"Master Xuanniao, I have decided to choose the inheritance of gravity!"

"It's interesting. After so many years, you are the first person to choose the inheritance of gravity. Are you sure you want to choose gravity? Don't think about it anymore, flame or lightning!"

Xuanniao glanced at Ran Ran again when she was talking, and Ran Ran wanted Chuhe to choose both of the things she said, but Chuhe didn't choose either.

On the contrary, with Linger's words, Chuhe obediently chose Gravity. Although Ran Ran didn't think much about it, the look on her face was indeed not very good-looking.

"No, just gravity!"

Chuhe finally made up his mind.

"Okay, then please accept the inheritance!"

As soon as Xuanniao finished speaking, a gate suddenly appeared in the sky. Chu He subconsciously walked towards the gate, and then a ray of sky shot out from the gate and landed on top of Chu He's head.

"The inheritance of gravity space comes from Lord Houtu, who is also the only human being who lives in the secret realm of Kunlun. As a human being, you choose the inheritance of the human race. Maybe this is God's will in the dark!"

When Xuanniao accepted the inheritance in Chuhe, he kept talking.

"Gravity space is not an offensive supernatural power, but a very strong restrictive supernatural power, but he has a great weakness, and you must have seen it, that is, it doesn't work at all against petite but powerful creatures. Remember."

Xuanniao deliberately said these things just to anger Chuhe. Ran Ran recommended two good inheritances to you. You don’t want them. You have to choose a gravity inheritance. useless.

Because the black bird is not huge.

Of course, this kind of supernatural power has a strong oppressive force on the Golden Crow. Although the Golden Crow is about the size of a disc hanging in the sky, she feels that she is very small. To be honest, she is because she is far away from the earth. She is much bigger than Xiangliu, and Linger is not as big as her.

Chuhe accepted the inheritance quietly, without saying much. I don't know how long it has passed, the gate of heaven was closed, and the last trace of inheritance was all merged into Chuhe's mind.

When the gate of heaven was closed, there was a soft sigh from Houtu, it was an extremely gentle female voice, long and ethereal.

"How many years have passed, and finally seeing the human race reach the top of the ladder, you are the pride of the human race!"

After Houtu finished speaking, the Tianmen closed directly, and Chuhe was stunned for a while, then hurriedly shouted.

"Houtu empress, are you still alive?"

Because the voice was very real, it felt like Houtu was speaking in his ear. Chuhe asked this question subconsciously, but he didn't get any answer.

"Houtu Niangniang is long gone, and what she just said should be her residual thoughts, which will appear along with the inheritance."

Xuanniao said, Chuhe froze.

"No, Empress Houtu lived in the post-mythological era. At that time, there were no wars between the gods. If she reached the realm of a saint, she should be able to live forever!"

Chapter 782 Inheritance of Wood, Queen Mother of the West

"But why did she still go to the immortal, and she didn't live as long as you, Master Xuanniao? What's going on?"

It stands to reason that Houtu is already a saint, and she lived much later than Xuanniao. It is impossible for a saint to survive a big Luo Jinxian when he has not experienced a life-and-death battle. This is too unimaginable.

"This may be destiny. After becoming a saint, it seems that no one will be immortal, but will perish quickly, as if there is a curse in the dark that takes them away."

This sentence was Xuanniao's emotion, and Chuhe couldn't understand it at all now. He was melancholy for a moment, bent down and knelt down, and kowtowed three times in the direction where the Tianmen just opened.

"Human Chuhe, thanks to Empress Empress for the inheritance!"

The Tianmen still disappeared, and the voice of Houtu never appeared again. Chuhe shook his head. He felt that there was another magical pattern on the road rules. The pattern was a circle. Chuhe felt that he had the ability to control gravity.

Subconsciously, he resorted to his newly acquired inheritance.

"Gravity space."

In an instant, tens of millions of times of gravity hit, and Mo Feiyu couldn't stand upright and was about to fall down. Fortunately, Linger hurriedly helped her up, but it was not good to see her struggling to support.

Jin Wu tried her best to keep calm, but her continuous frowning showed that she was not as calm as she appeared.

"What a gravitational space. The age of mythology is the era when people want to fight. As the peak of the confrontation with the monster race, Empress Dowager Tu, the gravity space she comprehends has an unparalleled suppression on the monster race. It is really powerful!"

When Jin Wu spoke, he was still gnashing his teeth, thinking that if Chu He didn't close the gravity space, she would directly burn the bastard to death.

Chuhe was naturally aware of the embarrassment on Linger's side, and hurriedly closed the gravity space, then patted his head and said embarrassingly.

"I'm sorry, I was too reckless just now, Linger, are you okay!"

Chuhe went up to help Ling'er, but Ling'er gave him an angry look and pouted a little angrily.

Chuhe didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only continue to scratch his head.

Xuanniao looked at this straightforward human being and shook his head.

"It's your turn! Vulcan, and Nuwa's descendants, what talent do you want to choose!"

"And us?"

Mo Bubuy pointed at himself in surprise, he knew very well that the reason why he was able to reach the top was because of his master, who had already been rewarded.

He couldn't get up at all, let alone any rewards, so he never thought that he could also choose inheritance.

"Your master sent you here with his life, so naturally he has your inheritance, otherwise, wouldn't his sins be for nothing?"

Xuanniao raised her head arrogantly, her slender neck looked extremely beautiful, it was no different from a child who knew that no one admired him, his eyes were burning with excitement at this moment.

"Master, you choose first, then I will choose!"

Ling'er nodded without refusing, she gently put her index finger on her lips, bit her index finger softly and began to think.

Chuhe said hastily.

"Ling'er, your kind nature is not suitable for fighting. I suggest you choose some inheritance with strong self-protection ability, which will be safer."

Ling'er nodded, she didn't really have any idea, she would do whatever Chuhe asked her to choose without hesitation, and she herself was the owner of a super bloodline, so she didn't really desire other bloodline inheritances.

"I'll choose gold. Like Lingbao Tianzun, it can make you many weapons."

Ling'er chose the talent for the first time because of Chuhe, and Chuhe shook his head directly.

"Wife, you are my goddess. How can I let you do the rough work of making Lingbao? No, anyone can choose gold. You can't, change it!"

Ling'er curled her lips, but she was a little happy in her heart, she said pretending to be reserved.

"Then I choose water?"

Chu He frowned and thought about it carefully.

"Water is not good either. Water is too weak for self-protection, and it can even harm human beings. You are not suitable for this inheritance."

Thinking of the last time when the Dragon King stirred up huge waves and almost wiped out the lives of the coastal cities, Ling'er nodded with some apprehension.

"Then I'll choose wood, I like plants!"

Chuhe still doesn't understand the great use of wood for the moment, but he has no choice but to choose this talent.

Although the inheritance of wood has huge flaws, fortunately, the people Chuhe has met so far who can play with fire are not enemies.

Except of course Jinwu, Jinwu has a bad temper and is not easy to deal with, but after he got the inheritance, he thought of running away in time, so that when he leaves the Kunlun Secret Realm, he will no longer be in danger.

"Okay, let's just do this. When I go back, I'll tell you how to use the inheritance of wood. What kind of tree world is coming, really thousands of hands, it's very strong!"

Chuhe thought about the ninja in Naruto and wanted to arm Ling'er.

"Okay, now that you have chosen, let the descendants of Nuwa accept the inheritance of wood. The inheritor comes from the god of the forest, the queen mother of the West!"

When the name of Queen Mother Xi was mentioned, Xuanniao bit her lips hard. Everyone present knew that Queen Mother Xi was the owner of the bird, and Ling'er was accepting the inheritance from Queen Mother Xi. This situation was a bit overwhelming.

The gate of heaven was wide open, and Ling'er walked to the door. This time, it was not like Chuhe, shining out like the rules of the Dao inheritance, but a beautiful woman with a dignified and sacred demeanor came out.

"It turned out that the descendants of Nuwa accepted this emperor's inheritance. I didn't expect that Nuwa's lineage would still have survivors after the Great War."

Ling'er didn't dare to push her too hard, and hastily bent down to salute.

"Ling'er sees the Queen Mother of the West!"

Seeing that Ling'er was about to kneel down, Queen Mother Xi raised her hand to stop Ling'er from moving, she said calmly.

"Your mother is the idol of our women. As her daughter, you have a respectable status. There is no need to kneel down to the emperor. Get up!"

Ling'er got up hurriedly, seeing Queen Mother Xi, it was like seeing her own mother.

"The Queen Mother of the West, I saw you when I was a child."

"That's right, the emperor has seen you too. I didn't expect that after so many years, you haven't awakened the bloodline inheritance. What's going on?"

After Queen Mother Xi said this, Ling'er was a little embarrassed, she hesitated and didn't know what to say.

Chuhe hurried forward to smooth things over.

"Empress Queen, Ling'er has been separated from Empress Nuwa since she was a child, and lives alone. Naturally, no one taught her how to determine bloodlines. It's not her fault."

Queen Mother Xi was talking to Ling'er. She didn't like others to interrupt her, but when his eyes swept towards Chuhe, his expression was a little dazed.

"Are you Chuhe who dragged his family and climbed the ladder alone? Yes, the human race has such a powerful existence, isn't our monster race even more precarious! Can you promise me one condition, don't kill the monster race?" kill."

Since the war between humans and monsters in ancient times, the demon clan has become the loser. However, in the period of the Queen Mother of the West, the human race was far from being the opponent of the monster race.

Seeing such an amazing young man, Queen Mother Xi couldn't help but feel a little bit embarrassed.

Chapter 783 The Saint's Curse

"The queen mother is joking. Although I am a human race, not long ago, I was regarded as a monster by the whole Kunlun world, and there are many monsters in my hand. Even my wife is a monster race. How could I kill the Yaozu completely?"

After Chuhe said this, Queen Mother Xi looked at Chuhe and Ling'er curiously.

"What do you call descendant Nuwa?"

"Wife, it means wife!"

Chuhe hurriedly explained that Queen Mother Xi didn't care about the meaning of this sentence, but looked at Chuhe very puzzled.

"Since you are already husband and wife, why haven't the bloodlines of Nuwa's descendants awakened? Could it be that the Nuwa clan can't awaken the bloodlines by mating with the human race? No, logically speaking, it is a very quick way for the Nuwa clan to awaken the bloodlines, why? It suddenly didn’t work. Could it be that you two haven’t shared the bed at all?”

What is it all about? Chuhe is ashamed, and the dignified and dignified Queen Mother of the West is also a woman who likes gossip. Sure enough, women can't do without gossip.

When Queen Mother Xi asked this question, Xuanniao and Ran Ran looked closely, and they seemed to be more interested in this.

Chu He frowned.

"Queen Mother, what, we are working hard, but we haven't succeeded yet."

After Chuhe finished speaking, she looked at Linger, and Linger blushed even more. She knew that Chuhe's failure was mainly due to her passive defense mechanism, which would knock away any male creatures who tried to violate her. There is no way to do it, and it needs to be done step by step.

When Chuhe said this, Queen Mother Xi became even more puzzled. Seeing Linger's shy look, she didn't seem like the kind who didn't like Chuhe and wouldn't let her go to bed.

"Trying hard? But without success, I can't understand, what do you mean?"

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