"What's wrong? Do you regret it now?"

Chuhe squatted down hurriedly, pointed to his back and said.

"No, what I mean is, can you do me a favor and put Ling'er on my back, she's a bit heavy, I'm afraid I can't lift her by myself."

Fortunately, Linger is in a coma now, otherwise she would be angry when Chuhe said she was heavy.

Xuanniao didn't expect Chuhe to make such a request. He patted his forehead and said speechlessly.

"You are such an unpredictable human being!"

As Xuanniao said, he gently put Ling'er on his back, and when Ling'er landed on Chu He's back, Chu He staggered and almost didn't fall down.

At that time, he was lying on the ground and was almost crushed, and he didn't feel the pressure carefully. Now that Ling'er was lying on his back, Chuhe felt the whole world was pressing on him, and his feet began to tremble. Chuhe may fall at any time.

Looking at Chuhe's appearance, Xuanniao frowned.

"That's not enough? You still have another apprentice, do you want me to put it on?"

When Chuhe heard that there was another one, his legs trembled more severely, but he still took a sharp breath, stepped into his horse, and held his breath.

"Let it go!"

Xuanniao put Mo Bu BuTong on Ling'er's back, and the three of them stuck together tightly like an arhat.

The huge gravity made the bodies of the three of them fit together tightly. Chu He raised his foot with difficulty, and stepped up the first step towards No.90!

Chapter 774 91 Steps

Chuhe came to the No.90 floor with Ling'er and Mo Bubu on his back. According to past experience, the No.90 floor is the seismic layer.

As soon as Chuhe stepped on the upper steps, the whole steps began to shake violently. This kind of shaking is not ordinary shaking. Any magnitude [-] earthquake is trivial. This kind of shaking intensity directly makes the steps look like a small electric motor. .

Standing on it, Chuhe looked like duckweed in the wind, swaying and unable to stand still.

Both Mobu Butong and Ling'er on their backs were shaking and almost fell to the ground. Chuhe held them both tightly with both hands.

Then the second foot stepped up, and Chuhe was blinded.

When he stood completely on the first step of No.90, he realized that the next nine floors that Ran Ran said were the biggest test, and what touched her mother was totally against the norm.

The first step of No.90 is not only an earthquake layer, but also a flame jet. This kind of intense flame is not much different from when the Golden Crow attacked them. It is called a scorching heat.

Fortunately, there is a Vulcan on Chuhe's back, and he himself has eaten Yangyan grass and fire spirit fruit, so he can barely resist the heat.

But the result is still not optimistic. After the flame spray, there will be a terrifying low temperature as low as absolute zero, and everything will be frozen by the ice layer.

Even the flames that hadn't been extinguished in time were frozen in the ice layer, and the scorching flames seemed to be still beating inside the ice layer, which looked extremely beautiful.

The 91st floor is not a single kind of tribulation, but the sum of all the tribulations on the tenth floor, that's why Ran Ran said that this is the real beginning.

Chuhe didn't have time to think about it. He rushed forward. Fortunately, all kinds of hardships did not come at the same time, but in an orderly manner.

However, the only thing that bothers Chuhe is that the gravity space continues all the time. For Chuhe, carrying an extremely heavy Linger on his back, the gravity space that originally made him feel relaxed has become his greatest torture.

Every step he took was so difficult that before he stepped out, his body was on the verge of falling. The ice layer under his feet was so thick that all the eyelashes of Chu River were frozen by the ice layer.

Even the breath he exhaled was instantly frozen. The cold and the torment of gravity continued to erode his spirit and erode his will. Jinwu and Xuanniao stood above and looked at the Chu River below, feeling a little unbearable.

The ground was very slippery, and Chuhe almost stepped on the ground by accident. You must know that this is a gravity space, and falling would definitely be fatal. Jinwu was nervous and hurried forward to help, but Xuanniao stopped her.

"What's the matter, sister, he will die if he does this. I thought he was very powerful, but who would have thought that he only persisted so hard at the 91st step, and then there will be an even more terrifying 92nd step. Every step, everyone His ordeal will be doubled, and he can't hold on."

Xuanniao looked funny at Jinwu's eager look, and she couldn't help teasing Jinwu.

"I said Miss, you care so much about him, and you still say you don't like him?"

Seeing Xuanniao's teasing look, he said angrily when he entered the room.

"I have nothing to do with liking. I have never seen a human being able to reach the 91st floor, and he is still a human being at the level of a golden fairy. When we first learned to speak, we have already reached this level. "

"This kind of person's future achievements should not be lower than Emperor Xuanyuan's. He is the hope of the human race. We can't just let him die like this."

"Besides, he is carrying the descendants of Nuwa on his back. Didn't my sister say that the descendants of Nuwa must have nothing to do? Moreover, his apprentices are equally powerful. It is also the first time I have seen the Vulcan of the human race. Although these three people don't know How did they get together, but when they grow up, they will definitely be a powerful force that can guard the world of Kunlun."

What Jinwu said is right. The Kunlun Great World is not always hidden, but it will be opened to the outside world after it has a new master, that is, a saint-level existence. Of course, the lowest level that can enter is the Da Luo Jinxian level.

Although Jinwu is the daughter of Emperor Jinwu, she has passed a long time until now, and she has never been able to touch the bottleneck of the saint.

Even she felt that it was absolutely impossible for her to achieve her father's achievements.

Although there are several existences as powerful as her in the Kunlun Great World today, none of them have the possibility of becoming a saint for the time being.

Jinwu wants to go out, she doesn't want to hang up in the sky every day, this kind of life is too boring.

She wants to save Chuhe, because Chuhe is the only one who has the hope of becoming a saint and can liberate the Kunlun Great World. became her savior.

Seeing Jinwu's eager look, Xuanniao patted her on the shoulder, her black hair moved with the wind, blowing slowly her temples, revealing her beautiful face completely, looking at Jinwu's appearance, even as a woman The mysterious birds are a little dazed.

After a while, she spoke slowly.

"Don't worry, since he chose to go up the steps, it proves that he has the courage to face death. Didn't you hear him say that he is the son of destiny chosen by Empress Nuwa and Zulong, who is favored by big shots? Die so easily, let alone retreat so easily."

What Xuanniao said made sense, but Jinwu was still worried, her face was melancholy, and her tone became more anxious.

"But he..."

Before Jin Wu finished speaking, Xuanniao shook his head and pointed to the Chu River below.

"Look, he has made it through. He has climbed the 92 steps. Although he looks shaky, his figure is like a pinnacle of stability. He just doesn't fall down. This kind of perseverance is the most important thing."

"Ran Ran, have you ever thought that, as the daughter of the Golden Crow, you obviously have the best blood and some unparalleled talents, but you still can't take that step and become an existence like your father. The thing is this kind of perseverance, it is this kind of death."

"If back then, I mean if you hadn't asked the Golden Crow for help when you first sneaked up on the ladder when you were a child, but had tried your best to climb towards the top, the invisible force that might have troubled your cultivation The shackles will break of themselves."

Jin Wu was stunned by Xuanniao's words, feeling like he was enlightened.

"Could it be that I have been unable to advance an inch because my heart is not strong enough? But I am already the pinnacle of existence in this world. There are often news from outside that the human race doesn't even have a big Luo Jinxian."

Ran Ran couldn't understand, she fell into a struggle, Xuanniao sighed, said no more, but quietly looked at the Chu River below.

Chapter 775

In the time it takes to speak, Chuhe has already reached the third step of No.90. After climbing the three steps, Chuhe gradually mastered the rules.

Because although all the dangers are concentrated together, they are still divided into primary and secondary, just like the first earthquake layer. Although the flames invade as well as the cold, the earthquake is the most intense.

Now he came to the third floor of the Spiritual Realm of Fire, and the ground was shaking violently. Chu He simply lowered his body to the ground to lower his center of gravity as much as possible, and then raised the Shensha Banner to protect him from the flames and cold.

The seven-colored god stone even turned into a rope, tightly binding Ling'er on his back with him.

What is meant by being in the same boat through thick and thin, and what is meant by sharing life and death, this moment is vividly reflected by Chuhe. When he came to the flame layer, Chuhe relaxed a little. Although these flames were fierce, they were far from the intensity of the white flames. The invisible protection, on the contrary, makes this layer very easy.

Of course, ease is only relative.

Because the gravity is still increasing upwards.

Chuhe was already numb at this moment. He didn't know whether he was carrying a person or a hundred million mountains on his back. He felt that his spine was about to be broken, and every time he lifted his footsteps, it was an extremely heavy torture.

Walking so hard, Xuanniao and Jinwu all stared at Chuhe in a daze.

"Is this kid's body stronger than that of Yaozu? How many times is the gravity now?"

"It's almost [-] million times. This is simply abnormal. Why can a human race have such a strong physique? Look at his thin body, compared with our monster race, it looks like a hemp stick. It's just too scary .”

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn't believe it. It is impossible for a person to bear the gravity of [-] million times his own. He is also carrying a descendant of Nuwa who is a million times heavier than him. , and a child."

Jinwu was a little stunned, not knowing what mood he was in now, because the descendants of Nuwa couldn't hold on until they reached the 95th floor, and Chuhe had already reached the [-]th floor, and he continued to insist. Is this a human being?This is God.

If he is really talented, what kind of existence is he? Jinwu couldn't help trembling a little. She felt that even if her father came in person, she would not be able to be like Chuhe before she was promoted to Da Luo Jinxian.

"Do you now believe he can reach the summit?"

Xuanniao asked Jinwu, but her eyes were fixed on Chuhe all the time. Her beautiful eyes were wide open. Every time Chuhe took a step, she was nervous and worried, and even felt as if she was walking on it.

At some point, Xuanniao, who had always maintained a neutral attitude, also silently cheered for Chuhe in his heart.

Hearing the word summit, Jin Wu hastily shook his head.

"Sister, if he climbs by himself, I'm really not sure that he won't be able to reach the summit, but if he carries Nuwa's descendants on his back, it's absolutely impossible to reach the summit just because of this alone."

"Oh, why are you so sure?"

Xuanniao became interested, looked at Jinwu, and wanted to hear what she had to say.

"Didn't my sister feel that he has reached the point where he has run out of fuel? Don't you realize that every step he takes is not using his consciousness at all, but mechanically? He is completely forced by the instinct of his body." He's going forward, he's definitely not going to last long."

After Jinwu finished speaking, Xuanniao nodded.

"Yeah, it's a pity, a strong human race who was able to reach the top of the Golden Immortal Realm, but has to carry his wife and children on his back, oh no, he shouldn't be his wife, that kid seems to be his apprentice, right?"

After Xuanniao finished speaking, Jinwu gave her a blank look.

"Sister, I think you have always been mature and stable, how can you talk about such a boring topic at this time."

"It's not boring at all. This man knows that the steps are dangerous. I wanted to take away Nuwa's descendants and his disciples, but he didn't agree. He wanted to take them to be buried with him. Although this kind of man is powerful, he If you don’t know how to advance or retreat, if you don’t know good and bad, you will not only harm yourself, but also those around you.”

"Ran Ran, I take back what I said at the beginning, this man, you'd better not have sex with him, because you don't know when he will sell you!"

"what are you saying?"

Jinwu stared blankly at Xuanniao, and unconsciously smeared a touch of blush on his face. This kind of blush is very subtle and very faint. If you look at it casually, you really can't see it.

If it is said that before Chuhe climbed the ladder, Jinwu would not look up to Chuhe because of his noble status, but a human race can reach the fifth floor of No. 90. No, it is already 96th floor. Existence is destined to go further than her, so there is no question of whether it is suitable or not, and whether the bloodline is good or not.

This is a strong man, a strong man who may surpass most of the great emperors. The monster race always admires the strong, and facing the strong, the Jinwu can't help being a little crazy.

On the sixth floor of No. 90, just as Chu He stepped up to the steps, he staggered a little, his feet were unsteady, and he fell straight down. Great, hold up your figure.

The Shensha flag kept waving, as if facing the most powerful enemy, wind, fire, thunder, lightning, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth were constantly eroding, coupled with the constant troubles of the gravitational space.

Chuhe has exhausted all his energy, Ran Ran is right, although he steps forward mechanically, every step is subconscious, and all his brain's attention is now on insisting not to close his eyes.

Because he was getting more and more tired and sleepy.

There was always a voice in his heart calling to him.

"Why are you so tired? You just need to stop, and you can relax when you stop. You don't have to suffer this kind of crime. You are already very strong. You have proved yourself, a human race at the Golden Immortal level, can go this far One step is really good, stop, go one step further and you will die."

"No, I can't stop. If I stop, it's not just me who will die, but also Linger and Mo Bu Bu."

Chuhe shouted, and the voice in his heart continued.

"For them, you should stop. You will pass out if you walk down. As long as you pass out, the two of them will be thrown to death by you. As a human being in the new era, why should you let them die with you? You didn't this qualification."

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