"Okay, that's it?"

Ran Ran immediately agreed, and the golden-winged roc stretched out his hand, looking at Jinwu helplessly.

What he meant was obvious, your black flames surrounded me, and I couldn't send out the Gathering Spirit Pill.

Ran Ran also understood it, and saw a passage slowly opening out of the black encirclement, a passage only about one meter long, which allowed the Juling Pill to pass through safely, but the body of the golden-winged roc could not pass through at all.

The golden-winged roc cast a glance at Ran Ran, unexpectedly this little girl was quite cautious.

He stretched out his hand hesitantly, but he didn't put the Gathering Pill into the passage, and said nervously.

"Jinwu, I don't think I can give you the Spirit Gathering Pill, because I can't trust you. What if I give you something and you get what you want, and you turn around and burn me to death, what should I do?"

The words of the Golden Winged Roc could not be wrong, and Ran Ran was too embarrassed to refuse.

"Don't worry, I didn't intend to be your enemy, and this princess said to do it!"

After Ran Ran said that, Golden Winged Roc still shook his head.

"No, empty words have no proof, how can I trust you, you swear to the rules of the Dao, otherwise I would rather burn the Gathering Pill than give it to you!"

When the golden-winged roc said that, Ran Ran was very upset.

"What do you mean, I'm from the Jinwu clan, our clan has always attached importance to promises, and we will definitely do what we say."

"It's no use telling me that. I have to hear you swear."

The golden-winged roc must be guaranteed by Ran Ran.

Ran Ran became even angrier. With her violent temper, usually at times like this, if someone doesn't believe her, she must fight until the other party is convinced.

However, since getting to know Chuhe, especially fighting with Jinlong, which caused her godson to be shattered, she has restrained her temperament and knows that nothing can be solved by brute force.

In order not to be different, in order not to cause trouble, Ran Ran finally chose to compromise.

"Okay, I swear to the rules of the Dao. As long as the golden-winged roc safely hands me the Juling Pill and Bobai, I will not use black flames to attack him. If you violate the oath, you will be destroyed."

The rules of heaven and earth surged, and there was only a click of chains, thinking that the oath had been successful.

Ran Ran actually swears such a heavy oath, Jinwu is not good to say anything, you must know that the stronger the strength, the more afraid of the rules of heaven, after all, even Shenhuang is crushed by the rules.

No one can escape that kind of existence, let alone them.

"Okay, I believe you!"

The golden-winged roc no longer twitched, and directly stretched out his hand to send out the spirit-gathering pill, and the spirit-gathering pill flew towards Ran Ran along the passage.Ran Ran was worried that the high temperature of the flame would melt the spirit-gathering pill, so she directly enlarged the passage, but the position closest to the Golden Crow was still a small opening.

It's like a trumpet, with small holes inside and big holes outside.

After getting the Juling Pill, Ran Ran looked at the golden-winged roc again.

"Master Ran Ran, you have already obtained the Gathering Spirit Pill, leave me alone, if you take away the flame, he will be able to escape, and he will definitely not let us go by then."

It is rare to be sober in the world, but Ran Ran kept shaking her head.

There is no way, she has already sworn to the rules of the road, and she has no possibility of going back on her word now.

But Ran Ran is not afraid, after all, as long as Bo Bai is rescued, she and Bo Bai will be able to leave here even if they cannot be beaten.

Anyway, Juling Pill has been obtained, and her goal has been achieved.

And Chuhe's side will come soon, she doesn't believe that this roc can do more than a dozen!

Chapter 831

"Golden Crow, get rid of the flames, otherwise how can I let people go?"

Dapeng urged nervously, but Ran Ran had no choice but to slowly move the flame out of a channel and let Ao Bai pass through.

Bo Bai kept shaking his head, but there was nothing he could do, and he didn't want to die if he had a chance to live.

As a result, as soon as the golden-winged roc let go, Au Bai flew forward rapidly.

"I've let him go, should Miss Ran Ran remove the flame?"

Ao Bai's side was getting closer and closer to her, and Ran Ran's defenses were relaxed a lot, and she had sworn to the heaven, and she couldn't break her vow.

"My princess, of course I will do what I say!"

The flame dissipated slowly. In order to delay the time for Dapeng to escape, Ran Ran deliberately slowed down the dissipation speed of the flame. When Bo Bai finally came to her side, the flame completely dissipated.

Ran Ran took a long breath and said with a smile.

"Thank you for the Gathering Spirit Pill. Now that the princess is in urgent need, I will leave first, and I will come to the door to thank you in person someday."

After Ran Ran finished speaking, she was about to leave, but just as she turned around, she heard an angry roar.

"Want to leave? You treat me as your home, come whenever you want, leave whenever you want!"

This roar was loud and clear, as if the golden-winged roc was lying next to Ran Ran's ear.

Ran Ran was taken aback for a moment, it was obvious that the golden-winged roc was still a long way away from her, in order to delay the time, she intentionally waited until late to disperse the flames around the golden-winged roc.

But why is this sound so close?

Ran Ran turned her head subconsciously, and found that the golden-winged roc was already beside her, and she hadn't realized what was going on.

The golden-winged roc stretched out two huge claws, one was grabbing towards Bo Bai, and the other was grabbing towards Juling Pill in Ran Ran's hand.

Ran Ran didn't realize how naive she was until the Juling Pill in her hand was snatched away. She thought that as long as she could get the Juling Pill and save Bobai, she would be able to retreat calmly, but the speed of the Golden Winged Roc was too fast. Somewhat unbelievable.

The golden-winged roc swallowed the three spirit-gathering pills directly into its mouth, and its sharp claws quickly grabbed Ran Ran's neck.

Ran Ran quickly dodged in desperation, but the golden-winged roc was too fast, she couldn't dodge in time, and managed to avoid the throat, but her little face was scratched by the sharp blade of the golden-winged roc, golden blood flowed out, and Ran Ran was blindfolded .

"You dare to play with this princess, this princess will fight with you!"

The golden-winged roc missed a single blow, and then pulled Bo Bai back to retreat again. Seeing black flames rising from Ran Ran's body again, he was not so scared anymore.

Ao Bai didn't react, and was taken away. He struggled again, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break the golden-winged roc's claws.

"Jinwu, you are still too young to know the dangers of this world. Now I can teach you a truth, that is, when facing an opponent stronger than you, don't negotiate with him. Either run away or kill him. "

"And you had a chance to kill me, but you spared my life because you were sorry for this long worm. Now, the long worm is mine, and you don't want to leave."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, my innate supernatural power is speed, as long as you can't beat me, you don't even try to escape!"

It's okay for Ran Ran to be tricked and humiliated by the golden-winged roc. She is very angry now.

"In the era we live in, everyone respects credibility. Since we have promised to live in peace, why don't you let us go? I will fight with you!"

Ran Ran's rage, the originally extinguished flame was ignited again, but the golden-winged roc was not afraid anymore.

The last time he was surrounded by flames from the Golden Crow, the main reason was that he was holding boiled white in his hand, thinking that Ran Ran would not do anything, but now he doesn't think so.

"Credit, what can you do? Can you eat it? And in this era of the jungle, the most important thing is to make yourself stronger. You are too simple. Why should I tell you this? You are dead anyway!"

While speaking, Dapeng shot towards Ran Ran.

"If you want to eat me, you deserve it too!"

Ran Ran did not expect that the greenhouse would take the initiative to attack, and she was worried that she would not be able to catch up with this kid.

The flames around him exploded directly, engulfing the golden-winged roc in no time, but Ran Ran didn't hear the scream of the golden-winged roc, but felt the flames spinning rapidly.

It turned out that the golden-winged roc flapped its wings violently, and strong hurricanes directly blew away the black flames that wanted to approach.

So that it is impossible to get close at all.

"Haha, your flame is very strong, but it's useless if it can't burn me. It's really ridiculous. The mighty Jinwu clan can't do anything to me. You should understand that the greenhouse clan is better than the Golden Crow."

Jin Wu was still screaming, Ran Ran looked anxious, but there was nothing he could do, the main reason was that the golden-winged roc was too fast, and she couldn't encircle him with flames at all.

Although the golden-winged roc was very close to her, the flames couldn't get close because of the violent wind.

Ran Ran cursed in her heart.

"Since you have this kind of ability, why didn't you use it at the beginning, and why did you make a deal with me?"

In fact, Ran Ran didn't realize that although Dapeng was clamoring fiercely, he was also fatally sure that his wings could stir up a storm, but the storm could only blow forward.

His back is unable to generate storms, which is his weakness.

So when the golden-winged roc was surrounded by flames, he didn't dare to act rashly.

It was different now, he kept moving at high speed, and the flames couldn't surround him at all.

And he has been facing the flames, Ran Ran will not find his weakness, at least for now he is invincible.

For him, releasing such a wide range of black flames must have consumed a lot of spiritual power, and he basically didn't use any spiritual power, flapping his wings was a normal wind-gathering action.

Ran Ran couldn't attack for a while, and she was also very anxious, because the golden-winged roc had already started to tear the boiled Linjia, slipped his flesh and blood, and put it in her mouth to savor it.


Bo Bai kept screaming in pain, but the more miserable he screamed, the happier the golden-winged roc was laughing.

Bo Bai now finally realized the despair of that green dragon just now, the innate supernatural powers are useless to him, just talking about the collision between the bodies.

His only offensive weapon is the remaining fangs, but Qinglong has already tried it, biting him will not cause fatal damage to him at all

"what should I do now?"

This is the most troublesome problem for Bobai now.

Even if it is death, the golden-winged roc will have to retreat a layer of skin. Bo Bai struggles to wrap around the golden-winged roc, trying to tear off one of his legs.

The sharp blade cut through his flesh and blood, and tore off his dragon claws directly.

"Little food is also thinking of attacking me. I advise you to save your energy, so that I can show mercy and let you die happily. If you annoy me, I have a hundred ways to torture you."

Chapter 832 Flame Replacement

The Golden Winged Roc didn't take Bobai seriously at all, and Bobai was so desperate that he even wanted to give up.

At this time, Ran Ran suddenly sent a voice transmission to his spiritual sense.

"Burn him with fire."

Bo Bai was stunned, not understanding what Ran Ran meant.

"What's the use of burning him? Even your black flames can't get close to him. What else can I do?"

"Don't worry about it so much, just burn him with fire. My current flame can't get close to him, but you are right beside him. If you set fire to it, he can't escape at all, and the storm can't blow away your fire."

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