But this time, Ran Ran really cried out, and she watched Ling'er and Chu He hug each other tightly from a distance.

Master Songling and Master Mingdong stretched out their hands subconsciously, wanting to say something, but in the end they all lowered their heads tacitly and stopped talking.

Ling'er suddenly raised her head.

"Did I hurt you by doing this!"

She finally realized this problem. If she didn't waste this time, Chuhe might escape, and if she had been obedient, she would have been waiting outside the door by now.

"No, you moved me very much. Linger, I can meet someone who is willing to die for me in my life. Everything is worth it."

As Chuhe said, he hugged Linger into his arms again. Linger's body was hugged tightly by Chuhe, as if he wanted to rub her into his body.

The power of annihilation has arrived, and Chuhe has no possibility of escaping.

"Master, don't show affection to Master Mistress at this time, come behind me!"

Suddenly a voice sounded, this voice was very familiar, it was the little monk.

After being in a coma for several weeks, he finally defeated his evil thoughts and gained control of his body.

Chapter 810 Nirvana

In fact, he could vaguely feel everything that happened outside, but luckily he woke up in time.

Chuhe was shocked when he saw the little monk jumping up from the six-petaled lotus, now standing in front of him and Linger.

"Cultivating edge? You are crazy, get out of the way quickly, this is the power of annihilation, even Daluo Jinxian can't bear it, why did I forget you!"

Chuhe blamed himself a little. Xiuyuan hadn't shown up these days, he subconsciously ignored it, and Xiuyuan was in the six-petal lotus he carried with him.

"Colorful Lingshi, take him away!"

Chuhe shouted, the little monk Xiuyuan was his disciple, and there was no possibility of escape at this time, Chuhe just wanted to save one as much as he could.

"Master, I can't leave. If I leave, you will all die."

"The sky is falling and adults are holding it back. It's not your turn to be a child. Hurry up and I will try my best to delay it for you."

Chuhe still urged the little monk to leave quickly, because the power of annihilation had enveloped him, which was a force that could crush the soul.

"The disaster was caused by me, if you want to die, let me die!"

Ran Ran flew out, her current injuries have completely dissipated, and her whole body looks like a golden light, her current state is very familiar, just like the golden dragon, she is also sacrificing her life, so that her own strength can be improved again, Gain temporary power comparable to that of a saint.

She wants to use this power to save Chuhe and forgive herself.

And she deserved to die, it was Chuhe who saved her.

"You are crazy, you will die like this!"

"As long as you can live, I don't regret dying!"

When Ran Ran was talking, she was looking at Ling'er. She said this deliberately as if she was angry with Ling'er.

Ling'er realized that she might have heard what she said, she was a little sorry, but she opened her mouth to say something sorry, but she couldn't, and she still blamed Ran Ran in her heart.

She has special feelings for the human race, but for the monster race, Ling'er perfectly follows the rules of survival.

"Word Spirit: Chaos!"

Chuhe shouted loudly, and a piercing sound rang out. This sound pierced into everyone's ears, causing people to lose consciousness for a short time, and the whole person rolled their eyes.

This move was very effective for Master Mingdong and Master Songling. The two foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground, unconscious.

However, this move had little effect on Ranran, she was only briefly absent-minded, and soon regained consciousness.

"Are you imitating the golden dragon's innate supernatural powers?"

Chuhe shook his head.

"No, I'm imitating Xiang Liu's innate supernatural powers. This trick is triggered by the mind, much faster than the voice."

"Why are you doing this?"

Ran Ran asked puzzledly, but Chuhe didn't answer, but turned to look at the little monk. It was strange that his blood was not so strong, so he was the least affected.

Ran Ran looked at her body, because the process of sacrificing her life just now was interrupted by Chu He's rough words, and her sacrifice just now had failed, so she realized what Chu He just did.

"Why, it's obvious that I harmed you, why do you still save me, and, when you first came in, I almost burned you to death, don't you hate me?"

Chuhe ignored Ran Ran, but stared at Xiu Yuan.

I saw that the little monk had been enveloped by the power of annihilation, his body disintegrated rapidly, and turned into nothingness in a moment, as if he didn't exist.

Mo Butong's soul was destroyed, and the little monk turned into nothingness in front of him. An unspeakable emotion quickly filled Chuhe's heart.

He shouted in grief and indignation.

"What's wrong with you all, do you really think that life is worthless? If you say no, don't. You are not living for me. You are all independent individuals. You all have your own choices. You live on!"

Chuhe shouted loudly, his avenue runes began to spread rapidly, and the avenue flowers bloomed directly. The death of the two apprentices hit him too hard. At this moment, he broke through the upper rank of Jinxian and began to move towards the realm of Daluo Jinxian Rapidly increasing, the chain of rules is getting thicker and thicker, and the scope is getting bigger and bigger. The chain stretches into the annihilation force, and it seems to be unaffected at all.

For a moment, the entire forest was covered by chains, and the other end of the chain was tied to a golden dragon that had already closed its eyes, dragging him back.

"I won't allow any of you to die again!"

The Chu River was roaring, and at this moment, there was a ripple in the place where the little monk had disappeared.

From the void of annihilation, something began to converge, just like the elements were combined and spliced ​​into objects, and the speed of convergence became faster and faster.

The elements quickly took shape and turned into the vague outline of the little monk. Chu He was stunned, and he stared blankly at the little monk. The little monk didn't turn his head, but continued to sit cross-legged, chanting complicated ancient prose.

"Nirvana rebirth!"

With a loud and clear voice, a phoenix seemed to fly out of Mo BuFong's body. The phoenix was covered with Hua Li's feathers, and every thorn of her feathers was clearly visible. When the phoenix appeared, those violent annihilating forces seemed to have stopped. Quietly waiting for the phoenix to circle the little monk.

After seven or seven 49 laps, Phoenix finally stopped. She flapped her wings violently, and an invisible field enveloped Chuhe and his party in it.

In this realm, there is destruction and rebirth.

The little monk was still at the forefront, holding the demon pestle tightly in his hand, surrounded by thunder and lightning, and the power of annihilation swallowed him again, but in an instant, he was resurrected again.

Fenghuang let out a loud and clear barrage, but the bark was short and rapid, and very frequent, Chuhe felt it, Phoenix was laughing, and it was still a mockery.

The dragon and the phoenix were at odds with each other, and they didn't know how many battles they had fought. At first, the dragon clan could always gain the upper hand with its unparalleled destructive power, and beat the phoenix to the ground. However, the phoenix is ​​not a vegetarian. Some people comprehended the Nirvana Way, and after dying again and again, the dragon clan no longer had the advantage.

The Phoenix was mocking the Golden Dragon's Dragon Cry of Destruction, which didn't work for her.

Chuhe's eyes widened. He had never been so excited before. He wished he could hug the little monk and kiss him fiercely.

The children who once fought against themselves grow up and become able to be independent, and become able to save themselves in times of crisis.

Chuhe is very fortunate now that he did not leave these two children behind when he was in Dongshengshenzhou, otherwise he might really end up in such a place today.

"Phoenix? The top monster in ancient times! The real king of birds!"

Jin Wu looked at the phoenix, and an invisible force in her blood was awakened. Her energy and blood surged, and she really wanted to transform into her real body and dance with the phoenix.

Chapter 811 The Arrival of the Tree Realm

"Well done, Xiu Yuan, you are really great!"

Master Mingdong has woken up from the injury of Chuhe Yanling, mainly because of the regeneration function in the Phoenix Domain, which allowed him to regain his mind.

Seeing that the disciples of his sect are already in charge, and they can save Shangxian and the Empress, this credit is much better than Mo Budong.

All along, Mo Budong's performance was too dazzling. Secretly, Master Songling competed with Master Mingdong, and often mocked the young monk as a waste for not living up to expectations.

At that time, they were still Qilings and servants of Chuhe. The outstanding performance of their disciples made them more likely to be released by Chuhe.

Therefore, Master Myeongdong was often squeezed by Master Songling.

Now, his little monk finally stood up and appeared in such a gorgeous way, that was the strongest move of the five-clawed golden dragon.

Mo Bubu can't even handle Long Yin, look at our little monk again, what kind of bullshit destroying Long Yin is like scratching an itch for him.

Seeing Master Mingdong's stern eyes, Master Songling's snake eyes became even more sinister. He wanted to say something coquettish to retaliate, but the little monk really saved them.

"It's not your disciple who is strong, but Nirvana Dao is strong. This is simply the nemesis of the Dragon Clan."

"Hey, you can't say that. Where did the Dao of Nirvana come from? Didn't the little monk comprehend it himself? Isn't your family's talent amazing? Why can't you comprehend the Dao of Nirvana!"

"Fart, what our family's Mo Bubu comprehends is the Dao of Fire, which is the fiercest way of attacking. What's wrong with him? If there is a fight, your little monk will only be beaten!"

Master Songling blew his beard and stared, Master Myeongdong was not polite at all.

"You're the one who is farting. It's just that your family has an offensive Dao. My little monk Lei Zhi Dao was eaten by you. If you really want to compare power, how can Huo compare with Lei? What a joke."

After Master Mingdong said this, Ran Ran was the first person who was not happy, and he gave Master Mingdong a look.

"Fire is not as good as thunder and lightning. You have never seen a really powerful fire. The golden dragon just now was burned to death by my flame!"

Seeing Ran Ran's angry look, Master Mingdong didn't dare to argue with her at all, but he still murmured softly.

"What did it burn to death? I saw that the golden dragon was clearly alive and well."

He muttered in a low voice, and almost made Ran Ran faint. Fortunately, she has made a big mistake now and dare not be too presumptuous. Otherwise, she must let Master Mingdong taste the burning taste of black flames.

Time passed little by little, the duration of the dragon chant finally ended, the little monk was annihilated, and then was born three times from nothingness, each time was intact, and after each death, it was like going through a forging.

His physical strength is even more overbearing.

"As expected of the strongest defense avenue, Nirvana is simply immortal, the little monk did a great job!"

Chuhe patted the young monk on the shoulder, the phoenix on him had disappeared, and the phoenix domain had also been released, and now his vision was wide open.

They were originally above the forest, but where they entered their eyes, there was no forest there.

Everything that the eyes could see disappeared, and the ground seemed to be ruthlessly rolled [-] times by a ground rolling machine.

There was not even a single cloud in the sky, everything was wiped out by the power of annihilation, Chuhe stood in place, this space protected by the Phoenix, the ground has been sunken for an unknown distance, their position seems to be From the top of the mountain, looking down, there are all dark cliffs.

"Damn it, the power is enough to destroy the world!"

Chuhe had experienced many battles, and thought that Daluo Jinxian was like Xiangliu, with boundless magic power and could not be killed, but after the duel with Jinwu, she burned through five hundred miles directly.

That's just the power of the Golden Crow's casual wave, the fatal blow of the Golden Dragon is the real strength of these great Luo Jinxians with noble blood.

Looking around, everything can never exist, and everything becomes nothingness as far as the eye can see.

This rare secret realm that has evolved for so many years has suffered a lot of losses.

Those dinosaurs, those creatures living in the forest, including the Archeopteryx that Linger has been greedy for, are estimated to be completely extinct now.

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