Chuhe sighed a little, but he didn't even taste it.

"What about the golden dragon's body?"

Master Songling asked subconsciously as he looked at the body of the golden dragon dragged back by the regular chains when Chuhe had just been promoted.

"Of course I ate it!"

Ling'er and Ran Ran almost spoke in unison.


The little monk and the real Myeongdong all had big mouths. As humans, they were different from the monsters, and they didn't have the habit of devouring their opponents.

"Of course, for such a powerful species, if we don't eat it, it's disrespectful to him. Letting him live in our body is also a kind of rebirth."

After Jinwu finished speaking, the rare Linger agreed with him and kept nodding.

Chuhe understands that the Yaozu has a tradition of devouring other Yaozu to improve their strength, so they can't be blamed for their cruelty.

Moreover, the blood of the golden dragon is noble, and it can transform the body after eating it, which is really beneficial and harmless.

"Okay, we just went through a big battle, let's take a rest and eat something."

Chuhe didn't say anything, but Jinlong said at the end that as long as Chuhe can survive, he will also ask Chuhe to eat it. After all, it is the glory of the dragon clan to feed back the ancestor dragon with his flesh and blood.

"I want to eat barbecue!"

"I also want!"

The two girls couldn't help drooling as they spoke.

Chuhe also remembered that when Ran Ran finally lost consciousness, she seemed to have said that she wanted to try her handicraft.

"But this place has become like this, where can I get some firewood? It's difficult..."

Before Chuhe finished speaking, Ling'er waved her hand and started singing.

"Life, please listen to my prayers, Queen Mother Xi, you are a noble forest goddess, please give me strength!"

As Linger sang, tender green sprouts began to emerge from under the black scorched earth. These sprouts grew rapidly, like a rocket, and almost instantly grew into a big tree in the sky. A forest, although it is not as large as the destruction of the golden dragon, but it will not take too long, and the ecology will slowly recover.

Chuhe stared blankly at all this, and couldn't help blurting out.

"The tree world is coming!"

"What is the coming of the tree world?" Ling'er asked in confusion, and Chu He hurriedly said.

"I watched an anime when I was a child. The first Hokage's trick is the tree world descending, but the forest he created is incomparable to yours in terms of scale and tree height. It feels like anime has entered reality."

Chapter 812

"Brother Chuhe, let's not eat for now. What should we do now?"

Chuhe narrowly escaped death, and as soon as he relaxed, he ignored Mo Bubei again. He frowned and looked at Linger.

"Ling'er, if I remember correctly, your right hand was destroyed by the annihilation force at the beginning, and now she has grown back. What the destructive force destroyed was the body and soul. How did you recover?"

"I don't know, it just grew out of itself."

Ling'er seemed to be aware of this, but she didn't know what was going on.

"The spirit-gathering grass, it's the spirit-gathering grass that works, Ling'er, so it seems that if you eat the giant spirit grass, you won't be afraid of losing your soul, and your blood has the spirituality of the spirit-gathering grass, which can save Mobubu."

Chuhe was suddenly very excited. He found a way to save Mo Bubuan, but as soon as he finished speaking, Linger shook his head.

"When you sent us away with the seven-colored divine stone, I fed my blood to Mo Bu Buan. His physical injuries recovered, but unfortunately his divine soul did not recover."


Chuhe's eyes, which were bright just now, suddenly dimmed. He lowered his head helplessly, glanced at the little monk, and suddenly had another idea.

"There is also the Nirvana Avenue. In the Nirvana Avenue, Mo Budong can be reborn. After all, even if the cultivation relationship is directly annihilated, he can be reborn. What's more, Mo Budong's injury is not that serious."

"Well, you can try it!"

The little monk nodded, Chuhe waved his hand, and the seven-colored god stone flew out in a hurry, and brought back Mo Butong who was waiting outside the door after a while.

Mo Bufei's injuries had healed, and he lay there quietly, breathing evenly, with a rosy face, as if he had fallen asleep.

But his sea of ​​consciousness has become a pile of fragments, he is now like a medical vegetable, and will remain in this state forever.

"Nirvana Domain!"

When Mo Bufei came back, the little monk opened his way without saying a word, and a phoenix flew out of his body again. It was a little strange for Chuhe to see this phoenix for the second time, because this phoenix was so real , It really seems to be able to fly away at any time.

He also has a Dao himself, but unfortunately he has never seen such a real phenomenon.

After the domain was cast, Mo Bubushi trembled faintly. Chuhe stepped forward to check, but his spirit was still broken and had not been repaired.

"what's going on?"

Chuhe was a little puzzled, and the little monk naturally didn't understand either.

"Is it necessary to be reborn after death? This Nirvana Avenue may not be able to recognize the soul of a person, but only the body of a person. Therefore, it judges that Mo Bubu is still alive and will not be reborn."

Master Mingdong expressed his thoughts, and it seemed that there was some truth in it, Master Songling nodded.

"How about we kill Mo different body so that we can be reborn!"

Chuhe didn't speak. He didn't know the reason, but frowned, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

Ran Ran was a little anxious, but Mo BuFong was her godson.

"How do you plan to kill him? Have you ever thought about what to do if he can't survive? His soul has been broken, and his body can no longer be regenerated. If his body is destroyed again, he will really die."

What Ran Ran said was also reasonable, this time Chuhe was even more embarrassed, because it was Chuhe who made the final decision.

"Use poison. Use poison to destroy his body. Even if he can't survive, Ling'er can still come to save him."

When Chuhe said this, Ran Ran no longer insisted, after all, everyone knew that the blood of Nuwa's descendants could detoxify, at least it could ensure the immortality of the body.

"Okay, I'll come!"

Finally it was Master Songling's turn to appear. He said that a red scorpion came out from his hand, and there were white spots on the tail of the scorpion. Chuhe had never seen a scorpion like this before.

But I always feel inexplicably that this kind of scorpion must be very poisonous.

Seeing Chuhe, Ling'er and Ran Ran worried, Master Songling patted his chest and said.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. The venom can quickly destroy his bodily functions and make him enter a state of death, but his body can still be preserved intact."

Now that Master Songling has said so, what else can Chuhe say, he nodded, indicating that Master Songling can do it.

Ling'er was close to Mo Bubushi, waiting to save his life with blood at any time.

Scorpion got out of Master Songling's hand, and he had an urge to go back, because everyone present was very nervous, and they were releasing coercion invisible.

The stress of these superbloods is too much for a little druggie.

However, its owner kept urging it, so the scorpion could only tentatively climb to the palm of Mo Bu different, raised its white tail, and aimed the poisonous needle at Mo Bu Bu's body.

Just when the poisonous needle was about to touch Mo Bubu's palm, Fenghuang, who had been coiled around the little monk's head, let out a cold snort, and the scorpion immediately jumped back to Master Songling's body in fright.

Chuhe stared blankly at Fenghuang, who stared at everyone with disdainful eyes, with a haughty and cold tone.

"You will kill him if you do this. This child's life is the only place where his soul can stay. If his breath of life is cut off and the soul loses its container, it will dissipate immediately."

"At that time, he will never try to save him again!"

Everyone stared at Fenghuang in a daze, because they didn't expect that Fenghuang could speak. Isn't she a phantom, isn't she a symbolic existence? How could she make a sound.

By the way, she seemed to laugh when she was fighting against the annihilation space of the real dragon. Could it be that she is alive.

This is no different from the biggest breaking news, Phoenix, which has been silent for countless years, is resurrected!

"Then what should I do? I can't just watch him die. You don't know that Mo Bufan's personality makes him live like a vegetable. He would rather die, just in case he can be resurrected!"

What Chuhe said is right, Mo different character is absolutely unbearable. In the future, only one body will be left. As long as there is a chance to recover his soul, he will never live like this. Chuhe is actually acting according to his ideas. .

What Chuhe said made Fenghuang laugh. Her voice was sharp and high, and it was two extremes with Long Yin's deep voice.

"Nirvana Avenue was founded by me. I don't know if I can resurrect outsiders. Give it up. It is impossible for this child to be resurrected with Nirvana Avenue. This kind of Dao has already touched the forbidden technique. If you use it too much, you will be punished by God. What's more, it is absolutely impossible for an outsider to use the Nirvana Avenue to resurrect!"

Fenghuang's words were cold and irrefutable, Chuhe was stunned, could it be that he really died like this.

This child has been with me for so long, and he already has feelings for him, and he is different from the restrained personality of the little monk. Only this child dares to joke with him regardless of his age.

Chapter 813 Roasted Dragon Meat

Chuhe took a look at Mo Bu Bu, he still seemed to be asleep, his face was rosy, his breathing was even, Ling'er couldn't stop crying, and sobbed silently.

Ran Ran blamed herself and turned her head away, she really wanted to slap herself twice, if she had listened to what Mo Bu different said at the time, apologizing to that golden dragon would be just admitting a mistake, and things would not be like this.

After all, she did something wrong, but she didn't know how to say an apology. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and she lost control of her emotions, and the fire elements around her began to go berserk.

Ling'er grabbed Ran Ran's hand and gently kneaded the flesh in her palm.

"Things have already happened, so don't blame yourself too much. I also blamed you at the beginning. Thinking about it is also my fault. Don't take it to heart."

The more mature and magnanimous Linger is, the more uncomfortable Ran Ran feels. She would rather Linger scold her, even slap her a few times, so she can be regarded as a kind of atonement.

But Ling'er was too gentle, she blamed Jinwu because she was about to die, she didn't know that Jinwu was there, she just complained, when she calmed down, she would never say that kind of thing.

Chuhe is not in the mood to pay attention to the changes in the mentality of the two women, so he hastily asked Fenghuang.

"Then what should I do? I can't watch my apprentice live like this, I would rather kill him with my own hands!"

When Chuhe said this, all the people present were shocked, and the spirit of the wind flew up and down nervously. Looking at her, if Chuhe dared to make a move, she would die with Chuhe.

"Didn't Jinlong say before he died that there is something that can save him? This universe is so magical. Everything is born and restrained by each other. If the soul is shattered but not dead, it proves that it is possible to live. There are still things in nature that can repair the soul." thing."

"Yes, that's right, a kind of elixir, the Soul Gathering Pill! Jinlong said that there is a peak ten thousand miles to the south, and there is a Soul Gathering Pill on it!"

Thinking of this, Chuhe couldn't help but get excited. After despair, there was hope, and his complexion instantly improved. When the wind elf heard that Mo Bu Bu could be saved, she flew back to Mo Bu's chest and lay down on his chest. , quietly caressing Mo BuFong's clothes, listening to his heartbeat.

She opened her mouth as if to speak, but couldn't make a sound.

After Fenghuang finished speaking, he disappeared again. The little monk didn't expect that he couldn't save his brother at all, so he couldn't help but make a bitter face.

"I'm sorry Master, I'm useless!"

Chu He patted the head of the little monk. He had already grown a layer of fine hair, which felt a little prickly to the touch.

"I don't blame you. Just think about it. The Phoenix Avenue can bring people back to life non-stop. This is beyond the constraints of the laws of heaven and earth. This is a taboo avenue. It is a bug that is not allowed. You can use it on yourself. It’s already quite remarkable, as far as your brother’s matter is concerned, leave it to Master!”

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