Chuhe greeted subconsciously.

"Ran Ran, when did you come up, I thought you lost it!"

When Chuhe spoke, he still had a smile on his face, and Jinwu was a little bit dumbfounded, but he was still able to laugh under such pressure, which is really a talent.

Just when she wanted to congratulate Chuhe angrily, Chuhe suddenly raised one foot, turned to one side suddenly, and fell down heavily.

But at this time, Jinwu looked at Chuhe, his eyes were closed, and his whole body looked peaceful, as if he was asleep.

"No, it's just a short shot, and you fainted?"

"Hurry up and save people!"

Chuhe's body fell rapidly, and when he hit it, his body and bones were so light that they could be smashed into pieces, so thin that even a single cell could not maintain its original shape, the blood would be flattened and turned into a membrane spread on the on the ground.

Jinwu ran down in a hurry, and a powerful force came from behind Chuhe.

Chapter 778 99th Floor Thunderstorm

But as soon as Jinwu's strength flashed, she took it back, Xuanniao stared at Jinwu blankly.

"What's going on with you? You promised me, but you're not going to save me?"

It's too late for her to go down now, Chuhe's body will touch the ground soon, and the next moment, he will become a thin slice, the kind that can't be seen.

Jinwu stared blankly at Xuanniao, trying to reach out to catch Chuhe's body. You must know that if she reached out to catch such a powerful impact, her arm would be smashed into pieces by Chuhe.

Jinwu didn't care anymore, she muttered to herself.

"Why don't you let me save you, why?"

Just when Jinwu was about to use his mana, he was eliminated by an invisible force. She didn't know what happened, but she knew that the force came from Chuhe. He didn't want anyone to save him, but wanted to kill him alone?

"What's the matter?"

Xuanniao also realized that Jinwu did not save on purpose, because her magic power to save people was also silently dissipated, and the surrounding environment was like a vacuum of spiritual power, and no spells could be cast.

Seeing that Chuhe was about to die, Jinwu tried to drag his head. As long as his head was still there, he could still save his life. As for Linger and Mo Bubu, sorry, there was nothing he could do.

Xuanniao even closed her eyes subconsciously, she didn't dare to look at the next tragedy, she was about to witness a great human genius create a miracle.

As a result, arriving in the capital has become a lesson of blood.

I don't know when, the steps under the feet changed, and vines entwined with the shackles grew out of the ground, and the vines and the road chains overlapped to form a giant net, which stopped Chuhe's falling body.

There are countless tentacles on the giant net, which gently support Chuhe, vacate little by little, straighten him upright, and stand up.

"What kind of avenue is this? Why have I never seen it before? In the very center of his avenue, I just couldn't release any magical powers!"

Seeing that Chuhe was safe, Jinwu looked at Xuanniao in a daze.

Xuanniao didn't know what kind of road chain Chuhe was.

"The chains on the avenue are densely covered with regular patterns, and the avenue is as thick as a bearded tree. I have never seen this kind of avenue, and I don't know what it is for."

"However, one thing is certain, his strength in the Golden Immortal Realm can make us completely unable to use supernatural powers for a moment. If he is an enemy, the time just now is enough to kill both of us! He is too terrifying."

Jin Wu's beautiful eyes widened, with an incredulous expression on his face, just like that Chuhe was dragged up again by the giant net woven by Dao, and stood up again, his eyes suddenly opened.

The golden pupils shone with light, and for a moment, Chuhe seemed to be free from gravity, his face became rosy again, and his breath became stable.

Although his current appearance is not as good as when he first climbed the ladder, it is almost the same.

"What recovery ability is this? Is he immortal?"

"This is the body's self-protection mechanism being triggered. This human race contains power and secrets that we don't know about. He is simply a mystery."

"He climbed the 99 steps!"

While the two were chatting, Chuhe had already lifted his foot up the 99th floor of the steps. Just before his feet landed on the steps, but just hovered over, a sky thunder like an ancient tree in the sky struck directly. It hit the top of Chuhe's head.

The Shensha flag automatically defends, but it can't stop the sky thunder at all. The sky thunder directly penetrates the Shensha flag and stabs at the top of Chuhe's head.

Chuhe's behavior seemed to have angered Heaven. A golden immortal of the human race dared to challenge the ancient holy spirit to a test that even the golden immortals of Daluo could not bear.

The ninth floor is very magical, there is no flame, no earthquake, no wind, no cold, just a vast expanse of whiteness.

This kind of white is not an ordinary look, because the white on the entire steps is swimming lightning.

At first, the lightning was still dormant and wandering peacefully. When someone stepped on the steps, they began to be violent rapidly. The thunder and lightning in the sky rushed towards Chuhe's body like a swimming snake, and drilled into his body. It seemed to penetrate his body and drill into his pores.

Almost instantly the Chu River was surrounded by thunderstorms.

The intensity of this thunderstorm has far exceeded the thunder and lightning when Chuhe killed Xiangliu. This kind of thunder and lightning is so dense that it can be described as liquid.

Yes, it moves like a stream of water, thick and viscous.

Because Qingniao and Jinwu had climbed the stairs, they were no longer troubled by lightning, but they were both stunned.

"Such a violent thunder and lightning? Is it to let him climb the ladder, or to let him be wiped out!"

Jinwu murmured, Xuanniao swallowed for the first time, even though the thunder and lightning would not harm them, she subconsciously dodged a little.

"The No. 90 ninth-floor sky thunder will send down thunder and punishment according to the strength of the climber. This kind of terrifying thunder and lightning will instantly annihilate even the Da Luo Jinxian inside."

"This kind of lightning seems to be much stronger than yours!"

"And he is just a golden fairy, why does the law of thunder and lightning target him? Isn't this driving him to death?"

Jinwu couldn't hide the worried look on his face, and Jade Bird frowned tightly.

"I understand. Since ancient times, people who have climbed to the top are alone, but Chuhe dragged his family with him. One person has to fulfill the wishes of three people. This is not tolerated by the ladder. He wants to punish him, so he adjusts his power. To the extent that even you and I may not be able to bear it."

"This is Leiden punishing those who tried to provoke his majesty. This is too terrifying!"

"He can't hold it, no, I'm going to save him!"

Jinwu could no longer keep calm, because Chuhe had disappeared into the thunder and lightning, and the white light piercing the sky could not open his eyes.

Shui couldn't be sure what the Chu River looked like now, whether it was still alive, or that it had been stabbed into powder by lightning long ago.

What's funny is that the thunder and lightning seemed to be intentional. Although the thunder and lightning were raging all over the sky, Ling'er didn't feel any electric shock when he was in it.

It seems that Chuhe is really regarded as the culprit, and Lei Dian is punishing him twice.

Chuhe's hair stood up at the roots, and the corners of his clothes were flashing with lightning. Ling'er exhaled lightly, and his clothes flew away.

Then it was turned into powder in the thunder and lightning.

"What's going on, where are we?"

Mo BuTong wakes up faintly. The ninth floor of No.90 is no longer under great pressure, but the pressure is still not to be underestimated. Fortunately, Mo BuTong can still persist in the Dao field of Chu River.

It's just that he was almost blinded as soon as he opened his eyes, and his whole body was not well.

"We're inside Thunderbolt!"

Chapter 779

"Chuhe, where are you?"

Ran Ran rushed into the thunderstorm, wanting to save people, but there was nothing in the field of vision, the huge roar of thunder made people lose their hearing, and this place became a white and silent place.

Naturally, Chuhe didn't answer Ranran, he was still walking forward, if he had a pair of eyes that could peek into the thunderstorm, he would find that thunder and lightning were slowly gathering here, Chuhe was like an eye, attracting all the thunderstorms to converge .

Tianlei was determined to kill this human being who didn't know what to do, and dared to challenge Tianwei, ignoring the rules.

Ran Ran walked towards the center of the thunderstorm based on her feeling. She had the idea of ​​saving others, and the thunder and lightning no longer avoided harming her.

Thunder light also began to appear on Jinwu's body, and it became more and more intense. What was even more frightening was that because of Ran Ran's participation, the thunderstorm became even more violent, directly reaching a level where even Ran Ran couldn't handle this kind of thunder.

Xuanniao, who was outside the thunderstorm, could see clearly.

"Come out, Ran Ran, you are not saving him, you are harming him, the thunderstorm is getting more and more violent, he can only accept the thunder punishment by himself, no one can save him!"

Xuanniao's voice was very loud, but Ran Ran couldn't hear it at all, but she could realize that the level of the thunderstorm was rapidly increasing as she went deeper, so she gritted her teeth and retreated decisively.

"Chuhe, ask yourself for good luck!"

After Ran Ran withdrew, the thunderstorm finally stopped increasing its power, but the current power is enough to destroy the world.

The huge rolling thunder hit the stone steps, and the stone steps instantly turned into dust. If it hit a person, neither Xuanniao nor Jinwu dared to think about it.

"It's all his fault, this idiot. If he reaches the summit alone, he won't draw the wrath of the law of thunderstorms. Now it's all right. He has to bear the thunder of three people alone, and the power is so many times greater!"

"You just went in for a while, and the power of the thunderstorm has increased by at least ten times. Now even Daluo Jinxian will be blasted into scum by the thunderstorm. I never thought that his inner demons have come out, and the laws of heaven and earth will not let him go." .”

"Is that the end?"

An unspeakable sadness appeared on Xuanniao's usually calm face.

"Master, Master, wake up, why are you still asleep!"

Mo Bu Bu was very close, and he used his thoughts to transmit sound, calling out to Chu He, who had been struck by lightning and lost consciousness. lay down.

"Stop screaming, he's passed out and can't hear you at all, think about it, what can we do to save him!"

This is really a miraculous scene, the sky is full of thunder and light concentrated on Chuhe, but Ling'er who is next to her is not affected at all.

When her body touched Chuhe's position, the thunder and lightning were blocked, so Ling'er hugged Chuhe's head tightly, thinking that at least he could save his soul.

As long as the soul is immortal, Chuhe can be resurrected.

But the most urgent problem now is that Chuhe's body can't support anymore, the Four Elephant Pagoda keeps turning around above his head, the Shensha flag is turning like a hot wheel, and the rules of Chuhe's avenue make the body insulated However, the thunderstorm is really too powerful, so powerful that it can instantly break through the insulator.

Others couldn't guarantee it, but Chuhe was sure that if Xiang Liu climbed the ladder, he would definitely die on the last floor, with no scum left.

Chuhe's body had already started to fester. The thunder and lightning carved lines of lightning on his body. His skin began to crumble, and golden blood splashed. The blood was completely melted by the thunderstorm before it fell on the ground.

Due to the loss of consciousness, the Seven-Colored God Stone gradually became uncontrollable. It was trembling and eager, and then it flew out on its own initiative.

Flying to the top of Chu River, it turned into another Chu River.

Because it is difficult to distinguish the phantom of the colorful god stone, the thunderstorm began to frantically rush towards the colorful god stone, and the pressure on the Chu River dropped sharply.

Without the shackles of the colorful spirit stones, Ling'er can move freely. Now she is not affected by lightning attacks like Mo Bubu, so she has a bold idea.

"I don't want you to grab your master's shoulders, don't let go, I want to change positions."

Mo Fei didn't understand what Ling'er meant, but he still subconsciously followed suit. He climbed onto Ling'er's shoulder, and then held onto Chuhe's shoulder tightly. On the Dao class point, even Ling'er can move by itself.

Ling'er withdrew from the gap between the two, and came to the opposite side of Chuhe all the way. Her legs were quietly clasped around Chuhe's waist, and her body hugged Chuhe's upper body tightly. live.

The thunder and lightning were still raging, Ling'er bit her tongue, colorful blood flowed out, Ling'er kissed Chuhe, and poured her blood into Chuhe's mouth, with Linger's blood, Chuhe's injury began to recover quickly, The bones begin to bleed and the skin begins to heal.

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