His footsteps are also much more stable!

But the lightning soon destroyed his body again, and Linger continued to use his own blood to save Chuhe's life, just like this back and forth, the body was destroyed, and then reborn by Linger, Chuhe's body seemed to have found a new life Hope, holding Ling'er tightly, the blood quickly overflowed in Chuhe's mouth, and then was swallowed.

In this way, I don't know how many times, Ling'er was finally sucked dry by the Chu River, but the thunderstorm still didn't mean to stop, the Chu River transformed into the colorful god stone attracted most of the thunder and lightning, and as the hardest substance in the world , not only could the thunder and lightning fail to cause substantial damage to it, but it was forging him instead.

The Chu River, transformed from the seven-colored divine stone, became radiant under the intertwined light of thunder and lightning, and the whole body was glowing.

"Comfortable, comfortable! Come again!"

Not only was the Seven-Colored God Stone not afraid, but it clamored to provoke Thunder and Lightning. Suddenly, the Thunder surged again, and its attack power increased by more than ten times, and it continued to rush towards the Seven-color Spirit Stone.

Ling'er's blood was almost dry, and her consciousness began to blur, but fortunately, Mo Fei firmly grasped her hands around Chu Hebo's neck, so that she didn't fall off.

Seeing the thunder and lightning surging again, Ran Ran and Qingqing were both taken aback.

"No way, the thunder and lightning are berserk again, could it be that someone provoked it?"

Xuanniao was a little puzzled, but Ran Ran looked excited instead.

"Chuhe is still alive, he must be alive to survive the thunder and lightning."

"But the thunder and lightning increased more than ten times again. I am afraid of this level of thunderstorm. He is only a human race after all. Can he persist in this kind of intense thunderstorm?"

Chapter 780 Choice

"Before I saw you, although I didn't say anything, I still looked down on the weak human race. Today, you have proved to yourself and to the creatures in the entire Kunlun Secret Realm how powerful the human race is!"

Xuanniao admired from the bottom of her heart, and Ran Ran also clapped her hands lightly. After seeing that Chuhe was fine, her expression returned to ice-cold again.

"Good job! It's really impressive! You can survive such a big thunderstorm, how did you do it!"

Chuhe had lost his mind at that time, but now that he woke up and felt the colorful spirit stone glowing with thunder in his arms, he seemed to understand something.

He took out the seven-color spirit stone from his arms, because after drinking the thunderstorm, the seven-color spirit stone was glowing all over, and he could vaguely feel the strong electric arc beating around him. of fear.

"Looks like it saved my life!"

Chuhe didn't dare to brag, after all, on the last floor, without Ling'er, or without the seven-colored divine stone, it was impossible for him to survive.

The Law of Thunderstorm is no longer joking with him, but really wants to destroy it.

"Seven-colored God Stone, the hardest substance in the world, where did you get it?"

Ran Ran exclaimed the first time she saw the Seven-color God Stone. Although the monster race doesn't like to use weapons, they also know that the Seven-color God Stone is the best raw material for making weapons.

Even the divine weapons that survived from the ancient times were more or less mixed with seven-colored divine stones as raw materials.

But those are all broken pieces, not like such a big and complete stone.

"I found this in Nuwa's palace. It should be said that it was a dowry given to me by my old mother-in-law."

As Chuhe said, he looked at Ling'er proudly. Fortunately, Ling'er is now in a coma, otherwise he would blush again.

Jin Wu gave Chu He a blank look, and said coldly.

"Okay, don't talk too much, since you have reached the top, then ask Sister Qingqing for a reward!"

Chuhe slapped his forehead when he heard it. He was so excited about his escape from death just now that he forgot about it.

"Master Xuanniao, please tell me what is the reward after reaching the summit?"


Speaking of rewards, Xuanniao suddenly became serious, with a dignified demeanor and a solemn expression, like a banished fairy who doesn't mess with the world.

"Inheritance? What inheritance?"

Chuhe is a little curious, because this is the place where the existence of the emperor level lived in ancient times. It must be a great thing to get their inheritance.

"It's very simple. When I first came up, I already felt that each of the tribulations that hindered your progress is a kind of inheritance."

"Wind, fire, lightning, metal, wood, water, earth, snow, poison, and finally gravity!"

"What is poison? I don't seem to have any impression!"

Chuhe was a little puzzled, and didn't quite understand what air was.

"Take it, you must have lost consciousness under the pressure of gravity, so ignore the toxin."

"But toxins are really useless to you. Your disciple's Dao of Fire, flames can restrain all toxins, and the blood of your descendants of Nuwa can remove all toxins. And your Dao is very special. I don't know what it is. Reason keeps you safe from toxins, but the toxins are not useless."

"On the contrary, those who are good at using poison have also produced a ruler who once ruled the entire Kunlun Great World, and that is Zhu Jiuyin!"

"Oh, I see."

"Okay then, give it all to me!"

After Chuhe finished speaking, Xuanniao almost stumbled and fell to the ground. She was in a bad state, and she stared at Chuhe viciously.

"All of them? Are you crazy? This is the inheritance of ten unrivaled figures, you can only choose one!"

"One, can't I choose a few more, wind, fire, lightning, and gravity space, can I do it?"

Chuhe began to bargain, and Xuanniao's brows kept beating in anger. It was rare for Ran Ran to see her dignified and virtuous sister show such an expression.

"Humans, don't push yourself too hard. You must know that in the ancient times, the ladder was only used as a trial ladder for great monsters and great witches. They climbed to the top just to prove themselves, and there was no reward."

"If it weren't for the post-mythological era, when the witches and witches were in decline, there would be very few Da Luo Jinxians. These rewards were passed on to stimulate the potential of witches and demons. One is enough!"

Xuanniao was trembling even, and she tried her best not to blow Chuhe away.

"Oh, that's a pity, okay, just one! You mean everyone can choose one!"

Seeing Chuhe give up, Xuanniao's expression finally eased, and she nodded.

"Hmm! What do you want to choose?"

"Do you still need to think about it? Of course it is the choice of fire. It is the inheritance of the Golden Crow. With him, you are the sun god!"

Ran Ran boasted on the side, wanting Chuhe to inherit his father's inheritance, because flames are indeed one of the strongest means of attack, and it is better to be more aggressive when fighting people.

And Chuhe just said that Nuwa gave Chuhe a seven-colored god stone as a dowry, so she will be with Chuhe in the future, so she will naturally have to give a dowry. The inheritance of the father Jinwu Great is good!

It's just that Chuhe didn't seem to appreciate it. He waved his hand and didn't agree with Ran Ran's statement.

In the ten inheritances, Chuhe had a problem. In fact, he was more envious of Mo Bu Bui, the God of Vulcan, who spews fire everywhere, pulls the wind, and has a strong attack power.

However, he has the ability to speak, as long as he can copy the moves that Mo differenti has used, so the fire element is what Chuhe wants most, but he is the first one to be eliminated by Chuhe.

Next is Feng, Fengshen. This name is great, but it is more than chic. Whether it is attacking or self-defense, it is almost meaningless. Chuhe shook his head and continued to think about the next one.

Gold is actually not a metal, but the ability to refine magic weapons. This is a very useful inheritance, which can arm the gods and generals of the heavens to the teeth.

However, relying on his lazy temperament, Chuhe would just give up after thinking about it all day long around the boiler.

Not to mention Mu, this thing refers to Naruto, and it is the most powerful blood succession boundary, none of them.

But wood is afraid of fire and is easily restrained by flames, and Chuhe can release sky fire, so the wood attribute is directly eliminated by Chuhe.

Next is water. It is true that water can overcome fire, but the lethality caused by water is very small compared to flames. It is true that floods can make countless lives miserable.

But creatures in the natural ocean are not afraid of water.

Moreover, things like water are not much of a threat to people with high mana.

Chu He came to the Kunlun Secret Realm this time to find a way to deal with the old Dragon King. Attacking him with water is more like helping him, and in the future, he will face a heavenly being that he has never seen before, the kind that even the Nuwa Empress is afraid of. existence, it is unrealistic for you to flood it with water!

Chapter 781 Gravity Space, Empress Houtu

Soil is a bit interesting, if the opponent can't fly, stand on the ground and fight with you, with this inheritance, you can almost ravage your opponent to death at will, but anyone with a little strength can fly, and fight in the sky that doesn't touch the earth, The earth element has become a useless chicken rib.

Chuhe gave up.

Not to mention the temperature, the low temperature is really great, but the low temperature can't directly kill the opponent like a flame, even those powerful beings, even if you freeze him, he can thaw by himself, which is useless at all.

Absolute zero can't even cause fatal damage to Chuhe, let alone Da Luo Jinxian, or even a higher-level existence.

It is completely one-sided for Chuhe to think so, he doesn't quite understand the Taoism in it, if the elements he said have such big flaws, then the great emperors who use them to prove the saints will not be invincible all over the world, Every element used to the extreme is a super terrifying energy.

Poison is interesting, but it doesn't fit Chuhe's personality, because people who use poison need to be vicious by nature and like to lie dormant, and the poison needs close contact to be effective.

Coupled with the constant contact with toxins, he will be more or less contaminated with toxins. When the time comes, he will even hold hands with Linger and kiss and do small things to cultivate his sentiments, which is too unnecessary. .

Toxins are also eliminated by Chuhe.

The next most competitive is Thunderbolt and Gravity.

These are the two elements that Chuhe experienced the most profoundly when he climbed the ladder.

The gravitational space is not a big threat to the human race, but it has a terrifying suppression force on the huge monster race or other creatures.

And this kind of gravity space is not so much a kind of inheritance as a kind of talent, just like Chuhe's speech spirit, gravity cannot be copied by speech spirit.

Then there is thunder, Chuhe has a deep understanding, the lethality brought by thunder and lightning is too terrifying, because the speed of lightning is extremely fast, he is even more terrifying than flames.

The most important thing is that when you are surrounded by lightning, you are like a god, so handsome.

Chuhe likes Lei Dian more and more, and wants more and more.

But the gravitational space has a strong suppressive force on the monster race, especially the old dragon king who will be dealt with next, it is really good steel used on the blade, just right.

How to choose?

Chuhe thought of a saying, children only make choices, adults want them all.

It's a pity that this is not a vegetable market, and there is no room for bargaining.

"Human beings, it's your choice! If you are undecided, you can choose fire. The inheritance of the Golden Crow is extremely fierce and domineering, and after you get the inheritance, there will be someone who will teach you how to master it more quickly, so that you can quickly master the fire. The power is increased to the extreme."

When Xuanniao was talking, she secretly glanced at Ran Ran. Ran Ran's eyes were somewhat expectant, but just now Chuhe had rejected the inheritance of fire, so she didn't have much hope.

"If you don't choose fire, choose thunder. Think about the thunderstorm just now. Everything under the thunderstorm will be reduced to dust. If you encounter danger in the future, flame is the best way to stop you!"

Ran Ran spoke again, and what he said reached Chuhe's heart. Chuhe's heart moved, and he wanted to choose Huoyan.

At this time Ling'er woke up faintly and said to Chuhe.

"Choose Gravity. The opponents you will encounter in the future will basically not be human races. To deal with huge enemies, gravity is the best inheritance, and you can't copy gravity with your words, but Thunder and Lightning can. Therefore, it is better to choose Gravity. "

Ling'er has been with Chuhe for a long time, and she can see through Chuhe's mind at a glance. Ranran thought that Chuhe was entangled in flames and lightning.

And Ling'er could tell at a glance whether Chuhe was struggling with lightning or gravity, and she gave her own suggestion, and the reason was even more irrefutable.

Chuhe nodded in deep agreement.

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