For a moment, golden blood flew all over the sky, its wings fell from the sky, and black flames were still burning at its roots. That scene was really beautiful.

At this time, the seven-colored sky-swallowing python jumped up from Chuhe's head and opened its mouth wide to the fallen wings.

Chuhe wished he could slap this greedy little thing to death.

"Little thing, you're crazy, that's black flames on fire, why don't you eat anything!"

But when Chuhe spoke, it was already too late, and the body of the seven-colored sky-swallowing python instantly became huge, swallowing the mountain-like wings of the golden-winged roc.

Then Chuhe was stunned and said to Ran Ran.

"Ran Ran, put out the fire!"

Ran Ran was also taken aback: "Extinguish Hei Yan!"

After Ran Ran finished speaking, Chu He was still staring blankly at the Colorful Swallowing Heaven Python. This little guy was fine, after eating, he directly returned to Dao Chu He's head, yawned, and went to sleep.

Chu He stared blankly at Ran Ran.

"Are you sure you put out the fire?"

Ran Ran was also a little unsure, because she couldn't guarantee it.

"It should have been extinguished, otherwise this little guy must have been burned to death."

Chuhe nodded, and took a look at Ran Ran. At this time, he was behind Ran Ran. Ran Ran felt a chill behind her, and hurriedly covered her back with her hands.

Because the weakness of birds is the back, and Chuhe has so many ghost ideas, she is also very scared.

"You still have time to joke, I will kill you!"

Chapter 837 The Eagle Catches the Chicken

The golden-winged roc was furious. In just one hour, he was actually burned twice by black flames. This was simply a great shame.

The wings on the back, I am afraid that it will not be able to recover without ten days and half a month.

Now that he lost his wings, his combat effectiveness was severely damaged, and the high speed he was proud of was gone.

But the only thing that is acceptable is that the Golden Winged Roc is very strong, and these people are not his opponents.

"You weak and pitiful bugs, you don't accept death obediently, and you provoke me again and again. I want to make your life worse than death."

The golden-winged roc roared angrily, and Chuhe hurriedly transmitted his spiritual sense to tell the little monk to run quickly. After all, the little monk was the closest to him, and he was also the culprit of the tragedy just now.

It's just that Chuhe didn't expect that the golden-winged roc didn't pay attention to the little monk at all, but rushed towards him directly.

The golden-winged roc knew that the little monk was proving the Dao of Nirvana. To be honest, this kind of Dao has no combat power at all, but it is disgusting. If you are at the same level, you can't kill him at all.

Even if the golden-winged roc has a way to kill the little monk again and again until he can't be resurrected, it will take a lot of time.

He didn't have so much time, and he was very revengeful.

Although the golden-winged roc was missing one wing, which affected his speed, but his speed was already very fast, and if he lost one wing, his speed would only be reduced by half.

For it, which can fly tens of kilometers in a second, half of it is still fast.

"How can you still fly like this, stop for me!"

Chuhe yelled, and the chain of rules spread towards the golden-winged roc again. The golden-winged roc felt that Chuhe had used his innate supernatural powers, and hurriedly protected his wings in front of him.

Then the wings began to vibrate violently, producing circles of ripples that spread around.

Originally, he thought that this would invalidate Chuhe's innate magical powers.

But this time he thought a little too much, the regular chain was indeed blocked by the ripples, but because the golden-winged roc was missing a wing, the ripples he vibrated with his right wing had blind spots.

It can't cover the back position of the left body at all.

That is, the whole body is 360 degrees, and his ripples can only cover 350 degrees.

But it was this small one-degree deviation that allowed the chain of rules to find a breakthrough, and directly pierced into the body of the golden-winged roc without hindrance.

The golden-winged roc's wings, which were still shaking violently just now, suddenly stopped, and he was unable to speak.

In other words, he was temporarily stopped by the Chu River.

Although it only took one breath, the psychological pressure caused by this result to the golden-winged roc was very great.

Because now he is no longer completely immune to the spirit of speech, which will impose great restrictions on him.

No, the battle must be ended as soon as possible, and if the fight continues, I will definitely suffer.

The golden-winged roc made up his mind and chased after Chu River again.

"Grass, stopped for more than a second? Not even two seconds, this is too disappointing!"

Chuhe was a little speechless. He deliberately let the little monk attack the wings, because he guessed that the golden-winged roc could be immune to the innate magical powers of the dragons, mainly because of his wings.

To be precise, it is the ripples produced by the wings that can offset the supernatural powers of the dragons. Chuhe guessed it right.

It just didn't work out as expected.

Not to mention such a short time, they didn't have time to get close at all, even if they got close, in such a short time, they couldn't cause fatal injuries to him.

And once he is freed from imprisonment, those who are close to him will suffer.

No, he had to take off his other wing as well.

At that time, the golden-winged roc without wings, which is just a large free-range chicken, is not threatening at all.

Almost everyone on the side of the Chu River is aware of this problem, but the idea is very good, but it is too difficult to realize.

Just now, one of the golden-winged roc's wings was lost because of the little monk's sneak attack. Now that the golden-winged roc is prepared, it is not that simple to attack again.

The golden-winged roc was approaching the Chu River, while keeping an eye on the little monk behind him to prevent his sudden attack.

Chuhe originally wanted to use Douzhuanxing to shift his position, but just after he finished using the language spirit, his whole nose began to bleed, that is to say, his body no longer supported him to use the language spirit so frequently.

Chuhe suddenly became nervous.

Seeing that the critical moment is approaching, Chuhe is a little anxious when encountering such a thing.

"Ran Ran, I may not be able to turn the stars around a few times, you must pay attention, if I get caught, don't save me."

"That kid has lost a wing, and his strength has been greatly reduced. If you join forces with Ao Bai, he will definitely not be able to do anything to you."

At a time like this, Chuhe was talking about letting him run away, how could Ran Ran agree.

"Stop talking, I'll stop him!"

Ran Ran strode forward, the temperature around his body began to rise sharply, seeing the burning black flames, the golden-winged roc had instinctive fear in his heart, and his sprinting speed slowed down.

Trying to bypass Ran Ran and attack the Chu River behind her.

This method is still feasible, because Ran Ran's flames don't distinguish between enemies and friends, and Chuhe and Bobai can only hide far behind.

But in this way, the distance between them widened, giving the golden-winged roc room to maneuver.

He kept fanning his wings to block the erosion of the flames, and then flew towards the right. At this time, the two sides were like eagles catching chickens.

The golden-winged roc acts as an eagle, and Ran Ran acts as a hen, standing in front to protect the cubs behind.

The golden-winged roc flew to the right, and Ran Ran hurriedly passed to the right, while Chuhe and Bobai all ran to the left, so that they could always form a diagonal with the golden-winged roc and keep the farthest distance.

"Golden Crow, you are really annoying!"

Being stopped again and again, Golden Winged Roc was very angry.

"Hmph, at the beginning, when we exchanged, if you were honest and didn't go back on your word, there wouldn't be so many things going on. Now that you've lost a wing, and you're still in such a mess, why insist on it? We didn't fight with you. It means that we just want the spirit gathering pill."

Hearing this, the Golden Winged Roc also laughed wildly.

"Hehe, if there is only one first-generation species, I may have to pay such a high price, and I have already given up."

"But a golden fairy-level ancestor dragon appeared in front of me, and it also has the blood of the divine phoenix. If I eat the ancestor dragon and inherit his blood, plus the immortal body of the divine phoenix, in this world, Who else will be my opponent?"

The Golden Winged Roc is a bit fanatical. After all, no one will give up the invincible he has obtained, and although he is a little embarrassed now, judging from the current situation, the advantage is still on his side.

At least Golden Winged Roc thinks so.

"We are all people who have been here. For so many years, we have been stuck in Da Luo Jinxian and can't make an inch. Don't you worry?"

Chapter 838 Innate Supernatural Ability: Teleportation

He changed his mind and began to fool Jinwu.

"Golden Crow, you and I are both of the Bird Clan. Although we are not of the same clan, we share the same origin. Shouldn't we be closer?"

"How about this, you let me go, after I catch Chuhe, how about we share it equally."

"Think about it, there are so many powerful bloodlines here, and the strength of the two of us is the strongest. As long as we join forces and eat them all, who will be our opponent?"

"Your father is the former Golden Crow Emperor, an existence that is proud of the world. Don't you want to be like your father and rule the world?"

Hearing this, before Ran Ran expressed his opinion, Chu He became nervous first.

Because this condition is really attractive, Golden Winged Roc's talent is not only speed, it turns out that he opened his mouth, which really confuses people's hearts.

Sure enough, Ran Ran relaxed a little, and her flame also weakened. Seeing that there was something going on, the golden-winged roc continued to persuade.

"Let's join hands, all the powerful bloodlines, we are half of each other, to ensure fairness, if you think this is to make you betray your friends, you can deliberately let me go."

"Don't worry, my movements are fast, they will die without pain, you don't need to have too much psychological burden."

"As long as you cooperate with me, today, at this very moment, you will break through the restriction of Daluo Jinxian and become a saint. At that time, even one of us will be the master of this world."

"If you want, we can even form a fairy couple and live happily ever after, how great it is!"

Whether Ran Ran's heart was moved or not, Gold-winged Dapeng didn't know, anyway, he was moved by what he said.

He thought that no one could refuse this kind of condition, so Ran Ran was silent for a long time before opening his mouth to curse.

"You bastard, you really think I'm as shameless as you. If I improve my strength by eating my friends, I can become a strong one, but if my father finds out about it, he will definitely look down on me." of."

"Besides, not only is your strength strong, but I also crush them. If I really wanted to eat them, I would have done it a long time ago. Why share it with you, can't I have it all to myself?"

"Also, take a pee and take care of yourself. The strong men of our bird tribe are all models of handsome attitudes and elegant manners. Why did they grow crooked when they came to your golden-winged roc? It's really ugly. I I would rather marry a human race than I would be with you."


Ran Ran didn't forget to make up the knife as he said that, the Golden Winged Roc opened his mouth wide, but instead of getting angry, he laughed instead.

"Why is it so funny? Is there something wrong with you, you are so happy when you are scolded, are you cheap!"

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