The strong wind suddenly stopped, as if the power of the fan had been cut off, the violent wind element instantly quieted down, and the wind elf felt safe, so he stopped sucking in the wind forcefully.

Instead, he flew to Mo Bu Bunny's shoulder and looked at Mo Bu Bu Bu with a proud face.

That means it's like showing off to the master, how can I be amazing!

Mo Bufei held her in his hand, squeezed her little cheek, and then put it to his mouth and kissed her hard.

"My little cutie, you are amazing, but don't be so exaggerated next time, you see, my godmother ran away in anger."

Wind Elf nodded shyly, and Chu He was surprised to find that she blushed.

After Xuanniao left, Ran Ran started to applaud. He walked to Chuhe and said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, Chuhe, it's the first time I've seen my dignified and virtuous sister get angry after so many years. You're really capable."

When Ran Ran spoke, he smiled on the surface, and Chu He didn't know whether he was mocking him or what he meant.

"I'll take it as you are praising me!"

Anyway, shameless, he has long been familiar with this.

"Who praised you!"

Ran Ran rolled her eyes at him, this look was so beautiful when paired with her black clothes and her dark temperament.

Chuhe looked a little absent-minded, Ling'er pinched his waist fiercely, Chuhe suffered from pain, and hurriedly looked away.

"Now you should think about it, Sister Xuanniao is gone, taking the ladder with her, how do you get down!"

Chu Hechao glanced down, and sure enough the sky ladder was gone, and when there was a sky ladder, he could still see the scenery below.

"Can this fly down?"

"of course can!"

Ran Ran nodded, but raised her eyebrows and continued.

"It's not impossible to fly down, but the bottom is not the Kunlun Secret Realm, but I don't know where it leads. It may be a desperate situation, or it may be a paradise, or even a huge black hole below, which can swallow everything!"

"Can you stop being so scary, what shall we do? Just stay here? Or, Mr. Ran Ran, would you please take us down?"

Chapter 798 Archaeopteryx

It is definitely impossible for Ran Ran to wait for Chuhe to go down. If she wants to fly down, she has to recover her real body. Although Chuhe already knows her real identity, neither party has revealed it, which is the silent silence. It is inevitable to have a big battle with Chuhe.

Whether or not to kill him is the second priority, the most important thing is, will you really take him down without killing him in the end?

How to take it down?

She is the daughter of the majestic Golden Crow, so she can't follow the hunchback with her noble back.

In this way, she would really become what Chuhe said was a pet, or a mount, which was a great insult to her.

So it is impossible to take them away, we can only wait for Sister Xuanniao to come back.

"There are currently twelve ancient secret realms in Kunlun Shenshan, and the one we are in is one of them. Sister Xuanniao needs twelve days to go back and forth, so wait another twelve days, and you can go down the ladder."

"Wait twelve days, what are we doing here, it's so boring!"

Mo Bufei couldn't sit still, Master Mingdong and Master Songling didn't mind, they just needed time to digest the inheritance.

Seeing Mo BuTong pouted, Ran Ran patted his head angrily.

"Silly son, didn't I say that this is an ancient secret realm, and there are unpredictable dangers and opportunities inside, since you have to wait for more than ten days, why don't you go in and have a look!"

"Okay, let's go in and have a look!"

Chuhe didn't think there was any problem. Since Jinwu had been here countless times, it proved that there was no great danger, and she would follow Jinwu, so there was no danger at all.

There are escorts, and you can get benefits for nothing. Idiots don't do this kind of thing.

"Godmother, I want to go too!"

Mo Butong raised his little hands with excitement on his face. Those who like excitement like to take risks.

"I just want to go in and see what's there, let's go!"

After speaking, Ran Ran walked in with Mo BuTong, while Chu He stood still and recollected what she had just said.

"Ling'er, did she just say that she wanted to go in and have a look, doesn't that mean she didn't go in herself!"

Ling'er nodded, understanding where Chuhe's worry came from.

"Don't panic, since it's an ancient secret realm, there shouldn't be too much danger! And even if there is danger, Mo Bu Bui has already entered, are you going to let him take risks in it alone!"

Chuhe looked into Linger's eyes and nodded.

"That's right, let's go in!"

It’s just that Ling’er’s words are ambiguous, because Mo Bubei didn’t go in alone, but with Jinwu. It’s not that Ling’er didn’t see it and said this on purpose, which proves that she didn’t treat Jinwu as a person, although in fact Jinwu Really not human.

There is a stone gate in front, and the things behind the stone gate cannot be seen clearly at all, it is like an invisible barrier completely covering all this inside, the stone gate is dilapidated, and the stones seem to be weathered.

Chuhe walked ahead, stepping on the steps that had been in disrepair for a long time, there was a very strange touch, it didn't look like a stone, but like a cloud.

Chu He glanced down, and the bottom was sure to be a stone, but if he stepped on it, the stone would sink in. The strange thing is that the stone didn't become brittle due to years of weathering, and each foot made a mark.

When Chuhe's feet are lifted up, the stone will return to its original shape again.

Just for this point, Chuhe is a little confused.

At first glance, this stone looks like a product of the ancient times. Could it be that the people of that era have already started to engage in technology and hard work?

Just when Chuhe was still wondering why the stone was so strange, he came to the door before he knew it, and Linger took his hand and walked in first.

Chuhe has traveled through many secret realms before, and there are all kinds of strange ones. There are Huaguoshan secret realms that cannot be entered and exited, and Niangernuwa secret realms that cannot be entered or exited.

But like this kind of high-end door, you can't even see the mysterious existence inside. When Chu River passes through, you don't feel it at all.

There is not even a feeling of changing the world.

"Wow, this looks like where I lived when I was a child!"

After Ling'er entered, she was a little surprised. The first thing that caught her eyes was the big tree in the sky. This kind of big tree has gone beyond the category of big, because the top cannot be seen at a glance.

In this place without human beings cutting down, as long as the saplings do not encounter the sky fire, they can grow crazily, and the years given to them are usually millions, or even tens of millions of years.

Even if it only grows one meter in height every year, plus this horrible year, it is enough to turn the big tree into a monstrous giant.

Chuhe couldn't help frowning. He recalled that when he entered Nuwa's secret realm, he had never seen such a tall tree. Why did Ling'er say he was familiar with it.

"Ling'er, did you make a mistake? This place is not at all like the place where I met you, but rather scary."

"This big tree shades the sun, and the sun shines on the ground through the leaves. The stars are dotted, like the whole forest is emitting light. How can it be scary? And I don't mean the big tree, but the familiar scenery here. the taste of."

After Ling'er finished speaking, Chuhe sucked his nose hard.

"Taste? What taste?"

At this moment, a lump of feces fell from the sky. Fortunately, Chuhe realized the danger and hurriedly avoided it.

But the feces were so big that Chuhe escaped its landing attack by chance, but after it fell on the ground, the feces exploded and the bird droppings splashed directly. Chuhe was worried that Ling'er would be sprayed by the bird droppings.

He hurriedly stood in front of Ling'er, but Ling'er was fine, and Chuhe was drenched all over.

He hastily washed himself with the rain of the words, and then looked up to the sky, and saw a bird that hadn't grown hair on the huge tree trunk.

The reason why it is not full of hair is not because it shits Chuhe badly, Chuhe said so on purpose, but because it really is like this, with loose feathers covering its body, and its claws are like those of a bird. It's not the same, but it seems to be the same as the animals running on the ground.

Why does this thing look so strange?

"Ling'er, you're familiar with it. Could it be this thing? This thing is so big, and its fur hasn't even grown yet. It must be a baby bird."

"This is a dinosaur bird, my mother said, it seems to be the first dinosaur that turned into a bird! Don't look at him like this, he must have grown up."

After hearing this, Chuhe opened his mouth wide.

"What! Dinosaurs!"

Chu He stared at the bird on the treetop, carefully sizing up its appearance, the more he looked at it, the more he felt familiar. Isn't this the one who learned from books, Archeopteryx?

"Good guy, we came to more than 7000 million years ago, and I was almost drenched in the excrement of Archeopteryx, ah no, I was drenched in the end."

Chu He looked at the Archeopteryx above with a cold face, and the Archeopteryx seemed to be watching the Chu River below. It flapped its wings happily and clucked like a hen.

Chapter 799 The Cause of the Extinction of Archeopteryx

Still twisting his buttocks, facing Chuhe, just when Chuhe didn't know why, he saw a large group of white unknown objects falling towards the top.

If the Chu River was almost buried by bird droppings the first time, it could still be said that Archeopteryx pulled it accidentally, but now it seems that this guy was aiming at it on purpose.

And it will also be advanced, predicting the course of Chuhe's action and shit.

This time Chuhe's face immediately darkened.

"Damn it, I was bullied by a stinky bird when I first came here, Linger, just wait and see how I deal with him!"

Chuhe was furious, and his figure jumped up and rushed upwards. Archeopteryx obviously didn't expect the little things below to fly, so he couldn't help being a little dumb.

But just because of its dazed effort, Chuhe has already come in front of it.

"You stinky bird, deliberately shit on me, looking for a hit!"

The Chu River released flames towards the big bird, and a violent flame spewed out. After all, the Archeopteryx was an ancient creature, and it still had a natural fear of this kind of flame.

So it kicked off the ground in a hurry, jumped to another branch, and escaped the flames.

Because it is a forest, Chuhe dare not use white flames, which may trigger a huge mountain fire and destroy the natural environment as soon as it comes up. This is not what a new human being should do.

The flame attack failed, and the Archeopteryx was on another branch, shaking its buttocks, turning its head, and giggling at the Chu River.

Chuhe has seen a cheap bird, but never such a cheap bird. If it weren't for her bird's mentality, Chuhe really thought he was an unscrupulous person.

Chu He's teeth itch. "Little brat, you dare to laugh at me, just wait for me."

Chuhe flew up again and breathed fire at Archeopteryx. Archeopteryx jumped away wittily again, and Chuhe failed to attack again.

The Archeopteryx slapped its buttocks again and mocked, Chuhe's face turned black. At this time, Master Songling and Master Mingdong had already flown up, and saw that Chuhe, who had beaten Xiang Liu so hard that he was looking for his teeth, was actually killed by a The humiliation of a bird that has not even grown its hair can't help but be a little funny.

But he didn't dare to laugh out loud in front of Chuhe.

"Shangxian, let us help you catch it!"

After Master Songling finished speaking, his body began to turn dark green, and scales appeared at the corners of his eyes. This was the aura of Zhu Jiuyin. The Archeopteryx who was still mocking Chu River just now felt the danger, and immediately panicked. He was scared!

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