"Don't forget, how did I burn that golden dragon to death!"

Hearing what Ran Ran said, Bo Bai recalled Ran Ran's unique move, and he immediately understood that this was the key to breaking the game.

But there is a problem, he is a dragon of light attribute, he can't breathe fire!

"Master Ran Ran, I don't know how to set fire either!"

Ran Ran looked at Bo Bai speechlessly.

"As long as it is a dragon, it has the ability to fly clouds and rain. Similarly, as long as it is a dragon, it has the ability to breathe fire. It's just that your flame is not very lethal."

"I don't need your flame to have a high temperature, as long as your flame range is large enough, it's best that it can directly wrap the body of the golden-winged roc."

"Remember, flames need only three elements to burn, air, something that can ignite, and a point of ignition."

"You don't need to worry about the ignition point. Now the temperature around you has already reached the ignition point. You just need to use something that can ignite the fire to ignite it."

After listening to this, he began to think about how to produce flames. After hearing what Ranran said, he also knew that making fire is not a difficult task at all. Humans have mastered the technology of making fire tens of thousands of years ago. As a proud dragon, how could he can not.

But what was there about him to fuel the fire?

Bo Bai fell into deep thought again, Lin Jia?no.

blood?It doesn't seem to work either.

Since he is already mentally strong, ordinary flames cannot ignite his body, so it can be said that he is immune to ordinary flame damage.

So what to do?

After thinking for a long time, Bo Bai's eyes suddenly lit up, using spiritual power, spiritual power can be ignited.

Thinking of this, he calmed down and gathered all the spiritual power into his mouth. After a while, his mouth was filled with spiritual power, and the high-density spiritual power was directly transformed from a gaseous state to a liquid state. From a distance, it looked like It's like boiling white with a sip of water in his mouth.

The golden-winged roc felt Bobai's movement at this time, he didn't know what Bobai meant, he was worried that he was gathering spiritual power to explode or something.

Although he is immune to the dragon's talent, but to expose himself to such a thing is pure physical damage to him, even he can't bear it.

As a result, the golden-winged roc hastily stretched out its sharp claws to break up the water polo of spiritual power that Aobai had gathered without any intention.

"Boy, don't think of any tricks, tell you, I have eaten no less than a hundred dragons, and they don't want to be eaten by me. They tried every means to take revenge on me before they died, but in the end they all failed. Because I can suppress you to explode!"

As the golden-winged roc stretched out its claws, a golden ripple emerged and enveloped Bobai's body.

Bo Bai felt that his soul was locked, and any thought of self-destruction would be tightened.

After Aobai's soul was locked, there was no possibility of self-explosion, and the golden-winged roc no longer cared about him, but continued to move forward and approach Ranran.

Although he doesn't have a particularly powerful ultimate move, the Golden Winged Roc has extremely sharp claws, and all defenses are useless in front of his claws.

As long as she can get close to the Golden Crow and poke a few holes in her body, even if she is a Da Luo Jinxian, she will not be able to withstand the continuous injuries.

It's a win.

The golden-winged roc was getting more and more proud, but he didn't know that the spirit water polo that had just been scattered gathered again in the mouth of Aobai. This time, the golden-winged roc ignored Aobai and continued to approach Ran Ran's position.

"Little girl, give up your resistance, it will make your death easier."

"It's not certain which of us will die!"

Ran Ran kept urging the flames, but as soon as the black flames gathered, they were blown away by the strong wind, unable to form an effective attack at all.

"Hey, actually, if you think about it carefully, it's okay not to kill you. As long as you are obedient and obedient, we can form a married couple. The bloodlines of both of us are almost invincible existences. The future of our children must be limitless."

Good guy, after a while, the golden-winged roc actually hit his own body, Ran Ran felt unspeakable anger.

"Even if I die, I won't have children with you."

"Well, since I can't get you, I'll eat you and make you a part of me."

The Golden-winged Roc was smirking while talking, and Ran Ran suddenly laughed too. The Golden-winged Roc didn't understand what Ran Ran meant, so he froze for a moment, seeing that Bo Bai was laughing too.

"What are you doing? When death is imminent, what's so funny?"

"Because you are dying!"

Bo Bai suddenly roared, he squeezed his body hard, let out a loud roar, and the sound vibrated rapidly in his throat.

The intense friction generated a very high temperature, coupled with another circle of black flames outside, the already very high temperature became even hotter.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of flame flashed in Bo Bai's mouth, like a lit dynamite bag, and a big fire appeared in his final moment.

The flames sprayed out along his breath, igniting the gathered water droplets of spiritual energy, and for a while, the flames shot out directly at the end of the boil.

Since Bobai was next to the body of the golden-winged roc, the golden-winged roc had no choice but to hide, and just watched helplessly as a large piece of his body was attached by the yellow flames ejected by Bobai.

At first the Golden Winged Roc was taken aback, thinking that this kid was going to use some ultimate move, but looking at it now, it doesn't hurt at all, okay?

"Grandma, you scared me so much, you just use this kind of fire to burn me? I hate a fire of this temperature for keeping me warm. Boy, you want to use it to burn me. You are so funny."

"Meeting two strong bloodlines in a row, it turns out that both brains are not working well. Eating you will definitely affect your IQ."

The golden-winged roc smiled triumphantly, even to show off his physical strength, he didn't even make a move to extinguish the flames, and looked at Ran Ran provocatively.

Then Ran Ran clenched her hands tightly, and her smile became even weirder.

"Innate supernatural power: flame replacement!"

"What flame replacement? Your innate supernatural powers are strictly restrained by my gust of wind, so stop struggling."

The golden-winged roc was still proud at this time, but he couldn't laugh at almost the same time.

Because the body is getting hotter and hotter, this temperature is very familiar, it is the feeling when the black inflammation burns the body.

He looked down subconsciously, and the yellow flame that was originally attached to his body had turned into a black flame at some point.

Chapter 833 Another Ancestor Dragon

The black flame attached to his body, burned through his armor almost instantly, and penetrated into his flesh and blood.

At the same time, the unbearable pain came from his whole body, and the golden-winged roc let out a painful roar.

"What's going on here? Why does the black flame appear on me?"

Almost at the same time as it yelled, the golden-winged roc already understood what Ran Ran meant by the phrase "flame replacement".

He was completely unprepared for this unexpected killing move.

Without much thought, the golden-winged roc's figure began to retreat towards the rear.

The black flame burned his flesh and blood into puffs of black smoke.

"Haha, burn you bastard to death!"

Bo Bai laughed wildly, seeing the golden-winged roc being burned in agony, he was inexplicably relieved.

The golden-winged roc looked at Bo Bai viciously, the most important thing for him now was to put out the fire on his body.

How to put out the fire became a problem instead, the injured area was too large, if they were all cut off, he would be useless as well.

And the most important thing is that his claws are also covered with flames. If he lost his claws, he would have no hope of defeating Ran Ran. For a moment, the greenhouse was extremely flustered.

At first he couldn't bear to burn Bobai to death because Bobai could help him improve his strength, but now that it was a matter of life and death, he couldn't care less.

He picked up the boiled body, used his huge body like a rag, and vigorously wiped off the flames on his body.

This simple and rude method has a very good effect. After some manipulations, most of the flames are contaminated on Bo Bai's body.

In some places that were not wiped clean, the golden-winged roc cut off the flesh and blood directly.

In this way, although his body looked bloody and blood splattered everywhere, his injuries were not fatal.

It was boiled white, and now his whole body was covered with black flames, and the severe pain made his whole body writhe and twitch. He really wanted to find a piece of water and jump into it, but the golden-winged roc grabbed his body tightly, and he couldn't move at all.

Naturally, Ran Ran didn't want to suffer in vain, and hurriedly replaced the flames on his body, but despite Ran Ran's quick movements.

Ao Bai was also on the verge of death. He was caught by the golden-winged roc and could not save himself. The flames almost burned half of his body into charcoal, and the smell of barbecue was everywhere in the air.

"What a sinister trick, but this trick has been used on me before, so don't even think about using it a second time!"

The rest of the life of the golden-winged roc looked at Ran Ran even colder.

"No way, I have to treat this serious injury as soon as possible. You are lucky, little white dragon, I can give you a happy death!"

As the Golden Winged Roc said, he directly stretched out his sharp claws, and drew towards Bobai's heart.

The boiled Lin Jia was like paper paste, and it was easily torn apart by the golden-winged roc without any hindrance. His sharp claws went straight down, stretched into the boiled body, and grabbed at his demon core. past.

Bo Bai also felt what the Golden Winged Peng wanted to do, he kept twisting his body, but it was still in vain.

At this time, he wanted to blew himself up, but his whole body was imprisoned by a kind of rune power, so he couldn't blew himself up at all.

The golden-winged roc groped in Bobai's stomach for a while, and finally caught what he wanted. With all his strength, he pulled a golden dragon pill with white spots all over its body directly out of Bobai's body. come out.

"Haha, after eating this Kelong Pill, I have the hope of breaking through the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, little girl, you are dead!"

Gold-winged Dapeng put the dragon pill into his mouth as he spoke, Ran Ran knew very well that what Gold-winged Dapeng said was right, if he was allowed to eat the boiled dragon pill, then he would not only recover from his injuries, but also become more powerful.

"You think beautiful!"

Ran Ran approached quickly, wanting to snatch the boiled Longdan, but she was a little far away, and the golden-winged roc didn't seem to have any intention of staying, holding the Longdan with its claws, and placed it above his mouth.

The golden-winged roc opened its mouth wide and let go of its sharp claws, Long Dan just fell into his mouth helplessly.


Bo Bai watched helplessly as his dragon pill was eaten, hugged the golden-winged roc's claws forcefully, swung his head upwards, and bit his wings.

Ran Ran realized the seriousness of the problem, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

The moment Long Dan fell into the mouth of the Golden Winged Roc, a familiar voice sounded.

"Spirit of Words: Space Transformation."

Chuhe just rushed to the battlefield at this time, and the first thing he did was to transfer the boiled dragon pill directly into his hands.

The golden-winged roc smacked its mouth, a little curious. It had already eaten the dragon pill, but it didn't taste the dragon pill. What's the situation?

When he followed Chuhe's voice, he found that the golden liner with white spots appeared in Chuhe's hand, and his anger began to rise violently.

"Good boy, if you dare to snatch food from a tiger's mouth, you will die!"

The golden-winged roc flapped its wings and flew towards the Chu River.

Seeing that Chuhe didn't run away, Ran Ran wanted to go up to him and wanted hard steel instead, so he hurriedly roared loudly.

"Chuhe, don't fight with him, he is a golden-winged roc, he will conquer you!"

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