I can't believe that you are still alive."

Hearing that he was alive, Chuhe immediately thought of Linger, he raised his head hastily, but Linger was gone.

"Where is Linger? Where is Linger?"

Chuhe looked extremely nervous, Xuanniao inexplicably felt a good impression, she patted Chuhe's shoulder, and pointed to Ling'er on the ground.

"She's on top of you, you can't even move, so I have to hug her out of you, now you two can let go."

Chuhe looked at Ling'er next to him, and hurried over, putting his hand on the tip of Ling'er's nose.

"Don't worry, she's still alive. You're so infatuated. You're willing to die for her. When she wakes up, she will haunt you for the rest of her life!"

When Qingniao said that, Chuhe blushed a little and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Thank you Lord Jiutian Xuanniao, thank you for showing up in time, otherwise, I guess I would really die here."

"You're welcome, Empress Nuwa has been kind to me, and saving you is a kindness. Come with me now, and I will take you away."

"Leave? Where are you going?"

Chuhe hurriedly asked.

"Of course I went down? Where else can I go!" Xuanniao waved his hand and looked at Chuhe.

"Master Xuanniao, I actually wanted to go up, but I've come all the way, can you help me go up."

When Chuhe said this, Xuanniao suddenly looked coldly, and his voice was cold.

"Nonsense, the ladder is a test for the strong, and those who fail are destined to die. I am willing to save you. It is the best of humanity. You haven't reached the top yet, and you still want the top reward!"

"What reward!"

"Bloodline inheritance!"

Chuhe was taken aback when he heard these four words, feeling very cowhide, he said hastily.

"Then I'm going up. Now that I'm fine, I want to try again to see if I can reach the top."

"Human beings, you are really stubborn. Let me tell you, this ladder is a test for the Daluo Golden Immortal. It is shocking enough for you to get here at the level of a Golden Immortal. From the ninetyth floor up, the test of each floor will be It's even more frightening, let's stop here, it can be regarded as saving face for myself!"

What Qingniao said was polite enough, but Chuhe shook his head.

"Face is not important to me at all. What I want most now is to improve my own strength. If I could be stronger, I wouldn't be powerless when I fell to Linger just now. I can’t even protect it, and it’s meaningless for me to live on, I must climb to the top today, and I must get the bloodline inheritance!”

The way Chuhe vowed to become stronger and protect his beloved moved Qingniao a little, and she sighed.

"You choose the path yourself, and I won't force you, but let me tell you, I will only save you this time, and you refused. If you die on the steps of the trial, don't blame me."

Chapter 773 do me a favor

"Master Xuanniao, don't worry, life and death depend on wealth and honor, I won't blame you."

Chuhe tried his best to put on a smiling face, but Xuanniao shook his head and finally compromised.

"Okay, then it's up to you!"

Xuanniao thought to herself that she would only save him this time, but Ran Ran could save him again. Just now, the kid was confused and didn't notice that Ran Ran had come, and the road ahead was getting more and more dangerous. He encountered death. The possibility is getting bigger and bigger, Ran Ran still has another chance, a chance to give charcoal in a timely manner.

"My good sister, my sister can only help you here!"

Xuanniao helped Ling'er up, and went to help again, wanting to take the two away together.

At this time Chuhe suddenly said: Master Xuanniao, as long as one person climbs to the top, can he get the blood inheritance?

Xuanniao didn't understand what Chuhe meant, so he nodded subconsciously.


"Then, Master Xuanniao, please put Ling'er and my disciples down, I will take them to the summit together."

Chuhe walked towards Xuanniao, his words directly shocked Xuanniao, she frowned at Chuhe, and asked in disbelief.

"what did you just say?"

"I want to take my wife and apprentices to the summit together, so that they can also receive the bloodline inheritance, and please Master Xuanniao."

"Are you crazy? You think this is a child's play, you may not be able to pass by yourself, the last nine steps, you still have to take your wife and apprentice, you figure it out, how do you take your daughter?" The descendants of Wa?"

"This is going to bother Master Xuanniao, can you put her on my back, I plan to carry her on my back!"

"Crazy, crazy, you are really crazy, forget it, don't log in, I will take you away together!"

Xuanniao really couldn't understand Chuhe's thinking, she looked at Chuhe like a fool, full of disdain in her heart.

"Master Xuanniao, I am serious, please help me!"

Chu He spoke convincingly and had a firm attitude. Xuanniao looked at Chu He and didn't know what to say about him for a while.

"I thought you loved your wife, but I found out that you are a beast. You know that there is a dead end ahead and you still take your wife and apprentice with you. You are looking for death yourself. I will not stop you. Why do you decide their fate? Do you know Knowing how noble the bloodline of Nuwa's descendants is, I can't let her die on the ladder."

Xuanniao actually hates talking about bloodlines the most, but at this moment, she finds that only talking about bloodlines is more convincing. Unknowingly, she actually understands Ran Ran's thoughts.

"I don't want them to die, but if they can get the blood inheritance and become stronger, they can survive the cruel war in the future. Besides, who said that I will definitely die, I will show you the summit today, Don't try to stop me with a broken ladder!"

Chuhe shouted loudly, and the chains of Xiaoyao Avenue began to spread around his body. The black chains were like wandering snakes, covering the entire staircase in an instant.

"What kind of avenue is this, why have I never seen it before?"

Xuanniao was amazed when Chuhe showed the way.

Chuhe said with a smile.

"Master Xuanniao, this is the Dao of Xiaoyao, a road I created myself. I know that my words when I first met you will think I am a frivolous person, but please believe me, I really am not kidding anymore."

Chuhe nodded earnestly again, but Xuanniao still refused to agree. Although Chuhe did show the strength that a human race should not have, but Nuwa's descendants are not good enough, she can't die.

Xuanniao still refused, at this time, the Jinwu above sent her a voice transmission.

"Sister, let him take it with you. If you are in danger, will I still be there?"

"Ran Ran, if you choose to save people right from the beginning, I can still trust you, but you don't want Ling'er to live from the bottom of your heart, so I can't promise you!"

It's over, because of the incident just now, Xuanniao chose to doubt it directly, and Jinwu was a little crazy.

"Sister, I admit that I did it on purpose last time, but this time I will never let them die, don't worry. I swear to you, if not, I swear to the Sun God!"

As he spoke, Jinwu stretched out two fingers, facing the sky.

"I, Ran Ran, the tenth son of the Golden Crow Emperor, I swear like the heavens, I will..."

In the middle of Ran Ran's speech, Xuanniao didn't want to hear about punishment or something, so she hurriedly stopped Ran Ran.

"Okay, I believe you."

Chuhe found that Xuanniao had been looking up and didn't speak. He was a little embarrassed. This is a gravity space. Although he could bear it, how could Ling'er bear it?

"Master Xuanniao, please, let me take them up!"

Xuanniao had already discussed with Jinwu, so she didn't insist anymore, she sighed and said helplessly.

"I am really crazy today. I will listen to what you are a lunatic. You have to remember that I will not come to save you again. If you are in danger and leave Nuwa descendants to escape, I will be the first to kill you." you!"

"Don't worry, Master Xuanniao, if I die, I will die first."

After Chuhe said this, Xuanniao was stunned and remembered what Chuhe had done for Linger just now, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Don't die, you three must live."

Xuanniao turned around and left after speaking, but Chuhe hurriedly called her to stop.

"Master Xuanniao stay behind!"

Xuanniao frowned and looked at Chuhe coldly.

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