Chuhe was also surprised when he heard the name of the golden-winged roc, although he didn't know much about the things that existed in these myths.

But he grew up watching Journey to the West, and he clearly remembered that the golden-winged roc said that his favorite thing was to eat dragon meat.

No wonder there are so many corpses of dragons here, all co-authored by Golden Winged Roc.

Chuhe was a little nervous. He wanted to back up, but found that his movements were not as fast as the golden-winged roc. In desperation, he had no choice but to use his innate magical powers.

"Yan Ling: Stop it!"

As soon as Chuhe finished speaking, the invisible regular chain shot towards the golden-winged roc, but just when the chain was about to touch the golden-winged roc and wanted to trap it.

The golden-winged roc suddenly gathered its wings together, and then the wings began to vibrate slightly, but at an abnormally high frequency.

Ripples spread from his body, and Chuhe clearly felt that those avenue chains were blocked by these ripples, and he couldn't get close to the body of the golden-winged roc at all.

These ripples have a perfect restraint on the dragon's innate magical powers.

Chuhe panicked a little. It's not that he hasn't encountered a tyrannical opponent, but it's the first one that makes him unable to exert his strength at all.

The golden-winged roc blocked Chuhe's speech and said in an almost crazy voice.

"Speaking spirit, it is speaking spirit, Zulong's innate supernatural power!"

"My God, I was able to meet an ancestor dragon in this era and in this place. It's unbelievable, unbelievable!"

"Oh my god, what a gift you have given me. I've been amazed by a first-generation species, and you even gave me an ancestor dragon directly, and it's a golden fairy-level ancestor dragon, haha!"

"This time, no one can stop me from being promoted to the realm of a saint. I want to become that supreme existence, and let the Golden Winged Roc clan stand on the pinnacle of the world again."

Chapter 834 The Little Monk Was Killed

The golden-winged roc went crazy. Even if he bought a lottery ticket, he didn't have such luck. If a first-generation species of Jinxian who has just become mentally strong, if he is given a period of time, after he has fully mastered his innate supernatural powers.

Even if the golden-winged roc can't be killed, it can still be fought back and forth. The noble first-generation species are like Taotie, and even the golden-winged roc will walk around when they encounter it.

It's fine to meet the first generation species, but there is still an ancestor dragon.

Logically speaking, no matter how powerful the Golden Winged Roc was, it would not be an opponent of the Zulong. After all, among the four ancient beasts, the dragon ranked first.

The second is Phoenix, the third is Kunpeng, and the fourth is Garuda.

The golden-winged roc is the first generation of Kunpeng, he is not the opponent of Zulong at all, and his ancestor Kunpeng is not the opponent of Zulong either.

But he is lucky, this ancestor dragon is like a newborn baby, its fighting power is frighteningly weak.

This kind of opportunity is rare in a lifetime, and the golden-winged roc doesn't even know how to express his current mood.

"Ah, someone sent me a pillow when I was sleeping, I am not dreaming right now!"

The golden-winged roc patted his head vigorously, feeling the pain from Dao's body, and realized that it was really not a dream.

"Ah, I don't want that kid's demon pill anymore, I only want you!"

The golden-winged roc flew towards the Chu River again.

Chuhe also retreated in a hurry.

But the talent of the golden-winged roc is speed, and it seems to be a long distance to come to Chuhe almost instantly.

"Yan Ling: The Barrier of the Mountain!"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Chuhe shouted, and a majestic mountain rose suddenly, separating Chuhe and the golden-winged roc.

I thought this would give me a chance to breathe, but who would have thought that the seemingly majestic mountain is like paper.

The golden-winged roc threw away the boiled white in its hand, and moved forward with its claws, tearing the mountain apart forcefully.

"It's great, your innate supernatural powers are really powerful and omnipotent. It's a pity that you met me. It's a pity that your strength is too weak!"

The high-level Da Luo Jinxian, facing the Jinxian, is not an opponent even if the power of the blood is very different.

"Don't worry, I will eat you very gently."

After tearing open the mountain, the golden-winged roc stretched out its sharp claws and grabbed towards the Chu River.

Chuhe really couldn't think of how to stop the golden-winged roc. He seemed to have no way to deal with the other party.

"do not want!"

Seeing that Chuhe was about to be captured and eaten, Ran Ran stretched out her hand, trying to pull Chuhe to her side, but she was too far away, even though he was also a bird clan, and even though her speed was also her talent, she did not have golden wings after all Roc is fast.

The sharp claws had appeared in front of Chuhe, and Chuhe had no way of avoiding them. At this moment, a magic pestle lay across in front of the golden-winged roc, and smashed hard at his sharp claws.

"You bird man, don't try to hurt my master!"

The little monk, who had been silent all this time, blocked the golden-winged roc at the most critical moment.

Chuhe was secretly startled, and took this opportunity to shout directly.

"Yan Ling: The battle turns and the stars move!"

As his voice fell, Chuhe disappeared directly in front of the golden-winged roc, and when Chuhe reappeared, he had already come to Ran Ran's side.

Along with him was the dying Nao Bai.

Originally, he came to ask for medicine, but he was beaten up like this before he arrived at the scene. Chu He was a little speechless, and took a look at Bo Bai and Ran Ran.

It was obvious that Ran Ran was at a loss, and turned her head away, not daring to look into Chu He's eyes.

Chuhe didn't want to blame them either. After all, as a dragon clan, Aobai couldn't have a good conversation with a golden-winged roc who specializes in eating dragons.

And even when he was frantically chased by the golden-winged roc as soon as he showed up, he knew that this matter would never be good.

Chuhe returned the dragon pill to Aobai, and Aobai swallowed it hastily. With the existence of Daluo Jinxian level, the Yaodan will not die after being separated from the body. use.

You can only rely on your physical body to fight.

After getting the demon pill, Bo Bai recovered most of his strength in an instant, but seeing that his body was burned with black potholes everywhere, it seemed that it was Ran Ran's handwriting.

Chuhe was a little puzzled, but just came here for a while at night, what happened!

Seems to understand Chuhe's thoughts, but hastily explained.

"I didn't do this on purpose, it was done by the golden-winged roc. If you don't believe me, ask Aobai?"

Looking at Ran Ran's tense appearance, she doesn't have the arrogance that a Golden Crow princess should have, like a helpless child who has done something to explain to his parents.

"I really don't blame Mr. Ran Ran. I was captured by the golden-winged roc because I was inferior to others. Master, if it weren't for you, I would have been eaten by him!"

As Chuhe's servant, Ao Bai was the first to be promoted to Daluo Jinxian, but he couldn't help at all.

Chuhe shook his head. He didn't like to blame others.

"If you blame yourself, don't say any more. The most urgent thing now is how to defeat this golden-winged roc!"

As Chuhe said, his eyes turned to the little monk who was fighting with the golden-winged roc.

The little monk knew that he was not the opponent of the golden-winged roc, so he used all his strength as soon as he came up, surrounded by lightning and lightning, and the magic pestle in his hand became the best conductor.

Following the wave of the Demon Subduing Pestle, the electric current also spread, and this posture was quite bluffing.

The golden-winged roc was indeed intimidated by the young monk's aura at first, but when he stopped and carefully observed the little monk's sea of ​​consciousness, he realized that this kid was also a golden fairy.

"Little kid, I don't have time to waste time with you here, so get the hell out of here, or don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"

"If you want to hurt my master, you have to pass me first!"

The little monk was also scared to death, but during this period of time, he fell asleep for a while, and his senior brother Mo Budong stole all the limelight. No matter what, he wanted to leave a good impression in the eyes of the master.

"court death!"

The golden-winged roc's eyes were full of the shadow of Chuhe. He glanced at the little monk impatiently, stretched out his sharp claws, and poked towards the little monk's chest.

The little monk hastily used the Demon Subduing Pestle to block it, and the Demon Subduing Pestle with a huge arc hit the Golden Winged Roc's claw, and the electric current instantly spread to the whole body of the Golden Winged Roc.

The whole body of the golden-winged roc shone with lightning, its limbs were momentarily paralyzed, and its movements really stopped for a moment.

The little monk thought it would be useful, and was proud of it. The golden-winged roc directly stretched out its sharp claws again, and grabbed the little monk.

The sharp claws directly pierced his chest, protruding from his back.

The little monk's body was even more hanging on the golden-winged roc's claws, blood spattering.

The golden-winged roc glanced at the little monk.

"A mantis arm is a car, beyond its own power!"

He snorted coldly, and threw the little monk's body directly on the ground. The little monk writhed on the ground for more than a dozen times and finally stopped. He lost his breath almost at the same time.


Ran Ran looked at the little monk distressedly, and wanted to go up to rescue her, but Chuhe stopped her.

"The little monk is fine, let's take care of ourselves."

Chapter 835 I agree

Ao Bai gritted his teeth, dragged his scarred body, and took a step forward.

"Master, I'll drag him, you go first!"

Ao Bai couldn't think of a way now, he could only exchange his life for his life, hoping to use his own life to stop the golden-winged roc and give Chuhe a chance to escape.

Ran Ran shook her head, but took two steps forward, protecting Chuhe and Bobai behind her.

"You are dragging him, it is better for me to stay and drag him. If you are restrained by his talent and caught by him, he will definitely eat you. At that time, his strength will increase again, and it will be more troublesome."

Ran Ran's analysis makes sense, but Chuhe can't let a girl stand in front of her. This is the daughter of Emperor Jinwu, if she dies here.

Even if he could escape from here, when he left the secret realm, he would not be able to pass the level of Xuanniao.

At this time, Chuhe took three steps forward and stood in front of the two of them.

"When I was a child, my mother taught me to be a man in danger and not let women stand in front of me."

"Besides, the current Golden Winged Roc is like a lunatic. His target is only me, and he is very fast. Even if you want to support him, you can't do it."

"Then what should we do? Are we all going to die here?"

Ran Ran was a little scared. After all, facing death, everyone would be afraid. The most speechless thing was that he still died in this kind of place, in the hands of this kind of opponent.

"Who said we must die, we can't kill him!"

Chu He looked back at Ran Ran, his eyes suddenly became fierce.

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