"That's right, I still have the Seven-Colored God Stone!"

The seven-colored god stone is the hardest substance in the world, and it only needs to be mixed with a little bit into the spirit treasure to make the spirit treasure reach the level of a magic weapon.

What if a whole piece of seven-colored god stone is forged into a treasure?What a powerful baby that must be!

As Chuhe said, he took out the seven-color god stone. As soon as the seven-color god stone appeared, the gorgeous light illuminated the night. When Duanbao Tianshen saw the seven-color god stone, his eyes lit up immediately.

"My God, how could it be in your hands that Nuwa's sky-repairing seven-color god stone is in your hands! It's all in vain for me to befriend Nuwa's descendants for a long time!"

After listening to him, Chuhe understood that he didn't like Ling'er because of his intentional courtship, but thought that Ling'er should have a little seven-colored god stone. Good guy, this is a real lunatic for forging treasures.

"I'm Nuwa's son-in-law, and the colorful god stone, Nuwa Empress, will naturally give it to me!"

Chapter 796 Forging the Colorful God Stone

When Chuhe was talking, the God of Seizing the Treasure suddenly appeared in front of Chuhe, and he was about to grab the treasure, but how could Chuhe give him this chance, he had been on guard for a long time.

Chuhe turned his back, and the colorful stone flew away.

Forging Treasure God's eyes widened.

"Excellent, the seven-colored god stone is already psychic, and with self-awareness, it seems that the spirit of the weapon will be bred soon, and maybe a Monkey King will be created!"

When mentioning Sun Wukong, Chuhe was stunned. That was the idol he had always admired, but now the stone monkey was bred again by the colorful god stone, and it was not the monkey brother he used to be.

"Show me something! How about I help you forge a more powerful weapon?"

Duanbao Tianshen stared at the seven-colored god stone eagerly, his figure became more and more illusory, Chuhe shook his head.

"It's okay to show you, but you have to hand over the inheritance to Master Mingdong first, so I can rest assured."

"Okay, easy to say! Inherit it now!"

Almost without saying a word, the gate of heaven opened, and the golden light directly shone into the sea of ​​consciousness of Master Mingdong. This is how the inheritance began. Chuhe still didn't believe it.

This old thing was really given directly, didn’t you push back just now, don’t you want to, what is going on?

He glanced at Ran Ran, and Ran Ran looked like he had expected it a long time ago.

"Dianbao Tianshen may be the most dedicated existence among all saints. He has been longing for the seven-colored god stone all his life, and you happen to have one. Let alone let him bestow inheritance, even if you let him kneel down and kowtow to you now, say Maybe he can agree."

These words are basically insulting the sage, kowtow to a golden fairy, isn't that shortening the life, I didn't expect the God of Duanbao to keep nodding.

"Yes yes yes, show me the seven-colored god stone, and I'll give it to you right now!"

Duanbao Tianshen said that he was about to kneel down, but Chuhe hurriedly stopped him and handed him the seven-colored god stone.

Chuhe is not worried that Duanbao Tianshen will hide it privately, because this is his mind body, he himself is dead, and what remains is just a ray of energy projection.

Even if he took away the seven-colored spirit stone, it was useless.

"Don't be like this, the Seven-Colored God Stone is given to you now, you should look carefully!"

Having obtained the inheritance, Chuhe no longer hangs the God of Duanbao. With a wave of his hand, the seven-colored stone reluctantly flies to the God of Duanbao.

Cuanbao Tianshen held it in his arms as if he was catching a butterfly, and smiled like a child.

"Baby, I've searched for you all my life, searched the entire Kunlun Great World, and even visited no less than a hundred secret realms, but I haven't found you yet. Where are you hiding!"

He looked at the colorful god stone and muttered to himself. The colorful god stone, which was still trembling violently and resisting, seemed to feel his emotions, and gradually became quiet.

The Heavenly God of Duanbao stroked the seven-colored divine stone gently with his big hand. It was obviously the hardest substance in the world, but he seemed afraid of hurting the seven-colored divine stone.

Gentle like touching a newborn baby.

"Great, finally found you!"

"Can you forge it for me?"

After Duanbao Tianshen finished speaking, Chuhe was taken aback.


"Yeah, the Seven-Color God Stone is just a stone. Although it is the hardest substance in the world, it cannot be called a real weapon. However, it has just been filled with lightning and has completed the preliminary forging by itself. Now I am processing it. Guaranteed to become stronger!"

To become stronger, Chuhe naturally agreed.

With Chuhe's approval, Lingbao Tianzun smiled like a child. He cheerfully put his hand on the colorful spirit stone, and with a light tap of his finger, a complex rune quickly spread from between him.

The seven-colored god stone began to struggle violently in horror, and Chuhe also felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly asked what happened to Duanbao Tianshen?

"The Seven-Colored God Stone is about to psychic, but there are two situations of psychic psychic, the most common one is to generate consciousness and become a tool spirit. The second is more special, which is to directly use the Seven-colored God Stone as a body and transform it into a living being."

"What I'm doing now is to prevent the second thing from happening. It's a pity that such a good stone has become a living thing. It should continue to exist as a weapon, which is his best destination."

Chuhe's eyes are full of panic, this Duanbao God is crazy, and even killed the possibility of the seven-color spirit stone turning into a spirit body, Chuhe can't do this kind of thing, but Duanbao God can really do it come out.

"Forging God, please don't do this, what he can become in the end is all his creation, I don't want to interfere."

Chuhe hurriedly stopped him, and Duanbao Tianshen looked at Chuhe in a daze.

"Are you sure, if this colorful god stone becomes a living thing, there will be one less super magic weapon in the world. It should not be said to be a holy weapon, a weapon that can kill saints!"

Chuhe knew that the magic weapon could kill Da Luo Jinxian, but he hadn't heard that there were weapons that could kill the saint.

Thinking of this, Chuhe suddenly realized that these saints were all killed in the end. It turns out that there are weapons that can kill saints.


"Let's not talk about saints, even celestial beings who are more powerful than saints can be easily killed. I was defeated in the battle because I lacked the seven-colored god stone. If I had discovered this treasure earlier, I would definitely be able to pull that treasure. You bastard, heaven and man will die together! So you still think that the spirituality of the seven-colored god stone should be preserved, so that it is possible for him to become a living being?"

Chuhe thought for a while, then nodded.

"Yes, I can't obliterate an existence that may be born. Divine soldiers and so on are all chances. If the fate comes, it's good. If the fate is not, I won't force it!"

After Chu He finished speaking, Master Duan Bao smiled wryly, and there was an imperceptible sense of relief in his smile.

"I have been obsessed with being able to forge stronger weapons all my life. It is not that I have not discovered gemstones that are not much different from colorful spirit stones. They also have spirituality, and I killed them cruelly. It seems that I Too stubborn, this is my punishment for not being able to find the seven-colored god stone."

"Okay, since you don't want to obliterate his spirituality, then I will stop!"

Forging Treasure God turned his fingers suddenly, and he pulled out the rune from the colorful spirit stone. The colorful spirit stone trembled all over, as if crying.

He wanted to escape from the palm of the God of Duanbao, but the God of Duanbao grabbed him directly, and then covered it again with his big hand.

"Since you don't want to kill his spirituality, let's give him a better forge."

After the Forging God finished speaking, the rule runes began to flash, and the chains of the avenues were wrapped around the colorful spirit stones, drilling into the interior of the colorful spirit stones like snakes.

Seven-colored spirit stones are the hardest substance, and the Taoist rules of the Forging Treasure God can enter and exit so easily.

Chapter 797

This scene is not surprising.

Chuhe was a little unbelievable, but Ran Ran didn't seem to care. It was obvious that she had seen this scene many times.

"Little girl, why are you still standing there, give me the fire essence!"

Ran Ran was called a little girl, and she still had an orderly tone. She pouted her mouth a little unhappy, but she opened her mouth obediently, and spit out a ball of extremely hot flames.

This fire was as bright as the sun in the sky, illuminating the surrounding darkness at once, and what's more, the surrounding temperature also reached an incredible level.

Chuhe hurriedly backed away, and Linger's eyes were also full of nervousness. He saw that the God of Duanbao put the fire essence on top of the colorful spirit stones, and the colorful spirit stones were burned non-stop. , there is no way to escape.

The flames continued to rise, and suddenly a sledgehammer appeared in the hands of the Forging God, and the sledgehammer slammed down heavily on the seven-colored god stone.

There was only a sound of clanging metal collisions, and suddenly there was a violent gust of wind around. Chu River was even blown away by the gust of wind, and then a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

He was already so far away that he could still be hurt by the energy fluctuations caused by this blow.

The Seven-Colored God Stone struggled in pain. Although there was no sound, everyone seemed to be able to hear his screams.

Every time the forging treasure god's sledgehammer falls, the forging treasure rules are entangled suddenly, and each time it is entangled, the brilliance on the seven-color god stone becomes more brilliant.

What made the Forging God curious was that after such a beating, there was no impurity left on the colorful stone.

In other words, this is a rare and extremely rare pure stone.

"You have found a treasure, Chuhe. If this stone is allowed to grow by itself, its future will be limitless. As long as you can subdue it, it must be your greatest helper in the future."

As he said that, the God of Forging Bao once again came to hammer heavily.

The rule runes are entangled more tightly, and the brilliance of the seven-color god stone is also more dazzling, obviously improving its quality.

It's a pity that when the Forging God raised the sledgehammer again, its figure was so illusory that it couldn't be lifted at all. At this time, the Forging God sighed helplessly.

"Hey, there is still no time after all. Fortunately, someone in your team has inherited my inheritance. Remember, you must forge the seven-colored god stone and make it the most dazzling weapon in the entire prehistoric universe. This is my last wish , if you can’t finish it, I will never forgive you!”

Everyone knew that these words were addressed to Master Myeongdong, and Master Myeongdong hastily clasped his hands together and bowed solemnly.

"Dianbao God, don't worry, I will follow your last wish and create the strongest weapon in the world, which can destroy saints!"

"Okay, okay, what I want is your ruthlessness, I like it very much! I have been blacksmithing all my life, and now someone finally accepts my inheritance, and I can be regarded as a successor!"

After talking about Duanbao Tianshen completely dissipating, Master Mingdong knocked his head three times heavily at the place where he dissipated.

Master Myeongdong's inheritance has also been accepted. Chuhe has no intention of leaving, but looks at Xuanniao with a smile on his face. Xuanniao realizes that something is wrong and says nervously.

"Why, what else do you want to do?"

Chuhe continued to say with a smile.

"That's right, Master Xuanniao, I suddenly remembered that there seemed to be thousands of monsters in the Four Elephant Pagoda. They are also living creatures, and they are still monsters. See if you can be more flexible and let them inherit a little bit." Inheritance!"

"Get out of here!"

Xuanniao couldn't stand it anymore when she opened her mouth and shouted loudly, a violent storm rushed directly towards the Chu River, the intensity of this storm was even worse than that of Lord Fengshen.

Chuhe couldn't resist, so Mo Bubu hurried forward to protect his master, the wind spirit put his arms around his hips, and opened his small mouth to suck the violent storm in front of him into his mouth.

The Chuhe side has become extremely safe.

"I didn't expect the Wind Spirit to have such a magical effect, it's too powerful!"

Ran Ran watched from the side, and then looked at the fire elf on her own neck, a little dissatisfied. The fire elf hurriedly waved his fists, sitting and doing the same movements as the wind elf, which means, I will too.

But Ran Ran gave him a blank look, and didn't give him a chance to experiment.

Xuanniao saw that her wind could not cause substantial damage to Chuhe, and she did not dare to kill her godson because she was in front of her.

After thinking about it, she couldn't drive Chuhe away, so she had to go by herself.

"Okay, if you don't go, I'll go!"

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