Amidst the black mist, a strong wind suddenly blew up. Bo Bai looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. He couldn't believe it. There was still movement?

"Could it be that the golden-winged roc is not dead?"

Ao Bai subconsciously wanted to defend, and at this moment, a golden claw was grabbing towards him. Although he had only seen this claw once, Ao Bai knew very clearly that it was the claw of the golden-winged roc.

Because his claws were still stained with the blood of the green dragon.

"Why are you still alive? It's impossible?"

Bo Bai turned pale with shock, and the Golden Winged Roc yelled with a strange smile.

"Boy, as a dragon clan, you don't even know our predator relationship. You have to know that although your dragon clan is powerful, it is my recipe. I am completely immune to your talent."

"The only ones who can remain undefeated under my command are the adult first-generation species. Your kid's destructive power is already stronger than most of the first-generation species, but the destructive power is useless to me."

As the golden-winged roc spoke, its claws quickly moved towards Aobai, and Aobai was bewildered, not understanding what was going on.

He didn't think of dodging until the claws approached, but the claws of the golden-winged roc seemed to have an invisible magic power, locking him firmly, making it impossible for him to escape.

"You ruined my food, but I can forgive you, just use your body to make up for it!"

The golden-winged roc pinched Boubai's body with its claws, and the other claw slid directly on his body, golden blood surged wildly, and the golden-winged roc's paws were stained with boiled white's blood.

Then he put it in his mouth for a while, and immediately looked satisfied.

"It tastes great. It turns out that the first generation is more delicious than the second generation. A little blood can make me excited. I want to tear off all your meat bit by bit and taste it."

"Especially your dragon pill, I will definitely make good use of it, thank you, kind first-generation seed."

"Ah, I'm going to kill you!"

Bo Bai struggled desperately, trying to break free from the shackles of the golden-winged roc, but the claws of the golden-winged roc were like iron chains, binding him firmly.

Chapter 829 Shield

The more Ao Bai struggled here, the tighter the golden-winged roc's claws grasped, and at this time his claws had pierced through his armor, deeply embedded in Ao Bai's flesh and blood.

Blood splattered again, seeing a large amount of blood dripping on the ground, Golden Winged Roc raised Bobai's body high into the air with distress, opened his mouth wide, and let the blood drip into his mouth.

"Boy, just struggle. I like to see you worms despairing in front of me. This is the stimulant that makes me happy."

While talking, the golden-winged roc slid away the whitened armor with the other paw, and the blood spurted even more violently. The golden-winged roc kept guzzling like drinking fruit juice.

"Stop me!"

Ran Ran couldn't stand it anymore, turned into a sun, and rushed towards the golden-winged roc.

Although the golden-winged roc has a natural suppression of the dragon clan, it is not so embarrassing when facing the golden crow, especially when Ran Ran uses all her strength as soon as she comes up, black flames spread around her, and the terrifying high temperature scorched everything.

The golden-winged roc's wings accidentally touched a little black flame, and a big hole was burned out immediately, and the flame did not intend to extinguish, but began to spread rapidly along his wound.

Seeing this, the golden-winged roc hurriedly cut off the part of his hand with its sharp claws, and then looked at Ran Ran angrily.

"Little Jinwu, what do you mean, why are you always against me?"

"The dragon in your hand is my friend, you can't eat him!"

After Ran Ran finished speaking, the Golden Winged Roc laughed from ear to ear, and he stared at Ran Ran blankly.

"Are you kidding me? Have you forgotten your identity? You are a golden crow, you are the emperor of birds, how can you be friends with a long worm, and if you really want to talk about it, I am also a bird. Between us The relationship is even closer.”

"Get close to your head, let me go quickly, or I will burn you to death!"

Ran Ranmei's eyes widened, and the temperature seemed to rise again as her mood changed.

It's just that this time the golden-winged roc was on guard. He deliberately placed Bobai's body in front of him. When the surging black flames were about to touch Bobai's body, they retreated quickly.

Seeing the effectiveness of this trick, Golden Winged Roc was even more proud.

"I understand, you Jinwu clan, how can you be friends with the dragon clan? You must want to raise this dragon, eat him when he becomes an adult, and use his blood to wish you further progress, right?"

"What are you talking about? How could I eat him!"

Ran Ran said angrily, in fact, if she didn't know Chuhe, Ran Ran would have eaten boil for nothing, just as the golden-winged roc said.

After all, he is a first-generation species, and he has just been promoted to Daluo Jinxian. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Why are you ashamed to admit it? The blood of the dragon clan is recognized as a great tonic. Who would want to try it? Well, you and I don't have to be so tense. How about sharing such a good tonic equally?"

"You have half and I have half. It's fairer to divide this way, but this kid was caught by me. According to the rules, he must give me his demon pill, but don't be angry, he can give you his dragon marrow."

"If you still think it's not enough, I only need the Dragon Pill, and I'll give you the rest, how about it?"

Seeing that Ran Ran didn't agree, Gold-winged Dapeng continued to persuade.

"You have to know that the blood power contained in his body and dragon marrow is not much different from that of Long Dan. This is a very good deal."

"Your proposal is very good. I would definitely agree to it before, but now, what you say is useless. You can't eat it, or I will burn you to death!"

After Ran Ran finished speaking, the flames approached again. The terrifying high temperature made the golden-winged roc feel uncomfortable.

He pushed the boiled white in his hand towards the direction of the flame, and the flame retreated quickly, avoiding the boiled white as if hiding from the plague.

"Haha, little girl, if you don't want to hurt this little white dragon, then don't try to threaten me here. I advise you to leave now, or I will throw this kid into the fire and burn him to death!"

The golden-winged roc was confident, and Ran Ran frowned. She manipulated the flames and tried to attack the golden-winged roc.

But the golden-winged roc used boiled white as a shield, and she had no way to attack with all her strength.

And in terms of strength alone, she has just fought the Golden Dragon and has not fully recovered, so she may not be the opponent of the Golden Winged Roc.

Ran Ran was caught in a dilemma for a while.

"Leave me alone, burn him to death!"

Obviously, Bo Bai couldn't stand this kind of humiliation, let alone accept it. Not only was he unable to avenge the dragon clan, but he was also used by the golden-winged roc.

At this time, he would rather die than become a drag on himself.

Seeing that Bo Bai was going to sacrifice his life for righteousness, Golden Winged Roc was a little annoyed.

"You boy shut up with me!"

Ao Bai saw that the Golden Winged Roc was really nervous, so he continued.

"Master Ran Ran, you don't have to pity me. It doesn't matter if I die. If you can't solve him here, the master will come up soon. As a dragon, the master will also be restrained."

"You burn him to death now, lest the master will end up like me later!"

Originally, Ran Ran was still a little undecided on what to do, but thinking that Chuhe was also a dragon, she would be restrained, and it would only be more difficult for her to make a choice.

As for Aubai who had just met for less than a day, it was obvious that Chuhe held more weight in her heart, and she almost didn't need to think about which was more important.

Thinking of this, Ran Ran gritted her teeth and said with some guilt.

"Sorry, it might hurt, but I'll try to make it less painful for you."

As soon as Ran Ran gritted his teeth, the black flames spread rapidly. Gold-winged Dapeng didn't expect that Ran Ran's so-called friendship was as paperless, and he turned his face when he said it.

He still wanted to use Bobai to block it, but this time the flames did not evade, but spread towards Bobai quickly.

Seeing that Bobai could no longer be used as a life-saving talisman, at this moment, the golden-winged roc pulled his body back instead.

Boiled white is a very rare first-generation species. It is the food that the golden-winged roc dreams of. How could he be willing to let the flames burn it out like this.

In the end, he was bald, and he couldn't bear it, so he grabbed Aobai and quickly retreated towards the rear.

Ran Ran saw that he was not willing to let Bo Bai block the flames, so she attacked with more peace of mind.

The Golden Winged Roc originally had the advantage, after all he had just eaten a dragon pill, and his strength was already stronger than the Golden Crow.

But he just used boiled white as a shield and wasted too much time. As a result, at this time, he was already surrounded by the black flames, and there was almost no room to retreat.

"Jinwu, are you really going to kill me?"

Naturally, Ran Ran didn't want to kill anyone, and she wasn't sure about killing the Golden Winged Roc either.

Chapter 830 Trading

And this time, it wasn't for fighting, but for gathering spirit pills.

So Ran Ran had an idea, and she put forward her own conditions: "Golden-winged roc, you have been surrounded by my black flames, and there is no way for you to retreat now."

"If you break through forcefully, you will be burned badly. That is, not long ago, an adult golden dragon was burned to death by my black flame. In terms of bloodline strength, you are not much stronger than that golden dragon."

Ran Ran said while urging Hei Yan to continue to approach.

Soon, the golden-winged roc didn't even have room to hide, not to mention running away, and the black flames kept beating around him.

The intense heat crackled his armor, and some places near the fire source had been ignited by the intense heat, as long as the black flames stuck to his body.

Just like a body with rotting bones, the severe pain made the Golden Winged Roc a little manic. He used his sharp claws to cut off the burning part again, and looked at the Golden Crow viciously.

"As expected of the bird emperor, the Golden Crow clan is indeed powerful. Your black flames can cause irreversible damage to me, but don't underestimate me and make me anxious. I will fight you desperately."

When she heard that she was going to fight herself desperately, Ran Ran couldn't help panicking. She was also very vain now, because although the flames were powerful, they couldn't kill the golden-winged roc immediately. He could completely discard part of his body and forcefully rush out. The encirclement, when the time comes, it will be troublesome to catch him.

"We have no grievances or enmities, and I don't want to make things difficult for you. How about you let this little white dragon go, and then give me a spirit-gathering pill, and I will take back the flames, how about it?"

It was only at this time that the golden-winged roc realized that Jinwu's unreasonable visit was actually for gathering spirit pills. Thinking of this, he suddenly had a plan.

"Hey, it turns out that you want the Spirit Gathering Pill. I have plenty of these things. Let alone one, it's fine to give you ten. As for the little white dragon you mentioned, I can let it go."

"Why are you so talkative all of a sudden?"

Ran Ran was a little puzzled, she asked subconsciously.

The golden-winged roc sighed helplessly.

"Instead of being burned to death by you, even if you lose this mouthful of food, it is better than losing your life."

"How about this, you remove the flame, I'll give you the Gathering Pill, and I'll let this little dragon go, how about it?"

Although Ran Ran is young, she is not a pure fool. The only thing she can pose a threat to the Golden-winged Roc is her own black flame. If she takes it away, there will be no conditions for negotiating with the Golden-winged Roc.

"Dapeng, do you really think I'm an idiot? What if you don't keep your promise if you turn off the flame?"

Golden Wing Dapeng cursed inwardly, this little girl does not look so innocent on the surface, but this kind of Princess Jinwu who grew up in a greenhouse will let you know the dangers of this world today.

Dapeng waved his hands hastily, took out three spirit-gathering pills from his bosom, and then slightly loosened the claws that were tightly clamping on Bobai.

"In this way, in order to show my sincerity, I will give you the Gathering Spirit Pill first, and then I will slowly release the Golden Winged Roc, but you have to keep your promise, how about removing the flame?"

Ran Ran nodded, this seemed to be the best solution.

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