"Xiu Yuan, come here!"

Chuhe whispered to Xiuyuan, but the little monk was stunned. The phoenix in his body could transform into a human form. This is a very happy thing. Why are master and wife so nervous?

Ran Ran had stood up quietly, the flames in the air were serious and agitated, Master Songling also realized that something was wrong, his figure quietly left the barbecue stand, and disappeared behind a bunch of bushes, and then countless poisonous insects gushed out from the grass, and the poisonous insects past.

The wild grass withered and melted in an instant, and even the big trees in the sky withered and died directly.

The leaves fluttered down, but the green leaves had turned white, and the white ones could even drip water.

The leaves fell on the ground, like a plague infection, a large area of ​​vegetation withered and melted, the poison not only killed the creatures it touched, but also had strong corrosiveness, if touched by it, there would be no bones left.

Fenghuang's expression also became ugly, and she grabbed Xiuyuan who was next to her.


Chuhe yelled, and the black snake meandered all the way to Phoenix's back. It raised its head, opened its smoke-filled mouthparts, and bit towards Phoenix's neck.

Just when the black snake's fangs were about to touch the phoenix's snow-white skin, a bone-piercing cold began to spread.

I saw that the black snake started to move slowly, and it became slower and slower until ice flowers formed on his body, and then the ice flowers spread rapidly, freezing the whole black snake into a sculpture.

The cold air spreads along the surrounding environment, and everything around is frozen. This kind of cold doesn't seem to be cold in different meanings.

At this time Ran Ran sneered.

"Fenghuang, you actually play ice sculptures in front of me, don't you look down on me too much!"

As Ran Ran spoke, the fire elements around her body began to go berserk, and a wave of fiery heat began to sweep over. This temperature could melt everything instantly. Ran Ran waited for all the ice sculptures of the Phoenix to melt, and then mocked her.

But Chuhe kept shaking his head, this kind of cold is different, this kind of cold pierces the soul, unlike ordinary ice, Chuhe felt that the high temperature slowly released has slightly burned his skin, it is reasonable to say that this kind of temperature , any solid ice will instantly vaporize.

Then the white gas will be evaporated instantly by the high temperature, but something that violates the common sense of physics happened.

The flame did not melt the ice, but burned on the ice. The ice and fire blended perfectly, but they did not interfere with each other. The cold still did not dissipate, and it became more and more serious.

Coupled with the scorching flames, everyone is now in the realm of ice and fire. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

"Impossible, what is the situation."

Ran Ran was stunned. She watched the flames burning on the ice layer, and some flames were swallowed by the ice layer and burned directly inside the ice layer.

The physics knowledge in Chuhe's mind began to jump around in an attempt to explain this phenomenon.

Ice and fire are incompatible, this is the most basic truth, flame and ice are together, only one side conquers the other, there is no possibility of peace and harmony.

Either the fire prevails and the ice melts.

Either ice and snow prevail, the cold lowers the temperature below the ignition point, and the flame goes out, but this...

"Little Jinwu, are you wondering why your fire can't affect my ice?"


"It's very simple, because my ice is not cold in the true sense, it's my innate supernatural power, the Frozen Throne, everything here is sealed with my spiritual power, but the form of the seal looks like ice That's all."

"That's why your flames can't work on my seal. Thanks to you being the daughter of the Great Golden Crow, is it possible that after the fall of our Phoenix clan, the up-and-comer Golden Crow is so bad?"

Fenghuang's tone was cold, just like the current situation. At some point, a throne carved from ice and snow appeared behind Fenghuang. The throne was on top of the 99 steps, and the steps were all made of ice and snow.

Fenghuang picked up the little monk and walked towards the Frozen Throne step by step.

Her posture is elegant, noble and not to be profaned. Master Songling and Master Mingdong dare not even look directly at her back, feeling unworthy.

"You dare to insult the Jinwu clan, I will fight you!"

Ran Ran exploded at one o'clock, and wanted to fight Fenghuang, Chuhe frowned, this girl is too worrying.

"Ran Ran, don't be impulsive, we don't know her details, so we can't be enemies with her."

When Chuhe spoke, Phoenix had already arrived on the throne with Xiuyuan in his arms. She turned around, waved her huge feather skirt, and then sat gracefully on the throne.

Her long legs overlapped casually, she supported the throne with one hand, and held her head, looking lazy and charming.

The little monk was the only one who was not affected by the Frozen Throne besides Fenghuang. He glanced nervously at Fenghuang.

"Lord Phoenix, don't hurt my master!"

Fenghuang patted the head of the little monk, and said dotingly.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt them, let alone you, but if they want to bully me, I naturally have to teach them a lesson, so that they know the superiority of the young and old!"

Chapter 816 Special Avenue

Fenghuang's words were cold and without a trace of emotion, and Jinwu got angry when he heard that the elder and younger were inferior.

"You don't rely on the old to sell the old here. I really think I'm afraid you won't succeed. If I show my real body, I'll burn you through your frozen throne."

Ran Ran's violent temper, like Mo Bubu's, was born by a mother. He rubbed his head, a little speechless.

As soon as Fenghuang came up, she revealed the secret of her innate supernatural powers, all of which were sealed with spiritual power, not cold.

When you come up, you will get out of the chassis of your unique move, just like when Ran Ran is dueling with Jinlong, you will come up and say, I have a unique move called flame replacement, which can kill you.

Those who dare to do this are either self-sufficient and extremely arrogant, or they really have no intention of being an enemy, which is a deliberate show of weakness.

It's just that the way of showing weakness is a bit strong.

Ran Ran's flame is useless, this Frozen Throne is not a low temperature, but a seal, even if Ran Ran uses the black flame again, the Frozen Throne will still exist, and will exist in the black flame.

Of course, the fire will still cause damage to the phoenix.

Fenghuang smiled wryly, and said coldly: "The strength of the Jinwu clan is not very good, but this mouth is really strong enough!"

Chuhe can see that Fenghuang is definitely a good hand at sarcasm, but she may not realize it herself, and with a few words, she has completely angered Ran Ran.

Ran Ran was about to run away, Chu He pulled her behind and handed her to Linger to watch.

Ran Ran was held by Ling'er, and a sense of tranquility and peace was transmitted from her palms, and her violent emotions were reduced by half in an instant.

Chu He took a step forward, braving the biting cold, and shouted at the Phoenix on the throne.

"You said you wouldn't hurt Xiuyuan, how can I believe you!"

"I said it won't hurt, it won't hurt, you don't need to believe it or not!"

Fenghuang's cold and arrogant tone came from above. She sat on the high throne, overlooking the Chu River below, condescending, and would take the psychological initiative when negotiating.

Chuhe was choked by her words, and he didn't know what to say for a moment. He had a vague feeling that these noble races in ancient times generally would not regret what they said.

But it's not certain, each species has a different personality, and some species reneged on their promises and became fat, just like Xiangliu.

So he turned around and wanted to ask Ling'er, how is the Fenghuang Clan's reputation and reputation, is it reliable?

But Ling'er seemed to know what he wanted to ask, so she hurriedly shook her head not to let Chuhe ask.

"In the ancient times, there were four great beasts, the golden-winged Garuda, the ancestral dragon, the phoenix, and the Kunpeng. These are all extremely high-sighted races, and they will not backtrack on what they say."

Hearing what Linger said, Chuhe felt relieved a little, but he was still not at ease.

After all, Phoenix was annihilated by the rules of the Great Dao, and she had already died once, so no one could tell if she would do something out of the ordinary in order to survive.

Moreover, the strength of Xiuyuan is far behind her. Whenever she wants to take away the body of the little monk, she can easily take it away. This kind of threat has always existed.

"Lord Phoenix, it's not that I don't believe you. As a human race, I'm different from you. I just can't understand how you can guarantee not to hurt Xiuyuan, because in my opinion, you took his body and gained rebirth. You get the most out of it."

It has come to this point, Chuhe no longer hides it, and decisively expresses the doubts in his heart.

Fenghuang didn't expect that Chuhe would dare to question herself. She is a proud Fenghuang, the ancestor of the Fenghuang family. Naturally, she will not go back on what she said, but this human being is still aggressive.

In the past, Chuhe would have died.

It may be that the barbecue he just made was really delicious, or it may be that the little monk in his arms has been holding her wrist, his eyes are full of pleading, Fenghuang, as a cold-blooded and ruthless monarch, unexpectedly softened his heart.

He glanced at Chuhe and said.

"I am parasitic on his avenue fruit. If you kill him, his avenue fruit will die, and I will also die. Are you satisfied with this reason?"

Fenghuang heaved a sigh of relief, surprised by his good temper.

"Not satisfied!"

Chuhe said directly, Fenghuang's beautiful eyes widened, which was a surprise she hadn't done for a long time, because she couldn't remember the last time the creature who dared to talk to her like this happened, and how he died.

"We all know that you can be reborn from Nirvana, and you can survive the death of the little monk. I can't believe your reason!"

Chuhe felt chills in his heart now, because the surrounding cold was getting worse and worse. Obviously, Phoenix was angry, but in order to protect his disciples, Chuhe had to bite the bullet and ask questions.

Now Phoenix's strength is still very weak. If she waits, after her strength gradually recovers, Chuhe probably won't even have the chance to ask.

"Chuhe, are you really courting death? Or do you think I can't kill you?"

Fenghuang felt that he was already saving face, but this person repeatedly challenged his majesty, not knowing what was good or bad, Fenghuang couldn't bear it.

She wants to kill.

"I don't think you can't kill me. I've thought about it carefully. On the contrary, we can't kill you. So I can only acquiesce in the fact that you are in Mo Butong's body. I don't know if you have children. He is my disciple. I treat him like my own child and I don't want my child's life to be in danger at all times."

As soon as Chu He said this, the little monk was moved and burst into tears. She hugged Fenghuang's arm, and her clothes were wet with tears.

Just now, Fenghuang's feathers were stained with grease, which already made her very upset, but now it was wet with tears, Fenghuang was a little crazy, she finally held back her anger, and patted the little monk on the head.

"I used my last thought to attach to the Nirvana Avenue, but the Rule Avenue is not an idiot. They also know that I do this, so they naturally follow me to attach to the Avenue."

"As long as I leave the little monk's way and survive alone, the rules of the way will continue to chase me until I die again, you should understand? The difficulty of the taboo way, you are the same as me, your way is also very unique! "

When Fenghuang said this, Chuhe felt a little empathetic, but he was different from Fenghuang. Fenghuang was obliterated by the way of heaven, because his Nirvana Avenue was too perverted and should not appear.

Chuhe’s Xiaoyao Dao is actually very perverted. To put it plainly, this Dao means that all wishes come true, and with the improvement of Chu He’s strength, he can do more things, and he doesn’t need to make any effort , you can easily get everything that others want.

Wouldn't this also violate the principle of fairness and justice in the Dao of Heaven? Could it be that he will be killed by the Dao in the future like Fenghuang!

Chapter 817 I want to marry him

"It stands to reason that your avenue is more extreme than mine. I can only guarantee that I will be immortal, and your avenue can make everything I want immortal, so it is conceivable that in the near future, when you break the taboo At that time, you will be crazily retaliated by Heaven, and I look forward to your survival!"

After Fenghuang finished speaking, both Ling'er and Ran Ran looked at Chu He nervously, Chu He's back was covered with sweat.

In such a cold environment, he can still sweat. He is really afraid. You must know that the phoenix is ​​one of the four great beasts in the ancient times. She also masters the Nirvana Dao, and she can't bear the rules of the Dao.

How can I be able to withstand an attack stronger than that of the phoenix.

Seeing that Chuhe remained silent, Fenghuang raised his beautiful Danfeng eyes and stared at Chuhe with a rare smile.

"How about it, now you believe that I won't hurt Xiu Yuan?"

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