"So, let them go, let them go, they will be free, and you will be free."

"No, I leave them, they will die."

Chuhe shook his head vigorously, but the voice in his heart still didn't stop.

"Why are you so stupid? You can only reach the top if you put them down. Only when you reach the top can you get what you want. Bloodline inheritance, ancient ruins, these can make you go further, maybe you can break through the Golden Immortal , become a Daluo Jinxian, when the time comes, you can come back and save them."

Chapter 776 Give It Up

"If you carry them on your back now, they will become a burden and a burden. You must know that you are the chosen one. Your life is not for yourself, but for the entire Kunlun Great World, no, it should be said that it is the entire universe. living beings."

"You are the hope against heaven and man. Although a descendant of Nuwa has a noble blood, she is destined not to be someone who can truly change the future. Give her up. She is just a woman. There are better women waiting for you ahead. That Ran Ran, That blue bird, which one of them is worse than Linger? And they are all powerful."

"Give up, give up Ling'er, give up her, only then can you go further. A real strong man is alone, and doesn't need someone to accompany him, let alone drag him down."

"shut up!"

Chuhe roared loudly, his eyes were fierce and his tone was trembling.

Jinwu didn't quite understand, she looked at Xuanniao.

"Sister, what is he doing? How can he talk to himself in such a penetrating way?"

Xuanniao's face was ugly.

"Heart demon, it's a heart demon!"

Jinwu naturally understood what a demon was, and she was a little puzzled.

"But there are no demons in all the tests of the 99th floor ladder, how could he encounter demons?"

Xuanniao frowned and thought for a moment.

"Pressure, it's pressure, you're right Ran Ran, he can't stand it anymore, his mentality has collapsed, and now his consciousness is still resisting, but his whole body has reached the limit of endurance. In such a critical moment of life and death, people will instinctively choose to survive."

"Now it's his subconscious that makes him give up the burden on his body and successfully climb to the top."

"Will he give up?"

Jinwu was a little hesitant, she looked at Chuhe anxiously, because if Chuhe really left Nuwa's descendants behind, he really had hope to reach the top, this kind of problem is very complicated for humans, but for the monster race , These are all things that you don't even have to think about, and you will definitely give up.

But Xuanniao couldn't give an answer for a while, because human beings are different from monster races.

"Ling'er, I can't answer you, because I don't know. The human race is different from our monster race. They are born weak and do not admire the strong. They force themselves to become strong and then protect themselves. Chuhe should be one of them." I don’t know how he will choose the outstanding one, but I want to ask you, Ran Ran, if he chooses to give up Linger, what do you think?”

"Of course it's the wisest choice. Give up Ling'er, he will be able to survive and reach the top, and he himself said that as long as he reaches the top, he will become stronger. As long as he becomes a Da Luo Jinxian, he will come back to save Ling'er It's all right."

After Jinwu said so, Xuanniao sighed.

"If he abandons Ling'er today, he will abandon you tomorrow, do you understand?"

Jinwu froze for a moment, looking at Xuanniao. "What does it have to do with me?"

"Okay, let's not talk about this, he has already reached the seventh floor of No.90."

When Chuhe stepped on the 97th floor, his gravity space has been multiplied by countless times. Now he doesn't even have the ability to calculate, his mind is blank, and even his consciousness doesn't exist. His eyes are white, Due to gravity, the eyeballs that should be congested prevent the blood from flowing upwards.

His face was pale, and he had even lost consciousness.

Not knowing what was keeping him going, going on, going on.

He walked forward step by step, wind, fire, thunder and lightning roared on him, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and rolling thunder poured down. This kind of terrifying thunder and lightning seemed to infiltrate people like nothing else.

All the clouds gathered into a vortex, and the entire sky was shrouded in a huge vortex. The color of the sky and the earth changed for a while, and everything became dark.

And Chuhe staggered step by step, his body was struggling to maintain his balance, and now he seemed to be able to fall down with a slight breeze, and his whole body was completely to the limit.

At this moment, Ling'er said with the remaining consciousness.

"Brother Chuhe, put me down, or you will die!"

"Put me down quickly, brother Chuhe, please!"

Linger kept shouting, and even kept patting Chuhe's back. Her body was tightly bound by the rope that Chuhe turned into colorful spirit stones, and she couldn't break free.

She didn't dare to move around at will, because if Chuhe accidentally fell down, Chuhe would be crushed to death by herself.

"Yeah, did you hear that Linger asked you to let her go, why are you so stubborn, it's better to live than to die!"

"At the very least, if you are alive, someone will collect the body with them. If you die, there will be no hope in this world anymore, so let her go and live."

The heart demon is speaking through Chuhe's mouth, and everyone can hear his words clearly. These words are very hurtful, and Linger's heart feels like a knife.

"Yes, brother Chuhe, put me down. I have become your burden. This is not my intention. You should live well. Only when you live can I feel at ease."

"Please, follow your heart."

"Okay, I'm going to live, I'm going to live."

Chuhe's voice sounded, and the rope that transformed from colorful spirit stones began to loosen, and it was untied after a while. Now, as long as Chuhe pulls lightly, the spirit on his body will fall directly.

At that time, Chuhe will be relieved, the pressure on his body will be gone, and everything will become easier.

"Let go of the rope, you just need to pull lightly, all the pressure will be gone, you will be free, you will be relieved, what are you waiting for?"

"I want to be free, I want to be free, I want to live."

Chuhe shouted vigorously, his appearance was extremely frightening, Jinwu and Xuanniao all held their breath, and Jinwu was ready to fly down to save people at any time.

Since there are two steps left, she will go very quickly.

"Will he really throw people down?"

Xuanniao was a little dazed, she kept rolling her eyes, and couldn't believe it.

"Do you need to think about it? He is unconscious now, and all his actions are dominated by his body. No matter how much he cares about those two people in his heart, his body has the final say now, and his body will only help himself. , he will definitely survive.”

"But it doesn't matter. If he throws Ling'er down, I can catch her. When he can climb to the top, the woman he likes and his disciples don't have to die. It's the best of both worlds."

"But he doesn't know all this. He doesn't know that there are people who will save him. He only knows that if Linger is put down, Linger will definitely die."

Xuanniao was tangled in her heart. She was thinking about many things, but she couldn't tell Chuhe or give him hints.

Because of a strong person's road to becoming a god, the inner demon is also a huge test.

Chapter 777

She really wanted to tell Chuhe loudly, let it go, Ling'er will not die, someone will take theirs, but he can't say, it's very simple, the reason why the strong can become strong is because they are in a desperate situation Outbursts of power still have options.

Just like now, if Chuhe knows that there is no need to worry about letting go, then he will definitely let go, let go in the face of death, and he will give up when he encounters desperation in the future.

He has a super talent, if his will is not strong enough, he will definitely not be able to become a great emperor.

This is not to save him, but to harm him.

Obviously, Xuanniao understands the truth, but Jinwu actually knows better. Xuanniao looked at Jinwu's calm but flickering eyes, and didn't say anything about the tension in his heart.

She folded her hands involuntarily, don't let it go, no, let it go, or you will die.

The rope slipped down little by little, and the huge gravity made Linger start to slide off Chuhe's back. Every inch Linger slipped, Chuhe felt the pressure on his body gradually decrease.

An unprecedented longing, longing for the burden on the body to fall off as soon as possible, the sooner the better.

Linger was desperate, she knew she would die if she fell down, she knew that now was the last time she would be with Chuhe, she really wanted to hug Chuhe for the last time, even if only once, but she couldn't do it, it was also driven by her survival consciousness Linger wanted to hug Chuhe's neck tightly.

By doing this she will not fall and she will survive.

Unlike Chuhe, Linger is conscious, so she naturally knows how to choose.

"Brother Chuhe, I know you can't hear me clearly. I'm sorry. I have become your burden. I really don't blame you for leaving my affairs behind. I hope you don't blame yourself when you regain consciousness."

"In this world, no one can do without you. You really can't do it without you. You have to live well, and you can live for me."

"Brother Chuhe, farewell, please let me kiss you one last time!"

Linger can't do anything at this time, she can only cry silently, the corner of her mouth can't kiss Chuhe's cheek, she can only lightly touch Chuhe's neck, she wants to report to Chuhe one last time, but The outstretched hands finally hang down powerlessly.

Her tears dripped on Chuhe's neck, and the moment the tears touched the neck, the gravity directly made the tears flow into Chuhe's body, and the moment the tears entered the body, the chains of Chuhe's avenue began to spread.

After being nourished by tears, the avenue flowers that had disappeared began to bloom vigorously.

The fragrance of the flowers began to spread, and Chuhe regained his sanity in an instant.

Ling'er was about to fall off, and her tears could no longer be controlled.

"I love you, brother Chuhe, I really love you. Although you can't hear me, I still want to call you husband in the end. This is something I have always wanted to do but haven't done."


Linger's body began to slide violently due to inertia, and when her upper body had fallen off to the tailbone of Chuhe, suddenly a pair of big hands tightly pinched her waist.

The rope for the transformation of the colorful spirit stones also began to tighten rapidly.

Chuhe almost exhausted all his strength to lift Ling'er back to his body, and completely tied her to him again.

"Stupid girl, please remember, no matter when, no matter what danger I encounter, as long as I have breath, I will never abandon you!"

"Go to the fucking ladder, I must climb it today!"

Ling'er's tears gave Chuhe a short period of clarity. He must seize this time and move forward, otherwise he is worried about what he will do after losing consciousness again.

Ran Ran, who had already walked down a step, was stunned when she was about to save someone, but Chuhe regained consciousness and continued to move forward.

"Impossible, he has obviously exhausted his energy, how can he fight against the demon?"

Ran Ran didn't understand at all, she looked back at Xuanniao in confusion, hoping that Xuanniao could give her an answer, but Xuanniao didn't know what to say, so she sighed with an indescribable relief in her tone .

"Maybe this is the power of love!"

"He may really be going to the top, a golden fairy, or a human, with a family and a family, and then he is really going to the top. He has reached the 98th step. As long as he walks through one step, he will succeed. It will be the first living being since the creation of the steps."

Xuanniao shouted excitedly, her voice was clear and melodious, no outsider had been to Kunlun Secret Realm for a long time, she lived step by step every day, and she hadn't been exposed to new affairs for a long time.

Today's Chuhe gave her a lot of surprises, which is simply amazing. No wonder the human race was able to overwhelm the heroes and become the new masters of the world. Has an extremely powerful existence.

The 98th step has come to the end, Ling'er doesn't know what to say at this time, she is on Chu He's back, and can feel the pressure Chu He is under.

Not to mention walking, he is trembling even breathing. Although Chuhe tried his best to restrain himself, his instinctive physiological reaction cannot be concealed.

He was shaking so badly, now it was in the field of strong winds, people couldn't open their eyes due to the storm blowing all over the sky, and the tornado rushed towards the Chu River from four directions: front, back, left, and right.

This man is like a mountain. Mingming is on the verge of falling, but he can't blow it down. These winds may not know that the Chu River is much heavier than the mountain now. He seems to have become a joke instead, making him more relaxed than the flames.

Finally came to the shot of the No.90 eight-step step, one step up is the last step, Chuhe has seen the end, and saw Ran Ran and Qingqing in front of him with solemn and anxious faces.

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