After Chuhe finished speaking, Ran Ran nodded.

"This can also explain why the phoenix is ​​extinct even though they have the Nirvana Avenue. In fact, no one can kill them. It seems that the rules of the Dao finally sanctioned them. This kind of taboo Dao cannot be used frequently!"

Ran Ran wanted to continue talking, but Chuhe made a silent gesture, because the phoenix didn't seem to be an empty image, it seemed to be in a state of being alive but not really showing itself.

She was in the little monk's body, and Phoenix could hear what they said.

Ran Ran seemed to be aware of this too. Having experienced what happened just now, she knew very well the truth that misfortune comes from her mouth. Although she didn't like Chu He ordering herself, she kept her mouth shut obediently.

"Let's go!"

After Chuhe finished speaking, he got up and was about to leave.

"The brilliance of the Dragon King's divinity is slowly dissipating. Now that you know the way to rescue Mo different, then don't worry. Ran Ran is seriously injured and needs to recover. The meat of the golden dragon is the best tonic."

Chuhe really couldn't believe it. It was Linger who said this. Seeing her seriousness, Chuhe smiled knowingly.

"Okay, then eat and drink enough and go on the road."

Ling'er was right, Jinlong's body was recovered by sacrificing his life, and when his life ended, his body was rapidly collapsing, and his divine brilliance was rapidly disappearing.

The avenue chain of the Chu River dragged the golden dragon in front of him, and put his hands together.

"Golden Dragon, I'm sorry, since you're dead, then do more useful things."

As Chuhe said, he turned his hands, and the seven-colored spirit stone turned into a sharp blade. Chuhe pierced along the Linjia, and quickly cut off a large piece of flesh and blood.

The golden red blood was flowing, and Chuhe set up a huge grill and started to roast the meat. Naturally, ordinary firewood could not cook the dragon meat, but Chuhe was not worried about this, because there was a person in charge of the flame sitting beside him. Da Luo Jinxian.

Ran Ran opened her mouth, and a stream of scorching fire essence gushed out. The temperature of the fire essence was several times higher than that of the white flame, and much milder than that of the black flame.

It just happened to be able to effectively roast the dragon meat without being completely burned.

The grilling process was very long, and the dragon meat was sizzling on the grill. The meat was different from the wolf meat we ate at the beginning. The meat was too big, and the seasoning brought by Chuhe was not enough at all. Fortunately, he had a voice. This kind of common thing, he can change as much as he wants.

When the dragon meat is roasted until both sides are golden and the top is sizzling with oil, Chuhe spreads all kinds of ingredients on it, and finally sprinkles a handful of cumin, and the fragrance immediately spreads.

Ling'er has long been greedy, she has been reaching out her hand to test it, and she has long wanted to taste the taste of dragon meat.

After all, Ran Ran is not very familiar with Chu He, she dare not be too presumptuous in front of Chu He, she is more reserved than Linger, she keeps sitting and swallowing, her pair of golden sharp eyes never leave the top barbecue.

"The meat is grilled!"

Chuhe subconsciously handed the first piece of barbecue to Linger. Linger is a girl, and based on the principle of women first, these men think it is very reasonable.

But the problem is that there is still a lady, and the golden dragon was killed by the golden crow after all, and she deserves the most credit. Logically speaking, she should eat the first piece of meat first.

Therefore, when Ling'er took the barbecue, Jinwu's face wrinkled involuntarily, and his mouth was pouted, feeling wronged but didn't know what to say.

"Ling'er, be careful!"

Chuhe ordered, and continued to roast the meat below.

Ling'er blew on the steaming barbecue with her mouth, and just about to bite down, she felt that the surrounding fire elements began to surge, and someone got angry.

She was keenly aware of this, turned her head sideways, and looked at Jinwu's wrinkled face and pouted lips, her eyes following the shaking of the barbecue in Ling'er's hand.

Ling'er smiled wryly, and directly handed the barbecue to Ran Ran.

"You eat first!"

Chapter 814 Phoenix Form

Ran Ran couldn't believe it, Ling'er would give her the barbecue, she subconsciously wanted to pick it up, but reason told her, it's better to be modest.

"It's better for my sister to eat first, after all, he baked it!"

Ran Ran's words are very interesting. Your husband baked it, so you should eat it first.

"No no no, you are badly hurt and need healing, you need it more than I do!"

Ling'er stretched out her hand again, and brought the barbecue to Ran Ran's mouth. The refreshing aroma hit her, and Ran Ran swallowed involuntarily.

"No, no, it's better for my sister to eat first. My sister is gentle and virtuous, so I think you should eat first."

"No, no, let's eat first, my sister is brave enough to fight with a real dragon."

The two kept giving way. At this time, Chuhe had already passed the second piece of the test, so he stretched it out and handed it in front of them.

"I didn't expect that the two of you were able to give in to food. Yes, the atmosphere is very good. It would be even better if you can get along so harmoniously in the future!"

Chuhe's words are ambiguous. If he gets along in harmony in the future, doesn't that mean that he subconsciously calls Ran Ran a part of the future?

Of course Ran Ran liked to hear this, because she had barbecue with Chuhe, but Ling'er was a little unhappy.

With the hand that was still meek just now, she took the barbecue back, put it in her mouth, and bit it down. She wanted to say something to blame, but after the mouth full of meat, she was so happy that she was almost speechless Come.

There is only a big mouthful of chewing, and there is no image of a lady.

Miraculously, after Ling'er ate the dragon meat, her body began to glow faintly, and her physical condition was improving rapidly visible to the naked eye.

Ran Ran also took a bite hastily. Her condition was even more exaggerated than Linger's. Her whole body was covered with golden blood, and her body seemed to be covered with a layer of flames. recover quickly.

And her strength seems to be skyrocketing.

The big men watching this scene were all stunned. Looking at the barbecue on it, no matter whether it was roasted or not, they all reached out to grab a piece and put it in their mouths to eat.

Chuhe shook it hard. After the dragon meat entered his body, he felt an infinite and mysterious force pouring into his body, and an indescribable energy filled his body.

He seemed to have suddenly realized the meaning of annihilation, and subconsciously said something.

"Word Spirit: Annihilation!"

At a distance of 500 meters in front of the Chu River, a big bearded tree was directly broken in the middle. During its fall, an invisible force completely wiped out the tree.

Ran Ran looked at Chu He in surprise.

"Isn't it, is that an exaggeration? After eating a bite of meat, you learned the invincible skills of a real dragon!"

The power of annihilation is invisible, because after annihilation, everything is nothingness, and this kind of attack cannot be avoided, and Ran Ran often suffers from it.

And this move is not Jinlong's innate supernatural power, it is his strongest ultimate move, and this kind of thing basically cannot be copied.

I didn't expect Chuhe to be so perverted.

"Yeah, I've only seen that after eating an enemy, you can inherit his bloodline power to strengthen your own bloodline, but I haven't heard that you can inherit their supernatural powers."

Ling'er also nodded, but her mouth was not idle.

"Did that really happen?"

Chuhe didn't live in that era, so naturally he didn't know.

Ran Ran rolled his eyes at him, and after tearing off a piece of dragon meat vigorously, he muttered while eating.

"You think that after eating the phoenix, you will be able to obtain his strongest ultimate move and have supernatural powers. If this is the case, then wouldn't the real dragon also be able to achieve the Way of Nirvana after eating the phoenix? How is this possible? Wouldn't they be even more invincible! "

Ling'er agreed, staring at Chuhe with a pair of eyes, looking at her, not like looking at another normal human being.

"If you can eat the enemy, you can get the enemy's strongest ultimate move, then I seem to think of a way for you to be invincible, that is to keep challenging the strong, and then eat them, as long as your opponent is enough Strong, your talent is perverted enough, you will become stronger and more perfect, in this case, you will really become the most powerful existence in this universe."

Jin Wu said excitedly, Chuhe was also very excited, it would be great if this could really happen.

At this time, a strange voice interrupted Chuhe's obsession.

"Impossible, the reason why he can inherit the strongest ultimate move of the Golden Dragon is not because he can eat two bites and get the opponent's ultimate move, but because he has the bloodline of the ancestor dragon, the strongest ultimate move of those dragons It was originally triggered by his genes, and he could awaken after eating the meat of the dragon clan."

"But other races can't. I remember that when he climbed the ladder, he almost drank the blood of Nuwa's descendants, but he didn't inherit the powerful ultimate moves of Nuwa's family. So this should be an exception. This kind of talent can only be used by dragons." it works."

The one who spoke was a girl in colorful feather clothes. She had a face that no one dared to desecrate. She was indifferent and majestic. There was only one mouth and two small canine teeth, which revealed that she was actually a girl.

At this time, the woman was holding a piece of dragon meat in her hand, and she was eating with big mouthfuls. The dragon meat entered her body, filling her whole body with golden-red blood, and her strength was also improving rapidly.

Seeing this strange woman feasting on food, her mouth full of oil, everyone looked at her in surprise. You must know that there is an existence at the level of Da Luo Jinxian. When a stranger approached, these people didn't even notice. There is no possibility that this strange woman poses no threat.

It was automatically blocked by the spiritual detection function, but this woman ate dragon meat with a golden light all over her body, and she didn't seem to exist without any threat at first glance.

Then there is the second possibility, she is far stronger than everyone present, including Ran Ran.

That's why Ran Ran couldn't even notice when she was approaching.

"who are you?"

Ran Ran's face immediately became extremely nervous, and she even threw away the unfinished meat, her golden eyes fixed on the graceful and luxurious woman in front of her who was like the Queen Mother of the West.

"Oh, Chuhe, we met just now, but you don't know each other."

After saying this, Chuhe became even more speechless. Linger and Ran Ran all looked at him, and Chuhe shook his head.

"Girl, don't talk nonsense, I've never seen you before!"

The woman shook her head, looking very helpless, the little monk stared at him with wide eyes, then ran over and circled her, and finally leaned over to smell her smell carefully, the oil on his mouth was not Carefully sticking to the woman's feather clothes, the woman frowned in disgust.

"You are Master Phoenix?"

Chapter 815 The Frozen Throne

Fenghuang pushed the little monk's greasy mouth away with his hand, then looked at Chuhe solemnly and said.

"You are worse than a child!"

Her words are an admission that she is Phoenix, but Chuhe still finds it hard to accept.

"You, are you real, alive?"

"It can't be said that I'm still alive, it's just that I can transform into a human form. Back then, I used the Nirvana Avenue too many times and was wiped out by the sky thunder. Fortunately, I paid a wisp of spirit to my Nirvana Avenue and hibernated all the time."

"This child has inherited my Nirvana Dao, and I have been reborn on him, but I have not been completely reborn, it is a parasitic relationship!"

Fenghuang said and took another bite of the dragon meat in his hand, eating with happiness on his face.

Chuhe swallowed his saliva, and his eyes became sharp. He knew very well what parasitism meant. Parasitism was common in nature, but there was only one thing in common, that is, the parasite would eventually kill the host.

If the phoenix lives in the little monk's body and uses his body to continuously grow herself, sooner or later, she will be resurrected again, and the price is that the little monk will be sacrificed and become a sacrifice for her resurrection.

So Chuhe is extremely nervous. Now that Phoenix's foundation is not stable and her strength is very weak, this is the best time to kill her. If she grows up, not to mention her powerful ultimate move, but a Nirvana Dao is basically invincible in the world .

Thinking of this, a raging killing intent spread from him, and Chuhe's eyes were glowing with golden light.

"Want to kill me?"

Fenghuang raised his eyebrows, and the surrounding air gradually became colder.

The little monk was the closest, and couldn't help trembling.

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